"system 32 Services.exe" Has Terminated Unexpectedly / PC Shutting Down?

Apr 14, 2007

I recently built myself a new gaming rig a couple of months back, and up until about the last week everything's been working great. I keep getting an error message that system32services.exe has been terminated (either code 203 or 204, it varies), and that the computer will shutdown in 60 seconds. Using "shutdown -a" leaves it in a near-worthless state. I'm on Roadrunner, I use eTrust ezArmor (what can I say,it's free...); I've run antivirus and anti-spyware multiple times, but obviously it's not either finding anything else, or it can't clean it.

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BSOD - System Process Terminated Unexpectedly

Apr 2, 2010

For example, today when I started the computer it kept shutting off and wouldnt stay on longer than 2 seconds. Then eventually it stayed on, but has crashed several more times since then. Some other things:-Recently my Dvd drive has been disapearing off and on lately (it's showing at the moment, though). -Also my windows updates have been failing lately as well. Even though the BSODs were occuring way before that, it's still odd.

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Crashing Error - Process Terminated Unexpectedly

Jan 3, 2006

Blue screen.Stop: cOOOOZ1a {fatal system error} The windows Logon Process System process terminated unexpectedly with a status o.

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Service Manager Initialization Has Terminated Unexpectedly

Dec 4, 2006

So I'm trying to boot my laptop after a severe error in judgment and I'm getting an error before Windows can load that says Code: Service Manager Initialization has terminated unexpectedly with error code 0xc000003aIs there anything I can do about this? I've tried repairing the boot sectors (which I realize aren't at fault) and placed autochk.exe in every directory I can think of (Windows was reporting that it couldn't find it). If I run a chkdsk or scandisk in the recovery console will this be fixed? Or am I doomed to reinstall? This isn't bad since I can simply reinstall and not lose too much, but I'd like another option.

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System Manager Initialization System Process Terminated - 0x000026c

Dec 27, 2006

after copying win xp setup files n re-starting i get this message "system manager initialization system process terminated unexpectantly with a status of 0x000026c, the system has shut down" need explanation and help to resolve this issue thanx.......also note, winxp was installing on the same hard drive just fine on another motherboard so.........could the M/B be the prob?

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System Shutting Down - System Volume Catalog Error?

Aug 4, 2004

I am running windows XP Pro and work with multi media applications, during playback of these files or sometimes in windows media player (and at times for know reason at all) my system will just shut down - no warning at all. The applications are not particulary using up much memory in which case I have more than enough to support. Upon starting up again this is the error message that is showing up in the event viewer (Application)

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System Services Not Loading

Aug 13, 2007

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with my XP SP2 PC. This morning I ran microsoft update, and saw that 2 security patches hadn't been installing for about a month. I decided to boot into safe mode to try and get them, but then it asked me to reactivate windows, which I did over the phone and now all fine on that front.
However, the problem I'm now having is that certain services aren't loading when XP loads. For example, the desktop appearance, along with windows explorer, for example, looks like it's win98, i.e. no fischer price look, just plain old grey boxes. Also, the network services aren't loading so I can't get online with my router. Another: when I try opening help and support, I get the following message: Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem, start the service names 'Help and Support'.I'm not running in safe mode, and msconfig shows me as being in normal start up - load all drivers and services. In the services tab there are only 4 services running, which I'm pretty sure is seriously fewer than any machine running normally.

Unfortunately I can't run system restore: for some reason it's only got two saved in total, one that I did about 10 minutes ago, and another system one, about 15 minutes before that. Fortunately, NOD32 seems able to load, and a scan reveals no viruses. One more crucial thing: after I initially went to msconfig to arrange a safe boot on next boot (I have a usb keyboard so can't f8), I got a blue screen of death. So perhaps some boot files have become corrupted?

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How Do I Start System Services?

Feb 3, 2008

How do I start System Services? I've just gone to look at System Information, because I need to know what my graphics card is, and it says 'Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem start a service named Help and Support'

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NT4 Event Log Services - System Log Is Full

Sep 4, 2006

Dialog box with Event Log Services - System log is full.
It looks like the Disk is full and I can't find anything to remove until I talk to the user.
How do I address this message.

