Stopped Loading : C:system32Config System

Oct 8, 2005

I have been attempting to fix my friend's laptop after it stopped loading Windows correctly yesterday. It apparently froze on her and when she rebooted it, it would come up with a screen that said: My friend has a lot of files that she really needs so I wanna try solving this without reformatting.

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System32config System Missing Or Corrupt

Sep 21, 2008

I'm on an older computer with Windows 2000 which has been working fine. Today, in the middle of doing nothing out of the ordinary, I got a blank screen. So I rebooted and was served up this error message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. I don't have the Setup disc but I do have the original program disc - but it wouldn't read it and keeps giving me the same error. I can't even start is Safe Mode.

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Computer System32config System Corrupted

Dec 21, 2004

My moms comp says this at statr up and that is all the farther it will get. What is this caused from.

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Pro Web Pages Have Stopped Loading

May 12, 2008

I have a friend who lives in another part of the country so I cannot actually get to her computer. Over the past two weeks we have sent e-mails back and forth trying to find a solution to the problems she is having.
When she first starts up her computer and connects to the Internet (she is using WinXP Pro and a USB modem connected to braodband) she can surf webpages OK and get to her Yahoo webmail account.However, after about 5 to 10 mintues, if she tried to get to a webpage again, including Yahoo, she gets a "page cannot be displayed" message and it is impossible for her to load any webpages at all.The Internet connection is still connected, she can send and receive e-mails using OUtlook Express, but she cannot get web pages to load anymore.We have cleared the caches, done antivral and spyware scans using several different programs (her system is clean) and have tried using both Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Both browsers "freeze" after a time and she gets the error messages saying pages cannot be displayed.Sometimes when she reboots her PC and connects to the Internet she can get web pages to load again but after a time surfing "freezes up" and webpages no longer load. BUT, as I said, the Internet connection is obviously fine because it does not affect the sending or receiving of e-mails using Outlook Express.

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System32Config Missing

Sep 17, 2006

Yesterday my entire computer crashed, and I've been trying to get it back up ever since.
I got the (in)famous "Blue screen of death" telling me some error (it keeps changing now so I'm not sure which one it was) and it shut down. This had happened a few times before (that week) and it had always gone right back to working. This time when I tried to reboot, it gave me the error that "The file could not be found:" and it listed "System32Config" (i think that was might have been a .sys file though. all the errors i get are different from one time to the next. I tried to re-install windows, which failed because it froze during the pre-installation process. I've been continuously trying (and failing) to fix this problem, but nothing seems to be helping.

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Missing Or Corrupt: Windows System32config Error

Dec 1, 2008

I have a Rock CTX Pro with Windows XP Pro, service pack 3, 2.33 GHZ dual core. When loading my computer, after getting to the loading windows page, it brings up an error message that says: The following file is missing or corrupt: Windowssystem32configSYSTEM

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System Stopped During First Install Of Operating System?

Dec 31, 2006

i just reformatted my hdd with my system restore dvd (symantic ghost)i have used this disk multipule times (major hardware problems) this time after ghost repartitions and reformats the Hdd it installs windoze xp home OEM (eww..machine) windows installs fine and then it asks me to remove my disk and press any key to reboot After it reboots windows goes through its setup (not install) it is the pretty blue screens first it asks for language then time zone then the EULA the it asks for me to name the computer

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System Slowed Down And Almost Stopped?

Feb 9, 2010

My system now takes about half an hour to boot up. I gets to the desk top pritty quick but I cant use anything for about 30 mins.So far I have deleted some old programs ran disk clean up on both drives. There is not much on my computre and and my C drive is less then half full. I ran a full virus scan and it was all clear. I only have one anti virus and no firewall.

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System Restore Application Has Stopped Working

Sep 18, 2009

My system restore application has recently stopped working within the last month. I have attempted to restart this application as instructed through Administrative Tools/Computer Management/Services & Applications/Services/System Restore Services.I have tried to do a system restore to a previous date in July2009 in safe mode and when the system reboots itself, I get a message saying the system restore has not been done.I have also checked to see if the system restored was disabled, which it was not.If a file that is associated with this application has become somehow corrupted, how can I fix that?

