Confused Over Administrator User - Memory

Jul 24, 2005

I've read that if there is a User profile other than Administrator existing, then the Administrator user will not show at the signon screen _unless in Safe Mode_. I am using WinXPpro SP2. My memory does not serve me well enough, but I now have: Admin, Another Username, and Guest showing at the signon screen when in Normal mode. I might have changed the first User account five times since getting this PC in January,; it presently shows as Admin and I have assigned a password to it. How can I prove that the "Admin" user actually is or is not the Windows XP administrator account? Need to clarify this issue before going through with copying data files from the existing "Admin" user profile to another profile for my daily routine usage. Perhaps I need to go into Safe Mode and search for an ADMINISTRATOR user profile there?

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Confused About User Directories

Jun 8, 2005

I've got several folders under my C:Documents and Settings in XP Home SP2 and I don't think I need all of them, and don't know why there are so many, I never created them, XP did... can I get a brief explination from someone on what's what and what can be safely deleted? I have the following folders under C:Documents and Settings

All Users (does everone logged on any user see everything in this?)
Default User (what's this for?)
Guest (I set this up for visitors)
Local Service (??)
Network Service (??-I'm not on a network, unless my DSL is concidered one)
My Name (This is my main user)

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Lost Administrator User - Only 1 User With Limited Access?

Jun 11, 2009

Operating system: XP home.When creating a user account for my husband with limited access, I lost my user account as administrator. My guest account has also disappeared. I cannot download or do anything because of the limited access that my husband has. How do I get back/show my user account with administrator access?

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User Administrator - User Login Screen

Aug 30, 2005

In recently restoring my crashed machine, I noticed that when the machine was
idle, it would go back to the user login screen. I found this tedious as I
just wanted it to go to screen saver but stay within the user session. I ran
'control userpasswords2' and de-clicked 'Users must enter a user name and
password to use this computer.' (It's a home computer so not worried). Now
when I reboot, it brings up a Windows login for Administrator and says,
"Unable to log you on because of an account restriction." I can bypass that
and log in as Owner or anybody else so it's more cosmetic than anything else.Question - who is this "Administrator?" The account doesn't show up under
User Accounts. 'Owner' is the Administrator. Do I care about this account
(which appears to be hidden? Should I allow it to log in under the covers? If
so, do I have to re-click 'Users must enter a user name and password, etc."

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Deleting User Administrator

Jan 27, 2008

Following the installation of a new motherboard a new copy of Windows XP Pro was installed on my computer. I am the only user of this computer. Two user accounts were created: "Administrator" and "Peter". All my programs were reinstalled on "Peter". The computer would only reboot into "Administrator". I called back the engineer and he managed to disable "Administrator". Now when I reboot I get a dialog box telling me that "Administrator" has been disabled and asking me if I want to continue. After clicking "OK" I then get the user accounts screen, I click on "Peter" and the computer boots into "Peter". How can I get the computer to start immediately in "Peter" without all this extra malarky?

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Computer Having Only Limited User : Going Into Administrator?

Apr 24, 2008

im trying to help my brother out with his computer. It used to be our family computer and when my dad gave it to my brother he deleted all users except my brother. Unfortunately my brother is a limited user and is unable to many things on the computer. Is there like a default administrator password? He is using windows XP home.When I restart the computer it has a log in screen where you type in a username and password, not the traditional windows xp login screen.

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Limited User Having Some Administrator Privileges?

Nov 10, 2006

I have verified that all updates available to Windows XP, have been installed I am attempting to create a Limited access account on a computer Unfortunately when I create the account, it still has access to some administrative features that it shouldn't. The limited account can install software, change firewall settings, and change internet security settings.

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User Account Shows Name Of Administrator

Apr 17, 2005

Windows XP user account is in my wifes name. If I go into control panel user accounts it shows her name and says administrator .But when I go into safe mode it gives a choice of two accounts one with her name and one for administrator. Is that normal?

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Limited User And Administrator Accounts

Sep 14, 2005

I just installed (clean) XP Pro and set up some user accounts.I'm familiar with Win2K and thought that XP would be similar with regard to user accounts, but it appears that's not true.When I go to user accounts, I only see limited user and administrator accounts.How can I set someone to power user or in between admin and user?

