Installed Daemon Tools - System Slow / Stopped Responding

May 5, 2006

First of all, a SUMMARY: Computer (Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop; Windows XP Home) operating extremely slowly; SERVICES.exe using >99% of CPU (Processor speed c. 1.2GHz) I recently installed DAEMON Tools, the virtual drive programme, and when I first opened it, my laptop slowed to a crawl and stopped responding, meaning I'd to use the 'off' button to switch it off (Ctrl-Alt-Delete didn't work).

Since then, each time I've switched it on, it has been operating as per normal but at a horribly slow speed. I have uninstalled DAEMON, but it seems the problem lies elsewhere; eventually I did get the task manager to come up, and (though it took about 5 minutes) switched to the Processes tab. It turns out that the SERVICES.exe process (run by 'System') is using 99% of my CPU.....

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Installed OS: Computer Locked Up And Stopped Responding?

Aug 14, 2005

I have a fairly new machine with linux (Slackware 10.0) and XP installed.From time to time when running XP it locks up and stops responding, and I have to power cycle it. This does not happen when running Slackware, and I run the same programs (more or less). I need it to work with XP because some of the programs I run are Windows only. How do you trouble shoot a locking up issue? Because it locks, there are no event log entries, and no indication at all as to what is causing.

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Installing Daemon Tools - USB Ports

Dec 29, 2005

Nothing I plug into any of my usb2.0 ports will work.I get the message 'USB Device Not Recognized - One of the usb devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it. for assistence in solving this problem click this message'Clicking this message inevitably didnt help.This has only happened today, and I only noticed it after installing Daemon Tools v4.0 which I have now uninstalled which hasnt solved the problem. This could of course be a coincidence.

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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System Stopped Responding On Installation Of Service Pack 1

Sep 19, 2005

I haven't installed anything new recently except for windows updates. (College makes us install them.) Yesterday after a reboot, my system started acting strangely for no apparent reason. I have the following problems: System Restore opens to a blank page Help Center doesn't load at all windows won't minimize to the taskbar windows media player gives the error "can't perform operation, low memory" word gives the error "this document could not be registered. It will not be possible to create links from other documents to this document." Otherwise word functions properly.

copy/paste doesn't work dragging files/folders on the desktop and in windows explorer doesn't work When I try to view 'properties' of errors in the event log, nothing happens. I also noted that I started getting a lot of Event 4609 after these problems sprang up, when I hadn't been getting any previously. I also noted that my running processes are about 6 fewer than they were before I encountered this problem. Additionally, I am unable to start in safe mode. Pressing f8 produces no results. Everything else seems to work fine. So the system works, but is obviously in a crippled state, for no apparent reason. I'd rather not have to reinstall the os because I don't have a cd at the moment.

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Task Manager And End Now Box Stopped Responding

Jun 13, 2006

I upgraded from Windows Me to XP-Home a couple of months ago. I expected several things to be different, but in a GOOD way, ya know? There are a few things that don't work as well and I'm wondering if it's just me, or is it the program? It takes much, much longer to start up and shut down now. I've taken the unnecessary things out of the Start Up in an attempt to speed it up, to no avail.

In Me, when a program would stop responding, I did Ctrl-Alt-Del, and the task manager would pop right up and allow me to end the problematic program in a reasonable length of time. In XP, when I do c-a-d, it takes up to two minutes for the task manager to pop up....then when I click on the bad program line and then click on End Now, the little End Now box pops up, so I click on that and the little box goes away, but the program I'm trying to kill keeps going. I've seen it take up to four minutes to stop a program. There have even been times that the End Now box stopped responding...

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Display Driver Stopped Responding

May 6, 2006

Received a message "Windows Display Driver stopped responding....." after I closed the box, Microsoft asked if I wanted to send an error report, which I did, and immediately responded with a recommend fix/upgrade and the link to the website. My question is this. The graphics driver that it recommended upgrading (Intel 82915G or 82910GL) is not the same Intel graphics chipset that I have installed on the computer (82845G/GL).Which update should I install? The one that Microsoft automatically found and sent to me, or the one that actually matches my machine?

