HJT Scan Log For Review: IE Remains Slow Get Hung-up?

Sep 9, 2008

The computer has sluggish and aggravating moments. Frequently, Internet Explorer Windows get hung-up, and will not close or open. Tabs get stuck and won't change. Boot-up time seems slow. Connection tests indicate speed is optimal, but IE remains slow and clunky. A HJT scan has been performed. I may correct any issues. Also, if there is any fat to be trimmed, oo.

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Slow Laptop Review HJT Log ?

Mar 22, 2006

Please advise on my notebook log, it is very slow onboot up as well as webbrowsing.

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Super Slow Computer: Review Of HJT Log?

May 24, 2006

Booted to Safe Mode ran Ewido, scanner fixed 12 items. Booted to normal mode ran Ewido and it found no problems. Next day the problems are back. Booted to Safe Mode ran Ewido, scanner fixed 2 items. Ran HJT and saved a log. Booted to Nornal mode ran Ewido, scanner found no problems. Ran HJT and saved a log.

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Running Slow / Ran Ths Scan

Sep 14, 2005

I ran ths scan but i dont know what to do now.

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Extremely Slow System - Ran Virus Scan

Dec 3, 2005

hey, my computer have been acting up lately and its EXTREMELY slow right now, ive tried everything that i could think of, running virus scans and system cleaning scans..ive deleted/removed programs that i dont need but i still have this problem...also pop-up's come up all the time even when the computer is just sitting there at least 20 pops up and i do have panicware pop_up stopper but i quess it doesnt seem to work..i also have a problem with my computer just shutting down on me and then rebooting going to the screen where you sign in at.

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Extreamly Slow Boot - Did A Virus Scan

Mar 2, 2008

Ok for the past month or so my computer has been booting EXTREAMLY slow. But once up runs pretty normal with a few exceptions. (videos you have to let buffer fully or they will jerk around and other minor things) But from the time you push the power button till the desk top appears and is ready to go is around 10 mins. I have tried many things

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Pc Is Acting Very Slow- Norton Anti Virus Scan

Apr 12, 2005

i was on the computer for a few minutes then suddenly my sound is gone and the cimputer is acting very very slow. I have ran Adaware, Spybot S and D, Norton Anti Virus scan and house call but none of em found anything, except Sybot S and D found a mybar intry and deleted it.

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Comp Running So Slow: Performed A Virus Scan?

Jun 26, 2005

I feel like I went back to a pentinum 1 486mh and 16 mb of ram....... I cant figure out what is wrong with my comp. I have run virus scan, spywear scan, done a defrag, and every thing is fine. There is nothing in the startup menu on msconfig screen. but yet my comp takes like 3 mins to restart. getting on the internet with Road Runner takes like 5 mins.

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HJT Log For Review: Way To Clean?

Mar 21, 2006

Could you take a peek at this log and let me know if it is clean?

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Unable To Get Review On Price

Sep 20, 2005

I am considering this computer sold by shopNBC.com but I am unable to get a review or product evaluation on price, performance or support.

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BSOD During PerfectDisc Scan Or Registry Mechanic Scan

Nov 19, 2006

I went to use PerfectDisc yesterday, it suggested I do a bootup scan, I did, allowed it to do pagefile scan too. Ran fine. Then rebooted, went to do regular scan. it locked up on the Blue Screen of Death.

"Bad_Pool_Header" and gave some error info... 0x00000019, and so on.

Computer runs fine though otherwise, which is funny.

Then when I try to go to Registry Mechanic and scan, it goes all the way through, and on I believe the deepscan, it always goes to BSOD there. I think while it's in the HKEY section of current user.

There may be other programs that will cause the BSOD, but these 2 are the only ones so far. Please guide me through this....Anyone.

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McAfee Virus Scan Takes Very Long To Scan

Aug 19, 2005

I have McAfee Managed Virus Scan.When I scan my computer or a folder it takes a very long time. How would I speed things up?

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End Program - Hung Up And Not Responding

Dec 12, 2004

I need to use the "control-alt-delete" to end a program that is hung-up and not responding and I then get the dialog box asking me if I want to send a message to Microsoft telling them about the problem. First of all, is there really any reason to send this message, and if not, how can I prevent this dialog box from showing up again?

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Restart Hung On Shutting Down

Aug 1, 2008

I've been running my XP SP3 machine all merrily along, with three internal HD's (two large partitioned) and yesterday my Start - Restart hung on Windows Is Shutting Down. I did a hard restart, ran Start - Shutdown successfully, after startup tried Start - Restart again and got same hang. So, hard reboot, Start - Shutdown...OK, Startup, Start - Restart worked! Shut down machine for the night, powered on this morning, then Start - Restart... same hang. I remember in W95SE the problem with large drives, but I've never seen that in XP.

