CDROM Remains Open All Time

Dec 16, 2009

I have an odd problem. My CDROM remains open all time. Even when I try to close it it reopen again. It's very annoying since I cannot install any software using CD.

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Cannot Open More Than One Folder At Time

Aug 9, 2008

Is there a way in Windows XP to view the contents of two or more folder contents at the same time? Right now when I click on a Folder 1 to view the files in it, then click ob Folder 2, Folder 1 closes. I can't view the contents of more than one folder at a time without opening up another desktop window in My Computer or Desktop Explorer.

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How To Open IE In Full Screen All Time?

Aug 4, 2006

I want open IE and see the page displayed in the "Full Screen" mode. No matter how I close IE (6.0 SP2) when I re-open it comes up in what I assume is the default "small cluttered screen" mode. I know how to get my display into "Full Screen" using the View menu drop down or by clicking on the Full Screen icon and by using the F11 key. What I need to know is how to get it to open as a "Full Screen" every time I open IE? Is there a setting I can change so I do not have to manually change into "Full Screen" each time I use IE?

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Files That Will Not Delete - Remains

Jul 4, 2008

I have a file I want to delete. When I delete using file-delete on the pull down menu nothing happens and the file remains. The file will not allow me to delete it using the left button on the mouse pad.

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Does Not Go Into Standby And Remains Normal

Aug 29, 2006

how to use the standby, as i've used it before in the past times, but recently when i click standby and i wait it does not go into standby and remains normal. Im pretty sure its not a virus/ malware seeing how i scanned my computer with nothing suscipicious.

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Processor Fan Remains On When Pc Shuts Down

May 19, 2008

Windows XP hangs at windows is shutting down message - when shutdown is done.The power & HDD LEDs go off.Processor fan is still ON and remains ON.I need to switch off the main power supply.When I switch On the main power supply, it will remain in a shutdown state where no LEDs are working, processor fan is OFF.Configuration: Processor: Core2Duo 2.4 GHz Motherboard: Mercury 945 GCM (Intel chipset 945 based).RAM : 2 X 1GB = 2GB Transcend Elpida 667MHz Operating System: Windows XP in C Drive, Windows Vista in D Drive. All motherboard drivers are installed.

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Each Time I Open A Drive It Opens In New Window

Oct 17, 2007

each time i try to open a drive after opening my computer it opens into a new window. while this problem is only with D and E drive and not withC as well this problem is not present even while opening a folder..folder normally opens in same window...please help..

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Takes A Lot Of Time To Open Data Files

Jun 9, 2006

I having trouble opening data files such as Word or Lotus 123. They eventually do open but it take forever (probably 20 seconds). Sometimes they open fast but most of the times I have this long delay. Also printing files is a another task that takes a long time. It seems that the printer isn't recoginzed for at least 15 seconds. I am running on a local network using a Linksys router and also am sharing the printer through a computer on the network with a computer that is running Windows 98SE.

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Add And Remove Programs Takes Too Much Time To Open

Aug 26, 2005

When I open "Add and remove programs" from control panel, the window appears but the list content takes a very long time to open. When I talk about very long time, I means hours I open the "Add and remove programs" and after I go to sleep and in the morning, the list is filled.

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Internet Explorer Crashes Every Time When Open

Apr 27, 2006

My internet explorer just started crashing every time i open it, and also the kazaa lite prog crashes the same way. i haven't tried any other programs, but this is what hijackthis says:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 23:05:57, on 27/04/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Generally Slow - Takes Too Much Time To Open

Jan 15, 2006

I am a having a problem with my computer being slow, when i have one window open and i try to open another one with internet explorer, when i click the start icon it takes awhile for that window to close and another google to start

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Is There A Way To Open Desktop Folders At Specific Time?

Nov 27, 2005

Is there a way to open desktop folders at a specific time? Is there a way to make specific icons bigger, brighter, or in some other way make them stand out.

