Can My Computer Run Windows 64-bit?

Jun 6, 2010

I've been wondering if i should get XP 64bit or Windows 7 64bit, but before i do that, i wanna know if my computer can run 64bit

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Computer Turned From Sleek Silver Windows Xp Theme Into Windows Classic Version

Oct 13, 2007

I came home today and found my computer had turned from the sleek silver windows xp theme into the windows classic version. I also have no sound and in the control panel it isn't picking up any audio devices. I cant change the theme back to windows xp in properties either it says im using Windows XP (modified). PLEASE HELP ME! All i know is that the power went out at some point today (about 7 hours ago)

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Computer Won't Go To Windows

Dec 2, 2004

One day my friend turned on his computer and windows did not start. Instead, a screen popped up that said "Windows did not start successfully" and with that, had options of what to do from there. The options had all Safe mode options, Last known configuration, and start windows normally. Yet no matter what option is chosen, the computer reboots and goes back to that " Windows did not start"screen. (It usually reboots right after it says "WIndows XP Professional" and is attempting to load it up.)

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Can Upgrade Windows 98 Computer

Jan 16, 2005

can i load the upgrade of windows 98 to xp on two home computers?

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Windows Xp Cannot Shut Down Computer

Apr 12, 2008

I have windows xp home edition oem version on compaq presario desk top with sp 2. When I try to shut down and it gets to the "windows is shutting down" it just stays there until I turn computer off with switch. I only use that computer occasionally as a back-up but would really like to fix it. The bios was last updated in 2004 and the power settings of bios are set to default so I believe it is a windows problem. The computer is loaded with pre-installed junk software from a recent restore using the restore cd. I am also open for suggestions on how to uninstall all the junk without causing other problems with the oem windows xp. The computer has 2.8 celeron and 500 mb memory. I would greatly appreciate any help

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Computer Reboots But Dont Go Into Windows

Jan 15, 2007

On my comp, I could not reboot. Anyway I went(boot in safe mode,Last known...) the comp would just reboot and not go into Windows. I took the System diskl that came with it originally(2 years ago) and rep0aired the windows with the repair option instead of reinstalling windows completely. It worked fine, but i found windows to be XP service pack 1. I now updated service pack 1 completely and then updated to service Pack 2. Heres the prioblem. When Installing SP2 i kept getting Application errors for numerous Application stated below. On anyone of the Applications, the message was: instruction @ "ox5a00671a" referenced memory @ "oxff3fb084". The memory can not be "read".

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Computer Seemed To Hang When It Loaded Up Windows?

Aug 15, 2006

Been using Registaryfix v5.5 on my computer to check for problems, but the last time i used it i found that my computer seemed to hang when it loaded up windows. i used safe mode and restored my reg files using registary fix to their original state. it's working ok now but... should i trust this software, or is it because i don't know what im doing with it i should be carefull? I've posted my hijack this file also just in case i have any virus problems.

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Computer Freezes: Windows Corrupted?

Sep 1, 2005

I think my windows XP is corrupt. When I am in any browser my computer completely freezes and I have to shut the power off in order to restart. If I reinstall XP will I loose all of my programs, etc. I have never done this before and am a littled worried about doing so. I have done everything else I can think of. My system is clean otherwise, just locks up when browsing.

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Shutting Down Windows But Computer Freezes

Mar 20, 2006

shutting down windows, get to shutting down windows screen then computer freezes

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Computer Acting Weird Windows XP

Aug 6, 2009

I have a Windows XP and Comcast is my provider. Lately (started 2 weeks ago), while in the midst of doing a search or while viewing an internet news video, a BOX POPS UP and asks me if I want to WORK OFFLINE and I get automatically booted to WORKING OFFLINE. I know this is someone told me to CLICK ON "FILE" and there it is, a checkmark in front of WORK OFFLINE.

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Computer Freezes When Try To Install Windows Xp

Aug 13, 2010

I just built a new computer and for now until I get windows 7, I was trying to put 32 bit xp home edition on my 64 bit motherboard.But everytime I try to install, it freezes.

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Open Windows Explorer My Computer

Nov 7, 2006

When I open windows explorer I see My Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, and Internet Explorer. I no longer see My Documents. How do I get them back to show in windows explorer?

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Windows Updates - Computer Becomes Slow

Feb 3, 2007

i have windows xp. i recently ran updates for the first time since having it for a few months. complete disaster. all my display settings are messed up. my computer wont restore to previous points. and sometimes boxes that pop up for programs have no words. i dont know whats going on. any help would be usegful. is there any way to undo windows updates

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Computer Restarts Itself When Open Windows

Mar 10, 2009

my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?

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Computer Came With Windows Xp Home Pre-installed

Dec 2, 2004

since then i have reformatted my hard drive and used other operating systems on my computer. if i reformat and install windows xp home again, will the key that came with my computer work?i won't be using the same disks that came with my system, i will be using a generic purchased version but i will use the serial that came with my system? is it going to work?

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All Windows Open Minimized On Computer

Jun 5, 2008

Just recently, all of my programs, e-mail client (Juno) and Explorer open minimized. I max them out, and then close them, but it's still happening.I read somewhere that there is a registry fix for this. Does anyone out there have the fix (or other solution)?I do not have a restore point to go to.

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Minimized Windows Don't Flash On Computer

Apr 30, 2006

I have had a problem recently where any minimized windows that are updated (such as IMs) don't flash on my taskbar.I have narrowed this to a problem in my register- I was told that Fore ground Lock Timeout is supposed to be set to 30d40, but doing so doesn't help. In addition, every time I reset my computer, the entry is reset to 0. What can keep my registry from being saving this information?Running Windows XP Pro, and I have no idea how this problem even started.

