A friend has a 30 gig XP Pro laptop with 17% free...When he runs defrag most of it is way fragmented...He runs through the defrag fine and after it completes it tells him he needs to defrag again...With no changes in the fragments...His computer is clean of spyware/adware/virus/trojans/etc
I am a tech in a service department for a company. We have used Remote Assistance successfully to assist our customers to fix problems from our desks We've found it somewhat problamatic trying to navigate our customers through the request assistance dialog so we can see what they see or take control so we can do something much faster than it would take for them to do by instruction.Is there a way to initiate Remote Assistance w/o the customer having to request or invite you?
Win xp pro, pen 4, norton antivirus, Win firewall. After I downloaded and installed Windows Live Messenger the defrag process wouldn't defrag all the files. I reformatted my computer without WLM and defragging was not a problem, worked like a charm. So, I downloaded and installed WLM again, and lo and behold the same problem occurred, the defrag program would not defrag all the files. I uninstalled WLM and defrag process still wouldn't defrag all the files. How do I solve this problem of not being able to defrag all of my files without reformatting my computer.
Running W200. CPU 1300Hz, Memory 512000, 80 Gb HD. When I have three apps open, CPU usage goes to 100%. Have run CounterSpy -nothing, Adaware - nothing, SpyBot - Nothing. Have defraged.
When I used Win98 SE, I always defregged in safe mode. (Sorry, not sure where I read that was better) . So I just wanted to ask any of you as I am now using WinXP does it make any difference how you defrag?
When I defrag my Hard Drive, it states there is a file that couldn't be defragged. This has just recently started, all other times I've had no problem.
The file is WINDOWSPrefectchRUNDLL32.EXE-268BFF96.pf
I didn't open any suspicious emails, shared on P2P networks and certainly made no changes in system files. Only thing I did was what I do periodically. I defragged my hard drive, uninstalled games and went into msconfig and stopped 3 programs from start up (DEAMON tools, PowerISO and SQL service) I was also having problems with the SpyCop package so I uninstalled and reinstalled.
So I restarted (like I should) and the only process it goes through is the DELL start up "splash screen" After that it usually does the Windows XP "splash screen" but it never does the Windows XP screen, it just stays black, nothing. I pressed F2 to see if anything changed and nothing seemed to, as far as I know. I tried F8 to enter safe mode and a couple lines of text show up and stop and hang. I even tried to let it sit there to see if maybe it's just getting used to the defrag job(s) I did, still black. It's still black as I type this.
she just defaged and she then restarted and now it wont start it says NTLDR is missing press any key 2 restart and when you press a key it says the same thing over and over again. what do i do or will i need 2 reformat?
Running MS XP/AOL/Norton System Works/Firewall. Past few weeks have been plagued by a window that opens, intermittantly, when reading email. Can't determine if it is a windows, Norton or virus/adware item, altho Norton, spybot, etc don't show any problems in that respect. The only thing I can't get rid of is a "first ave" request to download. Had that forever but seems to be a dormant item. Anyway. the window opens and reads : Just in time debugger.Please select a debugger. Possible debuggers... New instance of MS script editor. Then there is a checkbox to set current debugger as default. Below are two buttons asking if want to debug using selected debugger. Clicking "X" or no eight (8) times exits the window, usually not to return on that email but sometimes it does. Clicking yes shows some text (HTML?) or code or something with a few words "break" visable.
Purchased a used laptop running Windows 2000 pro. When I boot up a window appears with sellers name requesting the password. I have the password, but I would like to eliminate this step. What specific steps will acomplish this task and replace the sellors name with my name as administrator ?
This pc has been with me for a few months, no poblems at all. One day it just Bsods. Thinking it was just some random WinXP error, I restarted it and never thought of it again, until it happened AGAIN. 3rd times the charm, right? WRONG. After a few more I couldn't do anything basically. Boot > Bsod. So after a few Google searches and self troubleshooting later I got it almost sorted out. Also if I take this HDD to another computer it works fine. So, the problem seems to be my IDE controller. (atapi.sys) So I am requesting a place where I can find a clean atapi.sys and go replace it with the windows system recovery console. Also I am curently running a full system check for viruses on that working computer.Stuff that I have tried while trying to fix the bsod: Changing IDE cables, Resetting the bios/cmos reset, plugging it into the secondary IDE port, playing around with jumpers, replacing RAM sticks.
I was trying to back-up a file to CD using the CD Writer on my computer when I kept getting the message: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. Does anyone know what this means and how I can correct this situation?
I have a peculiar problem. I can dial-up the internet after a boot-up but should I let my connection drop or sign out and want to reconnect,I get an "ERROR 50: request not supported.". Multiple attempts will not reconnect me. I bought a new modem, intalled it and still get the same message on attempting my second connection.I can always get back on the net but re-booting each and every time is a pain in the It appears I'm not the first to come to this group with the same complaint but I've not found a solution to the problem in this newsgroup.
I have periodically had this problem: Program: C:Pogram FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe, This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. Now I get it numerous times a day, and sometime IE-XP just shuts down for no reason. I apologize if this is a duplicate thread-got tired of searching.
