Computer Seemed To Hang When It Loaded Up Windows?

Aug 15, 2006

Been using Registaryfix v5.5 on my computer to check for problems, but the last time i used it i found that my computer seemed to hang when it loaded up windows. i used safe mode and restored my reg files using registary fix to their original state. it's working ok now but... should i trust this software, or is it because i don't know what im doing with it i should be carefull? I've posted my hijack this file also just in case i have any virus problems.

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Windows Explorer.exe Will Not Load Or Stay Loaded

Dec 22, 2005

It all started when none of my folders would open or "mycomputer" or any "explorer.exe" related things. So I restarted the computer, and after restart the logon screen come on. I tryed to log in but all I got was the "Loadding your personal settings".Then nothing. So Ctrl-Alt-Del the consol comes up. I tried to run explorer.exe manuly but it just blinks on the screen and then disappear.It is almost like something is killing or not letting explorer.exe stay loaded.

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Lenore Pc Hdd Ok, But Os Windows Hp Hang Up During Start Up

Oct 15, 2010

lenovo pc hdd ok, but os windows hp hang up during start up, what is the possible solution?

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Was Pre-loaded On Computer / Never Had Product Key / Can Reinstall Without That?

Feb 24, 2005

One of our computers (kids have at school) might need a reformat & XP Home reinstall. I'm wondering about the Product Key - we never had it. It is a Dell. XP Home was already installed. We have Reinstall discs. I am reading about reinstalling XP and it says to Have Your Product Key handy! I'm finding the Product Key can be ONLY be found "on the orange sticker on the back of the envelope holding the original disc." We never had original discs since XP was installed, so we don't have that enevelope or Product Key sticker - nothing. Those orange stickers seem to be the only way to find the 25-digit Product Key for XP. We have the reinstall discs and 20-digit Product Registration numbers (shown on the Registered to box on the system info box).If it turns out the computer will need to be reformatted and XP reinstalled, will the Reinstall disc know that XP was pre-installed by Dell and we didn't install it? How will it work? What information will I have to supply? (I've looked at the Dell site but feel uneasy.)

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Windows Setup Error "Setupdd.sys Cannot Be Loaded Error 14

Dec 2, 2004

When trying to install Windows XP Pro I get the following error message "Setupdd.sys cannot be loaded error 14. Setup can not continue. Press any key to exit."

Anybody have any ideas how to solve this?

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Computer Gets Hang After Few Second

Jan 3, 2005

Computer gets hang after 20 second.sometimes it gets hanged when computer checks that NV Ram on the very first screen sometime it gets hang on BIOS[blue screen]means i cannot go to the main Deskpot. I am using Windows Xp SP1.

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Help My Computer Keep On Hang

Aug 8, 2007

I playing games or doing nothing the computer just hang.

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My Computer Always Hang

Aug 23, 2007

I have problem that can make me crazy. my computer always hang up.i dont what to do know..i traying defrag and scandisk my partition but this problem dont solve.

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HP Computer Hang Up Every Time

Dec 22, 2004

I have a HP computer with Windows software and starting yesterday it started to hang up and stall. We have to manually turn the computer off and back on and it takes several minutes before it comes to the main screen. I did a system restore, turned off the screensaver, ran a virus check with Norton 2004, and it is still occuring and has hung up 5 times today. We do not have internet access to this computer, so I do not think there is a virus on it.

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Computer Gets Hang Checks NV Ram

Jan 3, 2005

My computer gets hang after 20 second.sometimes it gets hanged when computer checks that NV Ram on the very first screen sometime it gets hang on BIOS[blue screen]means i cannot go to the main Desktop.

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My Computer Always Hang With No Reason

Dec 17, 2005

I do not know what went wrong.Recently my system always hang for no reason.I can't move my mouse and i tried changing another mouse but still didn't work.I run virus and spyware scan with all the available programs and fix registry and system errors with numerous registry cleaning tools.What shall i do to eliminate this problem?I am running on windows XP Pro serv.Pk 2.

