Get Colors Back To Transparent Like Normal

Jul 27, 2005

changed the color around the desktop icons to black. Not a major deal but it bugs me. I have no clue how to get it back to the transparent like normal. Tried to change themes but its like that on all of them.

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Ads Blocked / Want It All Back To Normal

Jan 1, 2006

i blocked my ad's but now i want it all back to normal, can someone help me fix this?

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Get Back Normal Startup

Jul 19, 2008

I have Window XP Home with SP2.I have swapped to a new hard drive (not done this before)Old drive was 80g Sata and new drive is WD 500g Sata.I formatted new drive and set as addition storge as it was in D. Then I coppied C onto D using WD lifeguard tools.I removed C and swapped leads for PC to read previous D as C and the drive to boot from.Now on boot the PC as to select Windows Defalt on a black screen. Selecting this activates Windows and all seems to work ok.How do I get back to normal startup. I still have original C drive to go back to if needed.I tried adding line in boot ini so that it would start on windows and all that did was to give me 2nd option for Windows XP and when I selected that it said a file was missing.

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How To Get Duo Core Speed Back To Normal?

Feb 7, 2008

I have a Compaq Duo Core notebook, with 1GB ram and 100 GB HD. Running Win XP SP2. I have a lot of programs on the system and over the last week or so, I've noticed that the computer is very slow.I use a program called Cleanse Uninstaller which has a junk file finder. I've used it to "analyse" what could be taken off and it presented me with a list of over 200 files. But which ones can I actually remove?? Furthermore, will this actually have a beneficial effect on the speed?Also, I have Norton ghost 12.0. and an external drive of 120 Gb. I've been doing incremental backups of "my computer" and certain essential files. Everything appears to be working okay.

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Laptop Slows Down And Goes Back To Normal After Restart?

Mar 23, 2010

laptop would start acting sluggishly after a while of using it. This problem occurs at very random intervals but once it is occurred, the performance stays sluggish until the restart. Once I restart the laptop, the problem goes away until later when it repeats again. Sometimes this problem would not occur for 2 days.Mouse movement represents "stuttering" Dragging windows is not smooth. Window drags very slow, leaving half of image in the original spot and then "catching up".Program loading times seem unaffected. Playing music files during the performance drop produces delays in sound Running any videos during the performance drop produces "freeze and go" effect on videos.

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Start Menu Is Back To Its Normal Size

Jun 3, 2006

I have installed a program that acts like a docking station (like a Mac's menu). The location of this dock is where the start menu is, and I minimized the start menus. Only except, every time I restart my machine, the start menu is back to its normal size. I am using Win2000.

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Getting Dual Booting VISTA And XP / Removing And Getting Back To Normal?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm going to start off with my whole process on how I did this. I am performing this in a Compaq SR5310F Desktop computer that originally came with Vista Home Premium:Within Vista, I opened the Disk Management utility. I then shrunk the volume and left myself with exactly 40GB of unallocated space for my XP installation. I then booted from my XP Pro cd, selected that unallocated space, formatted it using NTFS, then installed XP. It copied all the files fine, but when it reboots to launch the GUI of the installation, I get a message saying, "Error loading operating system"

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My Music Folder Image - Restoring It Back To Normal?

Sep 25, 2008

In winamp, all my songs that are in my music folder all have the same, incorrect album art unless they are in another subfolder with their own album art.I narrowed down the problem to the fact that when I put my documents folder into thumbnail view, the art appears on my music folder, rather than the default my music folder icon.I have looked everywhere in this folder for this image, which was originally on some music my brother was downloading and deleted a long time ago and cannot see a way of restoring it back to normal.
This is what it is like in my document and the album art on the my music folder is on every song inside that isn't in a subfolder:gured out why. I had to turn on display system files and delete them manually. I guess I shouldn't have just tried show hidden files

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Unable To Get Out Of Safe Mode / Wont Get Back To Normal?

Aug 26, 2005

Ok hereS the problem... I'm using Windows XP Home edition with SP 2, I was having some problems with my Mcafee anti-virus software, so I booted up in Safe mode (using msconfig) to do a system virus scan. Once I did that, I tried to load msconfig to get back into normal mode, but i kept getting an error saying I must be logged in as the Administrator to do it, Which I was. Can someone please help me get back into normal mode so I don't have to reformat? Also: I do not have system restore enabled so that is not an option.

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Msconfig Normal Startup, Stop Running At Startup, And Change Back

May 16, 2007

I want a program to run at startup and I want to be able to change what I have done at any time.

There are a number of unchecked entries in msconfig and I have to use Selective Startup all the time.

If I want to revert to Normal Startup under the General tab instead of Selective Startup, the program's box automatically rechecks itself in Startup.

The Startup tab gives me a handy record of what I did and allows for an easy change of mind so long as I continue to use Selective Startup.

If I edit the Registry to stop programs running at startup, they won't show in msconfig and I lose the handy record of how it was and I may have to reinstall the program to go back to it running at startup.

