I would like to send files to my own folders using "Send To". It seems my choice for send to is very limited.When right clicked on a file, I can send only to Desktop, Mail Recipient, and My documents. It did not work either. Could someone advise me to how to increase the target for "Send To" (e.g., D:Important personal folder)?
All the programs on me computer randomal, every now and again (3 times an hour) decide to close with the same lovely error popping up every time about an unexpected error with the 'Send' 'Don't Send' buttons.think I may have two explanations, The RAM, a corrupt system file or a corrupt hard drive.Does anybody have any idea about why this is happening and if so, a solution?
I am in a bad bad situation. Whenever I go to my computer/win explorer and try to right click on any item, i get an error in Windows Explorer with the send report and dont send option buttons. Im not able to do many things due to that. and this is not a virus or something I guess because I have a good AV software and I was using my PC throughout till yesterday evening when I shifted it from 1 room to another. And thats when it happened for the first time.
I have a probleme, lately I figure out that when i log on ot the internet, I got this message " program not responding " and I have two option send roport or don't send it, then I have to start over, and the same thing keep going on.
Every time I exit Overlord I get Send/Don't Send error with modname "ntdll.dll". A mate of mine has the same error. ps: is is normal that Windows XP has so many errors?
I cant send pictures or click on an adress, when the window pops up it says page cannot be displayed. I got rid of it Before but now it doesnt work again.
I want my company background and screensaver files out to every computer in my company local network so that it will be able to to set those in group policy.
I have Windows XP Home operating and use Microsoft Office 2000. Under Internet Options I have selected Outlook Express for my email service and this has been working satisfactorily for over 2 years. Recently when choosing to send a photo file as an email attachment, I get directed to Microsoft Outlook which has no "send" option. Two other users on my computer have no problems and automatically get Outlook Express for the same procedure. Why doesn't Outlook Express come up for me?
Is it possible to select a large number of files and quickly organise them into folders say alphebetialy. eg Select>Send> aardvark.txt goes to folder named A ,zoo.mp3 goes to folder named z.
Going to save My Documents to my flash drive but when I right-click on the folder, the send to option is gone. It's there for other files on my desktop. What happened? How can I save my files to the flash drive without it?
Unable to send or recieve email due to error telling me that my temp folder is full or corrupted. I have emptied the temp folders with disk cleanup and have also run ScanDisk. I have a temp folder with a path of (c:) Is this correct. I do not have a temp folder with a path of c:windows.
Can anyone tell me is it possible to send a fax using a dsl I did rang the server up last night who informed me it was not possible , then a friend of mine rang is server and ask the same question they said it was with the right software .
If you use ICQ and windows xp firewall, you have noticed that file send won't work. Here is how to get it working without disabling the entire firewall :1. First you must limit the range of port that ICQ use for send. In icq, click on Main, Preferences, User tab, click on 'Not using proxy' and choose 'Use the following TCP listen port for incoming event from 1030 to 1030'. (use port number of your choice, 1030 is only for exemple)2. After, go into control panel & network connections2. Right click on your connection and select 'properties'3. Left click the advanced tab4. Left click the settings button5. Under services, left click the add button6. For description type "ICQ", for Name of IP put the name that identifies your system with your ISP OR your IP if it is static.7. Both external and internal ports are 1030 by default and TCP. (depend of wich port you set at beginning)8. Click OK and restart
I am clueless when it comes to faxing. How do I find out my fax number. if someone send something to me. How do I get started with faxing something going out?
I have developed a problem attaching and sending/receiving URL's. On receipt from a known sender i receive *.url in the attachment box and when i click to open, a window appears saying " Windows has found that this file is potentially harmful. To help protect your computer, Windows has blocked access to to this file." I have recently started using Microsoft Anti Spyware Beta version and am wondering whether this is having an effect.
XPpro/SP2/IE7 I have a DVD r/w drive and a CD r/w drive At present the Send To function only identifies DVD r/w Drive (E I want to add CD r/w Drive (F
1. Went to the "Send To" folder, opened browser, selected CD r/w Drive (F and it came up with just F:/ 2. Tried to rename it as as CD r/w (F but ":" is not allowed so called it CD Drive (F) 3. Then tried sending a file to to this new shortcut and it came up with "this is a read only CD" (which is not true as I can load normally from the DVD drive) 4. On further investigation it is suggested that the following registry keys (2) be changed from 1 to 2.
