Registry Mechanic / PC Slowing Up

Aug 12, 2005

I have been having some trouble with my PC slowing up. Even to go into microsoft office /word takes a couple of mins. I have down loaded Registry Mechanic and its has found 220 faults, 74 to do with shared DLL and 138 in deep scan. My question is first of all is this software any good or is it a money spinner for the owner Secondly is there anything out there

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Registry Mechanic Does Not Delete Registry Entries

Jul 13, 2006

I tried to delete the registry entries which were bad, I had 30 of them, but the these two will just not go away, even by doing them manually, such as saving as a backup then deleting it manually and remerging. They just show up no matter what I do, or so use programs like Registry Mechanic, which I found only mediocre, very far from the ratings. to delete these two entries somehow from someone who is actully knows how to without using several so called registry cleaners, which only work partially.

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What Do You Think Of Registry Mechanic

Aug 10, 2005

What do you guys think of this program. I ran it and have 156 things to fix- should i fix them

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How Do I Uninstall Registry Mechanic?

May 21, 2010

My computer is Windows XP. I downloaded Registry Mechanic and am trying to uninstall it.I am getting following error code

C:ProgramFilesRegistrymechanicunins000.msg is missing. Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program.

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Is Registry Mechanic Any Good?

Jan 15, 2006

I have just learned about Registry Mechanic. Is it a good investment or is it the same as Norton WinDoctor

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Registry Mechanic And Shortcuts

Jul 3, 2005

I have recently installed and used Registry Mechanic and decided to accept to repair abut Four Hundred faults as I noticed I could reverse the repair if there were any problems. I am delighted to say that there were none but I noticed that the box for repairing shortcuts was not ticked. On ticking it I was found to have about four hundred faults again connected with shortcuts, can I safely repair these problems as I did the first lot or should I know about something before I decide to use the repair function again, I would be grateful for some advice as I am new to Registry Mechanic

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Won't Start After Registry Mechanic

Oct 19, 2005

I ran registry mechanic V5 on my office XP machine. It ran smoothly and when I chose compact registry and it finished, it asked me to restart windows, I accepted, and it restarted, after the windows logo, the screen goes blank (black) and does nothing, I restarted again, and chose last working config, the same thing, screen goes blank, and when I restart using any of the safe mode configs, the screen not only goes blank, but there is a blinking cursor on the upper left corner,

I tried to run a Repair install of the Windows XP CD, but, I don't have the "R" option in there, only "ENTER" to Install, "D" to Delete the currenyt partition or "F3" to exit. I don't know how to work with the Repair console I also would want to know what happened if there was no error reported

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Ran Registry Mechanic - WMP Wouldnt Open

May 16, 2005

i ran this program called Registry Mechanic that i have ran befor and all of a sudden my WMP wouldnt open it just kept saying "internal application error" so then i went to system restore to try to fix and that would not open and when i tryed to search for some thing my search companion section was just blank, oh ya and when i go in to hotmail my emails along with all folders wont open

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Errors In Registry Mechanic Found 800

Jan 14, 2006

Registry Mechanic just found 800 bad stuff on my pc. It cant delete them all because it needs to be registered and I dont know what to do about the stuff it can delete

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Spyware Doctor & Registry Mechanic

Dec 6, 2005

I purchase the Spyware Doctor and Registry Mechanic yesterday. Do I need these I have anti spyware for free on my SBC dls account

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Registry Mechanic Installed And Lose All Documents

Aug 22, 2007

I found this program when browsing the net. I did the scan and apparently i have plenty of problems with my pc 408 in total anyway to fix it i would have purchase this program or reload my ms xp ,i just dunno whether to trust this program also about reloading repairing my xp what is the best way? and will i loose all the docs i suppose i'm best of taking copies of everything on my pc

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Compatibility Of Registry Mechanic / Norton Internet Securit

Sep 8, 2006

We have an XP Dell 8200 computer with service pack 2 security update. We would like to get Registry Mechanic however we currently have the following on our computer: Norton Internet Security 2005, Webroot Spysweeper, Ad Aware SE professional edition, We are seriously concerned about compatibility issues. Should we be so concerned