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Sound Stopped Working While Restarting The System?

Nov 22, 2008

my computer has given me this problem in the past- and it righted itself. Not this time. I have a SoundMax onboard soundcard on a Gateway desktop, and according to device manager, everything is working fine, but no sound could come from the speakers. So I decided, maybe it is a hardware thing- I happen to have another Creative sound card here, lets try it. It worked! Yay! Then I restart, and then it stoped working too!I have two sound cards, one onboard, one PCI, both appear to be in total working order according to XP, and neither emit any sound after I restart the machine so I am assuming this is a registry issue or something windows related.

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Service Listed In System Configuration Is Stopped?

Dec 23, 2007

ok i was wondering if a servie listed in the windows xp system configuration is stopped is it ok to uncheck it. an example being ati hotkey poller this service is listed as stopped on system configuration, and on services.msc it is listed as a startup item. so surely if its stopped is it ok to uncheck it on system config as well as disable it on services.msc?

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Coded Usb Mouse Stopped Working - Reboot System

Jun 23, 2010

I have a corded usb mouse and the pointer just disappears I have to reboot to get it back

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System Stopped Responding On Installation Of Service Pack 1

Sep 19, 2005

I haven't installed anything new recently except for windows updates. (College makes us install them.) Yesterday after a reboot, my system started acting strangely for no apparent reason. I have the following problems: System Restore opens to a blank page Help Center doesn't load at all windows won't minimize to the taskbar windows media player gives the error "can't perform operation, low memory" word gives the error "this document could not be registered. It will not be possible to create links from other documents to this document." Otherwise word functions properly.

copy/paste doesn't work dragging files/folders on the desktop and in windows explorer doesn't work When I try to view 'properties' of errors in the event log, nothing happens. I also noted that I started getting a lot of Event 4609 after these problems sprang up, when I hadn't been getting any previously. I also noted that my running processes are about 6 fewer than they were before I encountered this problem. Additionally, I am unable to start in safe mode. Pressing f8 produces no results. Everything else seems to work fine. So the system works, but is obviously in a crippled state, for no apparent reason. I'd rather not have to reinstall the os because I don't have a cd at the moment.

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System Tray - Clock Display - Stopped Displaying Date

Sep 26, 2008

The System Tray's Time/Date Display changed without my intentional intervention. It used to display (top to bottom) Time Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Day of Week It has stopped displaying the Date - Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Wazzup with that? How do I get the date back the into the display? Additional Info: I use the following display settings - they have not changed recently:Screen resolution - 1280 x 1024 (the highest for my video) 32-bit color (again, the highest) 96 DPI 2-row taskbar (see image, above) No screensaver Default theme

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System Restore Has Stopped Automatically Creating Check Points?

Aug 3, 2005

For some reason System Restore has stopped automatically creating System Checkpoints. It is turned on, and is set to use the Maximum amount of space for monitoring my C drive. Yes, there is a great deal of unused disk space. I had used Disk Cleanup/ More Options/System Restore Cleanup prior to the problem, only that one option, not any of the other Disk Cleanup options. So, I have no earlier Restore Points to restore to, only the ones which I have Manually created since.

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Installed Daemon Tools - System Slow / Stopped Responding

May 5, 2006

First of all, a SUMMARY: Computer (Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop; Windows XP Home) operating extremely slowly; SERVICES.exe using >99% of CPU (Processor speed c. 1.2GHz) I recently installed DAEMON Tools, the virtual drive programme, and when I first opened it, my laptop slowed to a crawl and stopped responding, meaning I'd to use the 'off' button to switch it off (Ctrl-Alt-Delete didn't work).

Since then, each time I've switched it on, it has been operating as per normal but at a horribly slow speed. I have uninstalled DAEMON, but it seems the problem lies elsewhere; eventually I did get the task manager to come up, and (though it took about 5 minutes) switched to the Processes tab. It turns out that the SERVICES.exe process (run by 'System') is using 99% of my CPU.....

