If you have ever used a computer at a high school or college, then you might have seen that pesky software that prevents you from installing any programs or web content filters that prevent you from accessing instant chat sessions. Well here is a way to send instant messages to your friends over such networks as long as you have their ip or the name of the computer on the network. An easy way to find a computer's ip address is to type cmd in the run box on your start menu. This will start the command prompt. Type "ipconfig /all" with a space between "ipconfig and /all".That will list the computer's ip address along with other network specs. Now that you have the ip of that computer, you may send instant messages to it.Go to the run command in your start menu. Type cmd in the box which will open the command prompt just like above.Type: net send "ip address" message. If the computer you were trying to send a "Hello" message to had the ip address of,you would type "net send Hello" Additionally, it is possible to use a wild card such as * in the ip address parameter. Example: net send * message
The above command will send your message to every computer on your subnet. This is great for system administrators to send out messages to all windows computers on the network notifying them that you are going to be taking down the server or something. However, if you are a student and feel like pulling a prank at school by sending some message across the school network, you will screw yourself. With today's zero tolerance policies in schools, you will be suspended possibly even expelled. Trust me; it's happening all over the USA.
All the programs on me computer randomal, every now and again (3 times an hour) decide to close with the same lovely error popping up every time about an unexpected error with the 'Send' 'Don't Send' buttons.think I may have two explanations, The RAM, a corrupt system file or a corrupt hard drive.Does anybody have any idea about why this is happening and if so, a solution?
I am in a bad bad situation. Whenever I go to my computer/win explorer and try to right click on any item, i get an error in Windows Explorer with the send report and dont send option buttons. Im not able to do many things due to that. and this is not a virus or something I guess because I have a good AV software and I was using my PC throughout till yesterday evening when I shifted it from 1 room to another. And thats when it happened for the first time.
I have a probleme, lately I figure out that when i log on ot the internet, I got this message " program not responding " and I have two option send roport or don't send it, then I have to start over, and the same thing keep going on.
I would like to send files to my own folders using "Send To". It seems my choice for send to is very limited.When right clicked on a file, I can send only to Desktop, Mail Recipient, and My documents. It did not work either. Could someone advise me to how to increase the target for "Send To" (e.g., D:Important personal folder)?
Every time I exit Overlord I get Send/Don't Send error with modname "ntdll.dll". A mate of mine has the same error. ps: is is normal that Windows XP has so many errors?
please hijack this log. also, when i run aol instant messenger and i open a chat box a window comes up and sais instant messenger has encountered a problem and needs to close....i tried uninstall and reinstall numerous times.
I did not pay attention to what key I accidentally pressed.Once I pressed it, the InstantShare window pops up, asking for inserting a CD-ROM to run it.I keep pressing the cancel button.It does not do anything but keep mutiplying to pop another InstantShare window up.I shut the computer down.It does not solve the problem. Now, it's always popping up and on my desktop.
i have XP Home OS laptop pc playing games .whatever he did i don't know he insists he closed it down properly but when i have come to start it up this morning everything on the welcome screen is upside down.is there a quick way to rectify this or is a system restore to previous point the only solution
Whenever I play a graphically intnsive such as Doom3 or Painkiller, every so often the screen freezes for 15-30 secs then all is Ok again.I have a P4 3.2, GeForce4Ti video card and 1Gb RAM so I don't think the hardware is a problem
The system restore tool with Microsoft Windows XP is a very valuable application. When enabled on a drive, it automatically creates a backup when ever you install a software application or change add or change drivers. There is one downsite to this process though. It can take up a lot of disk space. When I cleaned my old system restore checkpoints on my system I gained more than two gigabytes of disk space. Before you delete all of your old system check points, make sure that you system is stable for a few days after applying tweaks from this site and after installing new software or hardware drivers. To clear old system restore on your drive except for the most recent checkpoint
I noticed that when I am using aim now... when i receive a new im, the window doesn't flash anymore when im doing something else... i could be listening to music on itunes, etc and not hear the new im sound and it wont flash orange anymore, causing me to miss a LOT of im's.
is there a way for the windows task manager (alt-ctrl-del) to appear in an instant when i press the keys? the window is taking forever to appear in front of non-responding programs.it seems like the pc is trying to solve the problem first, but i just want to end whatever it is processing quickly.
I've installed an Access database on our network. Can I connect to my db while it's on the network using IIS? I've tried in the past and have always gotten the message telling me that the db has to be local.
I had the XP Security Center virus and, perhaps foolishly, reformatted - or more formally, "system reformat" for "returning the computer to factory conditions", as my friend who helped me with this process called it - my computer and reinstalled the operating system. But when I turned it on for the first time, there was, naturally, no internet connection. However, while I would normally proceed to set one up, there was, for some reason, no "View Available Wireless Networks" option when I right click on the little connection icon at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Am trying to set up a network with xp Home edition. I am curious about a couple of things. What is the difference in copying verses moving a file to the shared document folder? I would thing that by copying it, one is "duplicating" it and thereby using up resources. IF that is the case, when you access a file and make changes, are the changes saved to both places?