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Display Driver Stopped Responding

Jan 16, 2005

My computer is going nuts. All of the sudden it everything on the screen went blank then came up in terrible colors and HUGE. It then proceeds to pop up a message that says:Windows Display Driver Stopped Responding..That's the only part of the message I could write down before it rebooted. When it restarts Installation Wizard starts. It asks if it can install the RAID Controller. I do not install it, I also dont know if i have the cd or not it needs.

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Can't Find System Tools - Restore System Tools?

Oct 20, 2005

When I click on start=>programs=>accessories=>system tools,its shows empty.I would like to know how can I restore my system tools as I would want to perform a system restore for my PC.

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Computer - Disk Cleanup / Defrag Tools Not Installed

Aug 10, 2008

I went to go do my normal clean up on my computer and it says that my disk cleanup and defragment tools are not installed. I just used them 45 or less days ago and I know that I didn't manually uninstall them myself. I am the only one that uses this computer.

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System Recovery/ Updates Installed: System Is Slow?

Nov 27, 2008

i just performed a complete system recovery. started the computer, installed windows xp sp2 and sp3, went to the microsoft download center to get my updates and also got all my extras like, java, flash player, shockwave and direct x among many other updates. i also scan my computer with secunia just to make sure i had everything installed on my pc. i started noticing that my computer was working kinda slow.

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Re Installed Operating System - Running Very Slow

Mar 1, 2010

i have a dell dimension e310. 2.9 ghz. 4 gigs of ram. windows xp... umm so just recently we took it into the shop and they re-installed the operating system. because we thought it was infected with virus' or w/e.ever since, its been running slow. it boots up ok...and for the first few minutes its running...not fast. but not too slow. and then it kinda just freezes. i can move the mouse but if im running windows explorer(havent been able to re-install firefox) it kinda just sticks there. i installed norton 360 and it says the pc i running fine. i dont know what to do about it. i have to wait an hour just so windows explorer can close..very frustrating...

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Slow Start Up, Internet Explorer Responding Extremely Slow?

Jul 23, 2007

Having trouble at start up, very slow and opening IE or any other program also slow.

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System Running Very Slow: Installed Spyware Removers?

Jan 30, 2007

System running very slow. Have run spyware removers, etc. Windows XP, running AVG Antivirus and ZoneLabs Firewall.

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Installed Service Pack 2 / System Working Very Slow?

Mar 22, 2007

my girlfriend had been adamant about not updating her computer because she claimed that is a way to get viruses.I scoffed and updated it anyway.I downloaded almost 2 years worth of updates over a two week period, the last update was the XP Service Pack 2 update.The very first time the computer was started after her SP2 update it loaded extremely slowly. The mouse doesn't work correctly (I can only right click) and most programs are inaccessible. I tried to System Restore (which is no easy task without a mouse) but it fails each time. I ran a virus scan with AVG but had no luck finding any infections.

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USB Ports Stopped Working - Installed SP3

Aug 5, 2010

I have lost access to all the USB ports on a PC. There was no apparent crash but I realised there was a problem when the USB Mouse stopped working. Everything else is working OK. I get an Error 39 (drivers corrupted or missing) and the 2 entries in Device Manager both have yellow marks against them. I only have "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller" and "Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller" entries below the entry for Universal Serial Bus Controllers - no Root Hubs are there and there are no Unknown Devices anywhere else.I was running XP Pro SP2 when the ports went, but have installed SP3 and Updated to see if that did anything - it didn't. I have tried the troubleshooting suggestions on Microsoft such as deinstalling and rebooting, updating, system restore and have done a repair installation using my original XP SP2 disc all with no result.

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Not Responding - Avast Anti Virus Installed

Dec 2, 2008

g'day guys,i am first time user here i have a balance digital laptop model cn4301,using windows xp-2 home edition,128mg ram,running avast anti virus latest version,superantisptware latest version,and adblocker plus,mozilla addon,problem is that browser is continually "not responding' and occasionally error message "virtual memory is low' i have just run hijack this

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Laptop Stopped Working And / Pre Installed With Window XP

Aug 31, 2007

My laptop stopped working and it was pre installed with Win XP. I've lost the system recovery disk buta friend gave me theirs. when I inserted it I was asked for a serial number and duly put in the one on the bottom of the laptop but it was rejected.Nothing would work so I exited the menu and went out and purchased a brand new copy of the O/S. However when I put the disc in it keeps taking me back to the old screen which asks me for a serial number and it wont accept the one form the disk I purchased.

