Can't Access Advanced Options Menu

Jan 2, 2008

I have a computer that is stuck in a loop and won't boot into normal or safe mode. There is a blue screen flashing up, but way too quick for me to be able to see the STOP code.The problem I have is that the American Megatrends BIOS 2.51, has an option on the boot screen "Press F8 for BBS Popup". Therefore I can't use the F8 key to get into the Windows XP Advanced Options menu. Why the hell has a BIOS manufacturer hijacked an important Windows key? I have also tried pressing the F8 key AFTER the BIOS screen, but even by doing that you still get a boot order list by pressing F8, and not the Advanced Options menu.

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Windows Advanced Options Menu On Startup

Apr 16, 2007

when computer turn it on it boots directly into

"Windows Advanced Options Menu"

all option are available for me to access, although the keyboard is non responsive (yes it works) & i am unable to select anything

after the timed countdown it starts to boot and get to the windows welcome screen and then hangs. no further progression from that point.

specs as i know are
win xp 2
512 ram
motherboard (asus i think)
rest is all on board

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Arrow Keys Not Working In Advanced Options Menu

Jan 25, 2010

How else can i geti into safe mode or last known good config.

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Advanced Start Menu Options Blank, Sys Restore Non-functional?

Sep 14, 2007

I'm working on recovering a machine from a month-long period of time during which it was completely overrun with spyware and virues. Currently, I have the following issues to contend with: System Restore can only be activated or deactivated via direct registry edit. When you try from the System Properties window, it simply tells you that an error occurred and to try a restart. The advanced start menu options are blank. There are no options to turn off or on things like "Show Network Connections." The options can be turned on in the registry, but the options are missing altogether from the 'rt-click-on-the-start-button' process. Any instance of IE that is open shows in the taskbar as "Windows Explorer," rather than Internet Explorer.

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On Startup, Xp Beeps 4 Times, Goes Into Advanced Options

Aug 10, 2005

I have apparently inadvertantly changed a setting.

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Advanced Options At Pressing F8 Wont Appear During Boot?

Oct 18, 2006

On page 222 of my Windows XP book "Plain & Simple" it explains that, if, before Windows starts, you hold down Key F8 the Windows Advanced Options Menu will appear - only IT DOESN'T !! It used to, on my old computer, but now I have a new one, 250 GB 'split' into two drives of 125GB each, with Windows XP SP2 OEM Software.

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Boot Menu Options: Black Screen With Options?

Jul 12, 2005

I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?

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Can't Access The Advanced Tone Control For Audio

Feb 10, 2009

I can access the volume controls but when I go to advanced option for tone control it's greyed out. I attached speakers and headphones and it's still greyed out. Is there a way to make this an accessable option?

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Going From One OS To Other Without Boot Menu Options?

Jul 23, 2005

I just install my xp To my System as a primary system os. and id like to install win 98 as a backup os. and is there any possiblity that i can boot my system to xp without going to that os choice menu? and from inside xp (after booting xp) transfer from win98 without rebooting again?

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Folder Options Dissappeared In Menu

Sep 5, 2007

the menu of 'folder options' has disappeared frm my 'tools' menu in 'my computer' folder. this is when i log in as administrastor. that's why i can't change the folder settings to view the hidden files and folders.

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Run Disappaired From Start Menu / No Folder Options?

Sep 4, 2007

I've Windows XP Pro SP2. for some reason I cant find Run in Start menu, also when I open any folder i cant see "Folder options" in view list Scanning with Norton Anti-Virus corporate Edition 10 doesnt show any virus activities

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Right Click Menu Pops Up With Options Missing

May 31, 2010

I've got a very strange problem with my right click menu where if I right click something, file or empty space, the menu pops up with options missing. I'll open an application/program and the right click menu will lose some more options... eventually I'm left with no menu at all, I right click and nothing happens, and left click and I can see from the animations on buttons that the computer is recognising a click, but nothing happens. If I close a program, part of the menu comes back. This happens for any and every program, programs which I've been using for years. I always keep my antivirus software up to date and scans detect no viruses. I system restored back two months and the problem was still there. Today I wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Windows XP as a last resort to get rid of this issue, and it's still there! I have no idea what it is, what's causing it or why it's happening, and I can't find any way to get rid of it other than continue to close programs to restore options, but that's not good enough because eventually I end up with no programs left to close and the only way for my clicks to work again is to reboot.

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Task Manager Top Menu Options Have Disappeared

Apr 21, 2006

all my top menu options for task manager are gone disappeared.i cant access the file, options, view, windows, help and the ones below that apps, processes & performance.

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Win Loses Desktop - Start Menu Options / Goes Blank

Jun 28, 2008

This is not a desktop recovery error. While using the computer, for example using IE on the internet: all of my desktop icons and access to anything ie. start menu and right click on desktop no longer works. I can continue using the IE open window, but to get my other programs back I have to shut down. The desktop wallpaper still remains.

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Start Menu Expanding Options: Lots Of Folders Listed?

Apr 4, 2005

Using WinXP Home Sp2. On my start bar I have lots of folders listed, and as a result, Win shrinks the start bar down to my recently used folders. This is really annoying because I always have to click the expanding buttons at the bottom of the start menu - see bellow. Is there anyway to have the start menu contsantly expanded by default so I don't have to keep manually expanding it?

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Start Menu / Folder Options: Nothing In The Left-hand Column?