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Loading Operation System

May 26, 2005

At present, I have a screen that keeps saying 'error loading operating system'. To start I had Wn98se, installed WnXP Pro. The files and settings transer wizard did it's thing copying but didn't work upon install. I have 98 start up disk .. but nothing for the XP. (Was having trouble with update downloads / installs from micro.) but over all the system was working fine. I have Norton 05 Premier / goback if I can get to it. I just installed a new hard drive, 'Steup' had identified hd but I never got windows to open. Can't say that I know what happened,, seems to me that it asked about partitions. I do not understand much about that, never have changed or used. My guess, they work like seperators on task bar?? Next I think it wanted to install OS, I figured okay, but why?, it should already have XP on it (old drive) I left old as primary. Then it got to where it was saying it would 'format'. Wait a minute, I know enough to know I'd lose everything, so I rebooted. I've tried a number of time to see if I missed something. I finely decided to open the pc, disconnect the new drive and get back on track. I've tried the 'F8', pays no attention to that. I thought if I could get in to safe mode, I could use my 'GoBack' - which would clear out mistakes or whatever is causing trouble.

I can get a screen that asks if I want to boot from ST32 (my old), from CD-Rom, floppy and SCSI (whatever that is?). I've tried the hd, still get the error. I dont have any start up devices (was waiting to make -trble with the updates yet). So I put my WnXP disk in and same error,, but if I fool around with it (time it just right) I can get it to where it wants to install. "Welcome to setup" it can set up xp. Gives me a partition that looks like what I'd expect my hd to look like, scary part is the free space is the same amount. Have option of 8MB space, that won't work,, tried it . So I'm brave and hit in stall on what I think is my old hard drive. I then get told it has to "format",that's such a nasty word. I have not gone any further. I have a choice of NTFS / 32,, old was 32. Before I go further is there a floppy / disc / download / a tool, that I could purchase to get into safe mode? I thought I'd give my old 98 Norton Rescue floppy a try - nope, but I got what loked like dos prompt. I just didn't know how to move from the A:> to a command that would get me into safe mode. Or better yet, my WNXP I had running. I read here that there wasn't any problem with using NTFS and 32 on same pc. I'm wondering if I have to should I pull the old hd connection (just to be sure), install the new hd get it up and running and then later come back to transferring what I want. OR because my old was 32, stick with 32, and not set myself up for more problems?? I have a full back up on CD of my old HD, would there be anything there I could use to get back into safe. Sorry I'm not better at this,, if I were I'd probably not be in this mess. Could it be I have a bad XP? They been trying to clear up the 'update' thing but nothing has worked.

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System Services Not Loading

Aug 13, 2007

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with my XP SP2 PC. This morning I ran microsoft update, and saw that 2 security patches hadn't been installing for about a month. I decided to boot into safe mode to try and get them, but then it asked me to reactivate windows, which I did over the phone and now all fine on that front.
However, the problem I'm now having is that certain services aren't loading when XP loads. For example, the desktop appearance, along with windows explorer, for example, looks like it's win98, i.e. no fischer price look, just plain old grey boxes. Also, the network services aren't loading so I can't get online with my router. Another: when I try opening help and support, I get the following message: Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem, start the service names 'Help and Support'.I'm not running in safe mode, and msconfig shows me as being in normal start up - load all drivers and services. In the services tab there are only 4 services running, which I'm pretty sure is seriously fewer than any machine running normally.

Unfortunately I can't run system restore: for some reason it's only got two saved in total, one that I did about 10 minutes ago, and another system one, about 15 minutes before that. Fortunately, NOD32 seems able to load, and a scan reveals no viruses. One more crucial thing: after I initially went to msconfig to arrange a safe boot on next boot (I have a usb keyboard so can't f8), I got a blue screen of death. So perhaps some boot files have become corrupted?

