Device Driver Error / Getting Blue Screen All The Time?

Dec 6, 2004

I just got a blue screen with the following information:STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x805677C4, 0xEF8C7D40, 0x00000000)I'm currently running Windows File Protection...but I don't know if there is anything else I should do.

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Blue Screen Error Caused By Device / Driver

Oct 23, 2008

Blue screen error caused by a device or driver You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.

iam running windows xp....ive been having problems with my pc forever and i can never seem to work out if its bad ram or a memory issue. Anytime my pc is running for a long period of time it seems to hang and give me the blue screen, if i try to run a media program or burn a cd or anything along those lines it hangs also....What could this problem be? do i need to let someone look into my system or can it be resolved at all. Ive had every error msg i seems to always tell me its a device error when it hangs or when i reboot it gives me that msg and then reports the proble

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Blue Screen Comes During DSKCHK Due To Device Driver Problem

Dec 10, 2008

Im using windows xp home. And when im running a dskchk it stops and doesnt complete to 100%. when it gets to stage 5 it gets to 56% and restarts and I recently had major issue with blue screens. the message i got was a device or driver caused it but windows doesnt know which one and today my pc shut down and it kept looping to the start up and i had to use recovery console to fix it but im not sure it did.

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Blue Screen Error When Inserting USB Device

Jul 15, 2005

When I insert any USB device into my notebook's USB ports, it produces a BSOD with description "No_More_IP_Stack_Allocations". I have updated my bios (also loaded defaults) installed latest chip set drivers. I even tried to increase the "IPStackSize" in my registry.I can't seem to find a fix for this problem.

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Royal Blue Screen Error Stop ErrorInaccessible Boot Device

Jul 12, 2005

I was working on my computer, Windows 2000 Pro.I was moving my foot under the desk and accidentally switched off the surge protector.I turned the protector back on and restarted my computer.I get a royal blue screen that says Stop Error.Inaccessible Boot Device.None of the F8 options work for restart, they all say the same thing.I really don't want to have to reformat.

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System Reboots - Device Driver Error ?

Sep 8, 2005

I have been getting BSOD for about 2 months now and always when i play a game especially bf2 and cod

after every BSOD it comes up device driver error but all drivers are fine,I have changed RAM,PSU and mobo after last time i was pulling my hair out and now its started doing it again after nearly 2 weeks

my system is as follows:

AMD A64 3200(winchester)skt 939

MSI neo 2 platinum NF3 ultra mobo

Giel pc 4000 ultra 2x512

Radeon X850 XT PE (agp)

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Stop Error Caused By A Device Driver

Dec 14, 2005

I'm getting pretty frequent shutdowns with the below information. When the box re-boots, the message says device driver but never can point which device driver. Can anyone have a look at this and give me some advice?

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BSOD Stop Error, Caused By Device Driver

Feb 2, 2007

I was informed today that our home computer has been freezing over the last day or so. I logged on and looked up some info on the error i was described, then perhaps fortunately, i got the vile BSOD. This is what was contained:Then it began a memory dump.It claims a device driver error, but i do not recall installing anything recently. the windows report proved less than helpful (surprise).

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Error Message: Virtual Device Driver Failed Dll Initialization

May 16, 2006

When I want to install certain programs, there is a set of error messages that makes the installation fail.If I push "ignore" then this message appears:

"c:Windowssystem32autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. Choose 'close' to terminate the application." I have a feeling that this is caused by a Norton antivirus program I installed couple years ago that I had a heck of a time removing. Could there be a chance that some parts of the program is still lingering to cause this? I've been having this problem for the longest times and threw away a bunch of software.

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Computer Restarts And Freezes - Device Driver Is Causing The Error?

Apr 20, 2006

This happens when I watch videos, or do anything that has to do with videos such as windows movie maker or use media player, anyways, I keep getting this page question is, how do I find out which device driver is causing the error so I will stop getting to many unexpected restarts/freezes?

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Screen Blackout Then Appear With A Black Screen A Blue Box Giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS?

Jan 19, 2007

My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.