I would like to accomplish this:

1. Use Normal Startup instead of Selective Startup.

2. Have some programs not run at startup, but be able to easily change back to having them run at startup.

3. Have a readily accessible list of those programs and the details as shown under the Startup tab as a reminder of how it was without having to manually enter it all into a text file or keep a notebook or reinstall.

Is there some way to use Normal Startup, stop programs running at startup, but retain or find a list of those programs (including the details under the headings Startup Item, Command, Location) that is shown when using Selective Startup with unchecked boxes under the Startup tab?

To put it another way, use Normal Startup but somehow retain the convenient flexibility of Selective Startup.

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Best Transparent Internet Filter?

Jul 21, 2005

I'm looking for the best Internet web filter available for Windows XP that provides the ability to be as transparent as possible. The idea isto be able to manage a filtering system without worrying about computersavy kids figuring out how to get into it and take control. Ideally thefilter would not show up anywhere in the windows GUI; for example, noicons/shortcuts or menu items created. If it can't be completelytransparent, at least something that can be configured to be highlyobscure.

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Text On The Icon Are Always Transparent

Dec 25, 2006

THe text on the icon are always transparent if u are using the XP version. I dont know how to make them transparent again. look at the attch.

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Persistent Transparent Icon Like File

Dec 25, 2006

A few weeks ago, I clicked on an attachment, and nothing happened in the foreground. However, now I have an icon (zero bytes) on the Desktop that defies removal. When I try to delete it I get Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk. Ive booted up from several PE bootables and tried using various explorers but even they give the same windows message. Ive dropped to console several times and drilled to the Desktop, but it is invisible. So it is a figment of XP. The icon is named �What NOT to do with a housecat.It cannot be renamed or pushed into another folder. Very weird. This is a nice learning experience. I do a bit of computer repair so I run into weird things all the time. The computer behaves normally in every way. XP Home, 3.3 gHz., 1 gig. ram, etc. Im sorry to have deleted the offend-ing email, as it may have yielded good evidence. Ive used Resplendent Registar, to find evidence of it in the registry. Even went to the �icon nameplace�, and there was nothing of importance. Rootkit Revealer reports: zone identifier hidden from Windows API�. (26 bytes).Blacklight rootkit prog. found no hidden items. Ive tried to use several linux bootables, but they do not work with my SATA drives.So the computer is fine, just one little annoyance. But I would like to learn from this in case I see it again in the future. Also, other people at the hospital opened it up and whatever it was, didn�t cause an issue.

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Desktop Icons No Longer Transparent

Sep 1, 2005

i setup my office computer to be accessed remotely from home (both xp pro). i did this for the first time yesterday. this morning when i get to work i open outlook and it looks funny. when i hover over any menu item or toolbar the option is highlighted white (instead of its default blue)plus, each toolbar is "outlined".it looks like it has a perforation around it.i tried opening other office programs and they are all the same no other programs are experiencing looks like it is showing 16 Bit desktop icons are no longer transparent. i ran into this before and never figured it out it just corrected itself.

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Transparent Taskbar - Start Menu Stuck

Nov 18, 2006

I' m supplying a screen shot. Recently I started having my task bar on the left and have started to like it. Then just now I found that nvidia can make it transparent which I tried and also like but now whenever I hit the start menu and click a program or click away, part of the start menu is ghosted into the task bar. The only way to get rid of it is to move the task bar or take a boxed window and rub it through underneath the task bar to make it disappear.

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Desktop Icons Text Background Transparent

Sep 6, 2003

Control Panel/System/Advanced/Performance Tab/Settings Button and put a check mark in: Use Drop Shadows for Icon Labels on the Desktop.

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Transparent Image Over A Video In Media Player - OS

Jul 9, 2008

i have an image (bmp, jpg) size 800X600 its RGB color is 16,0,16. If I play a video in windows media player and then open the image with windows picture viewer, the image becomes transparent and the video can be seen. this always happens for the first video. If I have many videos lined up to run in a sequence, on some computers the transparency remains through out the duration of all the video, while on some machines every alternate video can be seen. An idea why the same happens. I need the video to be seen always with the image over it as a small part of the image contains a logo in white color.

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Desktop Icon Lable Background Transparent

Dec 10, 2007

My desktop Icon letters are in a highlighted colored box. I have tried to remove the colored box to make it transparent by going to start then control panel then system and click on the advanced tab , click settings under performance, under the visual effects tab I chose ( Checked) use drop shadows for icons labels. clicked apply and it does not work. Help Please:

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Icons On Desktop / Menus And Programs Have Turned Transparent

Jul 14, 2006

Windows XP SP2 home edition , Suddenly all my Icons on my desktop and in my menues and programs have turned transparent , which makes them really hard to see , can any one tell me how i can turn them back into solid bright Icons without any transparency.

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How To Change The Colors In XP

Jul 30, 2005

I was curious if anyone knew how to change the colors in Windows XP. I like the Windows XP view but want a different color that "Classic Blue", "Green", "Silver". I want to keep the Windows XP look and style, just want a different color instead of those three ones. Specifically, I am wanting a Violet or Purple color scheme.

