Randomly Slowing To A Crunching Halt

Oct 7, 2009

Recently formatted and reinstalled onto my rig after a catastrophic error. System was running fine before format, and fine afterwards until now. Today I had XP crawl to a grinding halt twice, which was only curable with a touch of the restart button.I have run COMODO, no virus/malware. Checked RAM, all fine no errors. Thought that it may be the CPU overheating, but all system fans are working fine, heatsinks are clear of any dust or dirt buildups.

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Desktop Computer Keeps Crunching Randomly

Jun 7, 2008

Well, for couple of days my desktop computer keeps cruching randomaly. I haven't changed or installed something new.The attached is minidumps file, I'm about to paint it in blue a throw it to the ocean (not to disturb the fish

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Vsmon.exe Running PC To A Halt

Jun 28, 2005

I, thankfully, don't have too many problems with my PC (running HomeXP) but suddenly today after a period of time everything seems to freeze up. When I check the Task Manager at that point it shows vsmon.exe taking up almost 100% of the CPU allocation. After yet another reboot, I did a Google search which showed that this appears to be a common problem and seems to be linked to Zone Alarm.I've used ZoneAlarm Pro for the last 2 years, updating regularly, and it hasn't been a problem (apart from it always being the last app available when booting up). I also do regular Virus checks (updated daily) and Spyware checks using 3 different apps. All were done 2 days ago.There doesn't seem to be a real answer to the problem wherever I've looked but maybe I'm missing something. Some cases say that the problem just disappears.

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Preinstalled Vista On 1st HD Install Halt Of 2nd HD

Apr 17, 2007

Can't complete XP install. Halts "Installing New Devices" same place each time.New HP Pavilion desktop with Vista Premium preinstalled on a 250GB SATA HD.I have installed my old Maxtor 40GB IDE/ATA HD for dual booting.Note: one is SATA and one is not.Both drives are recognized in BIOS (CMOS) and in Vista.I can drag files from Vista to it.I am able to change the boot order.When installing XP I get to the point where it is "Installing New Devices" and it halts with no further progress.

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CPU At 100% Usage: System Halt/ Stoped Loading Applications?

Aug 4, 2005

the CPU would peg at 100% on a program launch and drag the machine to ahalt. Once the program was up and running, everything was back tonormal. Keep in mind that this is NOT just a "slow computer" - it wasbrand-new behavior that started for no reason I could discern (I didn'tmake any hardware or software changes before the problem cropped up).I've run a couple of antivirus programs and adware cleaners and they've found nothing. I've used utilities from sysinternals.com to look at what's going on and I can't see anything strange.

I'm having problems simply launching applications. If I attempt to launch an application, it will show up in Task Manager (but not in the UI), but will almost always stop loading at ~5MB in memory (usually from about 4.7 to 5.7MB). Every once in a while, the program will start without a hitch, but it's rare. The one somewhat (but not entirely) consistent thing I've been able to find is that if I kill another program, I can then start the program I was trying to start (again, I have 1GB of RAM in this machine and plenty free, so it's not a memory problem).

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Computer Is Slowing Down

Aug 7, 2005

im running xp windows, and i have notice its takes so long far my computer to do anything, i done all the cleanup on it,in my startup i have around 38 things running,i use aol and they have a lot of things in there,there,s even some in a different launage.i turned off some but still have 38 left,can you tell me what i need to run this computer,i have a hp pavililion524.

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Svchost.exe Slowing Pc

Jun 12, 2010

a Dell Latitude laptop with XP pro, SP3 and all updates. Recently I found the cpu running at 3-4 % with only the desktop, Avira, and Windows Defender running. Normally cpu is down to 1% with these programs running. I turned off automatic updates and avira and defender but cpu was still at 3-4 %. How can I find out the cause of this? I do not know which of several svchost processes is causing the problem, this one uses about 35Mb with firefox open, 31Mb when I close it.

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Slowing Down To A Crawl

Feb 18, 2005

My computer is slowing down to a crawl. The other night it was working fine. The next day a after work it was running slow so I cleared the temp files cache files, history files, scanned for spyware but the more I did the slower it got. I defrag it and it got slower. It's gotten to a point now that it will take forever to open anything and even when it does finally open it's soooo slow. It seems like it's running out of memory. Even when I click start to reboot it will take forever to open and when I click on shut down it will take forever to open too.