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Blue Screen After Remove Usb Device

Aug 8, 2005

when I remove an usb mass storage immediatly a blue screen shows up.Very short but I can now see that the message is IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUA.

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Inserting USB Device Causes Blue Screen Of Death

Sep 21, 2008

I've had this computer (ThinkPad R60e, WinXP Home SP3, 1.83 GHz 1 GB RAM) for years and its never had this kind of problem before: whenever I insert anything (thumb drive, camera, iPod) into the a USB port the computer goes into a blue screen of death saying "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" and "STOP: 0x00000050". I've noticed that with certain things like my external harddrive, it works fine if its plugged in while the computer boots, but not if inserted while its already active. I'm really not sure at all what could be causing this, I haven't changed anything drastically about the computer in quite a while. The only thing I can think of is my antivirus program (McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i) just recently found a trojan and I then did a full scan to get rid of it completely.

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Blue Screen Problem After Installing Driver?

Apr 26, 2006

I have just installed a nvidia driver (84.21) to replace the version (77.77) I've successfully been running for several months now. Both are certified as compat with my 6800gt card. I seem to be able to instal it OK, files are copied across, the screen resets, the new driver is listed as installed uder the device manager and I get a message saying the new hardware has succesfully installed and I need to restart to finish installation.

When I do, i go through the usual boot through to the windows start up screen (with flag), then I get a blue secreen with "please wait....." after 5 secs the dots stop appearing, then within 30 secs the HD stops. The keyboard etc is frozen. I gave it 5 mins then reverted to last good config, and tried again deleting all previous nvidia drivers, but still get the same result. I also tried a different driver (83. something) and still the same. I had norton disabled during installation

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Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal - Blue Screen

Jan 31, 2007

I kept getting stop messages with a blue screen on my old hard drive and figured the drive had died (even tho it's only 8 months old). I got a new hard drive, put it in and now, I just got a blue screen with DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error message. Uh-oh. What does this mean?? I booted up again and the error message didn't appear but I got these (which I think are new): IDUServ.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows and an identical one for iptray.exe. Before the IRQL error, btw, my modem (dial-up) wasn't working after I put in the new drive and I noticed exclamation points by my PCI devices on Device Manager--also, the USB controller thing had an exclamation point by it, although all my USB-run gadgets seem to run just fine. Does this mean my PCI slots aren't working and that's why my modem isn't working? I'm running Win2000. It's an Intel Pentium 4 631 3.00GHz HT EM64T XD, 800MHz, FSB, 2MB motherboard.

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Blue Screen Every Time System Starts Up

Sep 20, 2008

I've been getting an error/blue screen message when ever i start up my Acer Aspire 5650 laptop. It is a couple of years old now and,my last laptop died after about the same time so hopefully someone can shed some light.The system will start up and i can use the it with out any trouble but it is anoying to have to sit for up to 5 - 10 minutes while it runs the check every time.

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Installed Abit Driver: Crashed The System / Getting Blue Screen?

Jan 13, 2007

my friend loaded ABIT drivers for his motherboards ethernet port . after loading the driver he reset the computer and it loads til windows then turns blue and resets. his keyboard will not work so he cant load safe mode what should he do?

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Ati2dvag Driver Stopped Working Blue Screen Appears

Nov 12, 2006

im new I have a Toshiba Equium EA60-173 PSA67E-00700C8J.Im having often reoccuring problems almost as soon as i reboot my laptop freezes and a blue screen appears saying the ati2davg display driver is stuck in an infinate loop. and my laptop has to be rebooted, also it freezes and changes to the lowest display settings and a window appears saying the display driver it has stopped working properly. I need advise on how to sort this as its very annoying, my laptop also over heats, gets very hot and just turns itself off. the fan constantly runs.

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Logo Loading After A Short Time The Blue Screen Appears

Jun 13, 2008

When i turn it on I get the 'Windows did not restart properly screen'and no matter which of the options I choose, i see the windows logo loading after a short time the blue screen apears for a split second and then its back to the first screen all over again.

iv gone into BIOS, i ran the HD self test, and both the short and long test fail before really even doing anything.

