Slow Connection To Shared Resources

Jul 19, 2005

I have a standard 3 PC Windows XP Workgroup. PC1 has a printer connected to it's USB port. This Printer is shared and set to allow "Everyone" full controll.PC2 is able to connect and print to the shared printer on PC1.PC3 is also able to connect to the shared printer but it takes 4 minutes to connect and then another 4 minutes when you try to display the printer properties. Even when connected, you can not print to the shared printer.All 3 PCs use the same user name and password. All 3 PCs have the local user name in their Admin group. All three PCs are connected using the same
192.168.x.x/ IP address range.I have seen this happening with shared folders as well.

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How Can Share A Shared Internet Connection

Aug 16, 2005

I have a computer that is connected to the internet through a shared internet connection (I mean I choose this computer connects to the internet through another computer in Windows XP Network Setup wizard). I have another laptop that I want to get connected to the internet through this computer. Bu Windows does not allow me to share the LAN connection which connect this computer to the internet. how can I share a shared internet connection.

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ICS In Media Center Edition - Shared Internet Connection

Nov 21, 2009

for some reason the wireless network connection doesn't allow me to share internet connectionthe 1394 connection lets me share it, but then the wireless network connection goes down and i have no is windows media center XP home edition capable of having shared internet connection?

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Slow Computer Speed: System Using 100% Resources?

Sep 2, 2008

The comp's CPU usage is almost always running at 100%. I can see this in the task manager and the fans always seem to be running on overdrive (very loud). Sometimes it'll calm down and usage will run at a normal level but this is only for a short time and then it jumps back up and fans as well. I thought at first it might be my AVG antivirus but i've removed and still have the same problem.

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Computer Running Very Slow Resources - CPU 99% Usage

Sep 17, 2005

I am having a problem on my xp pro machine my computer is very laggy and when I go into task mamagment with crtl-alt-delete it should cpu resource usage 99% it's not suppose to be this can

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Computer Running Slow: Cpu Using 100% Of System Resources?

Sep 24, 2009

computer is running slow, his cpu is always at 100% usage

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Applications Using High CPU Resources / Making System Slow?

Jan 16, 2008

I am having a problem where everything seems to take up way more CPU usage than it used to. There is no application stealing processing power. Rather, when I start an application that would normally use a bit of CPU, it now spikes the CPU.In particular, 5 year old game called Neverwinter Nights is now unplayable and spikes up to 55% CPU usage on both cores even though it should only hit one core. The Earthsim program also does the same. So do other applications.

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Insufficient Resources - Free Up Resources

Dec 19, 2007

When I've been using my computer for a while and try to place it in 'Hibernate', I get a message that states the there are not enough resources. Is there a way to free up resources so it can go into hibernate

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Slow Connection

Oct 4, 2005

Ever since I have rebooted my whole machine the Internet runs very slow. I mean very slow. Everything else of the computer works fine but this, I'm sure it is not virus that caused this.

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Slow Connection With Big Ram

Jan 29, 2006

I have a pc with windows XP, with over 700mb Ram, 80gb hard disk space and not many programs running. My video program is NVDIA GFORCE4, and my internet connection is by DSL. Yet whenever I'm online for the past 6 months or so, my pc is very slow and whenever I go to Yahoo Games I basically just freeze up for several minutes. Yes I've got Java programs running, many anti-spyware and antispams running, plus AVG antivirus. I even re-installed and nothing seems to work. Can anyone help me please? I've tried everything and can't figure it out. I even had different laptops on the same connection - the problems seems to be the same but a lot less than with the desktop, and with a friends laptop it was nearly normal. My pc is over 2 years old but the problem only cropped up about 6 months ago and I can't figure it out.

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Slow Connection

Jan 13, 2006

My pc has a slow connection so i thought i'd clean it up. when i ran hijackthis i checked all the boxes, clicked fix and got a protection error near the end of the list. when i restarted the pc i tried again and after clicking fix watched the curser get towards the end again, and on the 180 search assistant entry there i got the same protection error.then i tried it again with 180 search assistant unchecked, and it freezes on the entry before that it bad to check all of the boxes? doesn't it basically just set the browser back to original?