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Services Tab In System Configuration Utility

Oct 16, 2006

In my "services" tab in my "system configuration utility" accessed via 'msconfig', I count about 75 entries all of them checked. Now, I know there a some of them that I need. example: "AVG Update Service". But there are many most, in fact that I haven't a clue about what they do or if I really need them. For example: "Cryptographic Services". What in hell is that? What I'd like to do is disable all the stuff that I don't really need, so that I'm not wasting resources. Thanks for any help anybody can give. If you really come through, another donation will be on the way

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System Shutting Down

Apr 29, 2008

My computer has been running fine for years but just this morning it has been shutting down for no reason. I'm running XP SP2. I started it up after it shut down, then it shut down again, only quicker. Tried to power on again but it powered off immediately, then it wouldn't power on at all. I gave the machine a rest for an hour then tried again. It worked for about two hours after that then it started shutting down again. I've run a few virus scans (in safe mode and in DOS) and nothing has come up.

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Windows Not Load System Services In Msconfig

Apr 22, 2005

when I reboot its extremely slow. Control Alt Delete shows 99% cpu use under processes. Not sure whats going on but been running find for a month at least haven't installed anything odd lately. Have a virus scanner and ad-ware installed.

edit * safe mode it loads fine no slow down.
edit 2 - If I set windows to not load system services in msconfig it fixes the problem. What options does that load?

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Multiple Services Stopping And System Fails To Run

May 31, 2007

We are running into a problem where multiple services on a Windows XP SP2 system fail to run. This is happening on different brands of systems at different customer locations, and so far has eluded our ability to detect a pattern.The symptom is a user complaining that an application fails to start or to work correctly. When we examine the system, a number of services have stopped or failed to start, with no reason given. We haven't systematically documented what services failed to start (the list changes when the screen is refreshed), but the list published at seems to be typical. The workaround I have used is to go through the services that are not running, set each of them to automatically restart on first and second failure (a tedious task), then restart the system. This has usually fixed the problem for that user, but doesn't explain what is causing the failure to begin with.

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Enabling Services In System Configuration Utility

Jan 26, 2008

I have XP Pro installed on a spare computer. In the system configuration utility, under the services tab, I disabled all services - then restarted the computer. How can I undo these changes? If I go to the system configuration utility and click on the services tab, I show only 5 services. How can i restore all the other services, short of reinstalling the OS?

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Unable To Install Operating System Services ?

Aug 8, 2005

i'm able to install a window service to XP.but, it does not appear under services.what is the problem.

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System Shutting Down After One Minute?

Jan 23, 2005

On my other home desktop, we have begun getting the following message:"This system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any usaved changes will be lost. This shut down was initiated by NT AUTHORITY/System Time remaining: 1:00The system process C:Windows/System 32/services.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code: -1073741819 the system will now shut down and restart."Then it shuts down.

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System Randomly Shutting Off

Jun 23, 2006

I'm running a AMD Athlon X64 with 2 GB of memory and 2 HD with a total of 370 GB and WIN XP Pro as the OS. I experienced a problem with my system randomly shutting off and after methodically checking all components, I determined the problem was with the CPU fan. I completed all the repairs and tried to fire the system up only to find out I didn't remember what my newly changed system password was. I'd be interested in any other options available to find or restore my password other than rebuilding my hard drive. And yes, I will write it down somewhere next time.

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Easy Way To Reset All Of Services Under Services

Jan 9, 2005

Is there an easy way to reset all of the services under services.msc back to their default settings?

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Explorer Keeps Closing Unexpectedly?

Dec 24, 2006

When ever i try to access my video foloder through my documents an errour message saying it encountered a problem and needs to close here is the error report that came with it error signature Appname: explorer.exeAppVer:6.0.2900.2180ModName: msvcrt.dll ModVer. 7.02600.21800Offset:00037631

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Programmes Running Under Services Tab In System Configuration Utility

Jul 5, 2008

I have windows xp home edition. I know the startup tab is all the programs that load when i turn my computer on. What are all the programs that are either stopped or running under the "services" tab? What would happen if I disabled them all? Do I need them? I am just trying to make my computer a bit faster and Between my startup tap and services every single box in startup is checked and my problem is I don't know what the abbreviations mean and I don't know if I can safefy turn them off.

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Turing Off Unwanted Services In MSCONFIG To Speed Up The System?