I recently changed my OS from Vista to XP Pro. Wireless worked fine on Vista and was brilliant. Now however, I am unable to see wireless networks in the list, without following the instructions on the Microsoft Knowledge Base website, which occurs every time my computer is restarted. This is annoying, because , if i dont have the net I cant see it and is also time consuming. Also my wireless connections are less stable, and I keep disconnecting.
I switched ISPs and the rep came to my home to help. He could not get a connection, so he installed some different lan cards until one worked. Since then, I installed a Wireless. Now, I have several drivers under networks in device manager that will not uninstall. Why? and how can I uninstall them like other devices there?
I've just got a new laptop (Dell Inspiron 1545; Celeron Dual Core T3000; Dell Wireless 1397; Vista SP1 Home Basic with Media). Not liking Vista I decided to re-install my old Windows XP (Home Edition SP2). I had already set up the Wireless connection so I went online and got information on how to install this new OS whilst keeping the Vista one on the same HD. I set up a new partition, installed XP...and now can't access Vista or get any wireless. I've tried going into Network Connections, but I don't have a wireless connection icon, there's no choice for searching for local wireless connections & I'm completely flummoxed!
Anyway, I've tried to find out how to restore my wireless - I've re-installed the XP System Software (which was for an earlier Dell Inspiron model btw), tried installing the ISP Eurotools system software as well. I have tried to set up a new network connection etc, but obviously what I really need is for my laptop to detect the available wireless connections so I can re-join the wireless network we use throughout the house. I'm currently borrowing my dad's laptop, and am really hoping someone will know how I can fix this problem!Also, please note that I'm mostly a novice at computers, so I'd really appreciate step by step instructions on how to correct this.
I connect to my home computer from work using RDP. I'm curious as to what encrption is goign on between the two comptuers. If my IS department decides to start to capture packages exactly what will they see? I write emails, on my remote machine and surf the net occasionally. Does XP provide secure 18 bit encrption between the two comptuers? If not is there any 3rd party utilities that I can run in order to accomplish this?
In XP machines, Microsoft's own software contained 42 percent of the vulnerabilities attacked, while 58 percent were in third party software. For Vista machines, Microsoft's software had 6 percent of the vulnerabilities attacked, with third-party software containing 94 percent of the flaws.http://www.pcworld.com/article/153 [...] =nl_dnxnws. They should do a 64-bit focused study.I wonder what that would look like.
Apple introduced a new social network in the latest version of iTunes called Ping that allows you to "follow your favorite artists and friends to discover the music they're talking about." If you are a music junkie that does not use Facebook you will love the service, for everyone else, almost all of the features already exist in the Facebook world. Although using Facebook may not be as elegant as using Ping, it is worth the few extra clicks to avoid another separate list of friends and likes.
Just yesterday, my wireless was working. I have not added or removed any programs. Today, my computer shows that my wireless card is working properly but it is not finding any wireless networks in range, which is wrong. Yesterday, while at my apartment, I could see 9 networks, today I see none. When I go to the coffee shop, it does not see that network either. Right now I am sitting at my school and it is not picking up the network in here either. Everyone else around is picking up the network, just not me. I have checked everything and cannot figure out what the problem is. I have a Compaq Presario R3000Z, running on an AMD Athlon XP Processor (3000+), 800 MHz and 2 GB Ram. Running XP Pro w/Srvc. Pack 2.
My internal network card is a Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN. I even uninstalled this and rebooted and after reload, it still does not want to pick up any of the networks. Any ideas where I can start? Already tried the program that fixes corrupt TCP/IP drivers (WinSock XP) and it did not work. Again, nothing was changed prior to this problem. All the settings are the way they have been for the last 3 years.
It has been suggested that using a proxy server will help to make my system more secure while I'm online. I looked at some of the suggested free proxy servers, but they seemed not to work well if at all. The explanations were well enough for me to follow but my system ran exceedingly slow or the sites I tried to access disallowed this. So I want to find a reliable site to buy one. I came across HIDE MY IP site and it looked easy to follow and was not overly expensive. My main thought was, how can I tell when a site which offers programs is actually not unscrupulous?
I am searching for a Software like Outlook with fallowing Features. The Admin Can Configur the Mail ID which the user can send only to that ID through User Login. if have multiple options like option-2 as workgroup and Only one Mail ID to send mail through internet.
Windows XPI was putting in AdAware and F-Secure popped in.It had detected "Adware.P2PNetworking" and recommended quarantineIs this the AdAware? Or something sneaky trying to look like it so I'll let it in? Just to be safe, I OK'd the recommended Quarantine. Is that right, or should I let it out of uarantine?
how to prevent the message in the Security Information dialog box:"This page contains both secure and nonsecure itemsDo you want to display the nonsecure items?" I occasionally get this when accessing certain sites, like my Yahoo mail server site, and it is a pain in the butt.How do I set my system to always display the page first time, without this annoying message?