CPU At 100% Usage: System Halt/ Stoped Loading Applications?

Aug 4, 2005

the CPU would peg at 100% on a program launch and drag the machine to ahalt. Once the program was up and running, everything was back tonormal. Keep in mind that this is NOT just a "slow computer" - it wasbrand-new behavior that started for no reason I could discern (I didn'tmake any hardware or software changes before the problem cropped up).I've run a couple of antivirus programs and adware cleaners and they've found nothing. I've used utilities from sysinternals.com to look at what's going on and I can't see anything strange.

I'm having problems simply launching applications. If I attempt to launch an application, it will show up in Task Manager (but not in the UI), but will almost always stop loading at ~5MB in memory (usually from about 4.7 to 5.7MB). Every once in a while, the program will start without a hitch, but it's rare. The one somewhat (but not entirely) consistent thing I've been able to find is that if I kill another program, I can then start the program I was trying to start (again, I have 1GB of RAM in this machine and plenty free, so it's not a memory problem).

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Computer Won't Start - Internet Stoped Working

Oct 24, 2006

i have a hp computer running windows xp and yesterday the internet stopped working so i tried restarting the modem and router and nothing happened so i was gonna shut down my computer and then start it back up but after i shut it down it never started back up. it just goes to the windows xp start screen and the little blue bar just keeps loading forever, i tried letting it set for about 30 minutes and still it would not load.

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Vsmon.exe Running PC To A Halt

Jun 28, 2005

I, thankfully, don't have too many problems with my PC (running HomeXP) but suddenly today after a period of time everything seems to freeze up. When I check the Task Manager at that point it shows vsmon.exe taking up almost 100% of the CPU allocation. After yet another reboot, I did a Google search which showed that this appears to be a common problem and seems to be linked to Zone Alarm.I've used ZoneAlarm Pro for the last 2 years, updating regularly, and it hasn't been a problem (apart from it always being the last app available when booting up). I also do regular Virus checks (updated daily) and Spyware checks using 3 different apps. All were done 2 days ago.There doesn't seem to be a real answer to the problem wherever I've looked but maybe I'm missing something. Some cases say that the problem just disappears.

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Preinstalled Vista On 1st HD Install Halt Of 2nd HD

Apr 17, 2007

Can't complete XP install. Halts "Installing New Devices" same place each time.New HP Pavilion desktop with Vista Premium preinstalled on a 250GB SATA HD.I have installed my old Maxtor 40GB IDE/ATA HD for dual booting.Note: one is SATA and one is not.Both drives are recognized in BIOS (CMOS) and in Vista.I can drag files from Vista to it.I am able to change the boot order.When installing XP I get to the point where it is "Installing New Devices" and it halts with no further progress.

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Randomly Slowing To A Crunching Halt

Oct 7, 2009

Recently formatted and reinstalled onto my rig after a catastrophic error. System was running fine before format, and fine afterwards until now. Today I had XP crawl to a grinding halt twice, which was only curable with a touch of the restart button.I have run COMODO, no virus/malware. Checked RAM, all fine no errors. Thought that it may be the CPU overheating, but all system fans are working fine, heatsinks are clear of any dust or dirt buildups.

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Accidentally Hit System Recovery F10: All Applications Gone?

Mar 15, 2010

Accidentally hit system recovery f10: all applications gone?

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Backing Up Whole System With All Applications And Softwares?

Sep 14, 2005

I want a means of backing up my whole system, applications, data, and everything including the operating system to a separate hard drive. If my hard disk dies I don't want to have to reload the operating system and all its updates, reload all my software and their updates, recreate users This literally takes days.I want to be able to put in a new hard drive and completely recreate my entire system from my backup drive and be back up and running in a couple hours.

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Applications - System File Is Not Suitable For Running MS DOS

Nov 18, 2005

i try to install a program and i keep getting the message. "C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable fo rrunning MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." What can i do to install this program?

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Applications Using High CPU Resources / Making System Slow?

Jan 16, 2008

I am having a problem where everything seems to take up way more CPU usage than it used to. There is no application stealing processing power. Rather, when I start an application that would normally use a bit of CPU, it now spikes the CPU.In particular, 5 year old game called Neverwinter Nights is now unplayable and spikes up to 55% CPU usage on both cores even though it should only hit one core. The Earthsim program also does the same. So do other applications.

