Can't Click Any Buttons

Sep 4, 2005

My friend's laptop has been acting up lately and he asked me for some help. Some website that he used to visit regularly will not load and if they do, the layout and graphics are all messed up. Also, he can't seem to click on any buttons at all. I tried to install Norton but I can't click on the buttons to register his version. Therefore, I cannot run a virus scan to see if that is the problem.

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Click On File Show Send Report Without Send Buttons

Feb 23, 2007

I am in a bad bad situation. Whenever I go to my computer/win explorer and try to right click on any item, i get an error in Windows Explorer with the send report and dont send option buttons. Im not able to do many things due to that. and this is not a virus or something I guess because I have a good AV software and I was using my PC throughout till yesterday evening when I shifted it from 1 room to another. And thats when it happened for the first time.

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Explorer Closes When Click On File Menu - Right Click

Aug 3, 2005

I have a computer that quits explorer every time I try to click on the file menu, or right click on explorer and go to the new link. It also does this when i try to delete a folder in explorer or through my computer.

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Double Click- Right Click Does Not Works For Apening Any Folder

Feb 16, 2005

When I open a folder (MyComputer, for example), and try to right-click or double-click an icon to open it- it does not work. When I right-click the icon, NOTHING happens. When I double-click the icon, the icon gets highlighted, but the program or other folder does not open. I checked in the folder options, and it is set up so that when you double-click an icon, it opens the program. But the weird thing about it is that if I try to double-click or right-click an icon on my desktop.. it works like it should. So this really just doesn't make sense.

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Mouse Single Click But Double Click Response

Dec 31, 2006

Many times when I single click on an item with my mouse, whether it be a program, a shortcut, or whatever, more often than not , it acts as a double click. When I double cliclk, it opens up the program twice more often than mot, also. I have the Folder options set up to double click so I don't know what's going on. I regularly run AdAdware, Spybot, and I have ZoneAlarm Suite running all the time

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Info - Bar With Buttons

Sep 10, 2009

I have a problem. The bar with buttons?

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Computer Have Big Buttons

Jul 30, 2006

My buttons are big, i dont know why?

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Too Many Buttons For One Shortcut

May 10, 2009

I can't hit enter or tab and a few other buttons without my delicious bookmark popping up.and if i press back on my mouse it pops up delicious too.

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Blank Dialogue Box With Yes Or No Buttons Which Both Log Off?

Aug 17, 2004

I go to switch on my pc to do some work and boots up fine asks me to log in as per usual..log in is fine but does not get to the desktop. Instead a Blank Dialogue box with with a red circleand white cross appears with yes or no buttons which both log you off back to the dialogur screen.Booted into safemode with command promp and with network support and thistime a single OK button appears again logging you off. Howevever I can get into ordinary safe mode.

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Case Of Missing Buttons

Aug 22, 2006

I have a interesting problem. The OS buttons have gone missing. They are still there and you can click on them if you know the location but they are not displayed. For example if you bring up display properties all the tabs at the top, and all buttons on the screen are not drawn, nor are the text labels. And it is not only display properties, anything that uses the same draw tecniques no longer draw. And even stranger, it is this way even in safe mode.

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Missing Buttons In Explorer

Oct 15, 2006

I'm not sure what I did but out of nowhere I am missing the buttons that usually show up in an Explorer window, such as back,forward,the file, edit menus, and the address bar. How can I go about getting these back? I'm on XP 64-bit edition.

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Missing Task Bar Buttons

Jan 9, 2007

none of the task bar buttons show up on my task bar when I open a program. I'm not sure but this could be because of the 50 something language bars selected in the tool bars option when you right click the task bar, I don't even know how this is possible or how it happened.

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Missing Buttons Functions

Aug 21, 2008

Recently I have noticed changes in my computer. It runs Windows XP SP2 and is only a few months old. Some problems I have found is that:The "Log Off" button in the start menu is missing. I cannot switch the control panel from the "New View" to the "Classic View". My computer no longer displays thumbnail previews of pictures. When I select the "Open With" function after right clicking, the notepad always opens too.

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Wierd Missing Buttons

Jun 9, 2005

I'm running windows XP home with SP2, keep it completely updated and run ad-aware Se (New one), Norton, AVG as well as Spybot S&D, but recently something really wierd's happened.All of the Internet explorer style buttons at the top of folder windows have dissappeared! Completely vanished without a trace. Instead, I just have a silver title bar across the top, with the Minimise, close and maximise buttons, and the name of the program. Anything underneath, (Such as an address bar, view, file etc buttons and navigational buttons) have gone.I still have them in Internet explorer, before anyone asks.. But it's most annoying, particularly when i get lost in a folder tree and can't back up without using the backspace key!

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Buttons Changed Performing

Oct 6, 2007

Rebooted the pc with the discs and now the @ button is number 2 .it shows the @ button middle row of letters where it always was . how do i change it back .