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Blue Screen Error/Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER?

Jan 8, 2007

Man, my computer for the last two weeks have been crashing like an emo. I mean, when I play GTA: San Adreas, in 20 minutes, I get a BSOD with a stop error. When I put hardware acceleration to full, in a half an hour, I get a BSOD with a similar error. Believe me, I got three kinds of errors, and some were from different time. I believe the problem either came from the either the PSU, new 512 mb of ram, old 512, CPU, system board, or the graphic card. I'll try to post the error as best as I can. So, is there a solution to this?
Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078) This is one of them, but there another one with KMODE that I can't seem to remember. Also, sometimes, after it tries to recover from a serious error, the computer shuts down during the bootup before I can choose which XP version I can choose.
Also, I hate to say this, but I'm not using a legit windows copy sp1, but I have updated to sp2.

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Error Message Blue Screen With C000021a Fatal System Error Logon Process

Nov 22, 2008

i had XP 2008 virus/spyware, which I think I managed to get rid of with Malwarebytes' Anti Malware and System Mechanic 7. Now I have a new problem. After receiving a recent download from microsoft, upon restarting, I get the blue screen of death with this message; STOP: C000021a (Fatal System Error) The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000 0x00000000)

I can't get anywhere into Windows, I've done F2, F8, F12, everything I could think of without risking more damage. I've booted from the system mechanic CD with the Hard Drive recovery, and while it said it found and fixed a problem, it didn't fix this one.

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Blue Screen With Error Windows 2000 Winlogon.exe Error?

Sep 22, 2008

After around 10-15 min after logging in a program error box opens up saying winlogon.exe fatal error then it switches to a blue screen saying fatal error c0000021a error. I have windows 2000 proffessional and a HP compaq nc6120 laptop.

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Blue Screen Error Bring Boot Selection Screen - Reinstall Operating System

Nov 12, 2009

Encountered a Blue Screen of Death error. The error stated that I should run Chkdsk and then proceeds to restart and bring me to the Windows boot selection screen (safe mode, last known good configuration, normally). No matter which choice I pick, it always leads to the BSOD then restarts. Since this is getting me nowhere fast, I want to just format and reinstall windows. I do not have my recovery CDs, and when I enter the BIOS to change the boot sequence I cannot change it so the CD drive is above the hard drive in priority. The reason it gives me in the bios is that "All items on this menu cannot be modified in user mode. If any items require changes, please consult your system supervisor. Any ideas on how I can boot off the cd and reinstall windows from scratch?

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Can't Start XP: After Loading Screen, Blue Screen Stop Error

Oct 5, 2010

Toshiba Satellite running on windows XP

When I start the computer, it asks if for the choice of Safe Mode, w/ Networking, w/Command Prompt or Normally.

I've tried them all and if I try it normally, it won't get past the XP loading screen. It's loading and then it flashes a blue screen for a second and then restarts the computer again.

I tried pressing F8 at boot and selected 'Disable automatic restart on system failure' and this is what I get

STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00190203, 0x83306788, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000)

I even tried using this to get to chkdsk At boot, F12, chose CD/DVD, but still nothing, I even tried disabling boot from +HDD, FDD and LAN from the bios setup menu to see if it works and this is what I got, it just keeps going on and on unless I enable boot from +HDD

Intel UNDI, PXE-2.0 (build 082)
Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation

For Realtek RTL8139(X)/8130/810X PCI Fast Ethernet Controller v2.13 (020326)
PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable
PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM.

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Blue Screen - No Icons, No Error Message Or Black Screen?