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Can't Load Windows Xp / Computer Does Not See Cd Drive

May 11, 2005

I purchased a used HP 8575c, Pentium III. History: original OS Windows 98 SE, previous owner installed Windows XP Pro, then computer would not "see" CD-rom or DVD-rom. He admitted to using a "Windows XP activation crack" to bypass registration of XP. He sold me the computer, and I was able to activate the CD-rom & DVD-rom by eliminating the "upperlimit" and "lowerlimit" HKEY settings. I wanted to install Windows 98 SE (my favorite system). I was able to load Windows 98 SE, but lost the CD and DVD again. And this time, there was no "upperlimit" or "lowerlimit" keys available. I decided to load my own Windows XP Pro (legitimate CD with key), but couldn't load it because of no CD capabilities.

I was advised to use a Killdisk floppy to wipe the HD, download the 6 Windows XP boot disks, which would load the needed drivers for the CD and DVD, and I could then load XP normally from the CD. I wiped the hard drive, inserted the 1st XP boot disk, no problem, it then called for disk 2, then this message appeared: file tkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded, error code is 7, setup cannot continue. I can get into bios where I restored defaults, but no change. The windows help site suggested hitting the F7 key when it calls for F6 about installing RAID, etc, but it didn't work. I don't know where to go from here. At this point the computer is a big paperweight.

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After Reinstall Windows Computer Wouldn't Start Up

Apr 16, 2008

I had to reinstall windows after a virus took out all of the essential .dll files and the computer wouldn't start up, I now have a problem with some of my hardware not working. When I go into device manager the following have yellow question marks beside them:

ethernet controller
multimedia audio controller
video controller (VGA compatible).

The computer itself is an XC cube edition (not sure if that's a brand or not). It was supplied for a disabled student if that helps? It runs windows XP service pack 2.

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Computer Restarts Suddenly / Windows Has Recovered?

Oct 14, 2006

anytime I am working on it it will suddenly turn off. I mean one second I'm working away and the next it's booting up as though someone flicked the switch off and on again really quickly. When it starts up it shows the message "Windows has recovered from a serious error". It happens when I doing 3d work, burning a dvd, listening to music or even opening a document. It's not and never was connected to the internet.

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Re-installing XP : The Version Of Windows On This CD Is Older Than On This Computer?

Dec 11, 2004

I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?

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2nd Hand Computer With No Product Key: Windows Corrupted?

Apr 25, 2008

i bought a second hand computer but it didnt come with a product key, the computer now wont start because the screen comes up saying that windows has been corrupted, iv been through the process of rebooting the system and it is now asking for the product key, but how can i find the key?

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Computer Does Not Have Windows Explorer In Program Files

Apr 15, 2008

My son gave me his laptop after mine quit, it has WinXP in it, as my other one did. However, this computer does not have Windows Explorer in the program files. (I know it's supposed to be in Program Files/ Accessories--it just is missing) I don't know how to do anything without Windows Explorer.

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Have DELL Computer With Windows XP / Have No Desktop Icons

May 30, 2006

I have a DELL computer with windows XP, and I have no desktop icons.My comp. turns on but once the screen comes up I have no icons.I don't even have the little start icon at the bottom, so I can't open anything.

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Computer Hangs: Reinstalled Windows But Error Came Back?

Oct 16, 2008

For some reason for a couple of weeks now my computer hangs all of a sudden no matter what I'm doing. Sometimes I am watching a movie, sometimes playing a game, and sometimes, I just leave it open coz a download is running, I come back and check 10 minutes later, the computer has hanged. I have noticed that when this happens, the hard-disk light comes permanently on.

Ran AVG and found few viruses, removed those, no avail. Ran malware/spyware remover, found few, removed those, no avail. Formatted C drive, reinstalled windows, PC ran well for 10 days, problem came back. Initially had 512 MB RAM, changed it to 1GB, formatted PC again, PC ran well for 10 days, problem back again. Can't run checkdisks and all because the comp hangs every single time.

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Odd Startup: Windows Has Been Shut Down To Prevent Damage To Your Computer?

Feb 10, 2006

I turned my computer on and after rebooting once, I pressed the F8 key and chose "disable reboot after system failure" and the blue screen said: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen,restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated.Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, then restart your computer. STOP: 0X0000007B (0xF7B70528, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) I tried running it in safe mode but it never made it to the windows log-in

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Computer Rebooted Itself: <windows Root>system32hal.dll Error?

Oct 28, 2007

Windows XP. Computer rebooted itself with this message when saving data on a game disc. Could someone

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WINDOWS EXPLORER Error: Computer Wont Shut Down Normally:

Dec 24, 2007

Everytime I turn off my computer by clicking on "turn off computer," I receive an error message popup that states "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to be closed." After that pop-up message, the computer freezes for about a minute and goes back to its normal format (desktop) and the computer DOES NOT TURN OFF. How do I turn off my computer without unplugging the computer? I try "ctrl+alt+del" to go to the windows task manager to "shut down" the computer but..the computer restarts again and doesnt turn off. Do I have a virus or a windows explorer problem? and how do i fix it?

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Windows Was Unable To Complete Disk Check From Computer

Mar 23, 2009

windows was unable to complete the disk check from My Computer.What cause this and how can I fix it? Apparently, this is the reason I am unable to perform a defrag.I ran a Chkdsk.exe and got the following msg: The type of the file system is NTFS. Cannot lock current drive.Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? y

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Can't Even Start Up Computer / Get Blue Screen As Windows Starts Up

Apr 10, 2007

What happens for me is I can't even start up my computer because i get the blue screen as windows starts up. I don't know if my hard drive is still going to work or not. Anybody know what to do?

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