Themes Or Default Colors Confused

Feb 18, 2007

I am not able to get my theme for winxp back to default. When I open control panel, for example, the test above the "switch to classic view" is not the default color the way it was earlier. I tried to use the adjustments for themes and colors but to no avail. What are the steps to go back to the way windows xp home default would be at the onset.

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Restoring Default Themes

Jun 19, 2006

I installed a Vista theme onto my PC and when i uninstalled it it removed all my themes leaving only the windows classic. Unfortunately my system retoring has been turned off so i dont have any retsore points.

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Default Themes Have Disappeared

Nov 18, 2007

I was running along just swell this morning, until Windows Explorer crashed. Here's the scenario. Adobe CS2 was asking for activation (I've been lazy about registering it), at the same moment I was launching opening a folder. For some reason beyond my understanding, this caused Windows Explorer to crash. A couple of moments later it was running just fine.I keep working, no problems are apparent. I restart my system, and lo and behold, my XP theme has been replaced by the generic Windows, gray bar, non-cartoony theme. You know, the type you get when you select "Use Windows Classic Style."Problem is, I right click on my desktop to change my theme back (I *like* olive green), and all of bundled WinXP themes (you know, the blue, silver, olive green) are no longer within the drop down box. Just Windows Classic.

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Default Themes Vanished From Pulldown Menu?

May 23, 2005

How can I get my XP theme and Classic theme options to return to the pull-down menu in the themes tab of the display properties window.I don't know what I did but my pc went all funny and they just vanished in a blink of an eye. Could someone experienced in this type of problem please help me find where they are and help me return them as an option.

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Confused By Disk Types

Oct 3, 2008

What's the difference between SATA IDE EIDE PATA (and a few others I'm sure)?
I want to exchange the 60Gb disk in my PC for a larger one but I don't know what to shop for. How do I find what is compatible with my very second hand Dell desktop?

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Confused About User Directories

Jun 8, 2005

I've got several folders under my C:Documents and Settings in XP Home SP2 and I don't think I need all of them, and don't know why there are so many, I never created them, XP did... can I get a brief explination from someone on what's what and what can be safely deleted? I have the following folders under C:Documents and Settings

All Users (does everone logged on any user see everything in this?)
Default User (what's this for?)
Guest (I set this up for visitors)
Local Service (??)
Network Service (??-I'm not on a network, unless my DSL is concidered one)
My Name (This is my main user)

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Confused Over Administrator User - Memory

Jul 24, 2005

I've read that if there is a User profile other than Administrator existing, then the Administrator user will not show at the signon screen _unless in Safe Mode_. I am using WinXPpro SP2. My memory does not serve me well enough, but I now have: Admin, Another Username, and Guest showing at the signon screen when in Normal mode. I might have changed the first User account five times since getting this PC in January,; it presently shows as Admin and I have assigned a password to it. How can I prove that the "Admin" user actually is or is not the Windows XP administrator account? Need to clarify this issue before going through with copying data files from the existing "Admin" user profile to another profile for my daily routine usage. Perhaps I need to go into Safe Mode and search for an ADMINISTRATOR user profile there?

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Default Values In .Default User Shell Folders

Jul 19, 2005

In an XP-Home, one user system, what shoul be the defautl values found in the following registry entry: HKU.DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders ??To make a long story short, there are entries pointing to a non existing user's folder (eg: C:Documents and SettingsTEMP....) and I want to get rid of this TEMP user and folder.This is the only section of the registry where this folder is referenced.

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How To Change The Colors In XP

Jul 30, 2005

I was curious if anyone knew how to change the colors in Windows XP. I like the Windows XP view but want a different color that "Classic Blue", "Green", "Silver". I want to keep the Windows XP look and style, just want a different color instead of those three ones. Specifically, I am wanting a Violet or Purple color scheme.

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4 Bit Colors 800x600 Resolution

Nov 9, 2006

I had a virus (supposedly) that was ending my explorer.exe over and over again, and the process in the task manager that appeared to be doing so was IEXPLORE.EXE, I know thats IE, but I figured since IE is broken on my computer (go figure) and I have FireFox, why not attempt to delete IE, because every time I ended the process it would come back.So I went into safe mode, I went and deleted the whole IE program folder (stupid thinking) and went back into normal windows. What I saw scared me... I had 4 bit colors (which is what I'm on right now typing to you guys) and 800x600 resolution, and I can't put it any higher.

