System Randomly Shutting Off

Jun 23, 2006

I'm running a AMD Athlon X64 with 2 GB of memory and 2 HD with a total of 370 GB and WIN XP Pro as the OS. I experienced a problem with my system randomly shutting off and after methodically checking all components, I determined the problem was with the CPU fan. I completed all the repairs and tried to fire the system up only to find out I didn't remember what my newly changed system password was. I'd be interested in any other options available to find or restore my password other than rebuilding my hard drive. And yes, I will write it down somewhere next time.

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Computer Is Shutting Down Randomly

Nov 25, 2008

I'm having a serious problem with my computer, and I feel that I have to type this as fast as I can because it's been shutting down very randomly lately.For the last three or four days, my computer has been completely dysfunctional? I suppose. At first, it just wouldn't turn on. I left it for a bit, and it actually would turn on, but it would run so incredibly slowly. I could barely open a program, and when I could OPEN them, they wouldn't run at all. After letting it sit for about two days, I turned it back on, and it works pretty okay for the first hour. The second hour it'll slow right back down, and then spontaneously shut down. I know this sounds like an over-heating problem, so I bought a really intense heavy duty laptop cooling fan to put under it. That doesn't help.

My laptop DOES get hot, but nothing significant, especially with the fan. I figured it might be a virus, so I installed Kaspersky. Kaspersky runs fine, until I get to about 83% and it will continue running, but it will never go past that 83%. (I've let it run for almost 6 hours). I tried Kaspersky in Safe Mode, but my computer spontaneously shut off then too.I have Word 2007 installed, and it won't save any files. It just says, "Word Cannot Save Due To A File Permission Error". And just doesn't. Playing video is useless, because it just stops halfway through whatever media is playing. I've down two system restores to two different points further away, and that hasn't stopped it either.

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Computer Randomly Shutting Off

Jul 19, 2008

lately my computer has been randomly shutting down. Not while im doing anything specific, it happends at completely random times. I openned up my tower to see if it was dusty or something, sure as hell it was dusty but i cleaned it out ( blew in it ) and i felt the motherboard, it was pretty hot so i turned my computer off for a few hours but the same thing happends. the same thing happened to my friend but his problem was a fan wasnt working, but all of mine are working,i'm using a windows xp home edition, if u need anymore info, lemme know(ignore spelling/grammar errors i had to type this fast before my computer shut off again)

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System Shutting Down - System Volume Catalog Error?

Aug 4, 2004

I am running windows XP Pro and work with multi media applications, during playback of these files or sometimes in windows media player (and at times for know reason at all) my system will just shut down - no warning at all. The applications are not particulary using up much memory in which case I have more than enough to support. Upon starting up again this is the error message that is showing up in the event viewer (Application)

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System Shutting Down

Apr 29, 2008

My computer has been running fine for years but just this morning it has been shutting down for no reason. I'm running XP SP2. I started it up after it shut down, then it shut down again, only quicker. Tried to power on again but it powered off immediately, then it wouldn't power on at all. I gave the machine a rest for an hour then tried again. It worked for about two hours after that then it started shutting down again. I've run a few virus scans (in safe mode and in DOS) and nothing has come up.

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System Shutting Down After One Minute?

Jan 23, 2005

On my other home desktop, we have begun getting the following message:"This system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any usaved changes will be lost. This shut down was initiated by NT AUTHORITY/System Time remaining: 1:00The system process C:Windows/System 32/services.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code: -1073741819 the system will now shut down and restart."Then it shuts down.

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Locks Up - Freezes System Randomly

Mar 24, 2008

Windows will randomly freeze usually after 30 mins - few hours after playing music in iTunes or playing Football Manager 2008 (Other games have caused it as well, just I play the said game more). Sometimes it will freeze for no reason, yesterday it froze twice (Once I was just on MSN and the internet. The other I was splitting a file in winrar)I've thought it was overheating as my fan is quite noisy, but it doesnt restart, just freezes. I've scanned for viruses and found none.

