Click On Shut Down Button 3 Times

Oct 26, 2007

After doing a very silly thing I had to reformat my computer twice, all seemed to be ok but now I have to click on the shut down button 3 times before my computer exits.On startup the screen remains black and I have to reboot through the power on/off button it reboots on the second try.I have an advent laptop windows xp pro sp2.

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Monitor Will Shut Off At Different Times

Mar 25, 2005

I have windows xp pro. My monitor will shut off at different times, And I haft to hard shut down computer, It may or may not boot back up, when it trys to boot it will get past the bootup screen and the monitor turns off, after a few trys it will boot into windows, and work for a time, might be an hour or a day, can anyont tell me what might be wrong,

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Having To Click On Link Or Heading Several Times

Nov 30, 2009

For some reason today I now have to click several times with the mouse on a link or heading before the page will open or redirect with my browser. I thought at first it was just Firefox but I have the same problem with IE7. Ihave to click several times for just about everything before anything happens. Some thoughts would bwe appreciated

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Won't Shut Down / Have To Hold Power Button

Oct 23, 2007

My notebook has had a lot of trouble shutting down lately. When I go to Start-TurnOffComputer-Restart it goes to the Windows XP screen and says Windows is shutting down, but it won't ever restart. I lose my patience and hold down the power button after waiting for over 10 minutes.I've also had trouble with my USB devices. I have a printer connected as well as a Kensington Pocket mouse. These devices randomly shut off, yet the mouse never has problems when connected to my desktop.I sent the notebook off to Circuit City's national repair center about year ago under warranty. They fixed a burnt out backlight. Ever since they touched it, I have had problems with booting up and shutting down. A tech rep told me to re-install XP and I have several times, but it never solves the problem. I've run CCleaner, Norton Anti-virus, CWShredder, Ad-aware and Fixwareout. What else can I Do?

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Missing Shut Off Button And Start Menu

Nov 11, 2007

I'm no pro regarding computerstuff what so ever, but I know my ways aroudn at least. But the other day I got a whole bunch of abd viruses I think..from where I have no clue. I run Nod32 and it probably missed this ones. So anyway, I noticed I had some kind bad stuff called Vundo trojan. is that correct? So, I managed to remove (I think) that with Spyware doctor.BUT, the problems I had stared before i removed it. I have one account, my own, with admin. rights. BUT the "Shut off" button is missing in my startmenu and I cant start the Windows Task manager, because it has ben blocked by the..administrator? BUT, thats me? So, how can this be?It's really annoying and I have noo clue what so ever on what to do here. I tried to create a new account, and that worked fine. But that would mean alot of extra work with mailprograms and stuff.

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Right Click Save As Button Freezing

Jun 21, 2005

This is kind of related to my ctrl+alt+del button, as well as my favorites button freezing. Once I am online for 30 minutes or so, when I go to an image and right click>save as, the window will freeze and I will have to close it. Same with my favorites button, after 30 minutes or so being online, it will freeze when i click it. I can use the Favorites drop-down list (in between view and tools) fine, so that isnt too big of a problem. This is also the same with my crtl+alt+del, it will freeze after being on 30 minutes or so. But it doesnt happen everytime, just sometimes.

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Map The Right Mouse Click On Keyboard Button

Jul 24, 2009

I can map the right mouse click onto a keyboard button? I know that on the desktop i can use shift+F10 as an alternative but I want to map it for better gaming such as alt+D. Also the shiftF10 only work on the desktop.

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Random Freezing Of Screen Resulting In Hard Shut Down From Power Button

Jul 14, 2008

I have just had a mate of mine build a pc for me, from scratch, with all new parts. However, for some reason I get a random freezing of the screen resulting in a hard shut down from the Power button. This has happened a few times now, more than twice while in IE6 and once on the desktop. I originally thought it might be IE6 so I have installed IE7 and firefox just to be sure, then it froze while on the desktop straight after i logged in. The PC isn't running hot at all, as I said it froze after I logged in and there is definately no spyware or anything as its a new PC and the only thing i've installed on it is AVG & IE7.

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Can Be Shut Down Must Click Twice

Sep 30, 2005

my winXP can be shut down must click twice the "shut down" botton

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Click Stand By Button, Computer Goes To Hibernate?

Jul 15, 2006

when I click on the Stand By button my computer well hibernate. I have been using Stand By for 3 years now. The button actually says Stand By, It says it is going into stand by mode. But it goes into Hibernate mode. Before when I put it in Stand By mode, the fans would all turn off. Now the fan doesnt turn off at all. From what I understand is that Hibernate mode saves your current settings. I have click the Stand By button a number of times with my web browser open and after I wake up from stand by (or what it is says is stand by) my web browser is still on the screen.