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Start Computer In Administrator User

Sep 4, 2005

Automatically starts up in the administrator user name instead of popping up the login screen (name and password) how do i fix this.

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User Acounts - Disabled Administrator

Oct 18, 2010

can I skip choosing user on starting windows, by mistake I disabled administrator and there is no other user, and I can not start windows

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Unknown Password Set To Administrator And To User

May 4, 2005

Some fellow put an unknown password to both the administrator and to a created user, now I can not open Windows.

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Computer Administrator User Accounts Messed Up

Mar 9, 2006

To mess around and make a new account on the PC as he was logged in as the Administrator of the computer. They had no other accounts except for the default Administrator account that they had used. So the son made a new account which he also granted th permission of computer amdinistrator. since that overworte the previous Administrators account that was on there everytime they log in they get the new account and there is no way to delete the new one that has been created... Even when I tried to go into safe mode and log in as the default administrator for some reason it won't let me delete the account even though you are the Administrator and Microsoft even says."You must be an administrator to delete another administrators account" you can't even change it to a limited Account.

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User Account / Framework To My Computer Administrator

Jun 16, 2005

I recently changed my .net framework to my computer administrator and my user account to limited account and when i turn on my computer it only shows my User account which only has limited access and I can't do anything about it. How can i change back my .net framework to limited and user back to computer administrator again?

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Created New User Automatically - Regular Administrator

Mar 14, 2008

I have Windows 2000 with the normal administrator id setup as well as one other. I logged in today and noticed I had no background which tipped me off. I tried my email program and it was asked me to set it all up. I then went into mydocuments and it was empty. So if I go into my drive and look at Documents and Setting I normally only had Administrator, AllUsers and my other ID motopsycho. Now I have the following....Administrato Administrator.Chris
Administrator.Chris.000 AllUsers AllUsers.WinNT motopsycho Now if I go into just the regular Administrator I can see all MyDocuments, MyFavorites etc. but I seem to be booting up with the Administrator.Chris.00

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Newly Assigned User - Now No Administrator Login

Jul 12, 2008

I recently assigned a new user (the first one) to an XP machine. Previously, as it started up, it prompted with "Administrator" and a password field (which I had left blank), and a message about being able to setup users once I logged in. Now, having assigned a user, all I get is the offering of the new user, and when clicking on that I get prompted for the password. When I type in the password, the desktop is nothing like what it used to look like when I went in through "Administrator" - the desktop image is gone and the shortcuts that were on the desktop are gone. And my drive mappings to my network are gone. How do I get back to the "Administrator" login screen? and/or assign the Administrator desktop to the new user?

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Unable To Recover Administrator And Other User Files?

May 10, 2007

I need help recovering my user files. My computer was acting very slow. I tried different restore times but was unable to solve the problem. it all started when I installed Nero. When I tried to access my music folder. I then got an error message stating that the folder was not responding. I then had the bright idea to do a PC recovery. bad idea. it deleted all of my user files except for shared files.

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How To Configure Domain User As Local Administrator?

Jul 21, 2005

Can someone let me know how to configure a Windows 2003 domain user as a local administrator on a XP Professional client. I have set the same user ID up for the user on the local PC with administrator rights and when I log into the PC locally this works fine. When I log into the PC as a domain user the user has user rights and not local Administrator.

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Gpedit Settings For Single User Not For Administrator

Oct 15, 2007

Well I am having Windows xp pro with sp 2. and I want to apply hide drives settings for the other users rather than the admin account. so please let me know if I can restrict the single user with the help of Gpedit.

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Confused By Disk Types

Oct 3, 2008

What's the difference between SATA IDE EIDE PATA (and a few others I'm sure)?
I want to exchange the 60Gb disk in my PC for a larger one but I don't know what to shop for. How do I find what is compatible with my very second hand Dell desktop?

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Configure For ONE User / Administrator Just A Simple Boot-up Without Password

Mar 16, 2006

I suppose the title of this post could be something like, "Why can't XP be more like Win98?"But seriously: I have in front of me a File View of My Computer. In Documents and Settings, it shows me that there are apparently four accounts: Administrator, All Users, Default User, and me In each one of these there is, in differing combinations, things like My Documents,My Music, Favorites.. And, in some there are what appear to be administrative privileges (Local Settings). The confusion this is causing while transferring documents and files from the old machine is getting up my nose! (This is a piecemeal exercise as the old PC is still working as the office - word processing, spreadsheets, etc.)