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Registry Mechanic / PC Slowing Up

Aug 12, 2005

I have been having some trouble with my PC slowing up. Even to go into microsoft office /word takes a couple of mins. I have down loaded Registry Mechanic and its has found 220 faults, 74 to do with shared DLL and 138 in deep scan. My question is first of all is this software any good or is it a money spinner for the owner Secondly is there anything out there

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Pc Slowing Down After Getting Satellite Internet

Jun 17, 2006

When I had satellite internet installed my pc started slowing down. The internet speed is faster but opening programs, files, etc is slow. The start menu is slow about opening things in there too. Any idea what is going on or how to solve it? The installer said it may be a shared resource problem. I have winxp and everything that is required for the satellite internet.

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Spywear Problem Slowing Down The System

Mar 6, 2006

i have a spywear problem that seems to drastically slow my computer down. It also slows my internet down on this computer. I am using networked DSL and the server functions about 4 times as fast. i get a little widows error thingy in the tast bar (see picture) that says, "your computer is infected!" this is quite annoying as the little bubble comes up every 10 seconds and makes a popping noise. to get rid of this ive done 3 avast virus scans and 3 ad-aware scans. I also did a scan each in safe mode, but still niether avast and ad-aware couldnt find anything. also spysheiff downloads itslef, and comes with trogens, malwear ect. i will post a Highjack this log for all the geniuses to see if they can find anything.

on a side note, in all my attempts to fix this is seems ive locked the background from allowing picrures. if anyone can help with this it would be apprechiated aswell. The desktop screen print is also on the picture.


Sorry on the bad quality image, i had to put it as GIF to fit it on.

The Hijack This Log Is:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 4:38:46 PM, on 3/6/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Computer Slowing Down While Burning DVD-s With Nero?

Jun 16, 2008

When I'm burning DVD-s with nero the computer is very slow!I mean like the mouse even is lagging (i'm not sure if that is the right word ), when I click on an icon the indication (when it gets blue or something) is coming after a second or more.If winamp is playing a song, it starts drawling (the same happens when i click on thumbnail veiw of a movie on a dvd!)!

When i try to start a program, or open a folder the buffer (that nero shows) is at 100% and the folder opens after a 15-20s!When i open more than one program, the buffer drops to 50% and the computer is even slower!When the burning ends everything is ok..the computer is behaving normal!What could be the problem!I don't think it's from the hardware (1 GB Ram, Athlon 64 (3200+), 128MB Video)!Now i'm scanning with mcafee 2008 and after that i'll run ad-aware and spybot!

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Computer Slowing Down - Hanging Up Task Manger

Sep 6, 2008

My computer seems to be slowing down and hanging up every so often. When I start XP I go into task manager and see bunches of programs runnings. A lot of *.exe files. How do I get rid of them?? How do I know which ones to get rid of? They may be virous, extra junk form previous installs? I do run Nortons anti-virous program. I don't want to reformat and reinstall XP but I may need to.

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Computer Slowing Up - Added A 512mb Stick

Mar 5, 2007

I added a 512mb stick and 500gb hard drive to an AMD 1.7mhz system that was running fine but just out of disk space (figured as long as the chassis was open to throw in the ram too). Now I can barely use the darn thing. Runs extremely slow. Audio and video and useless, responses are crazy - even the mouse is herky-jerky. Went into taskmanager and there is one program that seems to be using a lot of processor time but I alway have that one running even in the 'old' configuration. I can kill it and it helps a little bit but why should more resources make things worse. I have AVG running for virus checking and regularly run adaware and spybot for malware checking. Checked system settings and everything looks fine there as well - cache, VM, performance, etc. all set to normal levels (768mb by the way).

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System Started Slowing Down: Reviewing/ Cleaning The Log File?

Apr 17, 2005

My system started slowing down a couple of days ago, Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 how to check and clean the log file

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Deleting Trojan Horse Virus Slowing Down The Computer?