Jan 13, 2008

When I open up the Start Menu on one of the accounts, there is nothing in the left-hand column. When I right click and get the Properties, and try to Customize the Menu, the options don't save, and I'm stuck with nothing. I've tried clicking on the Internet radio button for "Show on Start Menu". I click Ok, then Apply, and Finally Ok again. But when I go back to the menu, it still has nothing in the left-hand column.

The second thing I've noticed was under Folder Options -> View, I tried to check both the "Show Hidden Files and Folders" button, and also un-check "Hide extensions for Known File Types" and click on Apply, then Ok again. But still, these options don't save and are reset back to "Do not show hidden files", and "hide extensions".

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Unable To Access Accessibility Options

Apr 30, 2007

I cannot turn off the annoying sticky keys because i cannot access the accessibility options. Anyone have ideas?

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Unable To Access Internet Options From Control Panel?

Jan 9, 2009

Sparing all of you the gory details,I can not access I.O. from the control panel.The icon is there but when i click, it flashes very fast and wont open.

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No Folder Options Control Panel - No Access Hidden Files

Jun 3, 2006

The folder options seem to have vanished from my control panel n nothin that i do can help me access my hidden files.

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Unable To Find "Folder Options"in The Tools Tab Of The Menu/control Panel?

Jan 6, 2007

I am using Windows XP professional v5.1 on my laptop. i cannot see "Folder options" in the tools tab of the menu/control panel.

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Deleting Unwanted Boot Ups / Getting Several Options At Boot Menu?

Mar 4, 2007

How do I delete the other options on boot up at the moment when i boot it say WINDOWS XP WINDOWS XP SET UP WINDOWS XP and I only now need the last one

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Cant Access Programs Through The Start Menu

Jan 7, 2007

Something has been eroding the quality of my PC.I lost the ability to access programs through the START menu (I have to seek them out via Win Explorer).Now when I am on-line (Internet Explorer) and I click on a link, it usually (not always) freezes and I have to shut it down via Taskmanager.I cannot run a full virus scan because I have a damaged Intel file that causes the PC to freeze whenever the scan touches it. But I do run Ewido and Spybot (fast scans). I used to have McAfee via AOL, but it was KILLING the speed of my PC (start-ups were painful).

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Cannot Access Start Menu Items - Folders

Jan 6, 2008

You see, my problem is that whenever i try to open a folder, or go to my computer or control panel my entire desktop blanks out leaving only the wallpaper and returns to the desktop with no open folder (by blanked out i mean the tool bar and icons disappear) i have no clue were to put this thread in, so im assuming it could be an operating system problem, the only way i can access folders is by using the run prompt thing, but even then i cant use the Control panel or anything, i tried Control.exe but no luck,

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Desktop Icons Missing / Cannot Access Start Menu

Mar 18, 2010

Lately i've having issues with my computer (Windows XP Professional SP 2, Sony VAIO). The startup is normal until I log into my account, computer slows down and in the end nothing shows up, no desktop icons and even the task bar at the bottom disappears. However, I can ctrl-alt-del and log out of my account and when I log in a second time, everything is back up and running. Then, I go to start menu and for example I click on my pictures, the computer freezes again and I have to reboot. (if i dont click on start menu and instead go on the internet, everything is normal)I did some research and im not sure if it has anything to do with explorer.exe error or just my hard drive is not working properly,

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Control Panel Has Vanished From Start Menu And System Access Restricted

Sep 10, 2007

I've seen similar recent threads opened detailing similar problems you've looked into. My control panel icon has vanished from my start menu, the link to it in My Computer has gone too and when I try to access it via the Run function using control.exe I am greeted with the message of "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer, please contact your administrator".I'm sure this is a malware problem I've picked up off the web but I've got no idea of how to fix the problem. Your help would be very gratefully received.

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F8 Gets Me Boot Menu, Not Boot Options?

Dec 25, 2008

i have an asus p5nsli, i cant see windows xp because of a new acer display driver that doesnt work, apparently. on bootup, when i press F8, i only get the options to boot from floppy, hd, or can i get to safe mode? pressing delete gives me the bios, i've tried every key on the board.

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Cannot Access "Internet Options"

Jul 7, 2007

I cannot access the Internet Options from Control Panel or Internet Explorer or Run, methods tried:

From IE tools> internet option:result: pop up saying "This option has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" (I am administrator and I already tried making new administive accounts but still doesnt work

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Advanced INF Install Failure

Sep 14, 2007

I was trying to fix my System restore- buy putting in my XP restore disk..Clicking Start then Run..and typing "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:WindowsInfsr.inf".And it starts to run then all of a sudden I get an error and it says"INF install Failure- Reason: Error Performing in page Operation".

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Pro Sp2 Advanced Tab Power Option

Nov 23, 2006

I recently reinstalled win xp pro sp2 on my old desktop (dell optiplex GX1). The only problem (it's more of an annoyance than a problem) is that on the advanced tab of the Power Options Properties I do not get any power button options. In my previous installation I was getting those options and I had configured it so that pressing the power button for less than 4secs it would put the system in hybernation mode. Is anybody aware of any registry tweak that will enable the power button options? (I really wouldn't want to go through the installation all over again).

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Advanced System Info

Aug 15, 2005

get object error in system software, under hardware installed, get error, under Network Diagnostics, system runs the check and stops at 99% formatting results and never goes any further.

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4 Start Up Options - Unable To Delete 3 Unwanted Options?

Dec 24, 2008

I have ended up with 4 different options for XP Pro when my computer starts. This is, basically, as a result of me re-installing Widows a couple of times to try and solve a very slow running system (more help needed there but I will start a new thread for that).How do I remove the 3 unwanted start options?

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