Installation Process Struck With Error: Sbp2port.sys Are Corrupt?

Jan 27, 2009

when I try to install win xp it goes to settup and it checks my sys and at in the middle of the settup prossess it says sbp2port.sys.

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Corrupt Installation & Repair Installation Hangs?

Jul 4, 2006

I started up the computer, watched the BIOS detect the RAM, hard drive, etc, and then was greeted by a blank screen instead of the Windows boot screen. It proceeded though, and after a few seconds flashed to another black screen, this time displaying the cursor. I'm guessing this is the logon screen, but nothing displays but the cursor. (Note that the video card and monitor are both fine...I tried swapping them out just in case.)

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Vista Is Not Performing Installation Process

Jul 1, 2010

My vista is not performing any new install nor run any pre-installed programs.

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Updated ZA Free: Installation Process Has Changed?

Sep 7, 2005

Zone Alarm has posted a new release of Version 6.0 (60.667.0) Free on their website. Installation process has changed a little. Be careful to select upgrade, to preserve existing settings and the choice between the Free version and pro is laid out a little different. Will require a boot to complete the install/upd ate.

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Opening Folders Prompts Installation Process

Nov 4, 2007

I'm running XP, SP2, and every time I open a folder, whether My Computer, Control Panel or on my desktop, the installation of Adobe Acrobat begins. If I then cancel the installation, the desired window opens up and I can navigate up and down as normally - it only happens on the initial double-click to open the folder. The only thing I've been doing recently that might have changed settings and prompted this was in attempting (without success) to set up a home network. I've run a full AVG virus scan without results.

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Antivirus Won't Install - Gives Message "installation Process Is Already Running

Jul 16, 2005

I can't install norton antivirus 2005 , basically what happens is that when I run the install.... it doesn't start anything and I get a message saying that an installation process is already running... I have attached a pic with the explanation of the situation.

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System Very Slow - Computer Gets Struck

Aug 1, 2010

My computer is very very slow to start. sometimes my computer gets struck and i can't acces any applications, in this case i have no other way than to restart.sometimes if i let my computer switched on for some time without doing any thing then all my applications tend to be very slow. i can't watch videos on streaming.

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Laptop Struck By Lightening - Sound No Working

Jan 2, 2006

I have a Toshiba Satelitte A40 - 151 Laptop. Last year we were abroad and it got struck by lightening. It hit the power cable, modem and sound We were able to buy a new power cable and buy a modem to go in the card slot But nobody there seemed to have a clue regarding the sound. Now we are back in Uk we have tried an external sound card which works fine But is there any way it can be repaired? Asked at PC World and they say buy a new PC !

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Installed Windows Corrupt Within 24 Hours Of Installation?

Dec 28, 2007

I have Windows XP in my system and the problem is that after installation of Windows within 24 hours it comes... during working suddenly system restart and afterthat windows unable to boot again...Few days before I found virus in my system FUNNY UST SCANDAL.AVI.EXE so I clean my drives with Antivirus and virus deleted ..may be this because of Virus so I scan my PC with Antivir ...and with Mcafee too but now nothing I found..

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Corrupt / Installation Cd Wont Work?

Oct 6, 2009

i am, or was using windows xp. started getting the error message on startup - windows root>system32toskrnl.exe is missing/corrupt i put in the windows xp cd and went to recovery and i've tried most things people have suggested, copying/expanding the file etc. but i want to try everything one more time just to cross that of the list so if u can give me some suggestions ill try them so i can let u no wot happened.

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Error Message Blue Screen With C000021a Fatal System Error Logon Process

Nov 22, 2008

i had XP 2008 virus/spyware, which I think I managed to get rid of with Malwarebytes' Anti Malware and System Mechanic 7. Now I have a new problem. After receiving a recent download from microsoft, upon restarting, I get the blue screen of death with this message; STOP: C000021a (Fatal System Error) The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000 0x00000000)

I can't get anywhere into Windows, I've done F2, F8, F12, everything I could think of without risking more damage. I've booted from the system mechanic CD with the Hard Drive recovery, and while it said it found and fixed a problem, it didn't fix this one.