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System Locks Up Freezes Randomly ?

Aug 27, 2009

My PC 'locks up' randomly and nothing will un-freezes it. I have tried everything I know to unfreeze, but nothing. Everything is still on the screen. Looks normal, fans are running in the PC, but is it frozen. I have to shut it off and restart. Then it works fine until it randomly locks up again. I have not noted any particular program or site that is running, it seems just random. Using Foxfire and Thunderbird (latest Vers).

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System Used To Hang On For 20-40 Seconds Randomly?

Dec 10, 2005

in the last few days it's hanging for 20-40 seconds and i see 'connecting to' at the bottom of the browser (firefox 1.0.4) window -if it was just for the initial logon, i wouldn't mind, but every link is the same.

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System Keeps Shutting Down (restarting) After Booting?

Dec 29, 2007

I just did a fresh restore of Windows XP Media SP2 from manufacturers restore DVD, and downloaded all of the Hot Fixes and updates from Microsoft. Everything was fine for about a day, but now the system boots, I get to the black screen where it asks you if you want to start Normally or in Safe Mode, or last known configuration that worked. No mater what I choose, it just shuts off.

This is the reason I did the full system restore in the first place.I dont know if this is related, but when I hook up the hard drive to my laptop to scan for viruses and spyware (you never know), the hard drive keeps shutting on and off. But it doesnt do that when its hooked up to the tower in which it came from, so it might just be the device Im using

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System Locking Up And Shutting Off Automatically

Nov 12, 2006

I am running Windows 2000 and computer is starting to lock up and turn off automatically.

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Shutting Down On Its Own - System Battery Voltage Is Low

Mar 23, 2005

Its been shutting down on its own and when she restarts it, it say "system battery voltage is F1 to continue" Is this the battery thats going bad or possibly something else. Its not messing with the time or anything.

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System Shutting Down During A Recovery Process?

Feb 21, 2009

I have a 3 year old Acer Laptop, Aspire 3000 (with only 20 gigs) and have replaced it. I ran out of memory in it, so I am attempting to set it back to its original setup using the System CD and the Recovery discs (3) of them.I did as instructed, and reset the system to boot from the CD ROM and it went through the process and got through disc 1, but after inserting disc two, it simply shuts down and tries to reboot, but can't of course because it hasn't finished the process.

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Shutting Down The System By Power Button?

Nov 30, 2006

I have a Windows XP computer. Suppose that after finishing using my word processor or viewing an internet page (or whatever) and closed all the screens that I had been using,I immediately shut down my computer by pushing the power button? The computer shuts down a lot faster pushing the power button than clicking Start, Turn Off Computer, Turn Off (and even then I have to wait about 30 or 40 seconds for the computer to shut down)

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System Shutting Down By Itself While Playing Games?

Mar 8, 2007

Im the one who posted a problem about a week ago about a laptop that is inexplicably shuting down as soon as I try to run a game when i have the recommended sys req for runnig that game, and also shuts down when i try to run DVD shrink.well I got your reply saying it could be a PSU or overheating problem.

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Computer Freezes Randomly / Cleaning Up The System?

Sep 27, 2006

would anyone mind helping me do a cleanup? it freezes every so often as if it doesn't have enough RAM and runs slow often, but other than that it's alright. i just want to streamline it.

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System Randomly Freezing And Showing Many Errors?

Jun 25, 2006

I have a Pentium 4 with 480mb of RAM. My problem started about month ago. I would hear a click sound coming from the box and shortly thereafter it would freeze. The three finger salute "Cnt Alt Del" did nothing and I would have to turn off the machine and start again. Sometimes it would boot up OK, then others I would get weird messages..

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System Shuts Down Randomly - Stock Gateways

Sep 29, 2009

I don't mean "turns off", I mean the user gets logged off and then the computer shuts down. Nothing seems to precipitate this, and it is happening on a few computers. These are all stock gateways.