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Very Slow Internet Connection - 56K

Sep 6, 2003

One of the most frustrating things to have with a computer is a slow internet connection and 56K is about as slow as it gets these days. I feel the pain that 56K users have and hope that by following this thread they can experience a faster more reliable internet connection. There are a few things that one must understand prior to tweaking their 56K connections. The first is that it is actually a 53.3K connection since that is the speed that the FCC limits you to, on top of that most dialup users actually connect in the 40,000 – 50,000K range, which is excellent by dialup standards.

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Very Slow Network Connection

Mar 24, 2006

I have three Windows XP computers and a DG834G ADSL modem on a wireless n/w.Connectivy beween the three computers has slowed to a CRAWL. Internet access is OK.

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Slow Connection After Upgrade

Apr 28, 2006

I Upgraded Me To Xp After A Fresh Install Of Me.Prior To The Upgrade My Dial Up Always Connected At 52 After The Upgrad To Xphome I Always Connect At 28 I did Not Knowling Make Any Other Changes.

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Slow Dsl Connection Like Dial Up

Feb 3, 2007

Right now I can't afford to get more memory so I was just wondering what I could do
to get faster internet speed.Its almost like I have dial up!! Is there any program out there that will boost internet connections? I went to the control panel and deleted any unused programs and cleaned out the computer temp and other files this morning... (or does memory have anything to do with speed?

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Slow Network Connection

Feb 7, 2006

I have 2 computers I am trying to network together and share a dsl connection. One my wireless laptop everything is fine. On my desktop my connection is very slow I have tried everything I can think of and I am still at a loss. The other thing that is happening is my printer is hooked up to my desktop If I try to print from my laptop on the printer screen it says it is spooling but after about a minute it just drops off and never prints. I am using a Westell versalink modem/Router from verizon. I thought the router was not working right so I took the D-Link router back to best buy and ordered this one from verizon but I am still having the same problem. So the next thing I tried to do was reinstall windows on my Desktop but I am still having problems. If I switched from a hard wired system with my laptop and went wireless would this help. Any help with this problem would be great.

Frustrated Network Installer


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Connection To Internet Slow

Oct 27, 2008

I have a dell 4600 dimension operating on windows XP, and my ISP is optimum cable. It's been coming on slowly, but my connection to the internet, via internet explorer is extremely slow. I also experience long waits opeing new windows, or attachments from a site, as well as rply and fwd on E-mail. Once connected moving from site to site is normal speed, but as stated other openings take up to 2-3 minutes to connect. My ISP says my connection is fine, but I do get a connectivity icon on occasion, causing me to click repair, and it goes away.

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54mbps Connection But Slow Browsing?

Mar 17, 2010

i got amd 5200+x2 brisbane 1x 2gig mem chip win xp spk3 all drivers updated machine full ok but as soon as my wifi 802.11b/g key on net at 54mbps everything slows and web browsing near impossible on IE8 and google cpu runs at 0% most of time ? and temp of cpu 34 and 35 average.

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Pro Won`t Format: Dial-up Connection Very Slow?

Nov 22, 2006

I`m on a dial-up connection at the moment and each page takes ages to load. Plus I`m being nagged to get off the PC. Also, sorry if this topic is being posted in the wrong place.Anyway, my PC decided it would be fun to revert to default settings (not a BIOS issue) every time I booted it up, so I decided to reinstall XP Pro, since it was due for a reinstallation anyway.

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Local Area Connection Is So Slow

Jun 29, 2005

I am have a Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller as you can see with new driver.My local area connection is REALLY slow and im the only one on my home network experiencing this problem. I installed all new drivers and even tried reinstalling windows...but...nuthing.

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Slow Internet Connection On Computer

Dec 9, 2006

I have a Compaq armada, op is windows xp. My earthnet connetion is at 100mbps. When i surf the web my web page takes about 5 minutes to daownload. I have Ran Spybot s & d, and antivir guard, for viruses and spyware.

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Slow Internet Connection Speed

Feb 17, 2005

I am using Windows XP Home Edition and a Smart Link 56kbps modem. I don't have a very good internet connection speed.

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Internet Connection Incredibly Slow

Feb 18, 2007

I'm on a 1500 plan and at the moment my download speed is the equivilent to dial-up! It's driving me INSANE but I can't figure out if the problem is a hardware or a software one. I have a NetComm NB5Plus4W ADSL2+ Modem Router all the required lights are lit up (ADSL light is solid, not flashing or out). I've restarted a zillion times, checked Windows Firewall (off), checked my AV software (not the problem), run a full virus scan (nothing), run Adaware and Spybot S&D and run a scan at PCPitstop which came back that everything was fine.