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Have To Maximize Every Time To Resize Open Items

Jun 30, 2006

Running Windows XP Professional.Windows that used to open to full screen (for example,links to websites,or windows opened by running programs) now are minimized and I have to hit the maximize button every time to re size them a real pain.Ran virus programs,adaware, etc. and can't find anything.Didn't used to be a problem. I read in some thread somewhere that this may have to do with pop up screens resetting something or other but I can't locate that thread. Any clues out there on how to fix this?

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Computer Freezes 50% Of Time / Open A Folder

Aug 17, 2006

This is a nuisance which is really bothering me, about half the time i open a normal folder, the comp freezes, and i have to control alt delete and end task a couple times to make it go away. Does anyone have advice?

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Computer Remains Working When Shut Down

Aug 23, 2005

Whenever I try to shutdown my computer or restart nothing happens. It just stays at my desktop. If I try to log off or switch users I get a black screen and a small message window saying with the title of, "Parser Message" then in the window it says, "Value creation failed" at line 40" (with the quotation in the middle). The only way I can turn the computer off is by holding the power button. When I turn the computer on I get the same message and click ok a couple of times then I get to a log on screen where you have to type in a user and password. Normally I just click the user's name. This started this morning when I left the computer on (accidentally) and showered, when I came back my screen saver was on and I moved my mouse and I had the message. I tried going into safe mode and doingsystem restore but that didn't work and I couldn't shutdown from safe mode. When I eventually log on everything works normally. Please help me before I break my computer.

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Computer Is Coming On Fine - Taking Too Much Time To Open Anything

Feb 25, 2010

Hello,Having trouble with my computer it loads up & comes on ok but when i try to open anything like explorer or anything on my desk its taking a long time to open have run all aniteviruses but not bring anything up

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Double Click Takes More Time To Open A File

Mar 11, 2010

when i am double clicking it takes more time to open a file ( any type).write click also takes more time. i have a lot of application installed in my computer thats why i cannot reformat.

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Computer Freeze Every Time Open Java Applet

Aug 18, 2005

Using Win 2000.The problem is every time a java aplet open a moment later my computer freeze. Nothing can be done but reset the computer.What can I do?

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HJT Scan Log For Review: IE Remains Slow Get Hung-up?

Sep 9, 2008

The computer has sluggish and aggravating moments. Frequently, Internet Explorer Windows get hung-up, and will not close or open. Tabs get stuck and won't change. Boot-up time seems slow. Connection tests indicate speed is optimal, but IE remains slow and clunky. A HJT scan has been performed. I may correct any issues. Also, if there is any fat to be trimmed, oo.

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After Sp2 Install - System Idle Process Always Remains On

Jun 21, 2006

After a recent win xp pro sp2 install, a system idle process always remains on. It doesn't take more than 16kb usually, so is not a big problem but it does manage to keep my PC's busy light flickering constantly! It is really annoying, but it did not come with the install either, it started a little after it. In my opinion, it was not triggered by any kind of a software or program, but is another one of those "unfortunate mistakes" that windows keeps us entertained with. I probably could fix it with a windows wash, but I was wondering if anyone has any other ideas. My CPU is 700 mhz, celeron B (or the old one, from 97). I have enough disk space, ~ 100gigs, so I am sure it has nothing to do with the page file either.

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Box Turns On Fine But My Monitor Remains Blank

Dec 3, 2008

when I power on my computer system, monitor and box, here is what happens.My box turns on fine but my monitor remains blank as it makes a click, click, click sound. Each click turns the green power light on and then off, on then off, for about 60-90 seconds. When the monitor finally responds and turns on I am at the boot page in Windows. Here is what it says: The previous performance of overclocking is failed, and the system is restored to the default settings.

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Firefox Or Explorer Takes Too Much Time To Open - Cable Modem

Mar 5, 2010

I have a pen4 computer with 1 GB of memory and lots of free space on the hard drive. when I click or try to open explorer or Firefox, it just sets there for sometimes 4 or 5 minutes and then it opens. I have a cable modem with other computer on it and none of them have problems.