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System Process Error After RAM Upgrade

Aug 11, 2009

i have recently added 1 GB RAM in slot M2, and after that the 'system' process at sr. no. 2 is showing memory usage of 73,844 K and it goes back to around 300 K if i remove the newly installed RAM and revert to old 256 MB but the system becomes dead slow.this high usage is also slowing down the system.

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Generic Host Process Error

May 13, 2007

i really dont know what went wrong. i have my nod32 always on.. but still seems like some bug has entered my pc.everything was ok. but i thought about scanning pc using found some problems. and i deleted files using spybot.every time that error will come and my internet wont work after that. i cannot even open network connection after that error. all that i can do is restart the pc. but error became very very, i used recovery tool for spybot and recovered all deleted files but it error still, i decided to reinstall windows. just reformatted my C drive and the error still remains.

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Getting Error Message During Shut Down Process?

Aug 24, 2005

everytime I restart or shut down my computer, I get an error message saying that IDLESA~1.exe failed to initialize because my system is shutting down. I have no idea what executable file this is, it just came out of nowhere. This happens everytime & I still can't figure out how to get rid of it.

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Crashing Error - Process Terminated Unexpectedly

Jan 3, 2006

Blue screen.Stop: cOOOOZ1a {fatal system error} The windows Logon Process System process terminated unexpectedly with a status o.

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Loading Error During System Boot Process?

Aug 17, 2007

I'm getting a loading error when system starts.This is what it shows....c:windowssystem32spooldriversw32x863LXBTtime.dll

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Generic Host Process Error - No Task Bar

May 15, 2008

when i start this error message shows up... Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close it is scaring the life out of me because so far it has caused MAJOR problems,
when i close a window, the taskbar will not be in winxp view but an older versions, and it has messed up my sound. when i click on the sound icon it says "there are no active mixer devices available." the sound problem has never happened before

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Generic Host Process Encountered An Error After Logging On

Jun 25, 2005

I encountered an error after logging into Windows XP Home Edition Ver 2002. I checked the event viewer and here is what is recorded

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System Wont Boot And Getting Error Message During Process?

Jan 21, 2009

I am getting the message "C:WINDOWSAppPatchdrvmain.sdb is corrupt or missing. Insert the original Windows XP cd and type r for recovery console." Safemode operations or copying the drvmain.sdb file from the original cd doesn't work. Is there any other way to disable this file or is there any other solution?

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Generic Host Process Error - Network Connection Disconnects

Aug 29, 2009

Well I get the message"Generic Host Processes has encountered a problem and needs to close"Also option to Send and don't sent the error report.When I click on Don't send option,My net connection disconnects automatically after few seconds.I know many people have reported that it is a virus and for this I have installed Antivirus also.But this is the only virus Iam encountering everytime I reinstall Windows XP.

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Unable To Install Java: Getting Error Message During Setup Process?

Mar 30, 2008

When I try to install Java, I get the following error message:Error 1304.Error writing to file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105 patch-jre1.6.0_05.b13launcher.exe. Verify that you have access to that directory Well I go to that directory and double-click it, and I get the following messsage:Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item.

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Get Error On Boot Up - Corrupt CDRom.sys

Sep 16, 2005

I have downloaded Windows XP Home Edition Utility: Setup Disks for Floppy Boot Install from the MSDN download centre.I have run the executable WinXP_EN_Home_BF.exe and produced the 6 Startup floppy disks.When I boot my PC using the startup floppy disks I get the following error on disk #5 "Corrupt CDRom.sys"Where can I get a version that works error free?

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Missing Or Corrupt: Windows System32config Error

Dec 1, 2008

I have a Rock CTX Pro with Windows XP Pro, service pack 3, 2.33 GHZ dual core. When loading my computer, after getting to the loading windows page, it brings up an error message that says: The following file is missing or corrupt: Windowssystem32configSYSTEM

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Turning On Pc / Getting The Config System Corrupt Error?

Nov 1, 2008

So this morning I turned on my pc and I got the message that c:windowssystem32configsystem is missing or corrupt.

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Corrupt: Getting Error On Every Startup?