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Runs Slow Especially Right After Internet Connection

Apr 25, 2007

The main issue is that as soon as I connect to the internet, it takes about 10 minutes for me to be able to do anything. Before the connection is established, the system is normal. After connecting, I can't open any programs, or even task manager or control panel. After about 10 minutes, everything opens and seems to run normal, but still a bit slow. If I disconnect and try to log off or shut down while waiting for IE to open, it freezes the computer and I have to manually shut down. I do go through the task manager and shut down everything that I can before signing on to the internet and it does not make any difference.

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Slow Connection / Virus Removed But It Comes Back

Dec 2, 2004

I suspect I have an infection on my PC (win2000) but none of my tools are finding anything. TO recap, I did have the msblast/sasser virus but removed it a while back. Since then, I've had the infamous lsass.exe shutdown. Luckily, I have zone alarm firewall so the shutdown only occurs if I disconnect the firewall.I want to fix this once and for all so I downloaded W2k Service Pack 4 and the 'RPC' MS fix (Kb823980-x8-enu.exe). I thought that would fix the problem but no.I've also run other tools like stinger, vcleaner, spybot, adware, antivirus software. I keep the versions/dat files updated.At this point I'm not sure where to start so I'm posting the log results from hijack this. One thing I noticed is that svchost.exe process occurs 3 times. I seem to recall seeing cmd.exe pop up for a second and a 3rd occurence of svchost.exe followed right after.

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Very Slow Internet Connection / Computer Hooked Up

Jan 2, 2007

For some reason for the last 3 days my internet connection has gotten worse and worse i just reformated and reinstalled windows i have a linksys router and 2 computers hooked up to it and one playstation 2 for online gaming i looked at the setup online at and it says i have 2 clients one at and mine is at 102 is there a reason it skips over 101 because mine use to be 100 and the other computer 101 why is it now 102?

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Reformat Home Slow Internet Connection

Jun 30, 2006

I posted this under the software thread as well, but maybe this is a more appropriate place.This is the deal. I got on here a while back because my parents suffered a lightening strike which rendered their computer worthless.After the great input on here, I replaced the PSU and the motherboard and blam, $140.00 later the computer started.However the internet connection (cable broad band) was so incredibly slow it would not open any web pages other than something simple like: or, etc. Click on a story or the weather and nothing. So I contact the internet provider (Insight Cable) and talk with their tech support that ran multiple tests. They seemed to think that there was a virus problem.

I ran the parents ZONE ALARM and it found 85 virus and 19 spy ware programs. It could not treat or fix the viruses.My parents are elderly and only use the computer to check email and cruise the net. They are completely computer illiterate. They may have inadvertently been cruising the net with Zone Alarm turned off.Today I loaded the Dell XP, OS, disk. I did not repair; I formatted the hard drive and loaded everything back onto the computer, i.e., drivers for video, sound, Ethernet, etc.I loaded the cable modem drivers and established a connection.

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Computer Running Slow Loses Internet Connection

Aug 3, 2010

My computer runs very slow and I notice that on my computer properties it say I have 37.2BGB and 31.2used with 6.04free. My question is would this cause my computer to run slow.

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Internet Connection Equals Slow Start Menu?

Jul 24, 2005

This one of the stranger things I've run accross and I'm having difficulty figuring it out. When the computer is connected to the internet via a DSL modem the start menu runs extremely slow. When the modem is off it acts normal. The computer is not mine but a colleges who has asked me if I've run accross this before and I'm a bit dumbfounded. He has adware and norton anitvirus running. Hasn't found anything on his computer.

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Slow Internet Connection / Didn't Surf The Web Too Long

Aug 24, 2008

I recently had to change my hdd for a new one before it crashes, installed XP with SP3 integrated, ran the intel motherboard cd and sound and internet connections were ok, didn't surf the web too long because i wanted to install the antivirus first.

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Computer Running Slowly - Slow Internet Connection

Aug 18, 2006

slow internet connection coupled with this "freedom hidden window" not responding message appearing - whether the two are connected I don't know

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