When I click on the Icon, the hour glass comes up for a few seconds and then goes away, there does not seem to be any activity on the HD and then it all opens and works fine until it is closed again...

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Takes Control Panel/Add-Remove A Long Time To Open?

Feb 4, 2007

I have XPsp2. Why does it take Control Panel and in particular, Add/Remove Programs such a long time to open and populate its list.

It can take anywhere from 10-40 seconds to do this. My drive is 40% free.

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Phishing Filter - Taking A Long Time To Open Web Pages

Sep 30, 2007

My computer is taking a long time to open web pages..."the phishing filter is checking this site" seems like a really long time. Is there something to make this a quicker process? Is it safe to just turn it off? Even when i tried to open this site it took like a minute!

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Lotus Word-pro Files Taking Long Time To Open?

Jun 28, 2005

when I try to open a Lotus WordPro file (*lwp) inside a folder it can take 30 seconds or more to open. Sometimes I have to click on the file a second time at which time I get a(not responding) message on the folder bar.If I open the same file by starting WordPro and selecting the same file from among recently opened files it opens almost instantly. Other types of files don't seem to be affected the system crashes when I right click on a folder to try and display properties.

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Deleting Takes A Long Time Recycle Bin Doesn't Open

Dec 5, 2008

My computer takes a long time when I try to delete a file (doesn't matter what size or kind of file). Once I click on the file and hit delete the hard drive starts going and after a while I get a confirmation message "Are you sure you want to send file.ext to the recycle bin?" I click yes and then it's hung up again for a while as I watch pieces of paper float accross the screen from a file folder to a recycle bin, and then it finally deletes. This is a new problem on my old machine.I also can't open the recylcing bin, but I can empty it. When I click on the recycle bin it opens a window and shows the "flashlight" icon, the hard drive goes, and it never finished it's process, never displays the recycling bin contents.

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Error Message Every Time Open Link Repair Install?

Jul 12, 2005

I get an error message everytime I try to open a link to repair install xp.

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Browsing Web Sites - Display Widens, While The Resolution Remains The Same

Dec 20, 2006

browsing web sites, and right before my eyes (not even a screen flicker) the display widens, while the resolution remains the same; looks like my monitor needs to be a few inches wider on each side to fit it all. "That's weird," I thought, and went and tried to fix the display as per dice. Reboot, no dice. While rebooting, I noted that the startup BIOS info was wide too, and not fitting on the screen...I booted up Ubuntu Linux just to see, and it works just

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Desktop Icons - Wallpaper Remains Solid Blue

May 21, 2007

This is SIMILAR to several posts I've seen, but different in a subtle way. I have no desktop icons and no wallpaper on one of my computers, but I have the start toolbar and tray icons, and I have access to task manager and all my programs. However, when I right click on the desktop and click arrange icons all the options are grayed out. Also, I cannot change the wallpaper - it remains solid blue (or any other color) no matter what I try. Neither picture wallpapers nor tiled wallpapers appear. I've included the hijack-this log below.

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Lock Out / Screen Remains Visible But The Mouse Is 'frozen

Nov 13, 2006

At completely random intervals(e.g. 2 minutes, 3 hours, sometime during the day/night), the computer 'locks me out' - the screen remains visible but the mouse is 'frozen', the keyboard will not function, any discs in their slots will not release.The system will restart with no apparent problem until the next lock out.I've had a systems check done at the local shop and they are fairly certain that the hardware is not causing the problem.

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Running Dreadfully Slow / Fire Fox Takes Long Time To Open Tab

Aug 25, 2006

Every thing runs pretty slow, Firefox takes 5+ seconds to switch tabs, Thunderbird takes almost that long to open messages, Gaim's buddy list scrolling is extremely slow, Paint Shop Pro/Gimp/Photoshop filters take almost double the time they do on my other weaker IBM (see computer specs). It's just terribly slow.

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