Converting 64x To 32x Without Completely Re-installing Windows?

Dec 25, 2005

I just assembled a new computer and installed the Windows XP Professional 64x as the operating system. The computer runs perfectly by itself, but as not many programs are yet compatible with XP 64x, I was wondering if there is any possible way to convert from 64x to 32x without completely re-installing windows. Although the 64x Professional is ment for server use, this is in one of my home machines.

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Windows Movie Maker Completely Stopped Working

Aug 30, 2005

i am running windows xp SP2. all of a sudden windows movie maker has just stopped working, when i say that i can open it but when i try to drag a movie/video clip into the time line the programme displays a error and say it has encountered a problem and needs to close down. ive checked out what is causing the problem as it is located here (C:DOCUME~1foxLOCALS~1Tempfeeb_appcompat.txt)i dont know how to fix it

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Installing Acting Weird - Installing Windows Server 2003

Dec 20, 2006

I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 downloaded and installed on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003

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Installing Windows Xp Pro Over Windows Xp Home

Sep 17, 2005

I currently have windows xp home. I want to install windows xp home. how do i install it so i can keep my files from xp home. cause when i install xp pro i dont wana loose personal files or data.

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Error After Installing Windows Xp

Jan 27, 2007

I installed windows xp on a new hard drive.Now when I turn the computer on I get an error.A DISK READ ERROR OCCURED press CLT+ALT+DEL to restart when i press CLT+ALT+DEL the computer will restart but I keep getting the same error and windows won't start.

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Installing X64 Windows Improve My Performance?

Sep 13, 2008

I have the following specs:

Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600

The computer only came with Windows XP Home edition. Would installing x64 windows improve my performance? Would it cause compatibility issues with x86 apps?

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Installing Windows After Formatting C Drive?

Oct 11, 2006

I may have to reformat my entire hard drive and reinstall a totally new, legal copy of either Windows XP Home SP2 or Pro SP2. Do NOT ask me how I know this! IF I want to format c:, what's the right process and sequence for doing this, and then reinstalling Windows from a CD?

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Installing Pro 64 Bit - Setup Is Loading Windows

Feb 17, 2009

I want to install Windows XP Pro 64 Bit on my Hp dv9907ca, which came with Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. I upgraded my RAM to four gigs, and get better gaming on XP and I'd like to upgrade my 32 bit to 64, problem is, the installation hangs as soon as it gets to 'Setup is loading Windows' still int he text based installation. I believe I read somehwere it's because of some sort of hard drive connection that's in newer computers, and XP doesn't have drivers for it. So basically, I'm wondering if soeone can figure out what's wrong, and tell me exactly what I need to do in order to get XP to work, now this is a laptop so I can't change any parts in it or anything like that.

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Installing Net Framework Windows Hangs At Log In

Jul 14, 2005

First of all, hello everyone! I'm happy to have joined your community. I feel sort of bad for joining only to ask a question, but the boards just seemed so helpful I couldn't resist. Anyway, I recently installed the .net framework to a stable build of windows XP SP2, and now I'm having some problems. I deleted the account and checked the "don't use welcome screen" box in user profiles because I don't really like the login etc... that comes with it.

That was two days ago. This morning I turn on my computer only to have it take a long time at the windows loading screen, and hang at the off-blue loging screen without bringing up the login box. Now, I wanted to somehow get rid of the .net framework after I realised I didn't really need it, but now it's not even possible. I tried both entering in safe mode (hanging black screen with "safe mode" in the usual places) and using the last known working setting (and got the same off-blue login screen.) I don't mind reverting to a saved state, but I can't even access the desktop to be able to.

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SP2 Won't Install: The Loading/installing Windows Bar And Stays There?

May 29, 2006

Everything installed fine except Win XP Pro starts to install, i insert the RAID driver disk it continues to install, then it gets to the loading/installing windows bar and stays there

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Blue Screen - Suggested Re-installing Windows

Jul 15, 2005

For some time now a computer that I have has been constantly restarting, freezing or I had a look at it and he can't see any problems. suggested re-installing windows so I tried that, low and behold enter the Blue Screen, It has an error message
USBPORT.SYS - Address F83DB50D

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Re-installing XP : The Version Of Windows On This CD Is Older Than On This Computer?