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Safe Mode Is Shutting System Down Continously

Jan 27, 2006

I am running windows xp sp2 on my hp pavilion dv1331se laptop and have started to have some problems. First, I was running the windows disk defragmenter and it took a very very long time to complete. I try to defrag regularly and I know it is not an instantaneous process. But it seems to be unusually slow now and even when it says its completed, it also says there were files it could not defrag. I tried to run defrag in safe mode to see if that would improve the speed and defrag everything. But in safe mode, once it started defragging my entire system shut down. No warning, no nothing. Just all of a sudden a black screen and I had to physically turn the computer back on.

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System Randomly Reboots - Software/driver Issue?

Jan 28, 2007

It only started happening recently...but then I've only had my system for around 10 days. I've done some searching around and its seems like there is no one solution for every computer. It could be the PSU, RAM or cooling. With a new system, which seems more likely, or could it possibly be a software/driver issue? Thanks.

The Error:

BCCode : 1a BCP1 : 00041284 BCP2 : DA88A001 BCP3 : 0001EABB

BCP4 : C0E00000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 768_1

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System Reboots Randomly When It Is Running A Program I.E. Ad-aware

Aug 6, 2005

This problem happened 3-4 months ago and then went away until yesterday. It is very random and sometimes when it is just on but idle, and others when it is running a program I.E. Ad-aware. When it comes back on it usually goes tru the motions slower, and stops at a screen that say (amongst others) boot from CD twice afterwhich it says DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. After doing that it will run again untilit again randomly repeats. Sometimes in minutes, sometime hours, many times days

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System Locking Up Randomly / Unable To Connect To Internet?

Feb 25, 2007

computer would randomly lock up or say no signal on my monitor screen..I bought a new video card thinking that was the problem, it was not. I then had my brother look at it, people told me I had a virus from Limewire or and that I should do a full reformat right away, it would only do a quick one and it still didn't help it and when I tried to do a full one I would get an error that says I should put it in safe mode and disable components or something along those lines.I got a new hard drive, but then I had no mouse or internet. I installed my mother board CD. I restarted it thinking it would say new hardware found. I have reinstalled Windows and reinstalled my mother board CD, I tried my mouse on another PC and it worked fine.

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Computer Running Very Slow: System Freezing Randomly?

Feb 8, 2009

About a week back I seem to have gotten a virus that tried to act like a windows firewall popup in an attempt to get me to download bogus software that would do bad things to my computer, well I didn't fall for it, but AVG didn't pikc the virus up right away. But after a day or two it did, and stoped it, but it also found a few other viruses hiding out in windows restore files. I'm actually not sure if this is related to my main problem, but it happened around the same time so I'm reporting it. Ok shortly after I got rid of those viruses my computer started freezing. But I'm not talking about a total lock up. Its kinda like a slow freeze.

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Operating System Randomly Reboots - No Random Black Screen

Jan 21, 2008

when i start up my windows computer, it loads then goes to my user selection screen. no less than 3 seconds, and it just reboots. it keeps rebooting. no blue screen. no random black screen. it just reboots! whats wrong with it?

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Computer Freezing Randomly / System Restore Wont Work?

Jun 24, 2005

PC Freezing up. Restored to two weeks ago whenh didn't have the prob but still frezing. Usually after 5-30 mins of use.Started after BBand installed. Wonder if its an overheating prob.CPU variesd fromm 65-82C when idle and fan sticks at 2163 revs and doesn't change.

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Running Norton Speed Disk Repaired By Check Disk - Shutting Down System

Sep 14, 2005

For a whole month now I have carefully set up the new notebook described below after successfully, but laboriously, running a 1997 Dell PII300-SCSI 128-SDRAM Win98SE system for 8 years. I've now reached a point where I need help on several issues from some of you who are far ahead of me when it comes to running a modern system. There are no major problems so far, just some minor performance issues and a few questions in areas in which I know little or nothing.

