Hang Up The Log On Screen Every Time

Aug 6, 2005

I have a Pentium 2.7gHz, and Radeon 9550. A short while ago, my Pc started to hang (at random times, usually when I first turned it on in the morning, it would hang at the XP Load screen, sometimes at the logon screen, and other times just during normal use.)
This problem became more prevalent, so i decided to try a repair install. It now hangs during this install as well. This computer is currently useless.

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HP Computer Hang Up Every Time

Dec 22, 2004

I have a HP computer with Windows software and starting yesterday it started to hang up and stall. We have to manually turn the computer off and back on and it takes several minutes before it comes to the main screen. I did a system restore, turned off the screensaver, ran a virus check with Norton 2004, and it is still occuring and has hung up 5 times today. We do not have internet access to this computer, so I do not think there is a virus on it.

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Pro Hang On Start Up Every Time

May 13, 2005

On starting up my computer, after the Windows screen with the 'flashing' bar lights up, my computer hangs for about 60 seconds with a blank black screen before my desktop appears.Now the strange part. I've just installed a DVD burner in the slot where I used to have a CD burner. On installation I started up my computer with the cover off, and Windows started immediately - no hang at all. On replacing the cover, the hang is back. Co-incidence? I don't think so. I thought it may have been software related but now have no idea whatsoever.

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Hang Up Every Time On Shut Down

Sep 20, 2006

"Gateway 834GM, Pent 4 630 processor supporting Hyper Threading Technology. 3ghz, 800 mhz FSB, 2 MB l2 Cache, Intel Graphics Media Accelator 900 Double layer 16x Multi Format DVD+/-RW drive, 1024 MB DDR 250 GB SATA HD, 7200 RPm w/8MB Cache" I don't know if all of that is needed but there you go. Because it is a multimedia computer it has several new programs that I know nothing about. I have gone into regedit to see what is in startup and I have no idea what he needs and what he doesn't.

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Play Movies Hang In Every Time

Aug 22, 2010

when i play movies in any player it"s nt played smoothly it hangs throughout the movie;i have tried different players including vlc,gom etc.this problem happen with few movies notwoth all so how to solve this.

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Hang At Loading Screen - Blue Screen Error On Reinstallation

Nov 18, 2006

I couldnt start up windows. It would hang at the windows loading screen and go no further. So I was told to try a repair-install. And thats where even more trouble has started. So I started to repair-install. During the Windows Install setup, it gets almost to the point of being completed, but gave me a blue screen error STOP message at around the "18 minutes left" mark. During "Registering components". It would do this every time at the same spot. So I searched a bit about how to solve the problem. One suggestion I found on the interwebs was to try it with only one stick of ram installed, I have four overall at 2gb. So I tried that, next time I boot up to the comp, it loads up the bios, and then goes to the black windows loading screen with the loading bar, then starts with a blue screen saying "Setup is being restarted" So I figure its restarting my windows installation since it never was completed, after that message, the screen goes black with a cursor, and stays that way forever. I immediately put all the ram back in, and no luck, same thing. I tested each individual ram stick, same thing, just goes black. So now, I can't even seem to re-install windows. Did my hard drive just crap out? Some hardware issue? Im already thinking about buying a new fresh hard drive, installing windows on there, and just moving all my files from the old hard drive over to the new one. Though that would be a pain, I really want to save my current drive! And all the data on it.

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Welcome Screen Hang At Every Boot Up

Oct 28, 2007

I did a clone backup of my old installation of windows xp (Home Ed.) to a new hard drive, after that, I disconnected the old hd and attempted to fix windows to no avail... I got frustrated after many attempts and decided to do a clean install (on the new H.D.). Windows setup perfectly... Today I tried to boot up with the old hd into windows to backup some quicken files I needed and windows wont boot... it will just hang at the welcome screen and stay there... Sometimes when I Alt-tab I see 2 processes 1 (Wndows Logon) 2 (windows welcome screen)... but that's it... I've tried everything but doing a repair install, since I'm afraid about getting stuck in the repair install (it has happened to me twice).

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Home Edition Log On Screen Hang Up

Nov 11, 2007

Got friends dell system which will notboot up properly. It is running Win XP home edition. System manages to load past the black windows XP logo screen then changes to blue XP logon screen and hangs up. System does not completely hang up as still able to move cursor around screen.