Dec 11, 2004

I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?

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Setting New Hard Drive For Installing Windows Xp?

Jul 12, 2005

What must be done to a new hard drive and which files must be on the Hard drive before Win XP can be installed?

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Access Denided Installing Windows Installer 3.1?

Mar 4, 2007

I'd like help please. When I try to install windows installer 3.1, it fails about half way through. I get an error msg saying "access denied", and it aborts completely.I'm not sure that matters for windows installer itself, but until I successfully install that, I dont' think I'm getting access to any other windows updates I DO need.

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How Do I Stop Windows Installing Driver Automatically?

Nov 19, 2008

here is the problem: when I plug in an USB device, windows will install the driver for the device automaticlly if:
1. the driver comes with the system.

2. the device driver has been installed.

I wanna stop windows installing driver automatically but ask me the location of the driver when I plug in a device every time. How do I do that?

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Installing Windows Xp On Machine That Wouldn't Even Start

Aug 26, 2004

how do i go about installing windows xp on a machine that wouldn't even start. it says cannot find operating system and stays there with the underscore cursor flashing. i inserted the disk anyway an tried to run it usind DOS commans, but it says that the setup file can't run from the command window. is there any other way to do it or that's it the machine is gone.

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Blue Screen While Installing Windows Xp: Changed HDD Config?

Sep 7, 2008

when i get my Dell Inspiron E1705 to boot from my windows xp cd it goes through the screen where xp is trying install all the raid drivers etc.. before i can actually access my two hard drives delete them and create a new partion. right when its about to get to that screen i get the blue screen of death. well i have been reading around i read that going into my bios and changing my hard drive config to sata auto detect will fix my problem.

well i went into my bios and i do not have any sort of options when it comes to my system to hard drive configuration so im assuming if i do not have this feature or option that i have a IDE hard drive not sata. so if this is my situation how do i get my computer to stop going to the blue screen of death before i get to the screen where i can delete my partion

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Installing An Older Version Of Windows To Replace A Newer One

Sep 13, 2007

I have tried to repair/reinstall/install my Windows XP system with no luck. I asked for help in an earlier thread, and got some helpful advice, but now I have a new problem. (I'm not sure I should be starting a new thread on this; but it does seem like a separate issue to me.) About two years ago I had the Geek Squad in to rid my computer of a deeply embedded virus. The techie said something to the effect that he was going to load a newer version of XP, which I welcomed, and thought no more about it. Now, in trying to reinstall or install or whatever it is that I'm going to do, the XP disk comes up with an error message saying that I cannot install an earlier version of XP. I don't have a copy of the newer version the techie installed. My question is: is there a way to override the can't-install-older-version block and reinstall the original XP version I have on a legally-owned disk?

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Installing Office 2000: Windows File Protection Popup?

Feb 24, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of XP Pro and am now attempting to install Office 2000 Midway through the installation a window entitled "windows file protection" pops up which reads: "Windows files must be installed for your installation to proceed. Insert your Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD now." The buttons available to press are retry, more information and cancel. When i insert the cd i used to install XP Pro it tells me i've inserted the wrong CD- the same message comes up when i press "retry"After clicking cancel to exit setup, i get the message entitled "installer information"- "Error 1933- The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files"

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Installing Windows: Goes To Blank Screen After Detecting Hardware Settings?

May 25, 2005

Okay, I bought a new mobo and set up a clone pc. ASrock combo mobo (the one with socket 754 and 939). I have everything set up right, POST confirms. Everything is good, POST works fine. I've got a formatted hard drive, no OS on it. I'm trying to install Windows to that OS, but it will not install. It goes to a blank screen after detecting my hardware settings. Wasn't sure if this topic should have gone in OS or hardware, so i put it here. I've tried 2 windows CDs and a Linux DVD on 2 different disc drives, and still nothing works past the "setup is detecting your hardware settings" screen. I have no idea what to do.

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New HP Laptop Which Had Windows 7 Pre-installed / Tried Installing XP / Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 23, 2010

Have a new HP laptop which had Windows 7 pre-installed. I couldn't get on with it so I tried installing XP but all I got was the "Blue Screen of Death" telling me that Windows had detected an error and had shut down. I tried again with the same result so I tried installing Linux (Ubuntu). This went on fine and so I tried XP again. Still the blue screen of death. XP will not install and I would be grateful for any help anyone can give to an oldie.