HKEY_CURRENT USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerCD burningDrivesDrive Type But this did not change anything: I still cannot get the Sent To CD to work properly.
This would perform a somewhat similar task as winpopup does.1. Goto command prompt (to do this, click on the start menu and select run, then type in cmd)2.Type net send * (your message)Note: the * would send the message to all of the computeres in the same workgroup as you. To send the message to a specific computer, type in the computer's ip address.
I have lost the Windows repair CD. My computer will not boot up, not even in safe mode, and it first goes to the "welcome" screen with my name and logo to click in order fot XP to boot up. Then it says, "loading personal settings", goes to my desktop for 3seconds, then it logs me off I can't do anything. Will Microsoft send me a repair CD?
I am not a newb with windows XP SP2 but this is starting to really annoy me First Generic Host Prosses 32 has an error and asks me to send a error report then My sound cuts out and when i go into Sounds and Audio Devices my soundcard isent there it says i have none and i to reboot This just started happening and its a clean install of windows.
i reinstalled it windows that is,and i still get booted off, well quest that is who my modem is thru thinks that maybe my modem is old, well i have installed more memory and i am wondering if that is the problem? i get the window (blue window of death) it tells me that if i have installed any new hardware to remove it or to update the bios. well i tried the bios update and it dosent seem to want to work, i dont have insurance on this anymore and ineed help, i had people helping me from dell forum and they are the one that told me to reinstall windows and i did and it still is giving me the same old send error messeage i am so tired of this the comp. is only 5 yrs old its a pc and my daughter has a latatude and it is 8 yrs old and it never boots her off, i hate it when it just shuts down and tell me to update bios i tried and other wise i have no clue how. a tech is coming out next week to put in a new modem but i really dont think its that i need help very bad please and i cant ever find my way back here to see what people say, i have IE8 and yes i have tried firefox it is worse, also opera and all the others the problem is i like to play msn games spades. and i need to be on the browser IE i wonder if i should delete ie8 and turn of avast then reinstall IE8 and then turn on my avast again? help please going nuts here
I have tried the simple fixes without success. I tied to forward a link to a Christmas Carol to numrous, probably too may friends. They seem to have received them, at least most people, and there is nothing shown in my Outbox. HOWEVER, I CANNOT SEND ANY EMAILS. I have communicted with my ISP and they confirm that thre is nothing wrong on their end. I have openned and closed Outlook. I have rebooted my computer. I AM SENDING THIS FROM A DIFFERENT Computer. I have checked my settings. I have tried to send items and deleted them. I have tried working offline. Notthng works. I need this computer at work to send emails.
How can I copy and send the information available at the bottom of drwtson32.exe for application errors? I can access the info, but I want to be able to send it to the software vendor so they can determine the problem. It doesn't make a mini dump. I guess that is because the is no BSOD, only an application that has to shut down.
Open Explorer and�type the following into the address bar:X:Documents and Settings user name SendTo (Where X: is your System Drive letter and "username" is your Username)Add a shortcut to the file or program of your choice.
I have a modem/fax in my computer and I also have high speed Internet access using a DSL modem. I have connected the modem/fax and the DSL modem to the same phone line using the filter. I intalled the Winfax PRO software in order to use my computer for send/receive faxes. The installation was OK. But this software doesn't work. When I try to send a fax I give the number, I heard the tone but when the Winfax PRO software try to negotiate with the fax I receive an error and I lost the connection. I don't know If the problem is because my phone line was setup for DSL modem. Does anybody has the same problem? Until now I couldn't send or receive any fax.
I have lost my SEND PICTURES VIA EMAIL DIALOG BOX. Can anyone tell me where to locate this box to change the settings so that it will start popping up again?
i used to be able to send a viewable web page and now when i go on the page a click to send the page, a message box comes up and say's "the current document type can not be sent as e-mail would you like to send a shortcut instead" i don't remember changing any settings to affect this but ,still it does not let me send the page
I have windows xp. I was running internet explorer 7 with no problems until I installed Norton 360, then all I get when loading IE is a message that Internet Explorer needs to shut down, "do I want to send error " When I click either send or do not send, Internet Explorer shuts down. I assume I have to do something in Norton to allow IE, but can not find any thing.
For some reason-probably something I did-I lost the option to send to my desktop when I right click a file/object/etc.I can send to mail recipient, mydocs, pocketpc, webpub. and A and E drive but have no option for desktop. How does one get that option back and/or add options under send to?