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System Hang On Loading Screen

Apr 17, 2005

Just installed xp on a computer that had previously had xp on it, but was running real slow, so I did a fresh install and now it will not boot up past the loading screen. I have tried using fdisk to erase the disk compleletly but it has not helped one bit.

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Recurring Hang - Screen Blinks And No Input

Dec 8, 2007

PC hangs in any one of the following ways;screen blinks black for a second of so, then returns but is frozen (no mouse movement or anything)screen blinks black and returns but all garbled & corrupted and frozen screen blinks black and monitor says "no input" and promptly turns itself off this usually occurs between half an hour and an hour of turning the PC on.. but the duration is by no means fixed, and it will sometimes only last a few minutes. the same applies after a restart.

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Boot Up Screen Doesnt Hang, But Doesnt Load

Aug 23, 2007

My PC is running absolutely stable (7 hours of orthos). Just bought this EVGA motherboard and swapped it in place of an Asrock motherboard and got everything running, overclocked and stable.Before I got Windows XP running (previous installation from the asrock mobo), I encountered an issue and i isolated it down to one of the 200gb 7200.7 SATA HD's.IF this HD is plugged in when the PC boots, then the Windows XP Boot screen appears and hangs. NOTE: it DOES NOT freeze - the bar still moves, but there is no HD activity and the pc stays like this for hours on end. Note again - this is not a hang. the activity bar still moves from left to right, and it keeps doing this indefinitely it seems (with no HD activity from any drives). IF this HD is not plugged in, the PC boots in straight away. All drivers are tip top (nforce drivers, SATA drivers). However if I hot-plug this drive from within Windows, it works fine!. The PC just doesn't boot with the HD plugged in.

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Screen Saver Was Not Set To Go Off For Too Much Time

Apr 22, 2008

We have several users that log into virtual machines from their home. We have one group in particular that has a user complaining that they are being logged off of remote desktop rather frequently. I checked their VM and the screen saver wasnt set to go off for over 2 hours and they are complaining that they are getting logged off after 30min. Is there a setting that can adjust how long before a remote desktop session will last before the person has to give the log in credentials again?

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Long Startup Time - Welcome Screen

Jan 6, 2007

have a new laptop (~1 month old) and suddenly (in the past 3-4 days) logging on takes forever. it is setup with the Welcome screen where we just select which user to log on. after i click my user name and hit enter it takes at least 30 seconds for it to leave the Welcome screen and get to the desktop.

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Keep Recycle Bin On Your Screen For Long Time

Aug 22, 2006

I have not been able to use my recycle bin on my XP machine for a long time. I can delete things, but cannot see the contents of the bin or clean it out. It always says it contains 44 items, but I have no clue what is currently in it or what happens to files that I delete at this point. If they are being somehow put somewhere or in the recycle bin, but I cannot empty it, so I could have megs and megs of stuff I have deleted floating around now. Can I reinstall the recycle bin software from scratch somehow?

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Blank Screen On Boot Up Comes Up Every Time

Apr 1, 2005

I am getting a blank screen with a white pointer when I boot up my machine. And when I try to boot up safe mode it does the same thing only with safe mode written in the four corners. Could someone please tell me what is going on.

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Computer Splash Screen Every Time

Dec 8, 2004

Why on the XP splash screen does it not say professional after you update to SP2? It always used to say Professional?

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How To Open IE In Full Screen All Time?

Aug 4, 2006

I want open IE and see the page displayed in the "Full Screen" mode. No matter how I close IE (6.0 SP2) when I re-open it comes up in what I assume is the default "small cluttered screen" mode. I know how to get my display into "Full Screen" using the View menu drop down or by clicking on the Full Screen icon and by using the F11 key. What I need to know is how to get it to open as a "Full Screen" every time I open IE? Is there a setting I can change so I do not have to manually change into "Full Screen" each time I use IE?

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Very Long Loading Time - Screen Holds

Jan 16, 2007

i'm facing as current is the incredibly slow loading speed. It passes the "Dectecting IDE drives" screen quickly, but on the next screen it holds, for atleast an hour. On this screen it pretty much says:

It holds on this screen for a very very long time. I've tried changing some of the Bios but with absolutely no change or effect. On the next screen when it does actualy move, it's the Windows 2000 loading screen(With the row of bars showing how much it's loaded), it holds here again for a long time, again atleast an hour. I'm not sure exactly how long as I went to sleep out of bordom of waiting for it. Has anyone got any suggestions or any idea at all whats the matter with this. The RAM, Graphics card, Processor and Motherboard were all bought brand new and suggested by the store owner that I went to, he said that everything will all be compatable with each other componant.