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Desktop Icons Are Having Colors

Jul 30, 2008

My desktop icons have a color. Its very strange because I haven't done anything to it. I tried many ways to disable or remove it but it is not working. I need help very badly.... I want my icons to be transparent again

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Monitor Colors Changing?

Aug 20, 2007

My computer monitor seems to have changed colours all of a sudden and I'm wondering how to fix this problem. It was operating fine 10 minutes ago when everything on the screen changed to a blue tinge.The contrast/brightness, etc monitor buttons don't seem to be doing anything, neither does fiddling with the video card settings. What else could the problem be?

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View Some Colors On My Machine

Sep 15, 2007

I cannot view some colors on my machine.For example,here's a screen shot of today's Yahoo on the latest version of Firefox:This is not just limited to web pages.For example, all text colors in PowerPoint 2000 show up as black, but they show up fine Word 2000.I am using Windows 2000 on an Compaq Armada E500.I am not sure if all of this is related.

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Problem With Display/monitor Colors

Apr 23, 2005

I touched/did something to computer/monitor , monitor stoped showing correct colors.what disappeared is the red color.

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Small Fonts - Horrible Colors

Nov 15, 2006

Fonts are way too Small and the choice of Colors I can hardly see to Read anything here anymore! Sometimes,some things are just best left alone I know ever who did all this worked hard and meant well

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Get Colors Back To Transparent Like Normal

Jul 27, 2005

changed the color around the desktop icons to black. Not a major deal but it bugs me. I have no clue how to get it back to the transparent like normal. Tried to change themes but its like that on all of them.

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Laptop Flashes Different Colors And Then Shuts Off

Aug 16, 2006

my neighbor has an IBM think pad PENTIUM III. the laptop would boot and the shut off after like 3-6 minutes. we kept trying to get it going then after a while the screen would just flaSH green-blue-red- and other colors with out booting.i tried booting from a 'boot magic disk" but the screen was all in a grainy white color and could not see a thing.

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Cannot See Background Colors Or Images On Web Pages

Jul 16, 2007

My daughter recently saved an interactive desktop of Harry Potter to our pc, we think. Suddenly after saving, the pc automatically changed web fonts, colors, placement of text boxes and some settings. We uninstalled but found the colors and backgrounds of all web pages to be white. Myspace pages allows everything, but no background pics or colors. We installed internet explorer 7 and that fixed the font sizes but not the colors. ANyone know any tricks to try before we backup and reintall windows?

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Black Out Screen Messed Up Colors

Jan 25, 2006

A couple of days ago I got a system error message during XP's startup. It told me to proceed. I clicked yes, and it looked like it entered Safe Mode (4 bit, 640 x 480). There were no messages. I reset the color setting to normal and reboot. XP loaded but said Win XP encoutnered a serious error. But everything seemed normal except for my wallpaper that had patterns as if it were in "halftone." (The problem went away when I reapplied the wallpaper.) I ran the usual aps, checked for viruses and spyware, none found.Today I was using IE, MSN Messenger and Windows Media Player when I heard a beep sound and everything froze for about a minute. Then the screen went black for a few second then went into Safe Mode with the low res colors. An error message said there had been a device failure and that I should save my work. I restarted the computer and it was fine.I just replaced my monitor a few days before any of these happened. I also notice a loud sound and light coming from my floppy disk drive after it is used, as if the computer is still reading it.Could it be a hard disk faailure? But shouldn't there be an error message about it? With Win98 I could tell when the HD was conking out because it always ran a scandisk at the start. Could it be the video card?

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Unable To Customizing Title Bar Colors?

May 4, 2006

This is really pissing me off... I'm trying to customize my color scheme and all that because I'm bored, but for some reason I can't change the color of the active window's title bar. I'm in Display Properties, Appearance, Advanced, but for the life of me I can't find the selection to change what I want.
I've messed around with Active Title Bar, Active Window Border, Application Background, Inactive Title Bar, Window, and others but none of them will change the color of my active window's title bar (for example, the Firefox title bar that says "Tech Support Guy Forums - Post New Thread - Mozilla Firefox" is all blue bcause I'm on the "Default (blue)" Color scheme right now). I don't see a way to deactivate the default color scheme, I can only change it to olive green or silver, or customize through the advanced button, which doesn't seem to work.

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Monitor Background Colors Change?