So, what did I do new? Installed ProShow Gold software, which required disabling my CD RW drive to find my CD/DVD RW drive correctly. The only other funny thing I see is burning a disk of JPEG's either in NERO or Picasa, then putting the disc back in the CD/DVD drive and not being able to read it. I get "wrong function", the eject button doesn't work, so have to eject from Explorer. Other computers read it fine. When I installed NERO the CD DVD RW drive was made INCD auto-formatable, so that screen pops up whenever a blank is inserted. I just dismiss it. But this symptom looks like XP thinks the disk I burned was written in MRW format, not just ISO. Also, Explorer changes the My Computer icon for the drive from CD/DVD to just CD when the newly burned DVD is inserted - weird.

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Computer Hung Up And Got Real Sluggish

Sep 12, 2005

I don't know what happened, all the sudden while my daughter was in the middle of being on the internet website called evergirl.com (kids games & talk like barbie.com) the computer hung up and got real sluggish. After she was able to close completely out of it I restarted the computer. It came on slowly and gave an error message, as I went to write it down, it blanked off (it said something about unable to open *some* local files and something about a *damaged* registry key. Then it opened to a desktop from like when we first got the computer, most my files are their but the shortcuts are gone off the desktop and mozilla asked if I wanted to import all my data from OE.

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System Getting Hung Up At Welcome Screen And Won't Continue?

Jul 6, 2005

I have Windows XP on a Compaq laptop. When I turn it on, it attempts to boot up. It starts out normally, flashing the Compaq logo, then the Microsoft logo but seems to get hung up there and won't continue. The MS logo stays on the screen. There are no error messages. Is this a virus?If it is, how do I remove a virus if I can't log on?

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Initial Repairing Hung System

May 18, 2007

I am having trouble repairing windows it never finished the initial repair, it got to 9 minutes left and hung - and when I tried to restart another repair, the bootable xp disk never gave the option to repair again. The computer has XP sp1 on it and I have tried a SP1 XP and SP2 XP disks on it.

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Warnings In Scan Report - Did A Virus Scan

Mar 6, 2006

I did a virus scan using Avira Antivir. There were no viruses on the computer bit it said there were 53 warnings which are as follows:

[WARNING] The file could not be opened!

C:Documents and SettingsLocalServiceNTUSER.DAT

[WARNING] The file could not be opened!

C:Documents and SettingsLocalService

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Computer Freezes At Loading Screen / Blue Bar Hung?

Oct 18, 2006

My dad installed some program on his computer, didn't like it, and uninstalled it. After that, his computer crashed and I haven't been able to get passed the screen with Windows XP Professional and the moving blue bar and then it freezes. Last Good Configuration doesn't work; it ends up at the same place and the blue bar stops also. I System Restored it to the day before he installed the program; once again, the blue bar stops moving.Could this be a hardware issue? Virus (unlikely)?

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Files That Will Not Delete - Remains

Jul 4, 2008

I have a file I want to delete. When I delete using file-delete on the pull down menu nothing happens and the file remains. The file will not allow me to delete it using the left button on the mouse pad.

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Does Not Go Into Standby And Remains Normal

Aug 29, 2006

how to use the standby, as i've used it before in the past times, but recently when i click standby and i wait it does not go into standby and remains normal. Im pretty sure its not a virus/ malware seeing how i scanned my computer with nothing suscipicious.

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Processor Fan Remains On When Pc Shuts Down

May 19, 2008

Windows XP hangs at windows is shutting down message - when shutdown is done.The power & HDD LEDs go off.Processor fan is still ON and remains ON.I need to switch off the main power supply.When I switch On the main power supply, it will remain in a shutdown state where no LEDs are working, processor fan is OFF.Configuration: Processor: Core2Duo 2.4 GHz Motherboard: Mercury 945 GCM (Intel chipset 945 based).RAM : 2 X 1GB = 2GB Transcend Elpida 667MHz Operating System: Windows XP in C Drive, Windows Vista in D Drive. All motherboard drivers are installed.