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USB Mouse Hang Computer

Apr 10, 2006

I have got a computer running windows xp. If I plug in a usb mouse my computer hangs when i shut down and i have to hit the power switch. I have turned off the power management for the usb root hub but this makes no difference.

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Computer Hang When Sitting Idle For Short Period.

Sep 11, 2005

When starting the computer from total power down, the computer (Dell dimension 8300) works fine. However when the computer has been left idle for short periods of say 1 hour or more, the the system hangs. All programs and internet/LAN access lock up which requires a full hard boot to enable restart and program access.

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Board Band Connect - Computer Hang Up Reboot Automatically

Jun 21, 2005

My computer have following problem, can you please give me some advise how to fix it ? when connect to boardband (cable modem), the computer hang up or sometime reboot automately. (if disconnect boardband the computer work fine) Also IF use 56K dail up to connect internet, there is no problem at all.

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Shutdown Hang/freeze Up While Clicking "Turn Off Computer" From Start Menu?

Jul 9, 2008

well, this problem started a little while ago, Ive got a 2.93ghz P4, and 1GB memory, so i know my computer is (plenty) fast enough.when i click on the button in the start menu "Turn Off Computer", my PC shows the hourglass, and i cant click on anything, this will go on for about a minute or 2, once it took 5 minutes. then the small box with shutdown options comes up finally, and then after the light blue screen gets to "Shutting Down...". it takes maybe a bit longer than expected but im not to sure about that.

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Computer Turned From Sleek Silver Windows Xp Theme Into Windows Classic Version

Oct 13, 2007

I came home today and found my computer had turned from the sleek silver windows xp theme into the windows classic version. I also have no sound and in the control panel it isn't picking up any audio devices. I cant change the theme back to windows xp in properties either it says im using Windows XP (modified). PLEASE HELP ME! All i know is that the power went out at some point today (about 7 hours ago)

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Cannot Be Loaded Or Reinstalled

Aug 21, 2007

My younger sister was playing on the "Neopets" website. She loaded up a browser-based game called "Shenkuu River Rush". As I understand, to do this, she needed to download the "3D Life Player". The game worked fine for a while, but then started to run slow, so she restarted the computer. When she restarted, it still ran slow. She was also running the latest version of MSN/Windows Live Messenger. Finally, she loaded up the game and the computer pretty much froze (impossible to do anything, and showed no signs of resolving) so I came and shut it down manually.When I switched it on again, the computer went into the usual "We apologize for the incovenience, but Windows did not start successfully." screen. Thinking nothing of it, I selected "Start Windows Normally" and hit enter. The screen stayed on the Windows XP loading screen for a while, then flickered to a BSOD (I couldn't out what it was at this point) and restarted. This time, I selected "Last Known Good Configuration", and the exact same thing happened. I then tried running it in Safe Mode (both regular and command line)

The computer came with Windows XP loaded on it (I think it might've been Home Edition?), but I had a Windows XP Professional disk so I booted up from that. The "Windows Setup" screen comes up, and at the bottom of the screen, as is routine, the "Setup is loading files..." message is present. Just when all the files are seemingly loaded, and the message at the bottom of the screen flickers to "Setup is loading Windows.

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Specified Module Could Not Be Loaded

Jun 7, 2005

When I start windows XP, I get the message (error loading DOCEOC 1681 )The specified module could not be loaded.

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Need SP1 Or SP1a Loaded First

Jan 4, 2009

I have aquired an older laptop that has XP Home on it that has not had the windows Service Packs installed. I tried to load SP3 from a CD, but found that I needed SP1 or SP1a loaded first. Where can I safely get this outdated software ?

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AOL Not Responding After Loaded

Feb 20, 2005

When I run AOL 7.0, it always says not responding after it has loaded. I tried uninstalling and installed it a gain and it still doesn't work.