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Auto Play Stopped Wroking After Installed Of Software

Jul 29, 2005

My auto play stopped wroking after i installed a piece of software (not sure what it was) and i believe that it is just a simple registry fix needed to fix it.

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Slow Responding To Commands

Aug 7, 2005

My pc is very slow to respond to prompts & commands, this only occurs on one user account when they are logged on, all other user accounts perform ok.

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Slow - Programs Are Not Responding

Feb 14, 2006

Well ever since I installed Bitdefender 9, it seems that my computer has gone slow. It starts up quick and all but its when i'm browsing, or choosing to bring up another program on the toolbar, or to start a new program. Its like the programs arn't responding and then I eventually have to wait for everything to work again, its a real pain in the butt because I tried deleting Bitdefender and it won't let me because i get a "Write to folder C:WINDOWSInstaller" message and same with ANY other program I try to uninstall in Add/Remove Programs.

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Very Slow Freezes Stops Responding

Sep 25, 2010

Not sure whats up with it. very slow, freezes, stops responding, and when I change from one box to another. like from a title box to a message box I put in a few letters and then cursor stops and disappears. Some times I have to start completely over, some times I just have to left click. I can not watch any videos off the net like utube or any others.

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Slow & Keep Freezing - Not Responding - Can Improve

Apr 11, 2010

My computer is so slow it keeps freezing. it is always saying it is not responding so I have to push ctrl, alt & delete and then end program. it is driving me to drink it is so slow. What can I do to improve it.

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Get Rid Of AVsystemcare Trojan Like Daemon?

Jul 25, 2007

I canst seem to get rid of this AVsystemcare trojan like Daemon. Its causing my IE to crash and freeze... as well as causing other open applications to freeze at times.

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Slow Computer Open / Close Boxes - Program Not Responding

Aug 2, 2005

My computer seems to be really slow when i open and close boxes - they overlap or i get the message 'This programme is not responding' what does this mean and what can i do?

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Can't Find System Tools

Jul 22, 2004

I cannot find my "system tools" which should be under >start>all programs>accessories>sytem tools

I have tried doing a search for them. Can you please tell me where to look for them and to put them back where they belong. I want to do a system restore point and can't.

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System Tools Not Working

Mar 12, 2009

windows Xp dell xps 410, 250gb HDD, 500gb HDD, 3gb memory. I tried to defrag but that would not open. Tried system restore that wouldn't work. Thought maybe it was turned off but found it is on. Tried to open my C drive to browse windows explorer couldn't open got this as a messege cannot find '' I can't open my D drive either(500gb hd).

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Can't Go To Safe Mode - Cant Use System Tools

Sep 23, 2005

My computer has been freezing up a lot. I tried to use different system tools like msconfig, scandisk,and ect. to try to find and fix the problem, but my computer can't find those tools. I know I had them because they came pre-installed in Windows XP. Lastly I tried to start my computer in safe mode, but when it get to the safe mode drivers loading screen my computer freezes up.

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Can't Find MS Backup In System Tools

Nov 22, 2006

Some time ago (can't remember exactly when) I created a Backup of Files (documents, pictures, etc) using Accessories/Systyem Tools/ MS Backup.
Had to restore hard drive after a crash but now can't find MS Backup program to use to restore my Backup. Where can I download this application?
Microsft Update has just finished installing all XP updates on my computer but MS Backup is not one of them)

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Systems Tools / System Restore

Oct 21, 2006

Somehow I did something so that system tools such as Defrag and Device Manager are not working, I get some kind of Microsoft Management Console message that these operations cannot be opened or started.

I tried System Restore, and tried SEVERAL dates! Aaargh...for every single date the computer says the system cannot be restored to this date, even though those dates are in bold and show as restore points. SO WHAT IS THE GOOD OF SYSTEM RESTORE

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Programs-accessories-system Tools Freeze Up

Dec 11, 2004

winxp home, pent 4 processor,when i open start menu andthen for e.g. programs-accessories-system tools or any other program, whilst moving mouse around these windows everything freezes up can only open task manager by pressing cad this shows no activity at all, when i move cursor over it egg timer appears, have to then switch off and start again, have no problems when online,only ondesktop

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