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100% CPU Usage By System

Aug 16, 2007

I have a compaq(aka junk box) 3.2 celeron(crap) PC.It just started running like a 95 machine a few days ago. I did ctl, alt del and got a look at proceses running its system, not system idle. It runs at 99-97. I look at cpu usage its maxed never moves. i did a back up of my pictures to disc and did a "destructive" windows reinstall from the recovery menu seeing as cheap compaq crap doesnt give me a windows disc so i can do it the old fasioned way. Is the destructive reformat doing a full format. i prefer zero filling a drive with issues like this. what else could make it do this 100% usage thing right out the door when i install windows.

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PC Is Slow, High CPU Usage, Moderate Memory Usage

Nov 1, 2007

My friend, who has given a Dell Optiplex GX240 running Win2K Pro. 512MB RAM To help her out, I got rid of porn, viruses, and spyware using: Ad-Aware, AVG spyware and AV free versions, Trend Micro House Call, Spybot I checked the task manager, and has constant 100% CPU usage, avg memory usage The system runs, but apps open slow, so I tried some freeware reg cleaners: CCleaner, Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, Wise Registry cleaner.

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Cpu Usage / Press Ctrl, Alt And Delete, The Cpu Usage Appears To Be 100%

Jan 22, 2005

I recently installed a winTV card in my computer, ever since that I have noticed that when I press ctrl, alt and delete, the cpu usage appears to be 100% full whenever I try to open an mpeg file I have recorded from the TV card. it is a pentium 4 2.8 ghz processor.

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CPU Usage 100% - Nothing Running On System

Oct 18, 2005

Why would the cpu usage be on constantly 100% in xp, with barely anything running. that doesnt seem as if its right ... does it?

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CPU Usage At 100% Soon After Staring The System?

Sep 19, 2005

As soon as I turn on my laptop, my CPU usage in the Task Manager is at100%. There are no programs running in the Applications tab and theprocesses using the most memory are explorer.exe (~9000K) andsvchost.exe (~6500K).My computer doesn't seem to be running excessively slow or getting hotdespite this.

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System Process Using 50% CPU Usage

Mar 11, 2007

I've been having a problem with my PC running extremely slow for the past several days and it seems to be related to the process named 'System' when viewing Windows Task Manager. The CPU usage looks like this:

System 50
System Idle Process 48-49
taskmgr.exe 01

other processes move between 0 to 1 (iexplorer, sqlservr, services) Here is a copy of the HJT scan that I took a little earlier today. what is dragging my PC down is most ...

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System Usage Is More Than Normal?

Feb 3, 2009

My task manager shows my 'system' resource using 60,996k of memory. The CPU usage is not high (basically absent) and the memory usage stays static at 60,996 regardless of what I do (even after a reboot). I need to know why this is happening! Thanks in advance...
BTW, it's XP home.. fully patched, and it's a very new install.

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Slow System Performance 100% Cpu Usage

Jan 15, 2008

My problem is extremely slow performance, and taskmanager shows 95-100% cpu consumption almost all of the time. Even as I type in this textbox the system is lagging. I've used Spybots S&D,

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High Cpu Usage On New System - New Installation

Jan 6, 2006

My new system has an unusually high level of cpu usage after startup. Windows was only installed a week ago and I haven't installed much software on this yet. Today was the first day I got it online and all I did was install the newest windows updates. The only things I've installed in it are nero, omega radeon drivers, videolan media player, winamp, and adobe.I've looked at the hijack log and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. The odd thing is, the cpu usage isn't constant, it ranges from 30%-50% even when nothing is running.

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Rapidly Slow Down The System - CPU Usage

Oct 9, 2009

First Post I have a Dell Latitude 810 XP Pro (SP3) 2 meg ram...about 50% HD unusedI have a problem with the CPU useage staying at (100%)even when I close all apps. The Windows Task Manager shows "scvhost.exe System100%" As long as I uninstall Norton I can get some e-mail response but really slow.I spent time yesterday with Dell "pay as you need" they had me run a Malware program (found five culprits) and a Spyware program (found 80 cookies)...took a lot of apps off my start menu...had me go to SP3...had me go to IE8. When done the Widows Task Manager showed appropriate low use % and all worked fine.

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System CPU Usage - Current Drivers

Jun 2, 2005

I recently reinstalled windows xp pro and now the "system" proccess is always using all free cpu. It's not "system idle proccess" just system.After installing right off the xp pro disk, all i did was install the updates up to and through SP2, my motherboard drivers, video drivers, winamp and AIM. Other than that, nothing else has been done, yet system is still using all free cpu.I checked to make sure all drivers were current.

