Slow - Programs Are Not Responding

Feb 14, 2006

Well ever since I installed Bitdefender 9, it seems that my computer has gone slow. It starts up quick and all but its when i'm browsing, or choosing to bring up another program on the toolbar, or to start a new program. Its like the programs arn't responding and then I eventually have to wait for everything to work again, its a real pain in the butt because I tried deleting Bitdefender and it won't let me because i get a "Write to folder C:WINDOWSInstaller" message and same with ANY other program I try to uninstall in Add/Remove Programs.

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Slow Start Up, Internet Explorer Responding Extremely Slow?

Jul 23, 2007

Having trouble at start up, very slow and opening IE or any other program also slow.

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IE - Other Programs Not Responding

Feb 10, 2005

I cannot get my IE to respond to UNsecure sites. Works great with secure sites. Neither will some programs update. Also MSN messenger will not see an internet connection. I am using dial up here.. I know, but nothing else is available here. My ISP is AOL. I had Earthlink free for 6 months when I got my computer, at the same time I had AOL, both worked fine with each other installed. AFTER I installed Earthlink Accellerator IE would no longer work with aol. Mozilla still works good as ever. I have spybot, adaware, and have cleared all history, etc. in IE. Does anyone have any idea what my problem is. I have contacted Dell, AOL, Earthlink and done what they said, no one can help me. I found something on the net about a guy that had the same prob. one time and he had to change something in the registry.

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Not Responding / Can't Close Programs

Sep 24, 2005

I can't close programs and computer sometimes freezes Is it because of my AntiViruus programs or Boot Search, Windows XP Home Edition.

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Error - Programs Are Not Responding

Apr 20, 2006

Is there somewhere to look (like event viewer??) when this error comes up.It does not always happen ..why is that ??as the same programs are always running.Could it relate too not enough memory?Have done all the usual defrag,Adaware,Norton scan, etc.

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Not Responding - Programs Freezing Up

Jan 8, 2005

Have been having problem lately w/ alot of my programs freezing up w/ Not Responding noted in task manager and have to close program. Have defragged, ad aware, and spybotted to no avail. I've looked thru threads but can't seem to find cure. Do alot of work w/ PS elements and performance has slowed considerably. Also Roxio DVD creator freezes almost everytime I use it now. Dell w/ P-4,512 RAM,XP home. Ran Pitstop and it highlighted fact that CPU usage was @ 30 while idle. No viruses etc. found when I run Norton, but would note that when I run Liveupdate that it is unable to install "symantec redirector" update. Thoughts or ideas?

Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.3
Scan saved at 7:46:35 AM, on 1/8/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)..........

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Not Responding - Programs Or Icons

Jul 12, 2005

I have 4 sign in's including the administrator, when I log in under the administrator, no programs or icons respond, including My Computer. Under the other log in's, they do respond but I do not have access to make changes or to see my data to back it up. I managed to install Norton Antivirus from DOS and cleaned up a few viruses but programs will still not respond. Should I reinstall XP, would I loose my data ? Also I can not find my XP disk but do have the package with the key, can you download another version and input the key?

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Programs Not Responding / Could Not Get Task Manager

Jan 16, 2006

Lately alot of my programs are (not responding). I've run virus scan, defrag, scandisk, Spybot, Ad-aware, you name it. Searched web and only find answers related to single programs, yet ALOT of my programs are not responding. At one point I could not get Task Manager to come up to end non-responding program.

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All Programs Not Responding When Shut Down Computer

Jul 14, 2009

When i start shutting down pc it shows every program "Not Responding" and then it shots it closing. And for every program like that. Auto EndTask is 1 but still it Shows how tasks ends.2.When pc is already at "windows shutdown" stage then sometimes comes svcadmin.exe Installation failed.

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Run Automatically Fail - Programs Not Responding

Jul 5, 2008

my family have damaged the computer in some way that im not sure about. I do not know whether its a virus or something else. On startup, all the programs that run automatically fail to and the "Program not responding" message is displayed for each one, and programs continue try to open to no effect. Any program which i try opening after that also has this problem. When i look at the task manager, no processes are given any memory usage.

