Crashing Error - Process Terminated Unexpectedly

Jan 3, 2006

Blue screen.Stop: cOOOOZ1a {fatal system error} The windows Logon Process System process terminated unexpectedly with a status o.

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BSOD - System Process Terminated Unexpectedly

Apr 2, 2010

For example, today when I started the computer it kept shutting off and wouldnt stay on longer than 2 seconds. Then eventually it stayed on, but has crashed several more times since then. Some other things:-Recently my Dvd drive has been disapearing off and on lately (it's showing at the moment, though). -Also my windows updates have been failing lately as well. Even though the BSODs were occuring way before that, it's still odd.

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Service Manager Initialization Has Terminated Unexpectedly

Dec 4, 2006

So I'm trying to boot my laptop after a severe error in judgment and I'm getting an error before Windows can load that says Code: Service Manager Initialization has terminated unexpectedly with error code 0xc000003aIs there anything I can do about this? I've tried repairing the boot sectors (which I realize aren't at fault) and placed autochk.exe in every directory I can think of (Windows was reporting that it couldn't find it). If I run a chkdsk or scandisk in the recovery console will this be fixed? Or am I doomed to reinstall? This isn't bad since I can simply reinstall and not lose too much, but I'd like another option.

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"system 32 Services.exe" Has Terminated Unexpectedly / PC Shutting Down?

Apr 14, 2007

I recently built myself a new gaming rig a couple of months back, and up until about the last week everything's been working great. I keep getting an error message that system32services.exe has been terminated (either code 203 or 204, it varies), and that the computer will shutdown in 60 seconds. Using "shutdown -a" leaves it in a near-worthless state. I'm on Roadrunner, I use eTrust ezArmor (what can I say,it's free...); I've run antivirus and anti-spyware multiple times, but obviously it's not either finding anything else, or it can't clean it.

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BSOD - Computer Won't Start - Process Terminated

Mar 15, 2006

I got a Blue screen of death error code - 0x0000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x82D9FDA0, 0x82D9FF14, 0x805Fa7A8) which states that a process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. I can't reboot after the BSOD as the laptop will just freeze at the windows diskc check area. How do i find out what process was terminated?Furthermore i tried using my laptops recovery disc but the system won't let me run the program.

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System Manager Initialization System Process Terminated - 0x000026c

Dec 27, 2006

after copying win xp setup files n re-starting i get this message "system manager initialization system process terminated unexpectantly with a status of 0x000026c, the system has shut down" need explanation and help to resolve this issue thanx.......also note, winxp was installing on the same hard drive just fine on another motherboard so.........could the M/B be the prob?

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Error Message Blue Screen With C000021a Fatal System Error Logon Process

Nov 22, 2008

i had XP 2008 virus/spyware, which I think I managed to get rid of with Malwarebytes' Anti Malware and System Mechanic 7. Now I have a new problem. After receiving a recent download from microsoft, upon restarting, I get the blue screen of death with this message; STOP: C000021a (Fatal System Error) The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000 0x00000000)

I can't get anywhere into Windows, I've done F2, F8, F12, everything I could think of without risking more damage. I've booted from the system mechanic CD with the Hard Drive recovery, and while it said it found and fixed a problem, it didn't fix this one.

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Error In Loading Operating System Crashing

Apr 19, 2008

My friends son has a presario 900, i hate this thing by the way, it keeps crashing on him. this time its comming up as error loading operating system. using google is how I found your site. but anyway the compaq screen comes up, then the error loading operating system comes up and I cant get it to do anything else. it also won't let me format to start over.

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Event Error Messages ID 3011 & 3012 / Computer Keeps Crashing?

Jun 20, 2005

my computer keeps crashing and displays these 2 errors in event log :-Event ID 3011 Unloading the performance counter strings for service WmiApRpl failed. The error code is the first Dword in data section.Event ID 3012 performance strings in the performance registry value is corrupted when process Performance extension counter provider. BaseIndex value from Performance registry is the first Dword in data section. Last counter value is the second Dword in data section and LastHelp value is the third Dword in data section.

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System Process Error After RAM Upgrade

Aug 11, 2009

i have recently added 1 GB RAM in slot M2, and after that the 'system' process at sr. no. 2 is showing memory usage of 73,844 K and it goes back to around 300 K if i remove the newly installed RAM and revert to old 256 MB but the system becomes dead slow.this high usage is also slowing down the system.

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Generic Host Process Error

May 13, 2007

i really dont know what went wrong. i have my nod32 always on.. but still seems like some bug has entered my pc.everything was ok. but i thought about scanning pc using found some problems. and i deleted files using spybot.every time that error will come and my internet wont work after that. i cannot even open network connection after that error. all that i can do is restart the pc. but error became very very, i used recovery tool for spybot and recovered all deleted files but it error still, i decided to reinstall windows. just reformatted my C drive and the error still remains.

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Getting Error Message During Shut Down Process?

Aug 24, 2005

everytime I restart or shut down my computer, I get an error message saying that IDLESA~1.exe failed to initialize because my system is shutting down. I have no idea what executable file this is, it just came out of nowhere. This happens everytime & I still can't figure out how to get rid of it.

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Explorer Keeps Closing Unexpectedly?

Dec 24, 2006

When ever i try to access my video foloder through my documents an errour message saying it encountered a problem and needs to close here is the error report that came with it error signature Appname: explorer.exeAppVer:6.0.2900.2180ModName: msvcrt.dll ModVer. 7.02600.21800Offset:00037631

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Loading Error During System Boot Process?