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System Shutdown When CPU Usage 100 Percent

Feb 28, 2006

When CPU usage gets to 100% it will shutdown without notice. I think it may be because I need to run disk clean up, not sure. This computer is old and I fixed it myself, that's why I think running disk cleanup will help, but when i run disk cleanup my usage goes right up to 100%.

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Explorer/ High CPU Usage / CPU Usage Goes To 100% And Stays There

Apr 6, 2007

I'm running XP pro SP2. I have a gig of ram and my mother board is an Intel D101GGC. My CPU is Intel Pentium D 920.

If I use Windows Explorer to go deeper than the first level of any tree, CPU usage goes to 100% and stays there. I've disabled System Restore because it wouldn't let me go back in time anyway and this program is a known resource gobbler. Didn't help. I've attached a hijackthis logfile to see if anyone recognizes a Trojan, etc. I would appreciate any help at all.

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Vundo ? High DPCs (40%+) System Usage (40%+)

Oct 19, 2007

I suspect that my PC is infected with Vundo. Ran FixVundo (Symantec Trojan.Vundo Removal Tool 1.5.0)in safemode but was not detected.
Seeing gebyy.dll and pmnnnkk.dll in Hijackthis! but unable to fix (log attached).

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.0 (BETA)
Scan saved at 11:54:54 PM, on 10/18/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
D:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
D:Documents and SettingsBuzzDesktopHiJackThis_v2.exe

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {837B45D6-BF85-457D-AABF-6D2E7815F791} - D:WINDOWSsystem32pmnnnkk.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {CF3941B9-5A9D-4657-8E2F-D40E79C4AEDA} - D:WINDOWSsystem32gebyy.dll
O4 - HKLM..Run: [PinnacleDriverCheck] D:WINDOWSsystem32PSDrvCheck.exe -CheckReg
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ctfmon.exe] D:WINDOWSsystem32ctfmon.exe
O16 - DPF: {0B79F48A-E8D6-11DB-9283-E25056D89593} (F-Secure Online Scanner 3.1) - http://support.f-secure.com/ols/fscax.cab
O20 - Winlogon Notify: pmnnnkk - D:WINDOWSSYSTEM32pmnnnkk.dll

End of file - 1244 bytes

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CPU Showing Usage At 100%: System Running Slow?

Apr 26, 2006

i know this has been posted before but none of the solutions have worked for me. i have a toshiba satellite laptop. it started running extremely slow and the cpu usage is at 100% all the time. i reformatted and reinstalled windows xp but that didn't solve the problem. i noticed when i was reinstalling windows xp, it was going slowly as it did before, and i hadn't even started up windows yet. when i would click the next button when installing it would do the same slow lagging thing. i tried everything when i did start windows too. i tried deleting the explorer.exe process and retyping it in

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CPU Usage 100% System Is Running Slow - Just Restore

Jun 26, 2009

I have windows xp And its running slow , i have just done a system restore, and its still running slow. I have just noticed that In windows task manager,in performance its saying that the cpu usage is 100% when i have nothing running.

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Cpu Usage High - System Slow - Service KB928366 Didn't Update

Mar 13, 2008

I'm scared to try and interpret for my own use. I have 81 processes running and have no idea which ones I can disable and which ones to not. I'm always nervous about messing with that. But, am I right in thinking that disabling something in the MSCONFIG thing at startup won't affect the program??? Can you still get to it? It just won't start up automatically, right? So, could I hurt anything if I disabled alot? So, how could I give you a list of all the processes running? I'm also having a problem with the xp update. I'm always showing that I need to update, but when I do this one part always fails. Here is what it says.

Security Update for Microsoft.net framework, Version 1.1 Service KB928366 didn't update. I'm not sure why, but it won't ever update. Also, in AOL I get an error message constantly which says this: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to debug. Line:? Error: Object Expected. I have no idea what that means and what or how to debug. I have tried repeatedly to uninstall and reinstall AOL but it keeps happening. Does anyone know what that means.

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CPU Usage Always Showing 100% Usage Of Resources?

May 27, 2007

My CPU Usage always shows 100% and my system is getting very slow although I have not installed any big software and have strong antivirus (symantec) whose definition files are updated .So , why is it happening?