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Pro Running Very Slowly / Programs Not Responding

Jul 21, 2009

My laptop has just decided to run very slowly of late.So much so that I am unable to run certain programs. Some will load up but if you try and navigate through any screens etc the program will stop working (comes up with not responding in windows task manager).This is even happening with windows explorer.I've got Norton 360, which although it should automatically boot up at start up is failing to do so.I can't even get it to run to perfom a system scan.This leads me to think I may have a nasty virus or worse still failing hardware

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Not Responding - Internet Explorer And All Other Applications / Programs?

Sep 16, 2006

I am running on windows XP SP2 integrated. I realised that whenever I start my PC,windows does not respond(i.e. when I click on my internet explorer and all other applications / programs,they do not respond).I have to wait for at least 10-15 mins or restart 2 to 3 times,then windows can respond.I really do not know what is going on.I have scanned my PC with noadware but found nothing.Should I reformat my PC or perform a system restore? I am currenting using Intel Pentium III processor with 801 MHz,256MB of RAM.

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Slow Responding To Commands

Aug 7, 2005

My pc is very slow to respond to prompts & commands, this only occurs on one user account when they are logged on, all other user accounts perform ok.

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Very Slow Freezes Stops Responding

Sep 25, 2010

Not sure whats up with it. very slow, freezes, stops responding, and when I change from one box to another. like from a title box to a message box I put in a few letters and then cursor stops and disappears. Some times I have to start completely over, some times I just have to left click. I can not watch any videos off the net like utube or any others.

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Slow & Keep Freezing - Not Responding - Can Improve

Apr 11, 2010

My computer is so slow it keeps freezing. it is always saying it is not responding so I have to push ctrl, alt & delete and then end program. it is driving me to drink it is so slow. What can I do to improve it.

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Installed Daemon Tools - System Slow / Stopped Responding

May 5, 2006

First of all, a SUMMARY: Computer (Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop; Windows XP Home) operating extremely slowly; SERVICES.exe using >99% of CPU (Processor speed c. 1.2GHz) I recently installed DAEMON Tools, the virtual drive programme, and when I first opened it, my laptop slowed to a crawl and stopped responding, meaning I'd to use the 'off' button to switch it off (Ctrl-Alt-Delete didn't work).

Since then, each time I've switched it on, it has been operating as per normal but at a horribly slow speed. I have uninstalled DAEMON, but it seems the problem lies elsewhere; eventually I did get the task manager to come up, and (though it took about 5 minutes) switched to the Processes tab. It turns out that the SERVICES.exe process (run by 'System') is using 99% of my CPU.....

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Slow Computer Open / Close Boxes - Program Not Responding

Aug 2, 2005

My computer seems to be really slow when i open and close boxes - they overlap or i get the message 'This programme is not responding' what does this mean and what can i do?

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System Facing Slow Startup / Programs Run Slow Too?

Mar 26, 2006

when i first start up my PC it seams slow. like when i try to use a program. its slow to starting up. but after a while things seams to speed up to normal

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Computer Getting Slow Startup And Programs Running Slow?

Aug 7, 2005

Win XP HE SP2. Dell 8300 3.0 Ghz .PC takes minutes from startup to desktop. All programs much slower than usual.I regularly use Defrag, Have Microsoft anti spyware, Panda anti virus, Ad Aware Spybot, System Mechanic Pro.etc.Have tried everything!

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Slow To Start Up - Slow Opening Programs

Feb 11, 2007

I've gone through a lot of the threads in here and tried a lot of fixes, and I'm still having problems.
I have a Gateway, Windows XP laptop that's about 1 year old. A little over a week ago, it started "running slow". It's slow to start up (takes about 5-10 min), the mouse "sticks" sometimes although that is an intermittent problem, when I have multiple applications minimized (outlook express, firefox, My Documents, AIM), it's slow to toggle between them, and it's slow to open folders in My Documents.

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"explorer.exe Was Not Responding" - Slow Pc

Dec 9, 2007

My computer had been getting slower over the course of a few months, and after telling a friend he told me to change my antivirus software, as the current version had expired. I switched my antivirus software from McAfee to Nod32, however on restarting mt system certain things were not working. I decided to restart my computer, but on choosing to shutdown i was prompted with an error message saying "explorer.exe was not responding".

