Cant Use Chat Box Of Aol Instant Messenger

Jan 5, 2005

please hijack this log. also, when i run aol instant messenger and i open a chat box a window comes up and sais instant messenger has encountered a problem and needs to close....i tried uninstall and reinstall numerous times.

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Using AIM Messenger: Wont Flash On New Instant Message?

Feb 5, 2006

I noticed that when I am using aim now... when i receive a new im, the window doesn't flash anymore when im doing something else... i could be listening to music on itunes, etc and not hear the new im sound and it wont flash orange anymore, causing me to miss a LOT of im's.

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Messenger Tries To Load / All Programmed Have Windows Messenger Icon / RPC Server Not Available

Oct 1, 2007

I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems:
1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal?
2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes.
3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it.
3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.

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Instant Share Keep Popping Up

Oct 11, 2008

I did not pay attention to what key I accidentally pressed.Once I pressed it, the InstantShare window pops up, asking for inserting a CD-ROM to run it.I keep pressing the cancel button.It does not do anything but keep mutiplying to pop another InstantShare window up.I shut the computer down.It does not solve the problem. Now, it's always popping up and on my desktop.

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Need New Account For ICQ CHAT

May 30, 2010


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Welcome Screen Is Upside Down / Instant Close

Sep 27, 2010

i have XP Home OS laptop pc playing games .whatever he did i don't know he insists he closed it down properly but when i have come to start it up this morning everything on the welcome screen is upside there a quick way to rectify this or is a system restore to previous point the only solution

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Screen Freeze While Gaming For Some Instant

Aug 5, 2005

Whenever I play a graphically intnsive such as Doom3 or Painkiller, every so often the screen freezes for 15-30 secs then all is Ok again.I have a P4 3.2, GeForce4Ti video card and 1Gb RAM so I don't think the
hardware is a problem

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Instant Memory Space Boost

Apr 20, 2003

The system restore tool with Microsoft Windows XP is a very valuable application. When enabled on a drive, it automatically creates a backup when ever you install a software application or change add or change drivers.  There is one downsite to this process though.  It can take up a lot of disk space. When I cleaned my old system restore checkpoints on my system I gained more than two gigabytes of disk space. Before you delete all of your old system check points, make sure that you system is stable for a few days after applying tweaks from this site and after installing new software or hardware drivers. To clear old system restore on your drive except for the most recent checkpoint

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PC Hangs During Voice Chat

Sep 15, 2006

I use a PIII - 500MHz/128RAM PC with Win XP installed on it. My system drive (C: ) has a decent 500MB free space. I have my voice chat applications installed on other drives . Every time I start to voice chat (Y!M, GTalk, Skype) my PC hangs after about 2 minutes. With GTalk it happens in about 1 minute. I have no clue why this happens, the system just gets frozen and I cannot even move my mouse. The situation continues for I dont know how long, but I waited for about an hour once and I always have to reboot my machine. FYI, I am doing voice chat on this PC for the first time.

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Can't Access Tsg Chat - Turning Off Pop Ups

Jan 16, 2005

I have done a reformat w/ xp and added sp2. I tried turning off popups while in this process of installing etc. and adding tsg for allowances. I use Mozilla Firefox .... and when I had installed the Java, I would come to TSG and check it out on Chat. 99.9 % of the time - all worked great with no problems. I don't know why now? I tried the java on a test page/ which said it was working, yet I can not access chat and I get timed out trying? I will add 2 pictures as reference. as I am getting dizzy going around in circles.

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How To Send Instant Messages Over Secure Networks

May 7, 2003

If you have ever used a computer at a high school or college, then you might have seen that pesky software that prevents you from installing any programs or web content filters that prevent you from accessing instant chat sessions. Well here is a way to send instant messages to your friends over such networks as long as you have their ip or the name of the computer on the network. An easy way to find a computer's ip address is to type cmd in the run box on your start menu. This will start the command prompt. Type "ipconfig /all" with a space between "ipconfig and /all".That will list the computer's ip address along with other network specs. Now that you have the ip of that computer, you may send instant messages to it.Go to the run command in your start menu. Type cmd in the box which will open the command prompt just like above.Type: net send "ip address" message. If the computer you were trying to send a "Hello" message to had the ip address of,you would type "net send Hello" Additionally, it is possible to use a wild card such as * in the ip address parameter. Example: net send * message

The above command will send your message to every computer on your subnet. This is great for system administrators to send out messages to all windows computers on the network notifying them that you are going to be taking down the server or something. However, if you are a student and feel like pulling a prank at school by sending some message across the school network, you will screw yourself. With today's zero tolerance policies in schools, you will be suspended possibly even expelled. Trust me; it's happening all over the USA.

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Way For Task Manager To Appear In Instant / When Press Keys?

Jan 2, 2008

is there a way for the windows task manager (alt-ctrl-del) to appear in an instant when i press the keys? the window is taking forever to appear in front of non-responding seems like the pc is trying to solve the problem first, but i just want to end whatever it is processing quickly.

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How Can Play Online Games Or Chat?

Dec 12, 2005

i try connecting to a poker gaming site my laptop will not connect?