I have an HP Laser Jet 1012 that is assigned to port DOT4_001. I am trying to delete the port but each time I try, I get the following error message: "Selected port cannot be deleted.The request is not supported"I am running WinXP and have full administrative rights.I have also removed the printer and reinstalled it with the same results.
i accidentally deleted my windows component with paint, volume control etc on it. so i downloaded the service pack to reinstall, but when i went to do this i got a message saying 'before proceeding we recommend you back up your system.
When i Go To command prompt i type ping i get "request time" out And When i Type Ping yahoo.com i Get "Request Time Out" I Have Internet Explorer 8 its Working Good i Can Go To Any Websit But i Cant Get Any Patch For Any Game i Play I Try The Modem With Other Pc its Work Fine
Every time I boot up I get the following error: Found new hardware wizard Cannot install this hardware There was a problem installing this hardware Logical disk manager An error occurred during the installation of the device The class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device
I have searched here and googled this error, and while I have found similar, nothing that same as this.I have been unable to update my Itunes, so after some research I realized it was the failure to update quicktime durring the Itunes update that was really happening. I have tried multiple things to fix this, all of which have been unsuccessful. Nothing would tell me why, just that quicktime failed to update.
My next step was to uninstall quicktime, this also failed with no reason why. So I attempted to Manually delete all quicktime files, and then run tuneup utilities to remove all registry entries. However when doing this I found I could delete all files, except the folder c:Program FilesQuickTimeQTSystem QuickTimeStreaming.Resourcesde.lproj . When I try I get the below error message Code: Cannot delete de.lproj: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error
My general understanding is that it isnt necessary to defrag very often. An occasional defrag should do the trick. Unless, maybe, youve done a lot of stuff recently. I do have several questions though that I hope someone can clear up for me and anyone else that might be interested.
1. Does a pre windows defrag program help any at all? If so, how often should it be run?
2. Is this different than the pre installed Microsoft chkdsk program? Isnt it also a pre windows defrag program?
3. Is one or the other better? Or are they basically the same?
4. What happens if, on occasion, you use a pre windows defrag program and the chkdsk program? Is there a conflict?
5. Does one try to write a certain way and the other rewrites a different way and therefore your wasting your time and effort?
6. Does a pre windows defrag program make a windows defrag program unnecessary?
7. Since it has been stated that the windows defrag program works fine, but isnt the greatest, what if you use a different combination, like, JkDefrag and a pre windows program? I mention JkDefrag because, if you wanted, it can be set to defrag daily or weekly. Set and forget.
8. Assuming one is doing a lot of stuff, when does a registry defrag program enter the picture? Or is one ever needed? Is this just a marketing thing?
9. And, of course, there are also registry cleaners. Again, assuming your doing lots of stuff.
10. And also theres also programs like CCleaner program, which cleans out cookies, temp files, etc.
11. Is there an order that one might want to run these programs? Even if it is only monthly or even less often?
So, my inquiry, isnt which program is better, as I would assume there would be a lot of opinions about that. But rather, what combo might one want to have on hand, or run, on those occasions that you feel the need to defrag. Again, if we look at the CCleaner program, in basically one step, it does a pretty good job of cleaning out all sorts of stuff. If you wanted, it can even be set to clean automatically. Set and forget. If one were to do the same steps, manually, it would take much longer, and maybe, still not be as effective as the CCleaner program. I have Zone Alarm firewall. Basically its set and, for the most part, forgotten about. I have the AVG anti virus program, set to do auto scans on a daily basis. Set and forget.
Depending on the "Expert you speak to" they all have their own opinions. One tells me to defrag daily, another tells my it will damage the hard drive to defrag daily and should not defrag more than once a week.
Unable to defrag my computer. Get message Disk Defragmenter has detected that CHKDSK is scheduled to run on volume HP-Pavilion(c Please Run Chkdsk /f When I tried to run Chkdsk /f, I get the message: The type of system is NTFS Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts (Y/N)Yes or No I still Can't Defrag and continue to these messages.
When I use XP's utility to analyze my disk fragmentation, it says "You should defragment this volume", but the defrag process hangs when it is about 1% done. Defragging when booted into Safe Mode doesn't solve the problem. I searched around, and it seems like this might have to do with my FAT32 disk partitions (see my specs). What do you guys think? What would be the next steps?
I have a dell 600m with Windown XP and when I go to Disk Defrag i get the following message: disk defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume *C. Please Run Chkdsk /f.
not sure what that means...my system restore points also dont work but otherwise the computer is running smoothly...just afraid that my hard drive could crash again!
i am getting the screen that says a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down run chkdsk/f.. physical memory dump complete but when i go to do the chkdsk/f it does a chkdsk read-only because it is being used by another volume. i tried to defrag but it crashed.
When I defrag my system, it appears to be defragmenting, but when it finishes, there are still loads of 'red' fragmented files, hardly anything has changed from before it started. This has been happening now for quite a while.
I am having a problem getting Defrag to run on my C drive. I've tried it several times and it runs to completion but then when I check it again it is still very fragmented and says that I should defrag it. It reports that my drive is about 35% fragmented. I tried booting in Safe mode, thought that might do the trick but got same results, which means it did nothing. I am running Windows XP Pro SP2.