Oct 15, 2008

The color of the background on my screen has become strange. The white changes to a pale yellowish, light kaki tint for no apparent reason. It happens to both the web pages as well as the folder windows. Sometimes it changes back and forth and other times doesn't change at all. The really wierd part is that pictures and graphics don't show the yellowish tint. I am using W-2000Pro with SP4, Rollup and updates.
My Monitor is an Acer AL1912 LCD and I have had it from new. My Computer is about 3 years old and I have had it from new. It is a 3.2 P4 on an Intel 915gagMobo. Intel replaced this board about 1 year ago.
There has been no abuse to the system, it has very few games on it and I have not added new software lately. I am the only one that uses this computer and it is my home PC. I use AVG 8.0 Free and Spybot. Both are updated. Other than an errant cookie, they have not found anything in the last 3 months. If you need any more information or need to move this to another forum, just ask.

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Weird Font Sizes Colors

Jan 1, 2005

I just bought an emachine T3256 for Christmas and now I'm running into something weird.My computer is running fine, but it started getting weird font sizes and white colors on many of my windows.It occurs on many of programs such as internet explorer, windows media player, norton antivirus, and its getting annoying.I have spy sweeper and norton antivirus 2005 on my comp, and both of them detect no problems. I've checked my display settings and they aren't messed up.

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Updating Xp -- No New Visual Styles - Different Taskbar Colors

Oct 6, 2008

ive been constantly downloading updates for my XP system but how do i get new visual styles such as getting different colours for my taskbar similiar to the vista visual styles..please leave some suggestions??

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Deskjet Printer Prints Black But Not The Colors?

Aug 21, 2010

HP deskjet printer 842c,print ok in black but no colour.

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Sets Of 4 Vertical Lines And Messed Up Colors

Aug 27, 2009

So I was playing Counterstrike and suddenly the colors started changing. The red changed into a dark color that was hard to see and the blue changed to a very light color. I thought it was just the game so I alt tabbed. Turns out everything had a slight color change.I thought there might be an issue with my video card's driver. I have a NVIDIA Geforce 7600 GT. So I went to the nvidia website and downloaded the most recent driver, installed it, and restarted my computer

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Installing Security Updates - Colors And Styles Have Changed

Jan 12, 2005

I went to the Windows update site last night for the lastest security updates for XP, and after installing them the colors and size of my taskbar and toolbars have changed! They are much more narrow than before and all are a dark grey. Even pop-up boxes are the same color. I've gone into properties but can't seem to make it the old blue color again.

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Updating Reconfiguring - Several Service Error - Change Colors

Jul 18, 2005

I've had ongoing problems with my 13-day old Gateway with Windows XP, seemingly due to all the updating and reconfiguring it took to get XP to work with older applications and my printer. I've received several service host error report messages, several days ago the sound stopped for no reason (uninstalling Realtek fixed that), and yesterday my backup program stopped working and my colors changed. The desktop turned from teal to yellowish green and the text changed from white to yellowish. A Gateway tech had me do "Big Fix" and nothing changed. He said I have to do a System Restore to get XP back to its original state. Tomorrow is the last day I can return my computer to the store where I bought it. What would cause colors to change by themselves?

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Colors Blending - Lost My Volume Control Icon

Jan 23, 2005

The colors on my system are running. I've rebooted, as once before I had this problem.Words are hard to read because the colors are blending into one another.Ran System Check - Diagnostics and Utilities, and all passed.On my desktop, the titles of programs are hard to read.note; This page I am on is perfectly ine

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Using 98 Themes In XP

Aug 22, 2005

I've tried every search and couldn't find the answer I was looking for.I"ve got dozens of windows 98 themes (Star Wars) and want to bring them over to my new XP Pro machine. Is this possible? Do I need to convert them to get them to work? Many of these didn't have XP equivalents so I can't get new ones. They're all zip files no exes.

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How To Download Themes- SP3

Nov 12, 2008

I recently purchased XP Pro. And did all the updates online. My current version is SP3. I saw a very cool theme called XP Pro Black Edition. Here's an image. I have tried to find it, but the only thing that shows up is pirated copies. I am running a legit XP and am confused on how to download this theme, or is the Black Edition a whole different version of XP that I have to buy?

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How To Make Own Themes?

Mar 16, 2008

How do I make my own themes? And why when I was changing a theme did my menu screen thingy go black? I couldn't even see to do a system restore. I started it up in safe mode and I couldn't see it there either. I finally got into the properties on my desktop and fumbled till I got a good theme.

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