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Loading Operation System

May 26, 2005

At present, I have a screen that keeps saying 'error loading operating system'. To start I had Wn98se, installed WnXP Pro. The files and settings transer wizard did it's thing copying but didn't work upon install. I have 98 start up disk .. but nothing for the XP. (Was having trouble with update downloads / installs from micro.) but over all the system was working fine. I have Norton 05 Premier / goback if I can get to it. I just installed a new hard drive, 'Steup' had identified hd but I never got windows to open. Can't say that I know what happened,, seems to me that it asked about partitions. I do not understand much about that, never have changed or used. My guess, they work like seperators on task bar?? Next I think it wanted to install OS, I figured okay, but why?, it should already have XP on it (old drive) I left old as primary. Then it got to where it was saying it would 'format'. Wait a minute, I know enough to know I'd lose everything, so I rebooted. I've tried a number of time to see if I missed something. I finely decided to open the pc, disconnect the new drive and get back on track. I've tried the 'F8', pays no attention to that. I thought if I could get in to safe mode, I could use my 'GoBack' - which would clear out mistakes or whatever is causing trouble.

I can get a screen that asks if I want to boot from ST32 (my old), from CD-Rom, floppy and SCSI (whatever that is?). I've tried the hd, still get the error. I dont have any start up devices (was waiting to make -trble with the updates yet). So I put my WnXP disk in and same error,, but if I fool around with it (time it just right) I can get it to where it wants to install. "Welcome to setup" it can set up xp. Gives me a partition that looks like what I'd expect my hd to look like, scary part is the free space is the same amount. Have option of 8MB space, that won't work,, tried it . So I'm brave and hit in stall on what I think is my old hard drive. I then get told it has to "format",that's such a nasty word. I have not gone any further. I have a choice of NTFS / 32,, old was 32. Before I go further is there a floppy / disc / download / a tool, that I could purchase to get into safe mode? I thought I'd give my old 98 Norton Rescue floppy a try - nope, but I got what loked like dos prompt. I just didn't know how to move from the A:> to a command that would get me into safe mode. Or better yet, my WNXP I had running. I read here that there wasn't any problem with using NTFS and 32 on same pc. I'm wondering if I have to should I pull the old hd connection (just to be sure), install the new hd get it up and running and then later come back to transferring what I want. OR because my old was 32, stick with 32, and not set myself up for more problems?? I have a full back up on CD of my old HD, would there be anything there I could use to get back into safe. Sorry I'm not better at this,, if I were I'd probably not be in this mess. Could it be I have a bad XP? They been trying to clear up the 'update' thing but nothing has worked.

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System Services Not Loading

Aug 13, 2007

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with my XP SP2 PC. This morning I ran microsoft update, and saw that 2 security patches hadn't been installing for about a month. I decided to boot into safe mode to try and get them, but then it asked me to reactivate windows, which I did over the phone and now all fine on that front.
However, the problem I'm now having is that certain services aren't loading when XP loads. For example, the desktop appearance, along with windows explorer, for example, looks like it's win98, i.e. no fischer price look, just plain old grey boxes. Also, the network services aren't loading so I can't get online with my router. Another: when I try opening help and support, I get the following message: Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem, start the service names 'Help and Support'.I'm not running in safe mode, and msconfig shows me as being in normal start up - load all drivers and services. In the services tab there are only 4 services running, which I'm pretty sure is seriously fewer than any machine running normally.

Unfortunately I can't run system restore: for some reason it's only got two saved in total, one that I did about 10 minutes ago, and another system one, about 15 minutes before that. Fortunately, NOD32 seems able to load, and a scan reveals no viruses. One more crucial thing: after I initially went to msconfig to arrange a safe boot on next boot (I have a usb keyboard so can't f8), I got a blue screen of death. So perhaps some boot files have become corrupted?

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Stopped Loading : C:system32Config System

Oct 8, 2005

I have been attempting to fix my friend's laptop after it stopped loading Windows correctly yesterday. It apparently froze on her and when she rebooted it, it would come up with a screen that said: My friend has a lot of files that she really needs so I wanna try solving this without reformatting.

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Loading Up System Has Recovered From A Error

Aug 5, 2007

I just normally turned my pc on and when it loaded up, I got this message..And so I clicked on the 'click here' and this appeared.What does it mean?Has something harmed my pc or have I got a virus?Only it has done this twice today each time I have turned on my pc.So basically it's happening every time I turn my computer on.

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