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First Time Builder, Install Blank Screen

Nov 24, 2005

Just built my first computer and cannot install Windows XP Home successfully. It will boot from the CD, copy setup files, partition the drive, and then Windows does it's automatic restart which it will do fine, but when it is restarted it says " Resuming setup...." and then the screen goes black and stays that way. This is an OEM Windows XP home CD from another Dell tower, is this the problem? Do I need a new windows XP CD?

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Blue Screen Every Time System Starts Up

Sep 20, 2008

I've been getting an error/blue screen message when ever i start up my Acer Aspire 5650 laptop. It is a couple of years old now and,my last laptop died after about the same time so hopefully someone can shed some light.The system will start up and i can use the it with out any trouble but it is anoying to have to sit for up to 5 - 10 minutes while it runs the check every time.

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Desktop Icons Take Long Time To Appear After Welcome Screen

Sep 1, 2005

When i switch on the system, after the Welcome screen i am getting background screen but my icons are not appearing immediately. i am getting the icons only after 2-3 minutes until than i am getting only the background screen. usually i use to get all the icons and the windows scrren imeedaitely but it suddenly taking ages.

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Computer Take Time To Reach Login Screen

Jan 4, 2008

some relatives of mine have a decent enough computer with not that much stuff on it (its better than my PC1). anyhow they've asked my to try and speed up their boot time because it takes yonks to reach the log in screen and it really shouldn't. so im going to have a thorough clean of msconfig, im going to use "ntregopt" and i might even use ATF cleaner.anything else i can use to speed it up?

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Screen Flashes - Computer Wont Turn Off 1st Time

May 22, 2007

My computer wont turn off 1st time. The 1st time i press the 'turn off' button, the screen flashs, as if its getting ready to turn off, but then nothing happens. When i repeat the procedure again, it does turn off.

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Device Driver Error / Getting Blue Screen All The Time?

Dec 6, 2004

I just got a blue screen with the following information:STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x805677C4, 0xEF8C7D40, 0x00000000)I'm currently running Windows File Protection...but I don't know if there is anything else I should do.

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Cannot Start Windows / Reboots To Boot Selection Screen Each Time

Dec 24, 2006

I am trying to help out a neighbor today who has computer related problems. He boots up his computer, to go to the screen where it gives him 5 choices to start his computer: start windows normally, safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, last good known configuration, etc. No matter which one he chooses though, they all give him the same result. He sees the windows logo with the bars loading up XP but shortly after that he gets a Blue Screen of Death for about a second (not long enough for me to see the error), then it goes back to the Boot options I listed above. Not exactly sure where to go when I am trying to help him at the moment. Usually, I can get the BSOD error and go from there, but this time I'm stuck because I can't see the error in time. At the moment, I have limited computer specs. from him (pretty sure its a dell) but other than that, not much else.

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Logo Loading After A Short Time The Blue Screen Appears

Jun 13, 2008

When i turn it on I get the 'Windows did not restart properly screen'and no matter which of the options I choose, i see the windows logo loading after a short time the blue screen apears for a split second and then its back to the first screen all over again.

iv gone into BIOS, i ran the HD self test, and both the short and long test fail before really even doing anything.

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Update Wont Work: Getting Blank White Screen Every Time?

Jan 8, 2005

i'm using windows xp service pack 2. i try to go to the windows update page and all i get is a blank white screen and on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, it says done. but nothing is there. if i edit the top url, i can go anywhere i want but just not windows update. i have no viruses, spyware, adaware as i have a thorough check of all and came up empty.

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Stop From Logging Off - Switch User Setting Every Time The Screen Saver Comes On

Jul 6, 2008

I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but my XP switches to the 'switch user' setting every time the screen saver comes on. It gets really annoying so I wondered if anyone could tell me how to turn it off.

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Dual Boot System - Long Time Booting - Stays On Splash Screen

Sep 18, 2008

i have a dual boot system xp / vista64 all of a sudden my computer takes a long time to boot it stays on the splash screen for about 10 minutes before showing me the boot selection screen what could be the problem?

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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