System Shuts Down Randomly - Stock Gateways

Sep 29, 2009

I don't mean "turns off", I mean the user gets logged off and then the computer shuts down. Nothing seems to precipitate this, and it is happening on a few computers. These are all stock gateways.

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HP Laptop Randomly Shuts Down

Dec 26, 2007

sometimes it will spontaneously shut itself off. First, the screen will go out. Next, the computer itself will shut down. This always occurs when I am doing something that requires a lot of resources, such as playing a game or watching a video (but only when the video is streamed, it handles DVD and avi files just fine). In retrospect, it's 99% game related.

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Computer Randomly Shuts Down

Feb 13, 2005

A while ago, I posted a problem about my computer shutting down and throught I had it fixed after scanning/removing spyware and running disk check. But the last few days it's been happening again. It just shuts down while I'm working on something, either surfing the net, working in psp, working in windows movie maker, checking email, etc. Then I can't turn it back on by pushing the button on the tower. When I look in the back of the tower, the green light for the power isn't on, so I have to push the power cord in and out and jiggle it around a bit to get the green light to turn on and the computer to start up. What could be wrong?

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System Just Shuts Down - Cannot Standby In XP

Jan 24, 2005

First of all, after clicking "shut down" my computer would go to a screen labeled "It is now safe to shut down your computer." I have encountered this before, and I went to turn on APM in power settings. However, I can no longer go to stand by anymore

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System Shuts Down Repeatidly

Feb 8, 2008

I have a HP desktop computer that keeps on shutting down on its own without any warning and when i go to start it up again it would shut right down again within 1 - 5 minutes or to the point where it wont even get to the desktop screen.

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System No Longer Shuts Down By Going To Start

Mar 2, 2005

My system no longer shuts down by going to Start>Turn Off. It just sits there and doesn't do anything so I have to manually turn it off. What's the problem?

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System Shuts Down During Game Play

Jan 12, 2006

Home Built, ASUS MB, AMD 2.7 gig CPU, 1 gig memory, SATA HD main, with ATA133 HD back up, Nvidia GeForce 6200 264MEG video card, Creative Audigy sound card, Windows XP Pro SP2, 500W PS, Sony CDRW and Sony DVD RW.Here's the problem, It does not matter what game I am playing, except for MS Games from windows, I get the blue screen of death and normally saying that my drivers are out of date or there is a problem with them. Sometimes it will say I have a memory error.I have cleaned and/or replaced all fans and heatsinks, checked for bulging caps, burnt or damaged ICs Resisters, diodes, transistors, etc. Reinstalled all divers and updated them with latest from factory. System works just fine on IE, Mail, IMs, MS office 2003, etc.

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Setup Error - System Shuts Down Automatically

Dec 16, 2006

This PC is a brand new custom build, I was installing windows XP on it for the very first time. The setup loads everything but after it says "Starting up windows" A new screen comes up with this error "A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

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Getting Status Code 1073741819 And System Shuts Down?

Jun 13, 2005

STatus code 1073741819. System Says it will shut down at aprox a few seconds.. and shuts down i need some serious help on this issue. to be more specific i have REformattedd the harddrive and reinstalled windows XP and im getting this status code for shutdown.

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System Randomly Shutting Off

Jun 23, 2006

I'm running a AMD Athlon X64 with 2 GB of memory and 2 HD with a total of 370 GB and WIN XP Pro as the OS. I experienced a problem with my system randomly shutting off and after methodically checking all components, I determined the problem was with the CPU fan. I completed all the repairs and tried to fire the system up only to find out I didn't remember what my newly changed system password was. I'd be interested in any other options available to find or restore my password other than rebuilding my hard drive. And yes, I will write it down somewhere next time.

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Locks Up - Freezes System Randomly

Mar 24, 2008

Windows will randomly freeze usually after 30 mins - few hours after playing music in iTunes or playing Football Manager 2008 (Other games have caused it as well, just I play the said game more). Sometimes it will freeze for no reason, yesterday it froze twice (Once I was just on MSN and the internet. The other I was splitting a file in winrar)I've thought it was overheating as my fan is quite noisy, but it doesnt restart, just freezes. I've scanned for viruses and found none.