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Block Face Book Chat

Apr 7, 2010

Hi I was wondering if it possible to block face book chat from my computer but still access the site.

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Getting Error And System Crashed While Using Webcam For Chat?

Apr 22, 2010

I get an error report and the chat software crashes after I try to use my webcam. I can't use it in any chat service, I've tried and a Chinese chat software called QQ. Every time I try to use the webcam with QQ I get the below error message and the QQ software crashes

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Try To Go Into Java Chat Room / Screen Loads / No Users List

Jun 27, 2005

im on a rented Dell laptop and when I try to go into a java chat room the screen loads but there is no users list it is all one screen...I also can't load yahoo games.I know there is java sun loaded on this thing.

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Contacted Dell Chat Support For Dimension 4700 Sytem

Mar 24, 2006

In the last 2 weeks I have contacted Dell chat support about problems with my Dell Dimension 4700 PC.I tried the two solutions suggested by tech. support, neither of which worked. I finally stumbled upon the solution late last night. Are others having the same problems with Dell support? They were once famous for their support. Now, it's laughable.

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Messenger Will Not Go Away

Jan 28, 2005

I would like to keep the MS Windows Messenger from auto starting to the Task Bar. I have turned it off using various start up utilities but it keeps coming back. I even used the Add-Remove program to uninstall it but it is still there. This is becoming a personal thing and Microsoft seems to be winning once again. How can I uninstall it safetly or at least keep it from auto starting to the Task Bar?

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Rid Of Web Messenger

Jan 17, 2005

I just had XP installed on my computer and I want to know how to get rid of web messenger?

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Messenger Service Pop Up

Jul 4, 2003

I did! they are annoying and pop up all the time! The title bar calls them "Messenger Service" and their ads, usually for getting pop up stopper softwares's, and some other crap. FirstlyStart > Run> Type: services.mscwhen the Services window pops up scroll down to "Messenger" the description is "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted."Righ click go to Properties and in startup type select "DISABLE"DON'T worry this has nothing to do with Windows/MSN Messenger instant messenging programs

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Can't Get To Yahoo Messenger

Jun 5, 2009

Can't get to my yahoo messenger need to badly.

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How To Shutdown Messenger?

Jul 10, 2010

Don't see where to shutdown Windows Messenger on WIndows XP (Adobe Flash uninstall requires it).Nothing appears in the Task Tray. Where do I look?

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Messenger Will Not UN Installed

Jun 20, 2005

windows messenger will not un-install no matter what i do help

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Messenger Has Gone Missing

Oct 26, 2008

Now im not sure when they went missing, but its not the only thing. Windows Messenger has gone missing (The whole program) along with The Calculator and my Sound Volume Control both of which i had to reinstall via the XP disk.I've scanned for virus's and and have come up with nothing, I used to use a vista tranformation pack awhile ago but have since got rid of that. But i think it might have messed with a few things.

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Getting Messenger Service Pop Ups

Jun 22, 2005

Just installed 2000 Pro Getting annoying <messenger service> pop ups

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Get Messenger To Run Again After Uninstall

Aug 12, 2002

It seems when you uninstall Messenger (using the tweaks on this site) the policy is automatically set to prevent it running. This causes the symptom of clicking on the Messenger shortcut and seeing an hourglass for a second or two but the program not loading.To get Messenger installed again requires more than just reinstalling the program from Windows Update or a downloaded installer.After that you have to change the following registry entry with regedit:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMessengerClientYou should change the PreventRun value from (1) to (0)

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MSN Messenger Logging In

Feb 11, 2005

This problem started about a month ago. When I try to sign into MSN Messenger I get an error message saying," Sorry,We could not sign you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, please click help in the main Messenger window, and then click Help Topics for instructions on resetting your password. 0x81000303 " I tryed logging on with other accounts and the same error message appeared.

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Remove Messenger Of SP2

Jun 25, 2005

I have searched online via Google on how to remove Windows Messenger for XP service pack two. It is later edition than 4.5, eg. 4.7, but nothing I can do will stop the pesky thing from popping up in my system tray near to the windows clock. It seems to be integrated with absolutely everything.I have tried clicking on the Tools-Options-Preferences, and unchecking the relevant boxes.I have also tried going into the administration tools sections-services-rightclick messenger and it is displayed as "disabled" yet sure as fate it is still in my system tray box with the white X on the red background on it! This is so frustrating.

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Remove Win Messenger Icon ?

Aug 19, 2005

How can I remove the Windows Messenger Icon from my Notification/Taskbar area? I never use Windows Messenger and want to eliminate it.

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How To Uninstall Live Messenger ?

Oct 20, 2009

How can I uninstall Windows Live Messenger

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Messenger Sign-in / Trying To Register

Dec 18, 2006

I was trying to register with Windows Messenger (Windows Live ID). One of the entries is my e-mail address. I entered it properly, but when I finished with the page, it returned with this message:

"The portion of your e-mail address that follows the @ symbol is part of a "reserved domain" such as,, or Please type a different e-mail address" I know I entered my address correctly (tried it several times). Any thoughts?

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