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Random Times Mouse Click Freeze-Mouse Move Works?

Mar 30, 2007

I got a new computer and I have been having problems with my mouse. I have a simple optical wired mouse. During random times, my mouse click freezes, although my mouse can move and I can use the key board at this time, I cannot click or focus anything. To fix the problem I can control alt delete and exit the Task Manager, this fixes the problem.

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Reboot Setup Window / Click Next Button Error Say / Can Not Install On Windows NT

May 17, 2005

Every time I reboot a setup window appears. When I click the next button an error say can not install on windows NT.

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Computer Some Times Starts - Some Times Doesn't - System Restore Point

Apr 10, 2006

I seem to be having problems as of late with my computer. for the past 10-15 days when I startup my computer sometimes Windows will load and other times it won't. I don't even get the privledge of the blue screen of death, but rather then brown green screen saying Windows failed to start. Usually it takes 3-4 tries before Windows successfully loads, but it seems to be getting progressively worse. I haven't installed any new software or modifiied any configuration details within the last 30days. I even tried a system restore point of about a month ago and I continue to have this problem.

I threw in my XP cd for a re-install but it says my version of windows is newer then the one on the cd, and after thinking about it, if this is a serious problem, having to re-install windows, all of my drivers for my 3rd party hardware and then update everything might not be worth the effort if I can just get a new computer. I have been pondering for a while of purchasing a mac for my next round of computer purchases so if it comes down to that, hardware and software costs from my current system are not a major issue. So is my computer just slowly dying like a used car, or what might be the problem?

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Installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta2 - Click Start / Shut Down

Aug 6, 2006

Some days before I installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 for Windows XP-SP2. But I didnt feel secure with the changes and decided to uninstall it. But a problem comes. When I want to close the P C, I do as always: Click Start, Close, Shut Down. But, the P C instead of closing restarts. My Windows XP-SP2 is installed on Portuguese.

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Double Click Button Fails After Awhile And Mouse Window Fails To Open

Oct 8, 2010

My intellimouse works correctly for awhile then double click fails. When this occurs the mouse control panel fails to open. Shutting down and restart corrects the problem-but only for awhile and then the same thing happens over again. I reloaded software to no avail. any help?

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Can No Longer Right Click On The "Start" Menu Button To Get To Explorer

May 7, 2007

I am running win-xp and just recently discovered that I can no longer right click on the start menu button.

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Explorer Closes When Click On File Menu - Right Click

Aug 3, 2005

I have a computer that quits explorer every time I try to click on the file menu, or right click on explorer and go to the new link. It also does this when i try to delete a folder in explorer or through my computer.

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Double Click- Right Click Does Not Works For Apening Any Folder

Feb 16, 2005

When I open a folder (MyComputer, for example), and try to right-click or double-click an icon to open it- it does not work. When I right-click the icon, NOTHING happens. When I double-click the icon, the icon gets highlighted, but the program or other folder does not open. I checked in the folder options, and it is set up so that when you double-click an icon, it opens the program. But the weird thing about it is that if I try to double-click or right-click an icon on my desktop.. it works like it should. So this really just doesn't make sense.

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Mouse Single Click But Double Click Response

Dec 31, 2006

Many times when I single click on an item with my mouse, whether it be a program, a shortcut, or whatever, more often than not , it acts as a double click. When I double cliclk, it opens up the program twice more often than mot, also. I have the Folder options set up to double click so I don't know what's going on. I regularly run AdAdware, Spybot, and I have ZoneAlarm Suite running all the time

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Ping Times Out

Mar 13, 2010

A host computer, windows xp, plugged directly into a satellite modem (Internet) and ONE client computer.
I had to configure my IP addresses manually, but the host ends in "2" and the client in "3" at the end of the IP string.
So - from the client, I can
1) See the Internet fine
2) Ping the host fine
3) Ping the root host (1) fine
From the host I can
1) See the Internet fine
2) When I ping the client, it returns REQUEST TIMED OUT
Both computers are members of the same group.
Both seem to connect fine to the Internet at all times, no problems.
The host computer, sees ITSELF, in that, if you map a drive, and you click on Microsoft Windows Network, then the group name, you SEE the computer name.
On the client, when you click on the same group, it stalls, and you see NOTHING - neither the client NOR the host (despite being able to PING the host)
The Windows firewall is TURNED OFF on both machines.
What do I do to resolve "Request Timed Out"?
The client is attached to the network via a Belkin Wireless Adapter, which seems to work and connect PERFECTLY.
From the client, you can ping the client,(itself) and it responds.

