Advanced INF Install Failure

Sep 14, 2007

I was trying to fix my System restore- buy putting in my XP restore disk..Clicking Start then Run..and typing "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:WindowsInfsr.inf".And it starts to run then all of a sudden I get an error and it says"INF install Failure- Reason: Error Performing in page Operation".

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Power Failure During Install

Dec 20, 2008

During an installation of XP we experienced a power failure.The installation had been running for about 8 minutes when power went out.I After electricity was restored, I attempted to reinstall XP on the laptop however, now it will get to the Windows horizontal bar screen, and then a Windows Message comes up and says The system is not fully installed.

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Disk Boot Failure New Install

Jun 6, 2005

I just built a computer today, and I'm trying to install Windows XP Pro with SP2. The CD boots fine, but once I have done the initial setup I get a Disk Boot Error every time I restart, unless I manually intervene and again boot from the CD (in which case I can finish the installation and everything works fine, except that I can only boot from the CD).I have done some searching, but although lots of people have had similar problems, I'm not finding a solution that works for me.

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Can't Install Net Framework 1.1 Update - Failure Report

Jun 21, 2006

My automatic updater keeps telling me I need to install the latest security update for Net Framework 1.1. I've tried a number of times and always get a failure report. The logs say Ox643 is the error code. Looking this up on the MS site was no help. Any ideas about how to get past this? I really don't need Net Framework ( I think), so would un-installing it be an option to remove the nuisance reminders about updating it?

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New HD Install - Drive Letter Smart Failure

Mar 7, 2005

My computer won't boot...the master HD had a SMART failure. I've decided to replace my current master HD with a WD 80gig. I also have an identical WD 80gig slave on my system (which I do not want to reformat). Seems simple...however, My slave is the current c: drive. For some reason when i reformatted last time it automatically named my root drive idea. And to get my computer to recognize my ipod i needed a c: drive so i ended up changing my slave to that via a program in xp. Does anyone know if this will be a real problem when i go to format and partition the new drive? Will it show both HDs without assigned letters? Should I install, format, and setup xp on the new HD without a slave attached and then add the slave later?

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Unable To Install SP2: Getting Failure Error Of Numbers & Letters?

Jul 5, 2005

I have XP1 installed but having trouble getting XP2 on.I have a HP Pavilion 8905.XP Pro is installed as a clean install(not using the partitioned files) No other HP services are installed/loaded.I installed XP2 from the MS setup disk I got sent out but the trouble is when it does the restart, I get an error msg. (STOP failure the numbers & letters). I then have to do a recory disk roll-back.

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Pro Sp2 Advanced Tab Power Option

Nov 23, 2006

I recently reinstalled win xp pro sp2 on my old desktop (dell optiplex GX1). The only problem (it's more of an annoyance than a problem) is that on the advanced tab of the Power Options Properties I do not get any power button options. In my previous installation I was getting those options and I had configured it so that pressing the power button for less than 4secs it would put the system in hybernation mode. Is anybody aware of any registry tweak that will enable the power button options? (I really wouldn't want to go through the installation all over again).

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Advanced System Info

Aug 15, 2005

get object error in system software, under hardware installed, get error, under Network Diagnostics, system runs the check and stops at 99% formatting results and never goes any further.

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Home Advanced File Permissions

Aug 12, 2002

How to access *Advance file Permissions* on NTFS file systems for XP Home simply by booting into *Safe Mode*, rt-clicking any file or folder, and navigating to the *Security tab*. This gives the user the ability to allow or deny read, write, execute, read & write, display contents, full-control, iheritance, and take ownership permissions, with many more options available to apply to different users and groups stored on the computer.Well, you don't have to do this in *Safe Mode* (XP Home).
Go to your command prompt - Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. Now type "cacls" in the window (without the quotes). This gives you the ability to add, remove or modify file permissions on files and folders through the command prompt. Type "cacls /?" for help on different options and variables. You do not need to be in safe mode to use this so it makes it a little quicker than using the safe mode security tab GUI.Remember - this only applies to NTFS.WHY the system crashed ?(ie. faulty hardware/software/conflicts, etc)

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Very Advanced Program To Copy Files ?

