Cannot Delete Life Of Folders And/or Files

Apr 1, 2006

I installed a game from MSN,but later uninstalled it using Control Panel>Uninstall Programs.However in my Program Files Folder there remains a folder called MSN Gaming Zone. It has a sub-folder called Windows which in turn has 22 files. The files are all .exe and .dlls.I can't for the life of me delete these folders or the files. If I delete the files they go to the recycle bin, but then 10-15 seconds later reappear back in the MSN Gaming ZoneWindows sub-folder. If I delete them again, they reappear, and there are now 44 files in the recycle folder.The system won't allow me to delete the folders, saying they are in use.I have administrator rights on a Dell Laptop running XP Pro.

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Temp Folders - Delete All Files

Nov 10, 2006

I regularely use CCleaner to quickly remove junk from my computer. It empties the "Temporary Internet Files" folder and many temporary files but it does not empty the "Temp" folder in Windows XP (C:Documents and Settings(Account Name)Local SettingsTemp) or the "My Temp Files" folder within the "Temp" folder. I've noticed that videos I've watched online get stored in this folder as well as folders full of virus signatures downloaded before doing free online virus scans. Consequently this folder can quickly eat up valuable space on my laptops little hard drive.

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Deleting Files / Folders Just Delete / Don't Go To Recycle Bin For Recover

Apr 7, 2008

Have an issue that I couldn't find a solution in Google or on these forums, so I am going to post.When deleting a file/folder from an WinXP desktop, typically it would go to the Recycle Bin, incase I need it for later. In this case, it isn't.its just deleting. Not ending up in the Recycle Bin, and no chance to recover.
Is there anyway to change so that they end up in the Recycle Bin first, before being deleted?

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Delete History - Temp Internet Files FOLDERS

Jun 15, 2009

im trying to customize Windows XP Pro to my liking very strictly and for some reason i just cannot delete the History and Temporary Internet Files folder, i 100% do not want them there but if i try delete them it comes up with History is a Windows system folder and is required for Windows to run properly. It cannot be deleted.iv'e tried booting into Linux and deleting it off their but when i booted back into windows it replaced them again, i also logged in as the SYSTEM user and deleted them but to no avail. I seriously do not want them folders their, and to my knowledge they ARE NOT required for windows to run properly.

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Unable To Delete Files / Folders Due To Access Denied

Aug 23, 2005

I have two machines on my home net and both run XP-Pro.Problem 1 is that I have something like 30k files in the recyclers on my D Drive that I can't delete.Problem 2 is that I recently did a restore from a backup and even though user names, admin access etc are same I can't access open or even delete many of the unused folders. I have tried moving them to shared files folder, and using my admin privilege to take ownership and or change attributes but nothing so far works. Safe boot, safeboot command prompt all nada.
can any one help me out here ?

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Unable To Delete Or Remove And Rename Files And Folders?

Jun 17, 2005

Using XP SP2 and I can not move, rename or delete any folders.For example - I create a New Folder and try to rename it - it stays as New Folder. I try to move ANY folder and it does not move - stays where it is. Even when copying contents of a USB stick - folders will not move, be renamed or deleted. I CAN however, move files and rename and delete files - just not ANY folder!I can delete the folders from the command prompt though.

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Half Life Unplayable Without Tweaking

Aug 12, 2002

Half life is unplayable on XP without tweaking.1. How to recover from incompatible driversBefore you install new drivers set a system restore point. Start>All programs>Accessories>system tools>system restore After your new drivers don't work reset your computer. Press F8 repeatedly as soon as the BIOS screen disappears, and before the Windows XP screen appears. Select safe mode. Use system restore again to undo your mess.2.Video Drivers The NVidia drivers that come with XP do not allow you to run Half Life in OpenGL.Update to the newest drivers.Despite the fact that they are not official drivers, 22.50 was the only set which worked 3. Sound DriversUse windows update to update Creative drivers.4.Fixing screen flickerWindows XP defaults to 60Hz for games.A fix is available here: Select set: every resolution to monitor's maximum supported rate5. Fixing lagIf you are having trouble with lag, try disabling the windows XP firewall. Go to control panel>network connections. Select connection, right click,properties, advanced, untick the firewall.6. MouseYou can improve your mouse smoothness for games.Control panel>mouse>hardware>properties>advancedChange the sample rate to a higher one, eg. 200.

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Delete IE7 Updates Folders

Jul 14, 2009

I was checking my Windows folder, with hidden files shown, and I noticed there are 2 folder, 'ie7' and 'ie7updates'. I'm now using IE 8, and they have their respective folders below this, with 'ie8' and 'ie8updates'. What I want to know is, since I'm not using IE 7 anymore, can i safely delete these 2 folders, which are combined over 100 mb. Can anyone give me advice if I should do this and will it cause any harm to my Operation System.

