Deleting Files / Folders Just Delete / Don't Go To Recycle Bin For Recover
Apr 7, 2008
Have an issue that I couldn't find a solution in Google or on these forums, so I am going to post.When deleting a file/folder from an WinXP desktop, typically it would go to the Recycle Bin, incase I need it for later. In this case, it isn't.its just deleting. Not ending up in the Recycle Bin, and no chance to recover.
Is there anyway to change so that they end up in the Recycle Bin first, before being deleted?
I finally need to update to Vista. My PC still works well, it's just been having some problems lately. Anyway, The reason for this thread is because something bizarre happened. I had just sent 2 or 3 files to the Recycle Bin. Then I right-clicked it and hit "Empty Recycle Bin". It deleted the files; that's all well and fine. Then I noticed, that after I deleted them, the icon had paper in the bin like there were files in it. So I opened it and saw nothing. I closed that and saw the icon still said there were files in it. So I right-clicked, hit "Empty Recycle Bin", then saw the same old "Are you sure you want to delete (insert file)?" message. Instinctively, I hit "Yes" and started reading what file it was while clicking it. BAM. The file was I thought for sure my PC was screwed for good. But I checked in "HP_PAVILION C" and it was still there, I looked again at the "Recycle Bin" and everything was fine.
I am using XP and would like to regularly transfer files as a backup to a usb stick. As the capacity of the USB stick is limited, I will have to delete older backups when I run my scheduled transfer of new files. I usually have these files encrypted as they are confidential. My question is where do they go if I delete them on the USB stick? Are they ending up on my harddrive or in the recycle bin of the harddrive from where they can still be retrieved later on? Do USB sticks have their own recycle bin or some area where deleted files slumber?
I use Windows XP. There is not a lot in the Recycle Bin - some goes back to last year. Some recent deletes are there. I deleted a large number of music files (mp3) and folders and only 3 of these files are in the recycle bin. The Recycle Bin settings are global and do not allow for auto delete. The disk space available is large.
Using explorer to search through the temp internet folders, I find there are a few files that are not being deleted. About 30 of them are named "size=1x1&name=ATAtracker..etc.etc..gif" at 1KB in size. In another folder also under the Temporary Internet Files | Content.IE5, is a file "makeplaylist.dll%3F....etc.etc..asx". In another folder 2 files from a Playstation 2 website both filenames starting with "Network=ugo&size=....etc.etc..html". There are more folders yet, but this serves as enough. The right click on the filename does not render the delete option. Depressing the keyboard delete button does not cause the file to delete nor even bring up the confirmation window for deleting. Trying to delete the folder(s) themselves, even in Safe Mode brings up a message saying "Cannot delete Size_1~1.gif. Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and filename." In folder attributes, there is the read only option to check or uncheck.
I deleted some large (2 to 3MB) Photoshop files in order to free up disk space, but two of them cannot be deleted or moved from recycle bin. "Empty recycle bin" command or "Delete command" yield the following error message; [error messages refer to the files as Dc2 and Dc8, respectively]: "cannot delete Dc8:it is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." "Restore" command, attempting to cut and paste, or attempting to drag either file to another folder yield this error message: "cannot move Dc8:it is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." This happens even when recycle bin is right-clicked from the desktop icon immediately after start-up and with no programs running.
I want to know if there is a way to delete my files from the recycle bin as when I try to delete them it displays an error saying "Cannot delete file".If you have some idea how to delete these then please tell me ?
I use my D: drive exclusively as a backup. I would like for it to keep a few items in case I delete something by accident, but I want to be able to empty it. I can't figure out how to empty it. It does not have the trashbox icon like the "Recycled" folder on my C drive. It does not have an "Empty Recycle Bin" in the File Menu drop down like the one on the C: drive. I have tried several times to delete the items in it. They go away when deleted as expected by they keep coming back. They are like zombies, you can't kill them.
I am trying to delete a file that I downloaded. When I try to delete it, it says "Cannot delete dmd-awty: It is being used by another person or program." I closed everything and even restarted, but the file won't delete
I have copied some files from my Mac to my PC. I get a file that starts with "._". I also get the file I copied. When I try to delete the file that starts with ._, I get a message saying cannot delete file, can't read source disk
alright, i got mad last time iw as here and swore i'd never comeback but well i'm desperate I have managed to somehow recycle my recycle bin. Can't find it in a search.
My system is set up with three harddrives and multiple partitions on each drive.I know that if I just delete a file, it's stored in the Recycle Bin and not actually deleted, even if I empty the bin.However, since the Recycle Bin is on the C: drive, if I delete a file from another drive's partition, and then I use Eraser on the Recycle Bin to overwrite the files inside, are the files still on the partition and the empty space on it now has to also be Erased?
A way to recover deleted files that were deleted from the recycle bin.Maybe someone has a favorite utility that they've used with success.I am using Windows XP.
I regularely use CCleaner to quickly remove junk from my computer. It empties the "Temporary Internet Files" folder and many temporary files but it does not empty the "Temp" folder in Windows XP (C:Documents and Settings(Account Name)Local SettingsTemp) or the "My Temp Files" folder within the "Temp" folder. I've noticed that videos I've watched online get stored in this folder as well as folders full of virus signatures downloaded before doing free online virus scans. Consequently this folder can quickly eat up valuable space on my laptops little hard drive.