One instance of a freeze (when running Norton Speed Disk) which turned out to be a bad cluster and was repaired by ChkDsk. One instance of stalling @ the "windows is shutting down" window (shutdown only). There have been two instances of noticeable decline in peak performance: A.) after installing Norton System Works. I immediately uninstalled Go Back, which really helped, and B.) after replacing one of the installed 256mb sticks of RAM with a 1GB stick from Crucial. I only mention this because I deliberately delayed installation until maximium system performance had been consistently sustained. [This is nothing major, just a slight delay and/or menus briefly going blank when starting some programs and a slight delay in application reaction time, which usually manifests itself at the start of sessions, and late sluggishness in long sessions] I only mention this in the event that I'm wrong and can be corrected, because I believe this must be a coincidence and not due to the hardware (unless there is a setting or something in Windows that needs changing to accommodate the additional RAM) - and the solution to regaining peak performance lies in Windows and/or Norton System Works....

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Computer Won't Shut Down Properly - Freezes At "Shutting Down System "

Apr 4, 2005

I've got a Toshiba Satellite A40 laptop. I've had it for a year and haven't had any problems with it, but lately, when I try to shut it down through the start menu, it will shut everything down, log out, go to the welcome screen all like its supposed to. When it gets to the blue welcome screen, however, it will say something along the lines of "Shutting down system (or Windows or something) and it'll just hang there forever. Once I forgot about it and returned in about an hour to find it still stuck in that screen, one that it should only display for a few seconds. I'm clean on the HJT log and virus-free

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"system 32 Services.exe" Has Terminated Unexpectedly / PC Shutting Down?

Apr 14, 2007

I recently built myself a new gaming rig a couple of months back, and up until about the last week everything's been working great. I keep getting an error message that system32services.exe has been terminated (either code 203 or 204, it varies), and that the computer will shutdown in 60 seconds. Using "shutdown -a" leaves it in a near-worthless state. I'm on Roadrunner, I use eTrust ezArmor (what can I say,it's free...); I've run antivirus and anti-spyware multiple times, but obviously it's not either finding anything else, or it can't clean it.

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Pc Is Behaving Quite Randomly

Apr 12, 2005

My pc is behaving quite randomly. I have this new page appearing as a wallpaper on my desk, saying stg like "your pc is infected by spyware blabla, sign here...", and besides, when I check into my task manager, I have a lot of .exe starting and stopping randomly and constantly, so my cpu is constantly between 60% and 100%. This is the main pb, but of course, there are several others, like the pc shutting down and restarting without notice, a front page "about blank" that I cannot change when I start internet explorer a.s.o
I ran the Ad-aware 6.0, Spybot S&D, CWS, but nothing helps

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Pc Turning Off Randomly

Jan 12, 2009

i am using XP and my isp is AOL,when using a games site called pogo,my pc just randomly stops,no shut down,and it only happens when playing pogo,it uses java,which i have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version, i've had an error message about dump files and was pointed to this site and told to upload my last dmp errors,

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PC Keeps Randomly Rebooting

Oct 17, 2007

This has been going on for a couple of months now.The PC would just reboot all of a sudden, usually when we pop in a CD in the drive, or log on to another user account. When we try to turn the PC on, it takes about 5-10 reboots before it goes on to the Windows logo (or whatever you call that). I'm worried that it might be a virus. I tried Trend Micro's Online scan and left it for a while only to find that the PC reboot in the middle of it, and now, I can't get the scanner to work anymore (I keep getting this error message.) Also, to be honest, we usually leave the PC on for days on end, so overheating might not be so out of the question. Aside from overheating, I just wanna know what else we have to troubleshoot for regarding this problem? Is it possible that a virus is causing it? That's all, I just need a troubleshooting checklist.

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