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Unable To Delete Folders

Mar 25, 2006

I have two empty folders on my drive I am unable to delete.Error message..Cannot delete, cannot read from source file or disk.

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Cannot Delete Folders On Xp Desktop

Aug 15, 2007

I have about 8 folders on my destop that are empty. I can delete them but when I reboot the pc they are back on the desktop. I have even tried to delete them with bc wipe. I do have rollback installed it's similar to goback only better.This problem started before installing rollback. No other files do I have trouble deleting. I do have system restore turned on probably do not need to now that rollback is installed.I deleted folders and they are in trash. I emptied the trash no folders inside. Not deleted in safe mode. I restarted and they reappear on the desktop. Rollback was not activated during the restart.I checked the folder permissons and all boxes are checked but they are grayed out.The folder is set as read only and I try to change it and hit apply but they cannot be deleted.

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Any Command To Delete Folders

Dec 24, 2007

Is there any dos command to delete several folders?Generally I do this:Code: C:/>rmdir /s foobar and then I get a prompt asking me if I am sure I want to delete this folder.So how can I do this for several folders in a drive without having to type in the names of those folders one by one.

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Delete The CMEII And GMT Folders

Aug 12, 2002

Those damn GAIN ads that popup like MSN Messanger, are annoying.Do this to remove the GAIN advertising system, but keep the programs.To do this, from the Windows Start button, select Programs, GAIN, and then About GAIN.When the About Gain window opens, click on the Diagnostics tab, and then click on the ClickHere link to shut down all Gain/Gator components.Note that if you do not have a listing for GAIN in the Programs menu, you can use Close Programs/ Task Manger and End Task on GMT and/or CMESys.After it is closed, you could then delete the CMEII & GMT folders in Windows Explorer.C:Program FilesCommon FilesCMEII C:Program FilesCommon FilesGMT Just the CMEII and the GMT folders and their contents, nothing above them.

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Cleaning Out Temp Files - Show Hidden Files - Folders

Aug 6, 2009

I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?

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Folder Opens - Cannot Delete Folders

Mar 12, 2007

I was trying to change the icon of my file folders to something else, and somewhere it said that I could do that at the file types tab of folder options in the control panel. I tried it and it didn't work (not important). However, whenever I opened a folder, it just opened search. I went back and looked at the actions and I didn't see open in there, but find was there (not in bold or anything), so I guessed that it was "find"ing instead of opening. I added a new action called "Open" that used explorer.exe and set it to the default action, but now every folder opens in a new window. I can't delete the action at all and have no idea how to change it. I'm new here and am not sure if this thread is where it belongs. (First post btw).

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Saving Music Files As Individual Files / NOT In Folders

Jan 21, 2005

I am a big music downloader (all paid for, thank you)! I'm 55 so I guess I forgot how to download them as individual songs and not have them arbitrarily placed in folders predetermined by Windows. I remember a musicmatch and/or real networks technician told me once how to change my settings so they are captured as individual songs. Probably a simple answer, but I don't remember it.

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Multiple My Documents Folders-safely Delete Others?

Aug 13, 2005

I have built an new xp pro machine and upon first boot up, it created (among others) a My Documents folder. Then when I used the Files and Settings Transfer wizard, it moved my old My Documents folder from the old machine to the new one. Problem is, they have different names. I expect if I'd named them identically, there wouldn't be two of them. Each file I try to save defaults to the one from the old machine. My question is, can I safely
delete the other?

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Weird Folders On Hard Drive That Can't Delete

Jan 12, 2005

I installed service pack 1 and 2 for WinXP and ever since, these folders have appeared on my hard drives. Windows gives me "Access Denied" everytime I try to delete these folders.

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Delete My EBooks And Other Special Folders In My Doucments

Aug 12, 2002

Click Start, then Run and type: regsvr32 /u mydocs.dllthen delete them.

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Cannot Delete Multiple User Folders - Nasty Virus

Jan 8, 2009

I recently performed a system recovery after getting a rather nasty virus. Everything else seems fine apart from these multiple instances of my administrator folder:

I'd like to delete all these un-necessary folders but when I try it says they are necessary for windows to run properly.

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Delete Message - Trying To Delete All Files

Oct 19, 2007

When I start up whether in SAFE Mode or Normal I automatically get the Confirm Delete Message. This applies to programs, icons, photos, documents , folders etc - I cannot get to any of my work to back it up. I have tried Stinger -F-Force and W32.Blackmal@mm Removal Tools. Ran a full AVG scan with uptodate anti virus and Adaware Spyware. Sorry forgot to mention other things tried. The Pop up message does not appear in the Task Manger either as applications or processes. Each time you respongd NO to negate the delete it pops up again. There is no way I can get to any of my folders or files to burn to a CD as backup without the Confirm Delete message.