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Registry Mechanic, System Suite, Error Killer & PC On Point

Aug 11, 2006

I have been using "System Suite 4.0", but see SS 6.0 has been released. Rather than jump to upgrade SSuite, I wonder about the comparative value of "Register Mechanic", "Error Killer" and "PC On Point". Is there a site that routinely reviews and perhaps rates system utilities

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BSOD During PerfectDisc Scan Or Registry Mechanic Scan

Nov 19, 2006

I went to use PerfectDisc yesterday, it suggested I do a bootup scan, I did, allowed it to do pagefile scan too. Ran fine. Then rebooted, went to do regular scan. it locked up on the Blue Screen of Death.

"Bad_Pool_Header" and gave some error info... 0x00000019, and so on.

Computer runs fine though otherwise, which is funny.

Then when I try to go to Registry Mechanic and scan, it goes all the way through, and on I believe the deepscan, it always goes to BSOD there. I think while it's in the HKEY section of current user.

There may be other programs that will cause the BSOD, but these 2 are the only ones so far. Please guide me through this....Anyone.

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Computer Is Slowing Down

Aug 7, 2005

im running xp windows, and i have notice its takes so long far my computer to do anything, i done all the cleanup on it,in my startup i have around 38 things running,i use aol and they have a lot of things in there,there,s even some in a different launage.i turned off some but still have 38 left,can you tell me what i need to run this computer,i have a hp pavililion524.

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Svchost.exe Slowing Pc

Jun 12, 2010

a Dell Latitude laptop with XP pro, SP3 and all updates. Recently I found the cpu running at 3-4 % with only the desktop, Avira, and Windows Defender running. Normally cpu is down to 1% with these programs running. I turned off automatic updates and avira and defender but cpu was still at 3-4 %. How can I find out the cause of this? I do not know which of several svchost processes is causing the problem, this one uses about 35Mb with firefox open, 31Mb when I close it.

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Slowing Down To A Crawl

Feb 18, 2005

My computer is slowing down to a crawl. The other night it was working fine. The next day a after work it was running slow so I cleared the temp files cache files, history files, scanned for spyware but the more I did the slower it got. I defrag it and it got slower. It's gotten to a point now that it will take forever to open anything and even when it does finally open it's soooo slow. It seems like it's running out of memory. Even when I click start to reboot it will take forever to open and when I click on shut down it will take forever to open too.

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Pc Slowing Down After Getting Satellite Internet

Jun 17, 2006

When I had satellite internet installed my pc started slowing down. The internet speed is faster but opening programs, files, etc is slow. The start menu is slow about opening things in there too. Any idea what is going on or how to solve it? The installer said it may be a shared resource problem. I have winxp and everything that is required for the satellite internet.

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Spywear Problem Slowing Down The System

Mar 6, 2006

i have a spywear problem that seems to drastically slow my computer down. It also slows my internet down on this computer. I am using networked DSL and the server functions about 4 times as fast. i get a little widows error thingy in the tast bar (see picture) that says, "your computer is infected!" this is quite annoying as the little bubble comes up every 10 seconds and makes a popping noise. to get rid of this ive done 3 avast virus scans and 3 ad-aware scans. I also did a scan each in safe mode, but still niether avast and ad-aware couldnt find anything. also spysheiff downloads itslef, and comes with trogens, malwear ect. i will post a Highjack this log for all the geniuses to see if they can find anything.

on a side note, in all my attempts to fix this is seems ive locked the background from allowing picrures. if anyone can help with this it would be apprechiated aswell. The desktop screen print is also on the picture.


Sorry on the bad quality image, i had to put it as GIF to fit it on.

The Hijack This Log Is:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 4:38:46 PM, on 3/6/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Computer Slowing Down While Burning DVD-s With Nero?

Jun 16, 2008

When I'm burning DVD-s with nero the computer is very slow!I mean like the mouse even is lagging (i'm not sure if that is the right word ), when I click on an icon the indication (when it gets blue or something) is coming after a second or more.If winamp is playing a song, it starts drawling (the same happens when i click on thumbnail veiw of a movie on a dvd!)!