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4 Bit Colors 800x600 Resolution

Nov 9, 2006

I had a virus (supposedly) that was ending my explorer.exe over and over again, and the process in the task manager that appeared to be doing so was IEXPLORE.EXE, I know thats IE, but I figured since IE is broken on my computer (go figure) and I have FireFox, why not attempt to delete IE, because every time I ended the process it would come back.So I went into safe mode, I went and deleted the whole IE program folder (stupid thinking) and went back into normal windows. What I saw scared me... I had 4 bit colors (which is what I'm on right now typing to you guys) and 800x600 resolution, and I can't put it any higher.

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Desktop Icons Are Having Colors

Jul 30, 2008

My desktop icons have a color. Its very strange because I haven't done anything to it. I tried many ways to disable or remove it but it is not working. I need help very badly.... I want my icons to be transparent again

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Monitor Colors Changing?

Aug 20, 2007

My computer monitor seems to have changed colours all of a sudden and I'm wondering how to fix this problem. It was operating fine 10 minutes ago when everything on the screen changed to a blue tinge.The contrast/brightness, etc monitor buttons don't seem to be doing anything, neither does fiddling with the video card settings. What else could the problem be?

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View Some Colors On My Machine

Sep 15, 2007

I cannot view some colors on my machine.For example,here's a screen shot of today's Yahoo on the latest version of Firefox:This is not just limited to web pages.For example, all text colors in PowerPoint 2000 show up as black, but they show up fine Word 2000.I am using Windows 2000 on an Compaq Armada E500.I am not sure if all of this is related.

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Problem With Display/monitor Colors

Apr 23, 2005

I touched/did something to computer/monitor , monitor stoped showing correct colors.what disappeared is the red color.

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Small Fonts - Horrible Colors

Nov 15, 2006

Fonts are way too Small and the choice of Colors I can hardly see to Read anything here anymore! Sometimes,some things are just best left alone I know ever who did all this worked hard and meant well

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Laptop Flashes Different Colors And Then Shuts Off

Aug 16, 2006

my neighbor has an IBM think pad PENTIUM III. the laptop would boot and the shut off after like 3-6 minutes. we kept trying to get it going then after a while the screen would just flaSH green-blue-red- and other colors with out booting.i tried booting from a 'boot magic disk" but the screen was all in a grainy white color and could not see a thing.

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Cannot See Background Colors Or Images On Web Pages

Jul 16, 2007

My daughter recently saved an interactive desktop of Harry Potter to our pc, we think. Suddenly after saving, the pc automatically changed web fonts, colors, placement of text boxes and some settings. We uninstalled but found the colors and backgrounds of all web pages to be white. Myspace pages allows everything, but no background pics or colors. We installed internet explorer 7 and that fixed the font sizes but not the colors. ANyone know any tricks to try before we backup and reintall windows?

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Themes Or Default Colors Confused

Feb 18, 2007

I am not able to get my theme for winxp back to default. When I open control panel, for example, the test above the "switch to classic view" is not the default color the way it was earlier. I tried to use the adjustments for themes and colors but to no avail. What are the steps to go back to the way windows xp home default would be at the onset.

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Black Out Screen Messed Up Colors

Jan 25, 2006

A couple of days ago I got a system error message during XP's startup. It told me to proceed. I clicked yes, and it looked like it entered Safe Mode (4 bit, 640 x 480). There were no messages. I reset the color setting to normal and reboot. XP loaded but said Win XP encoutnered a serious error. But everything seemed normal except for my wallpaper that had patterns as if it were in "halftone." (The problem went away when I reapplied the wallpaper.) I ran the usual aps, checked for viruses and spyware, none found.Today I was using IE, MSN Messenger and Windows Media Player when I heard a beep sound and everything froze for about a minute. Then the screen went black for a few second then went into Safe Mode with the low res colors. An error message said there had been a device failure and that I should save my work. I restarted the computer and it was fine.I just replaced my monitor a few days before any of these happened. I also notice a loud sound and light coming from my floppy disk drive after it is used, as if the computer is still reading it.Could it be a hard disk faailure? But shouldn't there be an error message about it? With Win98 I could tell when the HD was conking out because it always ran a scandisk at the start. Could it be the video card?

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Unable To Customizing Title Bar Colors?

May 4, 2006

This is really pissing me off... I'm trying to customize my color scheme and all that because I'm bored, but for some reason I can't change the color of the active window's title bar. I'm in Display Properties, Appearance, Advanced, but for the life of me I can't find the selection to change what I want.
I've messed around with Active Title Bar, Active Window Border, Application Background, Inactive Title Bar, Window, and others but none of them will change the color of my active window's title bar (for example, the Firefox title bar that says "Tech Support Guy Forums - Post New Thread - Mozilla Firefox" is all blue bcause I'm on the "Default (blue)" Color scheme right now). I don't see a way to deactivate the default color scheme, I can only change it to olive green or silver, or customize through the advanced button, which doesn't seem to work.

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