Applications Using High CPU Resources / Making System Slow?

Jan 16, 2008

I am having a problem where everything seems to take up way more CPU usage than it used to. There is no application stealing processing power. Rather, when I start an application that would normally use a bit of CPU, it now spikes the CPU.In particular, 5 year old game called Neverwinter Nights is now unplayable and spikes up to 55% CPU usage on both cores even though it should only hit one core. The Earthsim program also does the same. So do other applications.

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CPU Using 100% Resources With No Applications Running?

Sep 20, 2005

My computer is acting up.. right after i finish starting up, before I even launch an application, the cursor will show a flickering hour glass (like it's processing something), however nothing is running. And when I do try to launch an application (something as simple as IE) it takes forever to load. I clicked "control-alt-delete" to see my task bar -- it shows no tasks being performed, but on the performance tab it shows CPU at 100%. I thought maybe I had a virus, so I did a scan using Trend Micro PC-cillin, but no viruses were detected.

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Slow Computer Speed: System Using 100% Resources?

Sep 2, 2008

The comp's CPU usage is almost always running at 100%. I can see this in the task manager and the fans always seem to be running on overdrive (very loud). Sometimes it'll calm down and usage will run at a normal level but this is only for a short time and then it jumps back up and fans as well. I thought at first it might be my AVG antivirus but i've removed and still have the same problem.

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Computer Running Slow: Cpu Using 100% Of System Resources?

Sep 24, 2009

computer is running slow, his cpu is always at 100% usage

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Moving And Scrolling Down Making System Very Slow?

Sep 24, 2007

WHen i move a windows go so slow! Or when i scroll down in internet explorer 6 goes SLOW, i just formated the pc...

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Computer Freezing While Running High-graphics Applications?

May 29, 2005

I'm running a newly built system and am having an issue when running graphics-intensive programs, specifically a full system freeze. I don't believe I was having this problem at first, as I didn't notice anything unusual with a graphics-intensive game (Guild Wars) when the system was first up and running. Now, though, I can't run graphics intensive tasks without the system freezing. I updated a whole host of drivers in between, so I can't pinpoint a change or two that might've done it. System restore is acting a bit odd, telling me it can't restore to X point and no changes were made (but unfortunately offers no additional info on why).

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Computer Running Slow: System Making Unwanted Sounds?

Sep 1, 2009

Unusually slow system; unsure where to go from here.machine runs very slowly for the processor and for the amount of processes running.There is some degree of visual skipping/slowness,it is particularly apparent with audio and visual media. Even the startup sound is very drawn out and is characterized by a long, skipping echo. Music skips randomly and even alert noises, (such as the one heard when ending a process) has the same skipping/echo. This happens even when there are few apparent processes running and very little CPU usage (such as 5%), as well as when the system is overloaded (which happens remarkably quickly for the 20-30 processes running).

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Cpu Usage High - System Slow - Service KB928366 Didn't Update

Mar 13, 2008

I'm scared to try and interpret for my own use. I have 81 processes running and have no idea which ones I can disable and which ones to not. I'm always nervous about messing with that. But, am I right in thinking that disabling something in the MSCONFIG thing at startup won't affect the program??? Can you still get to it? It just won't start up automatically, right? So, could I hurt anything if I disabled alot? So, how could I give you a list of all the processes running? I'm also having a problem with the xp update. I'm always showing that I need to update, but when I do this one part always fails. Here is what it says.

Security Update for framework, Version 1.1 Service KB928366 didn't update. I'm not sure why, but it won't ever update. Also, in AOL I get an error message constantly which says this: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to debug. Line:? Error: Object Expected. I have no idea what that means and what or how to debug. I have tried repeatedly to uninstall and reinstall AOL but it keeps happening. Does anyone know what that means.

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Norton 360 Making It Slow?

Oct 9, 2008

I am working with a Dell 2400 running Windows XP Service Pack 3 with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz processor and 1.2 gig of ram. It still seems particularly slow. I am not sure if it some of the applications that I am running like Norton 360 or some of my settings.

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Slow Connection To Shared Resources

Jul 19, 2005

I have a standard 3 PC Windows XP Workgroup. PC1 has a printer connected to it's USB port. This Printer is shared and set to allow "Everyone" full controll.PC2 is able to connect and print to the shared printer on PC1.PC3 is also able to connect to the shared printer but it takes 4 minutes to connect and then another 4 minutes when you try to display the printer properties. Even when connected, you can not print to the shared printer.All 3 PCs use the same user name and password. All 3 PCs have the local user name in their Admin group. All three PCs are connected using the same
192.168.x.x/ IP address range.I have seen this happening with shared folders as well.

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Extremely Slow Computer - CPU Usage Is Quite High

Jul 9, 2009

I have a laptop operating on Windows XP. Recently my computer has become extremely slow. I have gone into task manager and noticed that the CPU usage is quite high, even when there is very little running. At times the system idle will hover in the 90% range, however the CPU usage will also stay in the same range. (As far as I know, if idle is at 90%, than CPU usage should not be higher than 10%). I can't figure out what else is running that is making the CPU usage run so high. I have run various virus and spyware tests and all have come out clean. I have used cc cleaner to clean my registry and even update some of my out of date drivers but the problem has continued.

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Computer Running Very Slow Resources - CPU 99% Usage

Sep 17, 2005

I am having a problem on my xp pro machine my computer is very laggy and when I go into task mamagment with crtl-alt-delete it should cpu resource usage 99% it's not suppose to be this can

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Running Super Slow, Despite High Speed Internet

Sep 29, 2007


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Webpages Opening Very Slow On High Speed Internet?