Nov 30, 2004

I've got a Dell Latitude C840 that boots to an error message as follows, "Windows2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windows2000 RootSystem32 toskrnl.exe. Please reinstall a copy.". I do not have an ERD. I tried booting off the Dell Recovery CD and got to a Recovery Consel DOS Prompt and tried running CHKDSK with the /R and the /F,

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Boot Error Corrupt File Any Way To Save It

Apr 25, 2006

So this morning I left my laptop on while going to college and then work, after work I came home the laptop was off. Weird I thought I start it up and It keeps giving me an error that the "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM".It tells me to instert the Windows XP cd, or set up cd.Now I havent done it yet because I want to know is there anyway to save my stuff that I have on my harddrive? and DO NOT WANT IT TO FORMAT MY HARDDRIVE.The reason is I have FINAL PROJECTS for my term papers and also FINALS and all information related to college. I am really worried that I dont have it anymore and I dont know what I would tell my college proffesors. Please someone if you know how to save the portion of the disk thats not windows please help.

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Corrupt Or Missing File Error?/Windowssystem32configsystem

May 3, 2006

I have an old computer with an Intel Celeron 467 MHz processor, 128 ram and I'm running Windows XP SP2. Earlier this week I came to turn on my computer, and could not log on to Windows. "Windows could not start because the follwing file is missing or corrupt Windowssystem32configsystem." I reinstalled XP. I couln't access the repair install. Then I thought maybe someone had gotten into my computer and I downloaded Zone Alarm...Big mistake. Since then my computer freezes, programs jam, I keep losing my internet connection,(DSL) and I get "cannot find server" messages. Its also slower as molasses in winter. A little better since the removal. Obviously Zone Alarm was removed and i went back to Windows firewall. I also use Ad-Aware, AVG, Spybot Search and Destroy, Spyware Blaster and I use Registry Mechanic and TuneUp Utilities.

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Process Manager - Process Leads To Virus?

Sep 28, 2006

when I push ctrl+alt+del i cant get into the process manager!! the process button is not lit and cannot push it!anyone knows what can i do?

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Generic Host Process For Win32 Services Error: Sound & Video Card Wont Work?

Jan 26, 2006

ive a question about a "Generic host process encountered a problem and finally ive decided to format my hd. reinstalled win xp family, and i noticed that neither my sound nor my video card was working and that i couldn t use usb devices that usually work without drivers. i plugged my internet connection (cable) and then ie always crashed. so i did not manage to download windows updates this way. i decided to active auto-updates, and, a few seconds later, ive seen the message: "Generic host process for win32 services encountered a problem".

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Boot Error- With Missing Or Corrupt File Toskrnl.exe

Jun 29, 2010

whenever I boot the system, I come up with the following message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>system32 toskrnl.exe re-install a copy of the above file. every time I try to boot the CD, the same error message occurs. I've already tried to change the boot order so the CD-ROM drive would be first. I have also selected the CD-ROM drive to be the boot device, but the message always pops up.

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Wont Start:corrupt File/get My Favorites From My Error HD?

May 14, 2006

I have tried the recovery console. I get into it and it asks to answer which windows installation I want to repair. It shows 1: cwindows , so I enter in 1 and press enter. ( I also have just entered 1 without the enter) my computer does nothing....just sits there. It never gets to the next step of asking for the administrators password. I then tried multiple times to go into the "reinstall XP function" and then after it says "looking for versions of window on yout computer" it just sits there.....hard drive light flashing occasionally, but nothing but blue screen.

Is there anyway for me to copy the system files i need if I have the non bootable XP drive daisychained to a drive that does boot? I apparantly can not re-install xp to this HD and can not get the recovery/repair option to work. No safe mode, no nothing. I am thinking there has got to be a way of copying the files I need from the xp cdrom while having the non bootable drive connected to the one working/bootable drive I am able to use. ( I was able to upload XP to a seporate HD I had lying around, however I really want to fix the 80 gig hd that will not boot now.I also want to get my favorites from my "error HD" but when I go into the files for MOZILLA under my name it gives me the error "not authorized" since my HD had me as administrator.

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