I installed a game from MSN,but later uninstalled it using Control Panel>Uninstall Programs.However in my Program Files Folder there remains a folder called MSN Gaming Zone. It has a sub-folder called Windows which in turn has 22 files. The files are all .exe and .dlls.I can't for the life of me delete these folders or the files. If I delete the files they go to the recycle bin, but then 10-15 seconds later reappear back in the MSN Gaming ZoneWindows sub-folder. If I delete them again, they reappear, and there are now 44 files in the recycle folder.The system won't allow me to delete the folders, saying they are in use.I have administrator rights on a Dell Laptop running XP Pro.
im trying to customize Windows XP Pro to my liking very strictly and for some reason i just cannot delete the History and Temporary Internet Files folder, i 100% do not want them there but if i try delete them it comes up with History is a Windows system folder and is required for Windows to run properly. It cannot be deleted.iv'e tried booting into Linux and deleting it off their but when i booted back into windows it replaced them again, i also logged in as the SYSTEM user and deleted them but to no avail. I seriously do not want them folders their, and to my knowledge they ARE NOT required for windows to run properly.
I have two machines on my home net and both run XP-Pro.Problem 1 is that I have something like 30k files in the recyclers on my D Drive that I can't delete.Problem 2 is that I recently did a restore from a backup and even though user names, admin access etc are same I can't access open or even delete many of the unused folders. I have tried moving them to shared files folder, and using my admin privilege to take ownership and or change attributes but nothing so far works. Safe boot, safeboot command prompt all nada. can any one help me out here ?
Using XP SP2 and I can not move, rename or delete any folders.For example - I create a New Folder and try to rename it - it stays as New Folder. I try to move ANY folder and it does not move - stays where it is. Even when copying contents of a USB stick - folders will not move, be renamed or deleted. I CAN however, move files and rename and delete files - just not ANY folder!I can delete the folders from the command prompt though.
How do I recover an accidentaly deleted file from the recycle bin? By mistake, my recycle bin was emptied/deleted of its contents and there was a file in there I needed.
I have a regular xp computer and today, a 2003 word file was deleted from the recycle bin I needed that file! I don't know much about computers, so how could I restore my file so I can print it?
I'm running Windows XP, and I've been having trouble with my Recycle Bin lately. Whenever I delete something some time later my recycle bin empties. Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove Files immediately when deleted is unchecked, and the maximum size of Recycle Bin is at 18%. I moved it to 100 to see if that was the problem, but it wasn't. I couldn't remember what it was at before, so I just put it to 18. Would anyone know what my problem is?
I deleted the recycle bin from the system registry, because I wanted it off of my desktop, but now it's gone from my computer! Go to Start < Run < Type regedit Find[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace Click Edit < New < Key Then paste {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and hit enter. Restart.
After migrating my win xp pro system to a bigger hard drive using the Western Digital tools, everytime I try to empty the Recycle Bin, an error dialog pops up stating Error Deleting File or Folder: Access Denied..When I explore the Recycle Bin folder, it's empty. Then I try to empty the Recycle Bin again. The same message appears.
My computer takes a long time when I try to delete a file (doesn't matter what size or kind of file). Once I click on the file and hit delete the hard drive starts going and after a while I get a confirmation message "Are you sure you want to send file.ext to the recycle bin?" I click yes and then it's hung up again for a while as I watch pieces of paper float accross the screen from a file folder to a recycle bin, and then it finally deletes. This is a new problem on my old machine.I also can't open the recylcing bin, but I can empty it. When I click on the recycle bin it opens a window and shows the "flashlight" icon, the hard drive goes, and it never finished it's process, never displays the recycling bin contents.
Folders were named "+stuff" and "++++junk" were accidentally deleted from my documents. didn't appear in the recycle bin can't be found to restore. Anyone heard of this being a known issue can the plus sign be used in folder names? I've tried to duplicate and can't. I can create new ones and delete and restore
I'm trying to clean up my computer to organize all my files and clean up some of this mess. I recently transfered some old "Favorites" via CDrom from my old computer to this computer. I created a temporary folder in "Favorites" to stick them in. Now that it's been emptied and all the links have been sorted, XP wont let me delete the folder. It keeps saying that it's a system folder and Window's needs it. (Although what for, I can't imagine, it seemed to do fine without it).
I've left clicked on it and gone into Properties and tried numerous times and unclicked "Read-only" with no luck. I have been able to change the name of the folder, but it still wont let me delete it. I've had a similar problem with my Start Menu that's yet to be fixed. A long time ago I tried "Safe Mode", but certain files still wouldn't delete.
I have some registry folders that I NEED to permanantly delete Unfortunatly, every time I delete the folder and restart the computer, windows XP Pro puts it back. Is there a way to permanantly delete the backups (either the backups that windows makes or the folder in the registry itself) so that windows doesnt restore the deleted folder?
I have a folder that I can not delete. I had a bunch of folders with music files in them. I was re-arranging, renaming, and deleting them. At the end of the day, there was one folder that I could not delete from the recycle bin. When I tried to empty the recycle bin, it would delete files until it got to this one. Then I would get the message:(Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk). I would then have to go into the recycle bin and delete the remaining files manually. But this one would still not delete out of the recycle bin.
The error I get is: "Are you sure you want to delete these 55 items?" (Yes) "Cannot delete (long filename): the filename you specified is invalid or too long. Specify a different filename." The problem is, the recycle bin appears empty when viewed, and I've tried making sure all hidden files and folders are shown.I've tried ForceDelete (on the weird file/folder/whatever in c: ecycler) and it did not work.I've also tried removing and replacing the registry entry for the recycle bin, it did not correct the problem.Is there a way perhaps to do this in DOS? What would the exact command/location be? I've tried "deltree C: ecycler" and "del C:
I've got Windows XP on my laptop. I recently created a file on my desktop with some Mp3's in it. I moved the Mp3's to my player and deleted the contents. Therefore, the folder remained empty. When I went to delete the folder, the recycle bin would not let me put it in there. I get a message saying: "Cannot delete (name of file): cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path or file name".