Deleted Files - Folders Not Showing In Recycle Bin
Oct 20, 2009
I use Windows XP. There is not a lot in the Recycle Bin - some goes back to last year. Some recent deletes are there. I deleted a large number of music files (mp3) and folders and only 3 of these files are in the recycle bin. The Recycle Bin settings are global and do not allow for auto delete. The disk space available is large.
My recycle bin won't show its contents. I can delete a file and it goes to the recycle bin but when I open the bin, nothing shows. Clicking on "Empty Recycle Bin" gives a message asking if I want to delete x items. The x increases everytime I delete another file.
Recycle bin does not show any files that i have deleted, i need to restore them. When i go to empty recycle bin it asks if i want to delete these 10 items, but nothing is shown. I really need to find these 10 files and restore them. Any clues?
A way to recover deleted files that were deleted from the recycle bin.Maybe someone has a favorite utility that they've used with success.I am using Windows XP.
I'm having a problem with my recycle bin. When I delete something from my c: drive it deletes permanently. It does not go to recycle bin. And when I go to recycle bin properties c: drive is just not there. I can see my d: and g: drive but the c: drive is just not there. Does anybody know what the problem might be, and how to fix it?
My computer's deleted files don't go to the bin, but are directly deleted. I have fixed the problem temporarily by renaming the c: Recycle folder and then letting Windows create a new bin, then deleting the renamed folder. This lasts for a day or two then the problem returns. I'm looking for a more permanent fix short of reformatting.
When I delete emails in Outlook Express they move over to the Deleted file ok. When I try and empty Deleted file I get an error message saying they can not be deleted and there may be some damaged section on the main drive. It then says I should run Scan Disk or similar. There is no ScanDisk but I went control Panel, c drive, properties and ran Ckdisk. It takes a while to run and I have done it several times, as well as Disk Cleanup Colin.
something is wrong with my recycle bin ni wonder wuts wrong. wutever i delet doesn't go to Recycle Bin one more thing i noticed dat the icon for Show Desktop is not working either..i tried alot im so pissed off.
My daughter is running win XP professional on a desktop Gateway P4 (about 3 years old) and after successfully cleaning up incredible amounts of spam (Look2Me- horrible!), I found that her recycle bin shows no deleted files. It doesn't even show that they are being deleted, yet they disappear. Of course I have all the usual checked off in both the Recycle Bin Properties and in Win Explorer like 'view hidden files and folders'. It's also set to '10% max size', '1 setting for all drives', and 'show delete confirmation' (which it does not do). Also strange to me is that there is only a Global tab available in her recycle bin properties. I run XP Home on my desktop and laptop, and there are 2 other tabs for both C and D drives. She has no windows login set so there are no administrator rights set which would prohibit me from deleting. I've searched through article after article online and even downloaded a recycle bin fix (restorerecyclebin.reg) from a reputable site. I then attempted to do a manual fix to delete the recycle bin and let Windows replace the bad component (Info2 - whatever this is), which suggested using the command prompt (CMD) and typing in a series of directions, but when I type each line in and press 'enter', it doesn't recognize the direction (I'm not too sharp in the DOS area!).
yeah, uhh... im not sure what happened, but i created a new folder to drop compressed files into, did what i needed to do, everything was fine... i went and deelted it (didnt need it anymore) and it said that i couldnt because it was write-protected. i went in and deleted each file to see if any were running, and no... so i deleted them all, and then the folder, and it deleted. went to empty the recycle bin, and it emptied, but still showed up as full, tried to empty and i got this
Have an issue that I couldn't find a solution in Google or on these forums, so I am going to post.When deleting a file/folder from an WinXP desktop, typically it would go to the Recycle Bin, incase I need it for later. In this case, it isn't.its just deleting. Not ending up in the Recycle Bin, and no chance to recover. Is there anyway to change so that they end up in the Recycle Bin first, before being deleted?
I have a system with OS XP professional recently i am facing a problem, the problem is when i am trying to view hidden files and folders its not showing. As we go to Tools - Folder Options - Show Hidden Files and Folders when i click on the option show hidden files and folders desktop is getting refreshed but not showing the hidden files and folders.
i have shared folders on the server, and on the weekend a department group were here doing some work. next working day, i came to find out that some folders were deleted.. how is it possible to trace out who deleted the folders?.ip address, computer name, user name, etc .. can be helpfull. but how to find these information ?
No matter what I do, when I change the properties of a single directory to either show or not show hidden files and folders, that property then changes in every single directory on the whole drive. I do not click on "Apply to All Folders", I just go to the directory of interest and change the button in Folder Options>View and press "OK". Is there a trick here? Basically I want some folders to show hidden folders, and others to not show them. Right now it's either all or nothing! Again, I am NOT pressing apply to all, which I know will apply all view settings to every folder.