When i try to start a program, or open a folder the buffer (that nero shows) is at 100% and the folder opens after a 15-20s!When i open more than one program, the buffer drops to 50% and the computer is even slower!When the burning ends everything is ok..the computer is behaving normal!What could be the problem!I don't think it's from the hardware (1 GB Ram, Athlon 64 (3200+), 128MB Video)!Now i'm scanning with mcafee 2008 and after that i'll run ad-aware and spybot!

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Randomly Slowing To A Crunching Halt

Oct 7, 2009

Recently formatted and reinstalled onto my rig after a catastrophic error. System was running fine before format, and fine afterwards until now. Today I had XP crawl to a grinding halt twice, which was only curable with a touch of the restart button.I have run COMODO, no virus/malware. Checked RAM, all fine no errors. Thought that it may be the CPU overheating, but all system fans are working fine, heatsinks are clear of any dust or dirt buildups.

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Computer Slowing Down - Hanging Up Task Manger

Sep 6, 2008

My computer seems to be slowing down and hanging up every so often. When I start XP I go into task manager and see bunches of programs runnings. A lot of *.exe files. How do I get rid of them?? How do I know which ones to get rid of? They may be virous, extra junk form previous installs? I do run Nortons anti-virous program. I don't want to reformat and reinstall XP but I may need to.

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Computer Slowing Up - Added A 512mb Stick

Mar 5, 2007

I added a 512mb stick and 500gb hard drive to an AMD 1.7mhz system that was running fine but just out of disk space (figured as long as the chassis was open to throw in the ram too). Now I can barely use the darn thing. Runs extremely slow. Audio and video and useless, responses are crazy - even the mouse is herky-jerky. Went into taskmanager and there is one program that seems to be using a lot of processor time but I alway have that one running even in the 'old' configuration. I can kill it and it helps a little bit but why should more resources make things worse. I have AVG running for virus checking and regularly run adaware and spybot for malware checking. Checked system settings and everything looks fine there as well - cache, VM, performance, etc. all set to normal levels (768mb by the way).

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System Started Slowing Down: Reviewing/ Cleaning The Log File?

Apr 17, 2005

My system started slowing down a couple of days ago, Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 how to check and clean the log file

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Deleting Trojan Horse Virus Slowing Down The Computer?

Jun 23, 2005

My computer has detected that I have a virus called "Trojan Horse." I think it is really slowing down my computer big time.What can I do to fix this?I was told to do the "HIJACK" this. The following is what came up:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.3
Scan saved at 7:36:28 PM, on 6/23/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

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System Mechanic 6 Pro

Feb 19, 2006

I just installed system mechanic 6 pro yesterday and ever since my computer is crashing when my external hard drive is on. I am running XP pro, crashes, when the computer restarts I get a bunch of messages from Ad-Watch about altering registry values. I haven't been able to jot them down or read the very quick blue screen of death. When I restart the computer with the external hard drive off I onle seem to get one of the Ad-Watch messages- Attempt to alter a protected object has been detected Attempt to add a registry value

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Installing A Program - System Mechanic?

Jul 11, 2005

Just wondering if installing a program such as this is worth it OR if the tools provided by Windows XP are sufficient to do the job for the average Joe User

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System Mechanic Pro 7 Safe To Torrent?

Mar 14, 2007

is a system mechanic pro 7 safe to torrent. will it mess up my system.

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No Disk Error - System Mechanic 7 And Network Magic

Mar 25, 2007

I'm receiving a windows -no disk error message that won't stop. I've recently installed System mechanic 7 and network magic

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Backup Autocomplete Registry Entries/ Registry Addresses?

Mar 4, 2006

I want to backup my Autocomplete User Names and Passwords, Web Addresses, and Forms entries in the registry. What are the registry addresses for these items?

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Registry That Are Not Needed: Delete Registry Entries?

Sep 1, 2005

I have entries in my Windows XP Professional Registry that are no longer needed. When I try to delete these entries the registry editor will not allow me to delete the entries. Is there a way that I can delete/remove these registry entries?

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