Oct 23, 2009

The start of my problem is that I was receiving an error 'cannot initialize lsass.exe service'.After repairing XP SP2, the following is displayed every time that I boot:SAFE Mode - black screen with 'safe mode' in bottom corners of screen Windows Mode - blue screen.The mouse is responding.There are no icons.There is no text (except for 'safe mode' as above)CTRL/ALT/DEL does not display task manager.CTRL/ESCAPE does not display anything.Clicking on various parts of thescreen has no effect.I have replaced Explorer.exe from c:i386

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Hang At Loading Screen - Blue Screen Error On Reinstallation

Nov 18, 2006

I couldnt start up windows. It would hang at the windows loading screen and go no further. So I was told to try a repair-install. And thats where even more trouble has started. So I started to repair-install. During the Windows Install setup, it gets almost to the point of being completed, but gave me a blue screen error STOP message at around the "18 minutes left" mark. During "Registering components". It would do this every time at the same spot. So I searched a bit about how to solve the problem. One suggestion I found on the interwebs was to try it with only one stick of ram installed, I have four overall at 2gb. So I tried that, next time I boot up to the comp, it loads up the bios, and then goes to the black windows loading screen with the loading bar, then starts with a blue screen saying "Setup is being restarted" So I figure its restarting my windows installation since it never was completed, after that message, the screen goes black with a cursor, and stays that way forever. I immediately put all the ram back in, and no luck, same thing. I tested each individual ram stick, same thing, just goes black. So now, I can't even seem to re-install windows. Did my hard drive just crap out? Some hardware issue? Im already thinking about buying a new fresh hard drive, installing windows on there, and just moving all my files from the old hard drive over to the new one. Though that would be a pain, I really want to save my current drive! And all the data on it.

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Blue Screen - Stop Error Screen When Gaming

Apr 7, 2006

I have seen a similar problem posted previously on this forum. But after reading it i think this is a different problem, so, here goes: I recently bought a new graphic card: Radeon all-in-wonder x1800xl. Installed it on a clean system (did a reformat before i installed). The problem occurs after usually 30-60 minutes of gaming (so far with oblivion, black & white 2). The game freezes for about 30 sec and then goes into blue-screen mode.

The message is as follows:
Kernel-Data-inpage-error stop error screen
then there are a lot of numbers etc.
I have sometimes noticed a slight change in fan noise prior to freeze (speeding up)
After reebot everything's back to normal.........

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Blue Screen Error Due To Screen Or Speakers?

Apr 10, 2010

Recently we've been getting "Blue Screen Errors" on our Windows XP. The most common one is called "Blue Screen error caused by a device or driver." Since they mention a likely hardware or software problem, I suspect our computer screen or speakers might be to blame. A couple months ago, we hooked up a screen and speakers from different brands. I think the screen's brand name is Westinghouse and the model number is LCM-17v8, and I think the speakers brand name is The Digital Experience inc., Model number gem 2.0 USB.

We've also gotten other error messages along with this one, such as "Address a problem with your computer", also strongly suggesting a problem with hardware, and "Troubleshoot a problem with your audio software". Is it possible that the screen or speakers may be incompatible with the computer, resulting in these errors, or would it be something else?

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Blue Screen Error

Dec 29, 2007

I get a blue screen error message?

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Blue Screen Error

Oct 19, 2010

I have a Prolink Hurricane 9601C Modem. It has two LED's indicating Power and Link. As of recently, the Link LED, starts to flash on and off, and all network connections get terminated. The Driver software of the Modem stops responding. I tried to unplug the network cable and re attaching it, but nothing happens.... The System will not shutdown either. Once windows logs off, I get this Blue Screen Error.A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

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Getting A Blue Screen Error

Jun 18, 2008

For the last three days I have been getting a blue screen error, the only thing I have done is ran Softwar inspector Secuna, and uninstalled Abobe Reader and reinstalled the updated version.Error message: A problem has been detectd and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR If this is the first time you've seen this stop error Screen, restart your computer. If this screen apperas again floow these steps. Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new install ask your hardware or software manufactor for any windows updates you might need. If the problem continues, disable or remove any new installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as coaching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components restart your computer. Press F8 to select Advanced Start up Options, and then select Safe Mode.

Technical Information:
*** Stop:0x00000077 (Ox000000E,OxC000000E, Ox00000000, OxOACF80000)

Beginning dump of Physical memory.

I don't really understand this could someone please help me with this problem?

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