After putting Dell E520 in sleep mode for a day. upon restart logged in and a desktop came up that looked like a default dell set-up some program icons were there but my desktop image was not. No folders. Nothing I had customized for me was there.It was as if all files and folders I created or saved were deleted with no trace left behind.went into BIOS cked around everything looked o.k then shut down and started up same thing again. After doing this twice Started up again and logging in normally Everything came back up all folders and files , my desktop image everything as I had left it 2 days ago , totally strange.
The bin says it has something in it but when I open the bin there is nothing. When I press empty recycle bin it gives me the usual warning, 'Are you sure you want to delete these files', But the bin still has the full icon and if i press empty bin again, The same thing happens. Also, When deleting files it says, 'Do you wish to delete?' and gets deleted without going to the recycle bin. I have checked my recycle bins properties and the box 'Delete without sending to recycle bin' is not checked.
I have windows XP home on an hp pavilion. My bin was extremely full--hence the accident. I hoped it would come back on reboot, and I tried system restore. I am using undelete, but I think the program converts the recycle bin to its own recovery folder. Hope to get a solution.
How do I recover an accidentaly deleted file from the recycle bin? By mistake, my recycle bin was emptied/deleted of its contents and there was a file in there I needed.
I have a regular xp computer and today, a 2003 word file was deleted from the recycle bin I needed that file! I don't know much about computers, so how could I restore my file so I can print it?
I seem to have deleted all my preferences from windows. I was trying to get rid of a virus, maybe this is the virus. When I booted up today I was welcomed by a default wall paper no icons except recycle bin. No files on the desktop, no saved emails, no browser preferences, actually no preference for any program they're all gone. If any thing where did all the files from my desk top go?
I correct that deleted Recycle Bin files still remain unseen on the hard drive? If so, is there any way of removing the deleted "Recycle Bin" items without affecting anything else on the Hard Disk? My original and now #2 computer has a very small Hard Disk (15 GB). I have cleaned out everything but the OS and installed programs. I would like to remove the one GB of My Documents files I put into the Recycle Bin and then further deleted from there, if indeed they are still resident on the Hard Disk. My intent is to hopefully increase performance of that machine, which also has a very slow processor and only 190 MB RAM. Right now the OS and programs occupy one-half of the Hard Disk. I am running "XP Home" on that computer. I will only use C #2 for reaching the Internet should my #1 computer "go down. (I would be lost without that daily exercise!) C #1 is fully backed up weekly to an external Hard Disk.
Folders were named "+stuff" and "++++junk" were accidentally deleted from my documents. didn't appear in the recycle bin can't be found to restore. Anyone heard of this being a known issue can the plus sign be used in folder names? I've tried to duplicate and can't. I can create new ones and delete and restore
I was testing my FTP server tonight and when I connect to the home directory there's two folders that show up (RECYCLER and System Volume Information) in the home directory that shouldn't be there. When I go into my home directory in Windows Explorer these folders don't show up there, even if I choose to show the hidden files. If I can't get these folders to show up in Windows Explorer I can't exclude them from showing up in my FTP Server software. Is it possible that they show up in my FTP client because I'm connecting to the same machine the server is on? That's all I can come up with.
First I booted from the Windows XP cd because I wanted to format the C drive. I had forgotten I had my external hard drive still plugged in and I accidently deleted the partition for it and created a new one. I didn't FORMAT it, but then when I started up my computer, all the files were gone. So does that mean my files are premanently deleted or can I save the files somehow?.
i have this one problem. i created new folder in total commander (F7) and named it whatever. the folder was created but those last three slashes didnt appear in the name. i wanted to delete (DEL key) it but it didnt work... the folder was still there without any error message. i ran checkdisk (correct errors etc.) and then tryed to del it. i finally downloaded some erase program that should do the deleting. but again it didnt work. i really dunno what should i do besides formating the disc. any ideas what could work?
I am having great difficulty with my current hard drive, a Maxtor 160GB 7200 drive. About a month ago, several folders began randomly turning into gibberish, and when I click on the folder, the amount of data listed is in the Gigabytes, instead of Megabytes. The corrupted folders could not be deleted, nor could the programs be removed. So, three weeks ago, I reinstalled Windows XP and re-formatted the partition on which these corrupted folders were located. For three weeks, things have been just fine. Today, however, when I tried to use Corel Quattro Pro, it would not work. Sure enough, the entire Corel folder has turned into unintelligible goo, and can not be deleted. At first, I thought a virus might be causing this random corruption. However, I now I suspect that this constitutes hard drive corruption, possibly early signs that hard drive failure is around the corner. One bit of information that I think I need to relay is that, in addition to Windows XP, I also run Windows 98 on this computer. None of the 7 partitions are over 20GB, however, so I wouldn't think that Windows 98 would have any trouble recognizing the data.
Today I downloaded a software called "spaceMonger" and explored my C drive (Not rooot drive) for the disc space usages..I got some huge files under Recycler and deleted em.But, There were some folders that software reffered as UNSCANNABLES.