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Loading Up System Has Recovered From A Error

Aug 5, 2007

I just normally turned my pc on and when it loaded up, I got this message..And so I clicked on the 'click here' and this appeared.What does it mean?Has something harmed my pc or have I got a virus?Only it has done this twice today each time I have turned on my pc.So basically it's happening every time I turn my computer on.

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Loading Symdffnp.dll - Boots Up System

Dec 5, 2007

I get the message : Error loading C:windowssystem32symdffnp.dll every time I boot up.Is there a way of getting rid of this message. My computer runs chdsk automatically on startup and this has not rectified the matter

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Loading Smx4pnp.dll - Boot System

Mar 27, 2010

While booting up I am getting Error loading smx4pnp.dll message warning.

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Error Loading Operating System

Apr 1, 2009

Received this message, Error Loading Operating System, when installing Windows xp pro? After loading the installation files from the CD, windows xp shuts down and reboots to continue loading a fresh install of Windows from the installation files onto the HD.Instead of loading the installation files an error message hangs the installation and reads Error Loading Operating System.The installation files are loaded, but Windows xp won't load up? Looked around the forums and searchs and no one had a definitive answer to solving this issue of Error Loading Operating System.

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System Hang On Loading Screen

Apr 17, 2005

Just installed xp on a computer that had previously had xp on it, but was running real slow, so I did a fresh install and now it will not boot up past the loading screen. I have tried using fdisk to erase the disk compleletly but it has not helped one bit.

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LOADING PBR 2 - Professional Opertaing System

Oct 27, 2006

i have been struggling with this issue for long now.
My computer once it boots it gives the blue screen "" and then below it gives loading PBR 2...done after which the cursor blinks and stays there as long as the computer is on. It doesnt progress further.

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System Wont Boot / Getting " Error Loading Operating System"?

Apr 6, 2005

I have 2 computers (well more than that but for this i have 2) One works and one doesn't. I took the hard drive out of the working one and put it in the non working one as the master. (BTW on the non working one its just the hard drive that is working properly) I put the hard drive from the non working one as the slave so i can try and get some files off of it and format it. So I boot up the system and the computer recognizes it but then i get an " Error Loading Operating System" error.

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Error In Loading Operating System Crashing

Apr 19, 2008

My friends son has a presario 900, i hate this thing by the way, it keeps crashing on him. this time its comming up as error loading operating system. using google is how I found your site. but anyway the compaq screen comes up, then the error loading operating system comes up and I cant get it to do anything else. it also won't let me format to start over.

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PC Freezes On Loading Bar / System Wont Boot?

Dec 10, 2008

I went away at the weekend, came back on Monday and the PC wouldn't boot. It gets to the point of the loading bar / splash screen and then just stops, the PC then has to be turned off or reset. It will boot into safe mode and seems relitively responsive, there are no signs of any spware of viruses and the last windows update was done in November.

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Screen Freezes When Loading The Operating System?

Jun 28, 2006

I got this problem that my computer just stops when loading WindowsXP I got the Computer today and i installed WindowsXP but when i try to start up the computer just it freezes while loading. I tried to re-instal it but still it again freezes.

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System Freezes When Loading User's Settings?

Jun 21, 2009

I am using multiple user accounts in WinXP so I enter a password every time to log-in. when the pc is turned on, win boots to the log-in screen, I enter the password, press OK and then the whole process freezes on the screen saying: "Welcome, loading user's settings..."once, I was waiting for 30 minutes and nothing happend. still that screen, I can move with mouse, but there is no clock sign next to the mouse cursor. HDD light on my PC case is not blinking, it seems to me like HDD thinks it has nothing to do.I can solve this only with reseting PC (using the reset button). no ctrl+alt+delete or something.after reboot it works just always fine. password, OK, loading and I am in.

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Loading Error During System Boot Process?

Aug 17, 2007

I'm getting a loading error when system starts.This is what it shows....c:windowssystem32spooldriversw32x863LXBTtime.dll

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Getting Error Loading Message While Starting The System?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm getting a loading error when system starts

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