Jun 23, 2005

My computer has detected that I have a virus called "Trojan Horse." I think it is really slowing down my computer big time.What can I do to fix this?I was told to do the "HIJACK" this. The following is what came up:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.3
Scan saved at 7:36:28 PM, on 6/23/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

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Pc Is Behaving Quite Randomly

Apr 12, 2005

My pc is behaving quite randomly. I have this new page appearing as a wallpaper on my desk, saying stg like "your pc is infected by spyware blabla, sign here...", and besides, when I check into my task manager, I have a lot of .exe starting and stopping randomly and constantly, so my cpu is constantly between 60% and 100%. This is the main pb, but of course, there are several others, like the pc shutting down and restarting without notice, a front page "about blank" that I cannot change when I start internet explorer a.s.o
I ran the Ad-aware 6.0, Spybot S&D, CWS, but nothing helps

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Pc Turning Off Randomly

Jan 12, 2009

i am using XP and my isp is AOL,when using a games site called pogo,my pc just randomly stops,no shut down,and it only happens when playing pogo,it uses java,which i have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version, i've had an error message about dump files and was pointed to this site and told to upload my last dmp errors,

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PC Keeps Randomly Rebooting

Oct 17, 2007

This has been going on for a couple of months now.The PC would just reboot all of a sudden, usually when we pop in a CD in the drive, or log on to another user account. When we try to turn the PC on, it takes about 5-10 reboots before it goes on to the Windows logo (or whatever you call that). I'm worried that it might be a virus. I tried Trend Micro's Online scan and left it for a while only to find that the PC reboot in the middle of it, and now, I can't get the scanner to work anymore (I keep getting this error message.) Also, to be honest, we usually leave the PC on for days on end, so overheating might not be so out of the question. Aside from overheating, I just wanna know what else we have to troubleshoot for regarding this problem? Is it possible that a virus is causing it? That's all, I just need a troubleshooting checklist.

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Xp Randomly Crashes

Aug 26, 2006

im leaving my newly built winxp comp on overnights. but when i come back it has crashed with this black screen showing a lot of what looks like id numbers.

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Computer Randomly Starting Up?

Jul 20, 2005

The light on the tower turns on when I wasn't even using the computer. I turned on the monitor but it just displayed a blank screen like the computer wasn't even on. Before I could do anything, the tower shut down. So I pressed the power button and it wouldn't come on. I, once again, unplugged the tower and plugged it back in to find it working fine. I ran my virus scanner (Norton) and Adaware but got no problems from either of them. So I shut it down and later that night it happened again.

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Pc Randomly Resetting Itself For No Reasons

Mar 14, 2005

recently my pc has been resetting itself(rebooting) for no apparent reason,i also experienced a crash with corrupt screen graphics.My pc has been stable for 4 months now and i have not recently upgraded harware or put any new software on the pc?

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SP3 Freezes Randomly On Older PC

Mar 2, 2009

My computer was working fine w/out locking up. The only problem was that I couldn't figure out why my BIOS clock wasn't working. Finally after spending over $130 on a new XP w/SP3 disc and new hard drive I figured out I only needed the little $5.95 calculator battery. My hard drive was corrupt so I bought an 80gb. I installed brand the new XP o/s w/SP3 and it freezes frequently. I have all the same hardware as I had before. My previous 20gb hard drive had XP but it had been upgraded to SP3 (not bundled on one disc but it worked fine until I tried to reinstall windows big mistake).

I took out my USB PCI, and tried to reinstall but it still locks up. I haven't tried to install without my ethernet pci card but I will try it probably tonight or tomorrow. Not really sure what to do to fix it. I know its probably some conflict but I'm more of a user than a fixer. Also, my computer shows installed RAM 1000mb but my computer says only 383MB are available. I don't understand why. It should be moving much faster.

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Programs Keeps On Minimizing Randomly By Themselves?

Oct 6, 2004

for probably a year now perhaps my games minimize themselves to desktop and then i reopen then again no problem - but soon i want to play some online games and it will really get on my nerves in the heat of battle for the program to minimize. it isnt just games that do this also when watching full screen windows media player it will revert to regular. these events happen around every hour or so i guess.