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Can't Click Or Right Click On Icons On Desktop

Feb 16, 2008

i have windows xp and i can't click or right click on any icon's on desktop.

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Computer Freezes Few Times A Day?

Dec 29, 2004

My computer freezes at least twice a day. Sometimes when i leave it on for quite some time, it freezes. At other times it just freezes while i'm doing some work. Just now the computer restarted by itself when i was running some programs (matlab, excel, bitcomet, zone alarm). I have to restart my computer manually everytime. I'm using Windows XP SP2, Zone Alarm Pro, BitComet, Prevx, McAfee. I've already checked my power option (hibernation disabled, never turn off monitor or hard disks and never standby).

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Computer Restarts About 4 Times A Day?

Jul 23, 2008

I have been looking into this computer restarting. I have downloaded recent drivers and updates. I looked at Microsofts suggestions. After the bsod if comes back up and the error reports says they are not sure what it is but it has something to do with antivirus.
Here is the event. It seems to happen whenever they are playing games or online. sometimes they will just go back to the desktop and the program will close.

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Probably Seen It A Million Times Its Asms

Feb 13, 2007

I just completed my first computer build and everything went fine, until i had to install windows. I am using Windows XP with SP2 its an oem version, and i am getting the asms problem. The only problem is, i can't use the microsoft solution because of the fact that my keyboard and mouse are not functioning when the problem goes off. I can't figure out how to just start the installation over and i don't really know where i should go from here. I hear that getting a new cd drive may help, i'm using the ones from my old computer. I also hear to borrow a windows disk and use a different disk.

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Microsoft Configuration Use Many Times

Jan 25, 2009

I've used Microsoft Configuration a hundred times, no problems with that. I alway zero in on Startup check or unch0eck something and leave it at that.Tonight I noticed a tab marked "service" and investigated. There are lots of entries, all checked off, and many of them refer to programs long since deleted. What are these entries, can I uncheck some of tjhem, eg the ones belonging to programs long ago deleted? And most important why is this section separated from startup?

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Updating OS Failed Many Times

Feb 25, 2009

The last 5 times I have tried to update my OS, it has failed.

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Series Of 6 Or 7 Beeps The First 2 Times

Aug 23, 2005

When I tried to power on my personal computer this morning, I got a series of 6 or 7 beeps the first 2 times and my personal computer didn't turn on. The third try did turn it on. What does this mean? Is it indications of serious problems?

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Pops Up Error About 50 Times A Day

May 31, 2007

About 2 weeks ago, my brother needed a program which i had on my computer and decided for us to share computers via wireless connection.Ever since then i keep on getting this error message, regardless if i am online or not, but it pops up about 50 times a day.Error 623 The System Could Not Find the Phone Book Entry for this Connection do i get rid of that error? do i UNSHARE the connection with my brothers computer?i am using win xp with sp2. and its a dell inspiron 600m.

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Restarts One Or Two Times And Then Starts Properly

Dec 12, 2006

i have a problem with my windows xp service pack 2.while starting my pc it restarts one or two times and then starts properly and checks the drive on which the pagefile is allocated alongwith the system drive.

i think there is a problem with the pagefile allocation because i have found that the drive check takes place of that drive on which the pagefile is allocated.

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Computer Keeps Turning Off At Random Times?

Jun 24, 2007

I'm not sure whether this is a hardware or software problemBasically at random times my computer just seems to lose power and shuts itself off. Ive have taken it too computer shops and had it looked at, they have done various things like change motherboard etc and none of that has helped. The last piece of advice I had was that it was probably software related and the best way to fix it would be to simply wipe the system and start from scratch but if possible id like to avoid that.Sometimes the PC will stay on for 4/5/6hours at a time and run fine, other times after just 5 minutes it will shut itself off. Then when I try to turn it back on it won't switch on unless it is left for a while.

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Computer Has Restarting Itself At Random Times

Sep 27, 2007

Lately it has been going super slow I have been trying to play my sims 2 game which was working fine until I installed the Sims 2 Pets. which seems to have trouble running on the computer. However the computer had been running slow previous to all of this. It had also been restarting itself at random times which we thought was because of the video card as the fan is humming and vibrating making all kinds of weird noises. I have now deleted all unecessary programs and uninstalled all of the sims programs. I have also ran two different anti virus programs whilst in safe mode which did not pick anything up each time. As of now it is running pretty efficiently but I can not do anything with it when i open IE6 it will load Google but no other just doesn't work it stays open sometimes when IE6 freezes the whole computer freezes and I have to restart by using the power button.

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