Mar 2, 2006

I have old backup of favorites (bunch of *.lnk files) from Internet Explorer that i had on cd and forgot about it. Then i formated my pc and had to start over collecting them.
Now after year i find out my old favs was on backup cd and i want to merge my old favorites with my current ones, the problem is there is about 100 links in old folder and about 200 links in current folder and many of them lead to same sites, i dont wanna have duplicates and i dont wanna sort them manually.

Is there prog that can copy file from one folder to another, checking if each file from source folder is not present in destination folder (and subfolders) under different name (by checking size or crc or md5 whatever)?

Or prog that can check which of files from source folder (without subfolders) are same as files in destination folder (without subfolders) and mark them to delete or move or smooth

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Microsoft Advanced Notification Error

Oct 12, 2007

Whenever I turn on my computer, I get this error message saying "Microsoft Advanced Notification Error" This just started a few says ago. I went into the event viewer

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Error Message Advanced INF Installer

Dec 6, 2004

Every times I turn on my computer this window pop up Advanced INF Installer Error unregistering the OXC:Program FilesWintoolsWToolsB.dll My operating system is a Windows XP

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Can't Access Advanced Options Menu

Jan 2, 2008

I have a computer that is stuck in a loop and won't boot into normal or safe mode. There is a blue screen flashing up, but way too quick for me to be able to see the STOP code.The problem I have is that the American Megatrends BIOS 2.51, has an option on the boot screen "Press F8 for BBS Popup". Therefore I can't use the F8 key to get into the Windows XP Advanced Options menu. Why the hell has a BIOS manufacturer hijacked an important Windows key? I have also tried pressing the F8 key AFTER the BIOS screen, but even by doing that you still get a boot order list by pressing F8, and not the Advanced Options menu.

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Domain For Pro And 2000 Advanced Server

Nov 28, 2005

I have two computers, one with windows 2000 advanced server just installed, the other with windows xp pro sp2. I want to have a domain with 3 accounts: administrator (of course, me) and two other users. I want it so if I change my desktop on one pc, I can log off that pc and walk over to my other computer and log on and theres my new desktop. I just want the pc running xp pro to receive all the rules, settings, desktops, etc from the server.

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On Startup, Xp Beeps 4 Times, Goes Into Advanced Options

Aug 10, 2005

I have apparently inadvertantly changed a setting.

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Windows Advanced Options Menu On Startup

Apr 16, 2007

when computer turn it on it boots directly into

"Windows Advanced Options Menu"

all option are available for me to access, although the keyboard is non responsive (yes it works) & i am unable to select anything

after the timed countdown it starts to boot and get to the windows welcome screen and then hangs. no further progression from that point.

specs as i know are
win xp 2
512 ram
motherboard (asus i think)
rest is all on board

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Getting An Application Error Of Advanced Windows Care

Nov 2, 2009

I have installed advanced windows care professional but yesterday by mistake some files are deleted and i was told to reinstallation will fix the error but when i have tried for reinstalltion a message pop up. I have uploaded the error message here .

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Display Properties > Settings > Advanced Error

Aug 24, 2007

when I open some games, the screen is off center and there is a large black bar at the bottom of the screen and the top of the game screen is not visible. When I change the screen resolution or just the resolution or window for the game to run in, it does not make a difference. After searching for a long, long time, I came to the conclusion that perhaps the driver for my video card needs to be updated. I have no idea what my video card is so I was trying to find out.

When I right click the desktop to bring up the Display Properties and click on the Settings tab... when I try to click the Advanced button to bring up the properties for the monitor and video adapter, I get a Windows Error Message that reads:

Run a DLL as an App has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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Advanced INF Installer Keeps Poping Up - Find Wordpad

Dec 7, 2004

Advanced INF installer keeps popping up and I would like to alliviate this, but how? I went to Microsoft Windows for advice and here is what came up.Sorry for the longivity of article. Basically it would be ok to just clk Ok...Out of sight out of mind. Well, I wnat to correct the problem.2. This is a simple do I find wordpad?

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Can't Access The Advanced Tone Control For Audio

Feb 10, 2009

I can access the volume controls but when I go to advanced option for tone control it's greyed out. I attached speakers and headphones and it's still greyed out. Is there a way to make this an accessable option?

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Advanced Options At Pressing F8 Wont Appear During Boot?