Aug 17, 2007

I'm getting a loading error when system starts.This is what it shows....c:windowssystem32spooldriversw32x863LXBTtime.dll

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Generic Host Process Error - No Task Bar

May 15, 2008

when i start this error message shows up... Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close it is scaring the life out of me because so far it has caused MAJOR problems,
when i close a window, the taskbar will not be in winxp view but an older versions, and it has messed up my sound. when i click on the sound icon it says "there are no active mixer devices available." the sound problem has never happened before

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Office 2000 - Installer Terminated Prematurely

Jul 21, 2003

Im running XP Pro. Ive upgraded to SP1 and have tried over and over again to get office 2000 premium to install. Half way through the installation i get the error "installer terminated prematurely". no matter what i do I get this message. It partially installs, but not enough to be fully operational. I havent ever had this problem and am unsure of how to fix it. is there a fix available?

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Unexpectedly Lose Internet Connection

Mar 18, 2008

I am not using a router, but i still unexpectedly lose my internet connection, i'm using windows 2000 professional, i've check with cablevision and they say everything including the modem is running fine, they suggest problems with my system settings, any ideas as to what might be causing this, it happens 3 or 4 times in a 6 hour session, if i shut down my system I can get right back on the internet.

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Service Manager Terminates Unexpectedly?

Sep 21, 2008

Toshiba Tecra laptop / 512 meg / Win XP Pro SP3
Windows repeatedly pops up DEP message closing Generic Host Process for Win32 Svc
Sys event viewer shows: The Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 17 time(s). Attempt to start service from service manager also terminated unexpectedly.
I could sure use some help on this one.
HJT log attached to show start ups.

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Installation Process Struck With Error: Sbp2port.sys Are Corrupt?

Jan 27, 2009

when I try to install win xp it goes to settup and it checks my sys and at in the middle of the settup prossess it says sbp2port.sys.

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Generic Host Process Encountered An Error After Logging On

Jun 25, 2005

I encountered an error after logging into Windows XP Home Edition Ver 2002. I checked the event viewer and here is what is recorded

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System Wont Boot And Getting Error Message During Process?

Jan 21, 2009

I am getting the message "C:WINDOWSAppPatchdrvmain.sdb is corrupt or missing. Insert the original Windows XP cd and type r for recovery console." Safemode operations or copying the drvmain.sdb file from the original cd doesn't work. Is there any other way to disable this file or is there any other solution?

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News Groups: Not Allowed To View/terminated By The Server?

Oct 4, 2007

I am having problem downloading MSNews groups. I am running XP sp2,Outlook express 6 with AOL as my ISP.When I try to download from the news reader I get 2 error messages 1. You are not allowed to view or 2. was unexpectedly terminated by the server. Everytthing was working ok untill I downloaded Internet 7 and I have now reverted to Internet Explorer butI cannot get any now.

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Laptop Got The Power Source Cut Off Unexpectedly, Now It Won't Turn On?

Mar 25, 2007

when I press the power button (and I've tried turning it on off of the battery, battery and outlet power, and just the outlet power), the light turns on, I can hear the regular whirring, but then the power button starts to flash, as if it's in standby mode? I've tried pushing a few buttons on the keyboard, tried pushing the escape button, tried pressing even the wireless LAN button that's at the top... nothing. When I press the power button, nothing happens unless I hold it down for five seconds, then it just turns itself off again.

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Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted?

Nov 30, 2004

I get the following error, every 5 minutes (almost to the second)Description:The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The screen goes blank for a second and the task bar and start button disappear then come back.I've virus scanned with AVG (with latest updates) and done online scans. I appear to be virus free. I have used a registry checker and tidied up any errors there.

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Generic Host Process Error - Network Connection Disconnects

Aug 29, 2009

Well I get the message"Generic Host Processes has encountered a problem and needs to close"Also option to Send and don't sent the error report.When I click on Don't send option,My net connection disconnects automatically after few seconds.I know many people have reported that it is a virus and for this I have installed Antivirus also.But this is the only virus Iam encountering everytime I reinstall Windows XP.

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Unable To Install Java: Getting Error Message During Setup Process?

Mar 30, 2008

When I try to install Java, I get the following error message:Error 1304.Error writing to file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105 patch-jre1.6.0_05.b13launcher.exe. Verify that you have access to that directory Well I go to that directory and double-click it, and I get the following messsage:Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item.

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Epson Scanner Suddenly Won't Work / RPC Connection With ScanManager Terminated Abnormally

Feb 20, 2006

My Epson scanner suddenly won't work. I keep getting this error message: RPC connection with ScanManager terminated abnormally then escndv.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.I've been back and forth with Epson, who advised me to uninstall the program, download their newest driver, and reinstall.

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Process Manager - Process Leads To Virus?

Sep 28, 2006

when I push ctrl+alt+del i cant get into the process manager!! the process button is not lit and cannot push it!anyone knows what can i do?

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Generic Host Process For Win32 Services Error: Sound & Video Card Wont Work?

Jan 26, 2006

ive a question about a "Generic host process encountered a problem and finally ive decided to format my hd. reinstalled win xp family, and i noticed that neither my sound nor my video card was working and that i couldn t use usb devices that usually work without drivers. i plugged my internet connection (cable) and then ie always crashed. so i did not manage to download windows updates this way. i decided to active auto-updates, and, a few seconds later, ive seen the message: "Generic host process for win32 services encountered a problem".

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System Idle Process - Should End Process

Aug 23, 2005

System Idle Process is at top of processes tab in windows task manager. I've read in an earlier post this causes cpu spikes. should I just highlight it and click end process? or is there something else I need to do.

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Error Message: Exception Process Message C0000013 While Connecting Blackberry?

Aug 12, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP 2 and I get an error message whenever i connect my blackberry curve to the computer. if the usb device is stopped, it will go away, but other than that it won't disappear after clicking cancel. if it helps, I installed the roxio media manager only yesterday, when the error first came up. Its name is Exception Process Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6b

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