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Get The Lost Buttons Of Keyboard

Mar 21, 2005

I'm a newbie here, and not really good with computers. (Hoping to learn alot from you guys!) I'm trying to figure out what my kids did to my button thingys, the ones that say "stop, refresh, home, search, favorites, " etc...They aren't there anymore. The "back" button is there, with a little arrow thing beside it that you have to push to get to them. How do I get them back across the top again?

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Certain Buttons On Internet Explorer

Jul 15, 2005

A classic, I don't what I have done scenario, but when I click on some buttons in Internet Explorer, they don't work, when right clicked they say 'Undo' etc, not the normal 'open page in new window thingy. (Can you tell by grasp of techie language that I am certainly not an expert??)Also, sometimes half the web page does not appear and sometimes nothing at all comes up at all.. It does not appear to be anything to do with my pop up block, on or off, it does not seem to matter, any advice to an irritated Scots Lass?

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Cannot Access Grayed Out Buttons

Aug 5, 2005

As the administrator signed in, i can not access a lot of buttons or check mark boxes because they are grayed out. Please advice is need to gain full access.

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Change Buttons Of Computer

Oct 18, 2006

Is it possible to change windows buttons?

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Cursor Snapping To Buttons

Sep 18, 2005

Reinstalled and now the cursor is snapping to the buttons on opened windows. Where do I change this. I know its a check box, but I can't find it anymore.

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No Buttons On Task Manager

Feb 6, 2006

I have a computer with service pack 2 that all of a sudden when you cntrl+alt+dlt to display the task manager the task manager comes up with no buttons or border what close it i have to select the taskmanager from the list and shut it down.

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Can't Click Or Right Click On Icons On Desktop

Feb 16, 2008

i have windows xp and i can't click or right click on any icon's on desktop.

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No Uninstall Buttons In Add / Remove Programs

Jul 30, 2007

Like the title says, when I run Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, some of the apps have a Change/Remove button, but some (including some I really want to uninstall) have no such button. It just has a date and says how often I use the app.

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How To Get Standby And / Or Hibernate And / Or Sleep Buttons

Aug 30, 2009

how to get standby and/or hibernate and/or sleep buttons when shutting down? I installed Dell reinstall sp 2 as a clean OS. However the standby button is greyed and can not be clicked. only shutdown and restart available. how to get or install standby and/or hibernate and/or sleep buttons when shutting down ? is there a software dwnld. from dell?

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Hidden Files Both Buttons Selected

Dec 29, 2006

In folder options - view- advanced settings- hidden files and folders, both radio buttons are selected, for about a month now. Normally "do not show hidden files"is only selected. When I clicked on " show hidden files it would work and show the hidden files, until a couple days ago. Now both buttons are still selected but I can not get it to show the hidden files. When I click a button that button will be the only one selected the other one goes out. Then I click apply and ok then open view back up both buttons are still both selected.

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Back / Forward Buttons Go Missing

Nov 6, 2009

I don't know where to post this question so I'll try here! Can somebody please tell me how to retrieve my back and forward buttons in Firefox? Don't even know how I lost them.

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Add And Remove Programs Buttons Missing

Jul 5, 2005

I can't remove any programs because when I open the Add/Remove programs screen, the Change/Remove buttons have disappeared. All I see is the frequency of usage of each program. I recently installed Norton Internet Security 2005 and System Works on my PC. I called Symantec but they said, that has nothing to do with it.

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Buttons Missing From Add Or Remove Programs

Oct 20, 2008

I'm working on a computer with multiple issues, but one of them is that no Change, Remove, or Repair buttons are showing up in Add or Remove Programs. I've found several other posts started in other websites' forums that depict the same problem, but the best anyone can seem to do is provide a workaround. Is there actually a way to fix this problem, or is my best bet to reformat?

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Group Similar Taskbar Buttons Only For IE

Aug 11, 2005

I would like the Group similar taskbar buttons option only to apply to IE, but have a seperate button for each open word document. Is this possible? Also, how do I completely disable the add new hardware wizard. It
always pops up when I turn on my computer and tries to install a driver for my printer. None of the many methods and "workarounds" described online did anything to stop it.I have no desire at all for this feature, I can install drivers myself,and want to completely disable it.

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Find Internet Explorer 7 Buttons

Jan 3, 2007

I use the online Blog feed from Pluck. It was setup on my toolbar before I installed IE7 but I can't figure out how to find it now.

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Any Way To Disable Special Keyboard Buttons?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a keyboard with some of those "Extra" buttons on top like those shortcuts "Mail,home, favorites, forward, rewind, play, pause...etc" well you'know the buttons that no one in the world ever uses, now I don't know what happened, but my keyboard got a short-circuit apparently (maybe someone spelled something on it or something) and what happened was, the Up arrow had got shorted with the "My Computer" button, and the left arrow with the "Calculator" shortcut, so each time I press up it opens the My Computer window, and each time I press left it opens Windows Calculator, now you can imagine how annoying that could be when playing games, you press one arrow and poof, you'll be Alt-ctrl-deleting for the next hour, so is there a way to disable those buttons? as in make windows ignore the command once it receives it?...........

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