Nov 4, 2006

When ever I click on a page to open it seems to take forever to open on high speed internet connection?

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Old PC Running Very Slow: Making Settings To Speed It Up?

Jul 30, 2009

My old pc is for some reason like SUPER!! Slow!!!so .. is there any settings to make pc faster?

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Computer Running Slow: Checking / Making Changes In Hijack Log?

Jul 17, 2005

My computer has been running slower than usual lately.

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Typing In All Applications Slow

Nov 24, 2008

i recently began to experience slowing typing in all apps on my laptop the typing speeds are fine at the log in screen (when i type my password).i already checked msconfig for PCMService.exe, it's not there so that shouldn't be the system performance is how it has always been, i tried to play a large movie and it worked i type about 5% of the time typing speeds are fine. sometimes if i type a long phrase and wait it will quickly fill in what i have typed after stalling for a second.another forum post i read suggested deleting the keyboard driver and let it install again but i haven't tried that yet.

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Computer Running Slow: Making Attachments In Longer Time?

Feb 1, 2006

When moving around on computer, not on net, the computer in general, everything has slowed down...making attachments, typing in Word, viewing programs list etc.I have done a clean up and defrag, have Norton, did all windows updates yesterday, what else should I do? Still have the problem.Could this be security related and maybe a bug, would that slow down whole computer not just internet? Should I run all scans and post a Log on security or here?

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File Name Go From Black To Blue - Applications Slow?

Apr 14, 2010

Unit where I work are having issues with the NTuser.dat file name in the All Users,turning blue. Applications are then corrupted and PC slows down. with that other problems occur requiring the unit to be reimaged. Quick fix has been to delete the NTUser.dat and the user's profile. This does not always correct the problem. My questions are: What causes the file name to go from black to blue? What causes the applications to be slow or not to work or work properly?

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Slow Memory Release: Applications Hang / Freezes?

Aug 18, 2005

I have an XP pro machine that takes forever to release memory. I have several applications that when they need over 100 MB seem to hang the system, when I open task manager I can literally watch the memory count slowly back down to zero. Is there anyway to solve this problem.

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Running Slow / Added The Drivers And Just A Couple Of Applications

Apr 26, 2005

I completely reformatted my HD and reinstalled windows. I added the drivers and just a couple of aps. Now my computer is SO slow. Aps take a good 30 seconds to open as do web pages. There is the odd time where something will open quickly (seems random) but not too often. I ran Hijack this, spybot and adaware and found nothing nothing to find.

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Cpu Using 100% Of System Resources?

Aug 19, 2007

cpu using 100% of system resources how badly i tried i couldnt rectify this problem n i hell don even wats causing this.

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System Resources May Be Low

Jan 11, 2005

AcaCandy (or whoever) in another post you suggested my system resources may be low.So I searched TSG for info re: how to go about checking system resources.

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System Resources Box

Mar 11, 2005

I just recently upgraded to xp pro fromWindows ME. On windows me, when yu right click on my computer under properties, you can see how much resources the system is using. Where in XP PRO can I see how much resources my system is using. I believe i ran into it by accident but I don't remember where now.

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Looking For System Resources In XP

Jun 16, 2005

How do you view system resources in Windows XP? Windows Me had a resource meter. I can't find that in XP. The Help system did not offer any help. Doesn't Microsoft have a resource meter for XP? If so, where is it?

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System Idle Process Using 99% Of System Resources?

Apr 22, 2007

Whenever I pop in a CD, my computer freezes over, and if I happen to get into the Windows Task Manager screen, it tells me that the System Idle Process is using 99 of my computer. What is happening here? This also happens when I leave the computer on for too long

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Insufficient System Resources - Try To Put My System In Hibernation

Dec 15, 2008

When I try to put my system in hibernation, I frequently get the message "insufficient system resources exist to complete this API". My only alternative is to kill the power to the computer. I have 2.5GB of RAM and more than 35GB of unused space on drive C:. I have recently defragmented the C: drive and I have used drive cleanup

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Insufficient System Resources

Jan 30, 2005

Have"Iomega Automatic Backup Pro Software" and the Iomega 80gb usb external hard drive This software works great for backing up data The only way I can get it to work for a complete system restore on my C/Drive is in safe mode! Tried it on another computer had same problem. One of the computers has Windows Xp Pro (media adtion) the other windows XP home.The Windows Pro is HP that has the recovery backup on seperate partion D/Drive , installed as fat32,. Normal system is on C/drive . I can do a back up the on the D/drive Fat32 but not the C/drive which is NTFS. This appears to be great software very simple to use nothing like Ghost 2003 . only problem it doesn't work for doing a complete system backup. (The reason I bought it) Was wondering if anyone has used this software and had similar difficulties ? Or if anyone has any idea what could be causing the problem?

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Not Enough Free System Resources

Apr 30, 2005

I have a imaging program and sometimes i use it, it says i have not enough free system resources.

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Freeing Up System Resources

Feb 17, 2007

How can I stop some processes from running when I start up Windows and how do I know which ones are critical and which ones aren't. The image names don't make much sense to me.

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Low System Resources On Computer

May 16, 2007

I have been quite happily using my laptop without any probblems for the past 4-5 months. Recently howver I have been getting a pop up info bubble informing me that my system rosources are running low.I have around 20G free on the hard drive, have run various spyware and virus checks all to no avail.I have also ran registry cleaners and fixers, but again the problem persists!I have normally only got Yahoo Messenger and Internet explorer running before the message pops up, and I have also recently noticed that my laptop has started to slow down a hell of a lot.I have tried everything that I can think of what with my rather limited knowledge so thought that I would ask the experts.

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