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Internet Searches Randomly

Mar 9, 2006

i seem can't find the answer to. When browsing the internet usually in a website when i go to click on something on the site (IE espn.com clicking on NFL News)I am brought to a Yahoo Search page. It started about 2 weeks ago and first the search page brought back results for UNDETERMINED, then a couple days ago it brought back results for BLLOCKEDDEFFERED. Now it is bringing back results for UNDETERMINED again. Nothing to my knowledge has been changed on the computer in terms of programs.

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Pro SP2 Machine Locks Up Randomly

Dec 2, 2006

My machine has been locking up randomly for the past couple of weeks. I have tried to pinpoint the problem to one program or another, but it will even lock up at the Windows Login screen when I first boot. When it locks up, the screen flickers on and off about every second, and the mouse responds sporadically. If I have music on, It skips sporadically as well. I am running all of the latest Nvidia Drivers for both my graphics card and MB chipse

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Randomly Cut Off My Wireless Network

Sep 10, 2006

I was randomly cut off my wireless network.. Thought it could be a temporary problem so just slept it off, woke up again this morning and I've not been able to connect my laptop to the wireless network. I've even come down to the host computer and placed my laptop next to it, to see if the signal was any better.. and it is just non existant. I click on "wireless network connection" and refresh network list and it just "no wireless networks were found in range" and whenever I click refresh network list it just comes up with the same message straight away.. Not allowing it to search. I'm so worried it might be something to do with my laptop because I am going to uni next week, so NEED wireless when I am there.

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Internet Is Cutting Off Randomly

Dec 21, 2004

My internet has been randomly cutting off (modems completely resetting) randomly. When I right click the "Local Area Connection" in Network Connections it freezes and takes about 5 minutes for that window to unfreeze.It does however say I'm connected and working yet the modem can't connect.I tried my modem on my Xbox (don't have another computer to try) and it works just like normal, no problems in any games online.

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System Randomly Shutting Off

Jun 23, 2006

I'm running a AMD Athlon X64 with 2 GB of memory and 2 HD with a total of 370 GB and WIN XP Pro as the OS. I experienced a problem with my system randomly shutting off and after methodically checking all components, I determined the problem was with the CPU fan. I completed all the repairs and tried to fire the system up only to find out I didn't remember what my newly changed system password was. I'd be interested in any other options available to find or restore my password other than rebuilding my hard drive. And yes, I will write it down somewhere next time.

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Explorer Is Now Kicking Out Randomly

Mar 9, 2008

(not the IE browser version of windows explorer)This started happening like no more than a month ago (About 2 weeks ago?)Sometimes when I browse my folders via windows explorer (like when you go to My Computer and and than browse folders)And when I get this error message everytime I try to browse folders it keeps crashing until I restart. And when I do restart sometimes it never happens until a few days later. Seems to be random and at no particular folders.I have Avira AntiVir and Spybot Teatimer and none of them had detected anything so this is why I assume it is not virus (but I may be mistaken I'm no pro).After this crash happens when I go to my Processes tab in task manager the only new processes I see is this thing called "drwtsn32.exe"

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Computer Is Shutting Down Randomly

Nov 25, 2008

I'm having a serious problem with my computer, and I feel that I have to type this as fast as I can because it's been shutting down very randomly lately.For the last three or four days, my computer has been completely dysfunctional? I suppose. At first, it just wouldn't turn on. I left it for a bit, and it actually would turn on, but it would run so incredibly slowly. I could barely open a program, and when I could OPEN them, they wouldn't run at all. After letting it sit for about two days, I turned it back on, and it works pretty okay for the first hour. The second hour it'll slow right back down, and then spontaneously shut down. I know this sounds like an over-heating problem, so I bought a really intense heavy duty laptop cooling fan to put under it. That doesn't help.

My laptop DOES get hot, but nothing significant, especially with the fan. I figured it might be a virus, so I installed Kaspersky. Kaspersky runs fine, until I get to about 83% and it will continue running, but it will never go past that 83%. (I've let it run for almost 6 hours). I tried Kaspersky in Safe Mode, but my computer spontaneously shut off then too.I have Word 2007 installed, and it won't save any files. It just says, "Word Cannot Save Due To A File Permission Error". And just doesn't. Playing video is useless, because it just stops halfway through whatever media is playing. I've down two system restores to two different points further away, and that hasn't stopped it either.

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