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Would Not Be Loaded - Blue Screen

Feb 9, 2005

I'm trying to fix my friend Emachine that he got about a year ago, it has a 80 gig hard drive, 512 ram. When I took a look at it I tried to boot it up and it started to load windows xp and then just stopped and started over again and kept reapting this process untill I shut down the computer. I continued to us fdisk and format at the dos promt to format the disk and then tried to load windows xp over again. It got almost all the way done then it went to this big blue screen saying the windows couldnt be loaded and that I shuld check if there is any new hardware..ect, and there is nothing new in the computer. I than figured I would try killdisk and a few other methods to totally clean the hard drive thinking there could be a virus deep in the MBR and not matter what I do I keep getting the same message over and over. I may be over looking something or could be just having a blond moment as it were but I have been working on this for the last three days and I am running out of idea's.

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Amd64tkrnlmp.exe Could Not Be Loaded - Error 4

Feb 18, 2007

tkrnlmp.exe could not be loade The error code is 4? I am stuck in the middle of trying to repair my windows xp professional 64 bit software. I am unable to get past this error.

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Fatal Kernel32.dll - Cant Be Loaded

Dec 20, 2006

three "Fatal Error Kernel32.dll cant be loaded" messages appear everytime this laptop starts up.........have no clue what's the problem is.HELP i can't rigt i can't get much info but it iz a win xp dell latitude d610 intel centrino notebook.

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Boot Cd Hp Pavilion / Can't Get To Loaded The OS

May 16, 2010

I have a ez5730us hp I can't get to loaded the OS try it start and cut of and reboot the notebook.

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Lost Pre Loaded Games

Mar 9, 2007

I recently found that my Games folder was empty. When I try to re-install the games from my XP Pro cd, I get the errors: "Setup cannot copy the file sol.hl." etc. If I cancel and try to continue setup, It just gives the same error from the next item.I tried to uninstall and reinstall the Accessories and Utilities folder and recieved the same errors. The cd is a Genuine Windows XP Professional Upgrade. It includes Service Pack 2. Version 2002. The cd is not scratched or smudged in any way and I can see the files on it when I browse the cd. I also checked my cd drive by installing two other programs from two different cds. It works fine.
There are several things that happened or I did to the computer before I lost the games but I dont want to get into the details if I dont have to (dont want to write a small novel). The most significant, I think is that I had to reactivate my copy of Windows, because I had removed my etherlink card (I only have dial-up here). Also I messed up some drivers and had to reinstall them. I'm not sure which caused the reactivation screen to pop up. When I reactivated, I couldn't connect to the internet and had to do it over the phone, so they gave me a different Product Key to use.I hope that information helps to explain my situation enough. I would just do a clean reinstall of XP, but am now afraid it wouldn't copy the files from the cd.

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Just Erased Vista And Loaded XP

Apr 10, 2007

I have a sony vaio laptop model vgn-n220e and it came with vista which sucks by the way. I loaded xp pro on it and now i just need help finding drivers so i can get my power/battery settings back, wireless interent, sound so on, would really appreciated someone pointing me in the right direction

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Spybot Loaded On System

Jan 15, 2008

I have a windows xp laptop. Everytime I double click MY COMPUTER or Ddrive icons it comes up with this. I can right click and open the file though. Cheers for any tips. I have spybot loaded on my computer.

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Something Couldn't Be Loaded With McAfee

Jun 23, 2004

Another problem that occurred about the same time that the "about:blank" problem showed up was one that showed that something couldn't be loaded with McAfee when the desktop was coming up (a scripting problem), and that I had to select "yes" to have java scripts to work.

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Loaded Fire Fox - Explorer 7

Dec 7, 2006

I down loaded fire fox and made it my default. Also I kept explorer. I decided that I didn't want firefox so removed it. Now I can't get explorer to open any web pages.

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Error Messages Prop DLL Not Loaded

Mar 5, 2007

Everytime I open any word document I get around five error messages. All dll messages. I have uninstalled/reinstalled XP several times.

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