Oct 18, 2006

On page 222 of my Windows XP book "Plain & Simple" it explains that, if, before Windows starts, you hold down Key F8 the Windows Advanced Options Menu will appear - only IT DOESN'T !! It used to, on my old computer, but now I have a new one, 250 GB 'split' into two drives of 125GB each, with Windows XP SP2 OEM Software.

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Arrow Keys Not Working In Advanced Options Menu

Jan 25, 2010

How else can i geti into safe mode or last known good config.

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Advanced Start Menu Options Blank, Sys Restore Non-functional?

Sep 14, 2007

I'm working on recovering a machine from a month-long period of time during which it was completely overrun with spyware and virues. Currently, I have the following issues to contend with: System Restore can only be activated or deactivated via direct registry edit. When you try from the System Properties window, it simply tells you that an error occurred and to try a restart. The advanced start menu options are blank. There are no options to turn off or on things like "Show Network Connections." The options can be turned on in the registry, but the options are missing altogether from the 'rt-click-on-the-start-button' process. Any instance of IE that is open shows in the taskbar as "Windows Explorer," rather than Internet Explorer.

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Continuous Reboot Loop - Getting The Advanced Boot Option Menuw

Jul 9, 2005

Had to replace motherboard in a PC and now I'm caught in a reboot loop. I keep getting the advanced boot option menuw where your asked wheather you want to Safe Boot, Safe Boot with Networking, etc. Which every choice I pick, the system reboots and takes back to the same place.what to use or if the Recovery Console will solve my problem.

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System Properties - Open Advanced Apply Button Grayed Out

Sep 6, 2005

I wouild like to know where this resides in either 'Windows' or the registry. When I open 'Advanced' the 'Apply' button is greyed out, so I would like to repair it.

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Unable To Change Desktop Theme And Wallpaper - Advanced System Care

Jul 8, 2010

I run a Dell XPS M140. I'm ready to pull my hair out. Three days ago I was infected with the "AV Security Suites" virus. I immediately shut down my computer, restarted in Safe Mode With Networking, and ran every single thing I had. I ran Avast, Spybot, Ad-aware, Malwarebytes, CCleaner, Registry Mechanic, Advanced System Care, and Glary Utilities. I thought I got it. I restarted my computer in normal mode and all seemed well until I noticed I cannot change my desktop theme or wallpaper. When I change the theme to "Windows Classic", it works, but when I restart my computer it's right back to the XP theme (green start button/blue taskbars)

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99% Failure Rate On Sp3

May 15, 2008

Microsoft should pull sp3 i am the owner of a computer store i handle tech part of it 50 machines upgraded to sp3 from a fresh install of sp2 failed.The machines reset in a loop and in some instances failed to boot period.The machines range from dell p4's to quad core intel systems.6 diff brands of motherboards, customers are bringing machines into the shop because they did windows update installed sp3 and there machine no longer boots into windows.

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PS/2 - USB Mouse Failure

May 10, 2010

This one has got me completely stumped:I am running windows XP, and have not made any hardware changes recently The only recent software install was Kaspersky internet security 2010, over the top of the 2009 productShortly after that install, my PS/2 mouse stopped functioning - the red light on the mouse comes on, but the pointer does not move. I checked with a USB mouse, and with a USB graphics tablet- same story, no response. The USB devices were tried in the main USB slots and in a hub. They both work fine on another PC.I have started in safe mode, and deleted all HID devices. Windows then detects the mouse, but then reports (via device manager) that it cannot detect the hardware.

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Pro SP2 Boot Failure

Dec 26, 2007

After POST, when does Windows begin to load? After a re-start, PC had been on for 1 hour; off 5 min; boot hung at flashing cursor in upper left.

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Network Failure?

Jul 5, 2005

Today I notice that my WinME (ICS host) and WinXP (client) can't communicate(simple peer to peer setup). First clue was when I couldn't send a print job from my ME to the XP where the printer is connected. XP pc reports "network unplugged". A forced "disable" and then an "enable" doesn't help. I also notice that the little lights for the network cards are not lit up. I thought they would normally BE lit up if the computers are on, right? However.. the lights on the network cards/ports on BOTH machines are off. Could both network cards have failed simulateously?

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Os Update Failure

Jul 19, 2006

Updates download but fail to install. When I go through Microsoft, the check for updates keeps running but never responds.

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