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Converting 32 Bit To 64 Bit

Jun 5, 2008

Is there a way to convert to the 64 bit (64 bit core2) XP without buying a new license?

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Advantage Of Converting FAT 32 To NTFS?

Jan 1, 2005

is there any advantage of converting my filesystem from FAT to NTFS?will it cause and problem to the existing data on my drive if i convert to NTFS from FAT?or if i convert back to FAT from NTFS if i dont like it??i want to convert drive e: to NTFS.but since i use both ME and Xp.once i convert to NTFS..i wont be able to access drive e: thru Win ME rite?

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Converting File Types.

Sep 17, 2006

does anyone know any programs that work fairly well for converting m4a files of 320 kbps, to a mp3 of 192 kbps. i used to have a program that did this, but i can no longer find it. i've googled and everything. i can't find much.

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Converting Avi Videos To DVDs

Mar 26, 2010

I have some avi videos I wish to convert to DVD and burn. I used to use this program called ********* AVI to DVD which would convert the avi file and then automatically burn it to a dvd. However after a reinstall of my OS and reinstalling the program i tried loading an avi file and I get this error:"Avi2Mpeg Main has encountered an error and needs to close."I've tried reinstalling the program and making sure I have all the codecs needed but still no luck.

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Not Converting FAT32 To NTFS

Dec 12, 2005

Having read the article found here...http// I made the bootable floppy ( I hope) with BOOTITNG.EXE as suggested. The article then says I should boot this floppy...this is where I am stuck. I am a little hesitant as to how I can do this. I don't want to mess this up. The remainder of the instructions in this article seem so simple once I get past the 'boot this floppy' part.

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Converting Fat32 To NTFS: Only Format In Fat?

Jun 19, 2005

Been trying to reformat my harddrive, format goes well but it will only format it to the fat32 and i want it in the ntfs. now i have tried to convert using the cmd command butit tell me it will convert then restart and for a few seconds it will tell me that it is going to convert may take a few minutes then a few seconds later windows will start and its not converted over. i have the windows xp service pk 2 upgrade cd i tried using that but it never gives me a choice on wwhich file system to use. i know the option is there thou because i installed xp on my mother's as an upgrade from win me and it ask me if i wanted to convert.

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Any Benefit Of Converting Fat32 To Ntfs?

Aug 2, 2005

I am using Win2000 on both my business laptop and my home desktop. On the desktop, because I loaded Win2000, I chose to use NTFS ... I was told that works better with a home network. The laptop came loaded and is using FAT32.Is there a benefit to switching the laptop over to NTFS and can it be done without losing all my files and being a hassle?

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Converting FAT To NTFS On LaCie 500Gb Ext. HD?

Feb 5, 2008

I'm running XP Pro; recently acquired a new LaCie 500Gb ext. HD and trying to convert the thing from FAT to NTFS.Keep getting message"Incorrect Volume Label"

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Converting From FAT 32 To NTFS: Finding The Backups?

Apr 8, 2007

I started the process of conversion to NTFS from FAT32 and I got a response that included: This conversion will also remove your previous operating system backup. Then: Convert may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID (their caps). Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? What are opened handles? What happens when they are invalid?

And how do I find my backup(s)? I have a folder on my desktop Created Oct.29, 2006 that is faded and labeled _RESTORE. Properties shows that it is 1.21GB and has 951 files that are marked Read-only and Hidden but when I open the folder it shows only 4 files of 64KB dated 2002 and 2004. Is that folder related to backups?I want to create a current backup or restore point but I have only 5.15GB left free. Help, please.

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Transferring The Files While Converting From Fat 32 To NTFS?

Feb 25, 2006

I am currently running Fat32 and as noted in a previous post I am building a new computer. I have copied some files on to cds. What I would like to know (if someone has done this) is that can these files be transfered to the new build as I plan on going NTFS. Will they convert from fat32 to NTFS when copied from the disc or even work at all? Or just out of luck and have to start all over?

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