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Files Won't Delete - MOB Delete File

Sep 12, 2006

I am attempting to clean out my temp files on my Windows XP Home. The files and folders that I am addressing are: C:WINDOWSTEMP*.* *.OLD *.CHK *.BAK ~*.* _*.* and MSCREATE.DIRI have managed to clean all but one, which is _*.* When I run the search, I get the result of 144 files. I click on edit, select all, then file, delete. I receive the following error "cannot delete file: Cannot read the source file or disk" (please view screen shot). When I right click, I have no delete option, just "open containing folder, copy, and extract. (please view screen shot). I have run AdAware, Spybot, Ewido, and Avg Free. I also have CCleaner, Easy Clean which I have run. I have also used "Move On Boot" by putting the file path in the MOB window and try to have MOB delete the file. MOB says the file will be removed on the next boot.

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Files Have The Exact Same Files And Folders In Them

Aug 10, 2005

I have My Documents and Sheila's Documents. both files have the exact same files and folders in them. may I safely eliminate one of them? if I eliminate one of them which one would be preferable? will it be ebuilt
after I eliminate it?

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Can't Delete Files From Temporary Internet Files In Pro

May 22, 2010

There are many files listed in this folder. I am unable to delete them. When I go to this directory in safe mode command prompt there are no files. I even used dir /A:H to included hidden files and there are none. But I can still see them in Windows XP PRO. I have Norton 360 and it did not find any viruses. Went I try to delete them windows gives no errors. Some of the files even have the same name and extension. Is there a cache or a temp file I need to delete first?

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Bat. Delete Folders In A Folder Not Delete Folder

Nov 30, 2004

I have a batch file to delete temp files but it will not delete folders. DEL /s /q c:"Documents and Settings"Username"Local Settings"Temp If I use the following it deletes Temp file also. I do not want that. rd /s /q c:"Documents and Settings "BillandWezzie" Local Settings"Temp I hope there is some other way, because I have other folders that I do not want to lose. I think the above folder will come back when needed, but I am not sure.

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Cannot See Hidden Folders Or Files

May 16, 2008

I want to see my hidden files in my computer but i cant make it happen i tried go to folder options/view/show hidden folders i apply and the ok but it doesnt work i go abck there and the do not show is thicked I am runing xps2 , is just reformated computer

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Cant See Hidden Files And Folders ?

Sep 23, 2005

I am using windows xp pro, now when I go to my computer- tools-folder option and try to select the option show all files and also uncheck the option below it that is show system files and folders still I could not see my hidden files and folders, is there any other thing that can be done to see hidden files and folders.

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Hidden Files In ZIP Folders

Aug 10, 2005

Is there a way for me to keep a hidden file "hidden" in a ZIP folder?

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Can't Unhide Folders & Files

Mar 19, 2008

To unhide a folder, I do Tools>folder options>view & click on the 'show hidden files & folders' radio button. But when I apply or say 'OK' & exit. The folders are still hidden!When I check Folder Options again, the button is back to 'Don't show hidden.'So I'm not able to unhide files or folders!

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Many Files Missing From Folders

Oct 16, 2005

I turned on my laptop, and many files were missing from folders. In particular, I had two folders on my desktop, with many subfolders in each. Each subfolder had multiple files in them. When I went to access one, ALL of the SUBFOLDERS and ALL of the FILES were gone. I tried a system restore, and it brought back the subfolders, but not the files. I then tried TuneUp, CleanUP, HijackThis, Ewido, Micrsoft Antispyware, Lavasoft, and many other programs to bring back the files, but nothing can find them. I also have a updated McAfee constantly running, and there was never a virus.

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Get Access To All Files And Folders?

Jul 4, 2005

I recently had a lightning striking down wich ruined my PC, so now I had to buy a new one. Luckily, one of my hard-drives survived. The problem is this:Ont the hard-drive which survived I have a lot of data which I need to get access to. In the "Documents and settings" folder I get access to 3 out of 5 profiles, but not the one I need to get access to. I had password set on those two user accounts. I guess this is the reason why I don't get access to those two folders. When I try to access those two folders I get "Access denied". How do I override this? Do I need to remove the SID?

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Mix Files And Folders In Explorer

Nov 27, 2007

Is there a way to make files and folders mingle together when using details view in Windows XP? The way it works now, the folders are always grouped separately from the normal files. I typically sort by filename and I'd like the folders to be mixed in with the files, sorted by name just as if they were regular files themselves.I know this isn't an error condition, but it is an annoyance. Please post a reply if you know a fix or workaround for this.

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