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System Locks Up Freezes Randomly ?

Aug 27, 2009

My PC 'locks up' randomly and nothing will un-freezes it. I have tried everything I know to unfreeze, but nothing. Everything is still on the screen. Looks normal, fans are running in the PC, but is it frozen. I have to shut it off and restart. Then it works fine until it randomly locks up again. I have not noted any particular program or site that is running, it seems just random. Using Foxfire and Thunderbird (latest Vers).

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System Used To Hang On For 20-40 Seconds Randomly?

Dec 10, 2005

in the last few days it's hanging for 20-40 seconds and i see 'connecting to' at the bottom of the browser (firefox 1.0.4) window -if it was just for the initial logon, i wouldn't mind, but every link is the same.

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Computer Freezes Randomly / Cleaning Up The System?

Sep 27, 2006

would anyone mind helping me do a cleanup? it freezes every so often as if it doesn't have enough RAM and runs slow often, but other than that it's alright. i just want to streamline it.

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System Randomly Freezing And Showing Many Errors?

Jun 25, 2006

I have a Pentium 4 with 480mb of RAM. My problem started about month ago. I would hear a click sound coming from the box and shortly thereafter it would freeze. The three finger salute "Cnt Alt Del" did nothing and I would have to turn off the machine and start again. Sometimes it would boot up OK, then others I would get weird messages..

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System Randomly Reboots - Software/driver Issue?

Jan 28, 2007

It only started happening recently...but then I've only had my system for around 10 days. I've done some searching around and its seems like there is no one solution for every computer. It could be the PSU, RAM or cooling. With a new system, which seems more likely, or could it possibly be a software/driver issue? Thanks.

The Error:

BCCode : 1a BCP1 : 00041284 BCP2 : DA88A001 BCP3 : 0001EABB

BCP4 : C0E00000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 768_1

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System Reboots Randomly When It Is Running A Program I.E. Ad-aware

Aug 6, 2005

This problem happened 3-4 months ago and then went away until yesterday. It is very random and sometimes when it is just on but idle, and others when it is running a program I.E. Ad-aware. When it comes back on it usually goes tru the motions slower, and stops at a screen that say (amongst others) boot from CD twice afterwhich it says DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. After doing that it will run again untilit again randomly repeats. Sometimes in minutes, sometime hours, many times days

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System Locking Up Randomly / Unable To Connect To Internet?

Feb 25, 2007

computer would randomly lock up or say no signal on my monitor screen..I bought a new video card thinking that was the problem, it was not. I then had my brother look at it, people told me I had a virus from Limewire or and that I should do a full reformat right away, it would only do a quick one and it still didn't help it and when I tried to do a full one I would get an error that says I should put it in safe mode and disable components or something along those lines.I got a new hard drive, but then I had no mouse or internet. I installed my mother board CD. I restarted it thinking it would say new hardware found. I have reinstalled Windows and reinstalled my mother board CD, I tried my mouse on another PC and it worked fine.

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Computer Running Very Slow: System Freezing Randomly?

Feb 8, 2009

About a week back I seem to have gotten a virus that tried to act like a windows firewall popup in an attempt to get me to download bogus software that would do bad things to my computer, well I didn't fall for it, but AVG didn't pikc the virus up right away. But after a day or two it did, and stoped it, but it also found a few other viruses hiding out in windows restore files. I'm actually not sure if this is related to my main problem, but it happened around the same time so I'm reporting it. Ok shortly after I got rid of those viruses my computer started freezing. But I'm not talking about a total lock up. Its kinda like a slow freeze.

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Operating System Randomly Reboots - No Random Black Screen

Jan 21, 2008

when i start up my windows computer, it loads then goes to my user selection screen. no less than 3 seconds, and it just reboots. it keeps rebooting. no blue screen. no random black screen. it just reboots! whats wrong with it?

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Computer Freezing Randomly / System Restore Wont Work?