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Computer Remains Working When Shut Down

Aug 23, 2005

Whenever I try to shutdown my computer or restart nothing happens. It just stays at my desktop. If I try to log off or switch users I get a black screen and a small message window saying with the title of, "Parser Message" then in the window it says, "Value creation failed" at line 40" (with the quotation in the middle). The only way I can turn the computer off is by holding the power button. When I turn the computer on I get the same message and click ok a couple of times then I get to a log on screen where you have to type in a user and password. Normally I just click the user's name. This started this morning when I left the computer on (accidentally) and showered, when I came back my screen saver was on and I moved my mouse and I had the message. I tried going into safe mode and doingsystem restore but that didn't work and I couldn't shutdown from safe mode. When I eventually log on everything works normally. Please help me before I break my computer.

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CDROM Remains Open All Time

Dec 16, 2009

I have an odd problem. My CDROM remains open all time. Even when I try to close it it reopen again. It's very annoying since I cannot install any software using CD.

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After Sp2 Install - System Idle Process Always Remains On

Jun 21, 2006

After a recent win xp pro sp2 install, a system idle process always remains on. It doesn't take more than 16kb usually, so is not a big problem but it does manage to keep my PC's busy light flickering constantly! It is really annoying, but it did not come with the install either, it started a little after it. In my opinion, it was not triggered by any kind of a software or program, but is another one of those "unfortunate mistakes" that windows keeps us entertained with. I probably could fix it with a windows wash, but I was wondering if anyone has any other ideas. My CPU is 700 mhz, celeron B (or the old one, from 97). I have enough disk space, ~ 100gigs, so I am sure it has nothing to do with the page file either.

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Box Turns On Fine But My Monitor Remains Blank

Dec 3, 2008

when I power on my computer system, monitor and box, here is what happens.My box turns on fine but my monitor remains blank as it makes a click, click, click sound. Each click turns the green power light on and then off, on then off, for about 60-90 seconds. When the monitor finally responds and turns on I am at the boot page in Windows. Here is what it says: The previous performance of overclocking is failed, and the system is restored to the default settings.

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Browsing Web Sites - Display Widens, While The Resolution Remains The Same

Dec 20, 2006

browsing web sites, and right before my eyes (not even a screen flicker) the display widens, while the resolution remains the same; looks like my monitor needs to be a few inches wider on each side to fit it all. "That's weird," I thought, and went and tried to fix the display as per usual...no dice. Reboot, no dice. While rebooting, I noted that the startup BIOS info was wide too, and not fitting on the screen...I booted up Ubuntu Linux just to see, and it works just fine...so

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Desktop Icons - Wallpaper Remains Solid Blue

May 21, 2007

This is SIMILAR to several posts I've seen, but different in a subtle way. I have no desktop icons and no wallpaper on one of my computers, but I have the start toolbar and tray icons, and I have access to task manager and all my programs. However, when I right click on the desktop and click arrange icons all the options are grayed out. Also, I cannot change the wallpaper - it remains solid blue (or any other color) no matter what I try. Neither picture wallpapers nor tiled wallpapers appear. I've included the hijack-this log below.

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Lock Out / Screen Remains Visible But The Mouse Is 'frozen

Nov 13, 2006

At completely random intervals(e.g. 2 minutes, 3 hours, sometime during the day/night), the computer 'locks me out' - the screen remains visible but the mouse is 'frozen', the keyboard will not function, any discs in their slots will not release.The system will restart with no apparent problem until the next lock out.I've had a systems check done at the local shop and they are fairly certain that the hardware is not causing the problem.

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"Search Results" Remains In The Task Bar And Will Not Close Out

Jan 30, 2005

My Windows XP Pro Search function is working, however, when I exit the program "Search Results" remains in the task bar and will not close out. The only way to end this is by using the Task Manager. After ending the program with Task Manager some of the running programs originally on the Task Bar do not return. I am not sure whether this is a Search function or Task Manager problem. I have run System File Checker with no luck.

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Starting Up It Gets Hung Up At "Windows Starting Up"

Mar 25, 2007

For about 2 months my computer (Sony VAIO desktop, Pentium IV 1.39 mHz, 512mb RAM, Windows XP Pro, SP2) has been acting strange. I have checked the system for viruses and spyware with AVG and Symmantec and others- with no luck. I also did a Windows repair; it only got worse. I also used reg scrub.First, when starting up it gets hung up at "Windows starting up..." taking about 3 minutes to finally get to the user selection page. Once I login, it takes another 2minutes to fully open up. At that point, my mouse has a constant flicker and takes forever to open up IE (6.0). If I leave the computer for awhile, when I come back and move my mouse to wake it up- it has some new problems: I cannot type in numbers (num lock has no effect), when I type letters, they are in all caps (caps lock off), and when I go to my desktop to select a program to start, it highlights all of the icons and says basically "do you really want to start 38 programs at once".

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