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All Programs Running Slow

Apr 13, 2007

my computer recently seems to be running slow, i have done all what i know but no improvements, its a few years old now (2003) and never gone wrong (touch wood!).its especially slow when using iTunes, the start of each track skips which is getting annoying!i recently upgraded the RAM and installed a 2nd 300Gb internal hard drive for some extra memory to store music etc (i kept the old one in as the primary drive, its less than a quarter full now).i am running XP sp2, P4 2.4GHz, with 1.5Gb of RAM, my graphics card is a 128mb GeForce4 FX5200.Done scans using Ad-Aware, Registry Mechanic, CCleaner, Avast Anti-virus, and nothing found.checked what loads at startup and removed a couple of things such as iTuneshelper etc but there doesnt seem to be a lot there.

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Slow Down - Updating Some Programs

Nov 7, 2008

i was having trouble updating some programs so i tried dial-a-fix. dial-a-fix did help but now my computer is slow,

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AMD64 Slow To Install Programs

Dec 30, 2005

Everything was working perfectly until the other day and all of a sudden a program I have been using...Ulead Video Studio strted hanging up. I rebooted and it kept doing the same thing. I decided to uninstall the program and reinstall it but it took forever to uninstall it. Then I tried to reinstall it and that took forever as well. Just to make sure it was not a problem with that particular program I tried another one and had the same issues. I also noticed that my boot speed was a lot slower at start up....not the initial boot but when the programs were loading ie. Norton AV and firewall. My computer seems to run ok when you start a program but the major issue is installing or uninstalling an application. I ran windows update and even that took forever to install the update. I ran Adware and virus scan and there are no problems.

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Profile Specific Slow Programs

Dec 19, 2006

I'm having an issue with a new laptop. several programs or just parts of programs will run painfully slow or take several minutes to load or when they finally do load they freeze. System restore and help files suffers from the same problem along with msn messenger 8, ares, and the dictionary in microsoft works. those are all that i've noticed with the problem i'm sure there are others. i've used registry mechanic tried reinstalling msn and ares with no solutions. also this problem seems to be profile specific. i created another profile on this machine and the problems seemed to dissipear but i would perfer to keep this profile. when i'm trying to load these programs if i open task manager the cpu will usually be low as if i'm not loading anything. also there is somtimes about a minute or 2 or halfway into loading the program loading will apear under the apps twice. one as itself ares.exe or whatever the restore exe is, and one at explorer.exe. i dont believe explorer.exe is a virus it seems to b normal. i assume that the problem has to do with the cpu right now but i have no idea how i would fix that. other than those few programs everything else runs fine. i defreg regularly and so on. i run avg 7.1 windows xp home. its a 64 bit lap i think so i assume it would be a 64 bit edition HP Pavilion.

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Slow - Not Closing Programs / Processes

Mar 12, 2008

my desktop computer was being a little slow, not closing programs/processes when i close them, then yesterday it gave me an error message about a corrupt file. when i restarted it immediately after that, it just keeps restarting over an over. i get to the windows screen and it just goes black an restarts. over and over and

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Slow Computer When Opening Programs

Jul 10, 2005

computer runs slow when i open programs, usually when i go to something in my 2nd hard dirve (d:) ran all the recommended spy and adware, but here the hijack log, i defragmented both of my drives and about to do a scan disk.

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Slow Loading Pages And Programs

Mar 21, 2006

I gave my old computer to my parents. It's extremely slow loading pages and programs. How can I delete everything but the OS and Microsoft Office and start fresh? I've tried to add/remove programs but it does not help. I've tried Registry Clean but it does not help.

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PC Is Slow In Opening Loading Programs

Nov 15, 2006

I was wondering why or if anyone knew why a PC is slow in opening/loading programs. For instance it takes awhile before my Norton loads on my screen and my IncrediMail takes a while before it starts/loads too.

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Spyware Programs Computer Is Slow

Apr 25, 2007

I've used multiple spyware programs to get of it and I just can't get it off.I'm visited many sites which got me to this one. I was viewing a thread here with no luck.I think this is the thread here: from what I know I should include my HJT log for anyone that can help. I currenty have superantispyware and spyware doctor both showing no viruses on computer however I have a blinking icon on the bottom right corner of the screen and a very very slow computer.

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Computer Running Slow - Several Programs To Clean Up

May 30, 2005

I have run several applications to clean my computer but I am sure there is something on there slowing the performance.

I would place my HT log on here but I do not know how do it.

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