Jun 24, 2005

PC Freezing up. Restored to two weeks ago whenh didn't have the prob but still frezing. Usually after 5-30 mins of use.Started after BBand installed. Wonder if its an overheating prob.CPU variesd fromm 65-82C when idle and fan sticks at 2163 revs and doesn't change.

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IE Shuts Down

Oct 24, 2005

My granddaughter's computer has Windows XP, and the IE 6.0 shuts down constantly. I thought perhaps it had to do with the service pak updates -- although I see that she has computer set for automatic updates. After installing XP Service Pks, XP Professional, IE shuts down and does NOT ALLOW THE UPDATE to proceed. but sends an error report message notifying IE is shutting down.Why is IE shutting down?

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Pc Shuts Down Continuously

Oct 31, 2007

Its been a while since i needed to come here but my computer is on the verge of being chucked out the window.

I keep getting crashes, pc shuts down and then its very hard to get the damn thing to boot up again.

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IE6 Shuts Down Every Minute Or So?

Feb 24, 2009

my IE6 continually shuts down every minute!!! Im using XP home and have included my hijack log below. When it shuts down, I receive the famous "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close" message. Also, the failed file proccess in the details section of the error box is never the same! I've already run 3 spy & malware programs so I'm pretty sure Im clean.

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PC Boots Then Shuts Itself Off?

Jun 10, 2008

When I turn on my PC it goes to boot up then automatically shuts itself off.

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PC Shuts Down Using Internet

Apr 6, 2010

PC shuts down using the internet and immediately get PXE E53 - no boot filename received and PXE MOF - Exiting Intel boot agent. This happened a few times and a simple turn off/on solved the problem. Now I cannot get it to reboot at all. I am running a IBM NetVista with XP and Norton. Both XP and Norton have auto update so they should be have all current updates.

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XP Professional Shuts Down

Jun 3, 2006

i recently got my computer back from the repair shop and everything worked ok for awhile then it went completely to hell.sometimes when i start up the computer it shuts down,restarts, or goes to the desktop and says "this computer will shutdown in 30 seconds" or something like that as soon as i get to my desktop then sometimes like right now its just fine until i try to burn a cd or a dvd then it will turn off completely for no reason , ive ran avg, spybot, ad-aware, cw-shredder, housecall but still nothing is found. please help me as soon as u can, this is very frustrating as i have to do my schooling on the computer.

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Computer Shuts Off By Itself

Apr 13, 2008

Since the last 4-5 days my computer has been shutting down by itself. No warning nothing at all. Just Kaput.I mean windows doesn't show shut down message either.Also I feel it has something to do with my power settings( which are set down to never shut down/hibernate/standby), but I feel that if I leave it idle for some time.. that's when it goes.. if I keep working, it'll stay on.What's more, I think it started after an adobe flash player update( or maybe a windows update, both happened at the same time. Some kinda software distribution service 3.0).. System restore is not working either.I'm running Windows XP home on a compaq 2500 series laptop with P IV 2.4 Gigs processor, 512 mb RAM and 120 GB IDE HDD.

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My PC Shuts Down When I Restart

May 30, 2010

I had a problem with my pc for a while and i can't find any solution on the i-net. My problem is that when i restart my pc, it turns off for about 3-5 seconds then delay 2-3 sec and bios starts, then the os. The question is why it shuts down when i restart my pc. I'm not overclocker, and this problem came recently.

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My PC Just Shuts Off For No Reason At All

Jun 12, 2005

I ran the virus scan I ran adware, spybot and cw shredder all show nothing here's a hijack log any help is appreciated. I also can't get the folder common task bar off the desk top. It showed up after an update and I can't get rid of it.

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Internet Shuts Off

Jul 11, 2009

i ve been using xp for awhile recently when i turn my pc on for about 10mins and start using the net for bout 8mins or so the internet just shuts off and my network works fine everybody else there net works fine but for some reason my net just turns off after using it for bout 8mins then i restart my pc and works good then i go back thru this cycle that never ends.

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