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Desktop Blank - Have One User Account With Administrator Rights

Jan 2, 2008

I'm using Windows XP. I have one user account with administrator rights.

When I boot up, my desktop is blank except for the desktop background. In other words, no icons, no start menu, start up programs don’t load, etc. At one point, I got this error:

"Windows cannot find '/idlist, :400:2196,c:'. Make sure you typed the name correcttly, and then try again ..."

(I haven't been able to replicate this error, though. It showed up once.)

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Administrator Can’t See Folders/files Of User Account

Jul 9, 2005

As the Administrator of an XP Home computer I am not able to view any of the files of one of the User Accounts.I set up 3 Limited Accounts at the same time, when the computer (HPzd7000) was new. When I use
Windows Explorer to view files, I can see all of the user files except for folders and files for the account named "Brett", even though the account type is Limited; I get an "Access is denied" message. If I
open My Computer, Brett’s files do not even appear in the listing of folders and files; all other user accounts do.

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Themes Or Default Colors Confused

Feb 18, 2007

I am not able to get my theme for winxp back to default. When I open control panel, for example, the test above the "switch to classic view" is not the default color the way it was earlier. I tried to use the adjustments for themes and colors but to no avail. What are the steps to go back to the way windows xp home default would be at the onset.

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Created Administrator And Limited User A/cs / Wont Access Programs?

Nov 5, 2007

I didn't establish User a/cs when I first set up my PC. I have since done so but now I can't access some progs because they are for Admin. I have tried starting in Safe Mode pressing F8 but I get an error mssge - Keyboard error. This means that when I do get into Safe Mode I can't do anything to change the settings.

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User Unable To Print To OfficeJet Printer But Fine With Administrator ?

Feb 15, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro SP2 PC on a P2P LAN. The PC is also running Norton Antivirus 2005.Also on this LAN are several networked printers,one of them being a new HP OfficeJet 7310xi All-In-One printer. This printer is connected directly to the LAN and provides networked printing and scanning to the PCs on the LAN. I have two Windows 2000 Pro PCs and a Mac OS X printing and scanning to that OfficeJet without any problems From the XP box, I can print to the OfficeJet as long as I'm logged as the local administrator. When the user logs in with her user account, she is unable to print. Her jobs get stuck in the queue, labeled "Error - Printing."

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How To Change The Memory Setting User Profiles

Aug 19, 2005

I change the memory setting in my user profiles in..-- mcm

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Deleted User Profile,"my Docs" Cannot Be Accessed As Administrator

Mar 4, 2007

I have stupidly deleted the username from the win2000 pc that i use to store pics. now logging in as administrator 'my documents' cannot be accessed. is there any way to restore an old username or can i link the old 'my docs' to a new username? i cannot restore to an old config as i have neglected to back up anything and its really buggy so internet access is not an option! if this pc was a car it would be delboys 3 wheeler, but i need my pics.

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Want To Go Back To "Administrator" User Account

Feb 2, 2006

I have Windows XP Professional SP2, Dell Inspiron 4000.Ever since I got my computer I've been using the account "Administrator." So all my files and settings are on it. Today I randomly decided to make a new account, unaware that Administrator would disappear. (Apparently, says Windows Help & Support, Administrator is only available in safe mode or when there's no other account.) So now I want to go back to Administrator, but I can't figure out how to delete the new account.

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Administrator Has Denied Access - No Administrator - CD / DVD DRIVES

Nov 22, 2008

Everytime I boot I get an "Administrator has prohibited access to CD/DVD DRIVES and removable storage devices" All of my USB ports and my CD are greyed out with a red circle and bar symbol. I am running XP Pro with SP3. I am the only user of this computer and I did not restrict them. I have gone in with the secret administrator account and it is also locked.

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Administrator Doesn't Have Administrator Rights

Oct 17, 2008

Normally I reinstall windows when I run in to this problem, 9 times out of 10 caused by a virus. This time I decided to try and restore policies and get rid of the virus by hand... but I couldn't find a guide telling how to get these policies back! Has anyone created a guide or done this before? I figure if the rights can be taken away, they surely can be given back.

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