Sep 17, 2005

Can anyone tell me what things I absolutely have to leave checked on the MSCONFIG screen? I want to turn off everything that doesn't need to be on but I don't know which ones have to be left on. Also is it safe to uncheck anything in the Services section? There are a lot of things running, can any of that stuff be turned off without hurting anything? There are a lot of AOL things that run all the time, what about those? Does turning any of those off help the computer run better at all

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System Keeps Shutting Down (restarting) After Booting?

Dec 29, 2007

I just did a fresh restore of Windows XP Media SP2 from manufacturers restore DVD, and downloaded all of the Hot Fixes and updates from Microsoft. Everything was fine for about a day, but now the system boots, I get to the black screen where it asks you if you want to start Normally or in Safe Mode, or last known configuration that worked. No mater what I choose, it just shuts off.

This is the reason I did the full system restore in the first place.I dont know if this is related, but when I hook up the hard drive to my laptop to scan for viruses and spyware (you never know), the hard drive keeps shutting on and off. But it doesnt do that when its hooked up to the tower in which it came from, so it might just be the device Im using

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System Locking Up And Shutting Off Automatically

Nov 12, 2006

I am running Windows 2000 and computer is starting to lock up and turn off automatically.

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Shutting Down On Its Own - System Battery Voltage Is Low

Mar 23, 2005

Its been shutting down on its own and when she restarts it, it say "system battery voltage is low..press F1 to continue" Is this the battery thats going bad or possibly something else. Its not messing with the time or anything.

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System Shutting Down During A Recovery Process?

Feb 21, 2009

I have a 3 year old Acer Laptop, Aspire 3000 (with only 20 gigs) and have replaced it. I ran out of memory in it, so I am attempting to set it back to its original setup using the System CD and the Recovery discs (3) of them.I did as instructed, and reset the system to boot from the CD ROM and it went through the process and got through disc 1, but after inserting disc two, it simply shuts down and tries to reboot, but can't of course because it hasn't finished the process.

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Shutting Down The System By Power Button?

Nov 30, 2006

I have a Windows XP computer. Suppose that after finishing using my word processor or viewing an internet page (or whatever) and closed all the screens that I had been using,I immediately shut down my computer by pushing the power button? The computer shuts down a lot faster pushing the power button than clicking Start, Turn Off Computer, Turn Off (and even then I have to wait about 30 or 40 seconds for the computer to shut down)

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System Shutting Down By Itself While Playing Games?

Mar 8, 2007

Im the one who posted a problem about a week ago about a laptop that is inexplicably shuting down as soon as I try to run a game when i have the recommended sys req for runnig that game, and also shuts down when i try to run DVD shrink.well I got your reply saying it could be a PSU or overheating problem.

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Office 2000 - Installer Terminated Prematurely

Jul 21, 2003

Im running XP Pro. Ive upgraded to SP1 and have tried over and over again to get office 2000 premium to install. Half way through the installation i get the error "installer terminated prematurely". no matter what i do I get this message. It partially installs, but not enough to be fully operational. I havent ever had this problem and am unsure of how to fix it. is there a fix available?

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BSOD - Computer Won't Start - Process Terminated

Mar 15, 2006

I got a Blue screen of death error code - 0x0000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x82D9FDA0, 0x82D9FF14, 0x805Fa7A8) which states that a process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. I can't reboot after the BSOD as the laptop will just freeze at the windows diskc check area. How do i find out what process was terminated?Furthermore i tried using my laptops recovery disc but the system won't let me run the program.

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Unexpectedly Lose Internet Connection

Mar 18, 2008

I am not using a router, but i still unexpectedly lose my internet connection, i'm using windows 2000 professional, i've check with cablevision and they say everything including the modem is running fine, they suggest problems with my system settings, any ideas as to what might be causing this, it happens 3 or 4 times in a 6 hour session, if i shut down my system I can get right back on the internet.

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Service Manager Terminates Unexpectedly?

Sep 21, 2008

Toshiba Tecra laptop / 512 meg / Win XP Pro SP3
Windows repeatedly pops up DEP message closing Generic Host Process for Win32 Svc
Sys event viewer shows: The Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 17 time(s). Attempt to start service from service manager also terminated unexpectedly.
I could sure use some help on this one.
HJT log attached to show start ups.

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