Can't Go To Safe Mode - Cant Use System Tools

Sep 23, 2005

My computer has been freezing up a lot. I tried to use different system tools like msconfig, scandisk,and ect. to try to find and fix the problem, but my computer can't find those tools. I know I had them because they came pre-installed in Windows XP. Lastly I tried to start my computer in safe mode, but when it get to the safe mode drivers loading screen my computer freezes up.

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System Start Normal Mode Even Set As Safe Mode

Oct 13, 2009

Went into msconfig and set up safe boot on restart.PC will not load in safe mode or in normal mode it just keeps looping back to the same screen.I have tried all the options on the screen.Is their anyway to get back to msconfig.I have the XP setup disk.

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System Freeze In Safe Mode And Normal Mode

Sep 29, 2008

Ran smitfraud and rebooted but my computer keeps freezing both in safe mode and normal. I tried last good configuration but the same thing happened. Either just a black screen with the mouse icon or frozen on the long list.

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Can't Find System Tools - Restore System Tools?

Oct 20, 2005

When I click on start=>programs=>accessories=>system tools,its shows empty.I would like to know how can I restore my system tools as I would want to perform a system restore for my PC.

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Can't Run Safe Mode Or System Restore

Oct 6, 2010

have a new virus in my computer that deleted one of my files in WINDOWSsystem32 folder, and now when I run my pc, I get an error saying that a file is missing from WINDOWSsystem32 , I want to run system recovery but it won't let me. I tried pressing almost all the F#, so I decided to run safe mode and do a system recovery from inside my windows xp, but my safe mode doesn't work ether. For safe mode I tried F8, and F5

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System Automatically Goes In Safe Mode

May 28, 2005

I have the spy bot on my other computer not this one and it is not networked at home. the problem is I can get the windows xp first page to come up but then it goes to safe mode safe mode network last working page and start windows automatically I have tried all and to no avail. the blue screen flashes for a nanosecond so I can't get to the restore part. Do you think my computer has crashed?

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System Won't Start Unless In Safe Mode ?

Nov 10, 2005

A guy in the office was transferring images from his digital camera to his PC when the screen froze. He now can't start up his OS unless in safe mode. I've tried "last known good configuration", used an old restore point, checked for clashes in Device Manager, done a diagnostic startup using msconfig and still no joy. The machine is out of warranty and we can't find the recovery disks anywhere. Also, because the software was preinstalled there's no original disc to do an XP repair job on it. What more can I try?

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Not Able To Run System Restore Safe Mode

Apr 21, 2005

I am not able to run system restore neither in the normal mode nor in the safe mode? After selecting system restore nothing happens

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System Restore In Safe Mode

Jul 22, 2006

Computer having a boot problem. Computer turns on and the screen shows up showing XP loading then the screen just goes black not blue no error messages. I can boot it in safe mode and wanted to do a system restore but evidently system restore is turned off in safe mode so I cannot do that. I tried to boot several times in normal mode and I would get the XP is loading screen followed by a black screen with nothing on it.

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System Won't Start - Safe Mode

Jun 22, 2006

One of my kids ran my laptop until it died and now when i try to start it up it goes to the Window XP screen with the progress bar going side to side and stops there. I can start the computer under safe mode which i'm doing now but when i try to restart it does the same thing and i need to start under safemode again.

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Restart System In Safe Mode

Nov 12, 2007

I'm running XP and I need to restart my system in safe mode, but evertime i try run safe mode it freezes on certain drivers.First it froze on agp440.sys and now it is freezing up on mup.sys .

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After Restore System Is Booting Only In Safe Mode

May 21, 2006

Basically the original problem was a non functioning WinXP OS that led to using the system restore disc on a Toshiba Satellite laptop.

Now the system will only boot in safe mode. So far I've done the restore several times. Gone into msconfig, checked Hide Microsoft services and disabled the rest, unchecked load startup items and tried a Diagnostic Startup. Device Manager looks fine, but I tried disabling items without change. It looks like the Restore Disc is the right one for the system.

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On Booting Up The System Restars - Safe Mode

Oct 18, 2009

i was trying to get into safemode so i could run an antivirus scan, problem is whenever i tried going in safemode the blue screen would pop up and computer would restart. now for some dumb reason i thought maybe i could get in safemode if i used msconfig and selected safe mode from the boot menu. so the computer restarted and now it boots in safemode but the blue screen and restart happen everytime now. ive tried "start windows normally" but that boots in safemode. ive tried "last known good config" and that too boots in safemode. so now im stuck

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Safe Mode Is Shutting System Down Continously

Jan 27, 2006

I am running windows xp sp2 on my hp pavilion dv1331se laptop and have started to have some problems. First, I was running the windows disk defragmenter and it took a very very long time to complete. I try to defrag regularly and I know it is not an instantaneous process. But it seems to be unusually slow now and even when it says its completed, it also says there were files it could not defrag. I tried to run defrag in safe mode to see if that would improve the speed and defrag everything. But in safe mode, once it started defragging my entire system shut down. No warning, no nothing. Just all of a sudden a black screen and I had to physically turn the computer back on.

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System Will No Longer Boot - No Safe Mode

Jan 10, 2008

My system (see below) has run fine for about the first six months of its life with heavy use. Around a month ago I had some odd problems where the system would lock up when I ran the anti virus and explorer.exe would crash. Despite me trying numerous suggestions from eggxperts in a different thread, this issue seemed to go away by itself.

After a few weeks of moderate to heavy use (3 hour gaming sessions) with no issues at all, I all of sudden would get BSOD's immediately after boot up (this happened on two occasions, one shortly after the other). I did a system restore both times and that seemed to do the trick.

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Can't Start System - Cant Enter Safe Mode

Apr 12, 2007

Just the other day i reset my computer but to my surprise it did not load up XP, instead it stayed with a black screen with a flashing underscore in the top left hand corner. I thought it meant it was taking longer to load but it is just stuck there and i can't access my files!

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Can't Access Safe Mode : System Freezes

Nov 24, 2009

Computer running Windows XP SP3 which appears to be horrible bogged down with viruses. So much so that when I simply tried reinstalling avg the next time I rebooted the computer I found myself unable to do anything other than log in. From that point the system freezes

I've been trying to get into safe mode since then, holding down f5 or f8 at startup brings me to the boot selection screen but if I select anything other than Start Windows Normally it will just restart and bring me back to the same screen. I've also been unable to get into msconfig from windows

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Locked System - Cannot Load Safe Mode

Oct 10, 2006

I installed "The Lock XP" on my system and when I restarted I was locked out of everything. I have already contacted Tech Support for "The Lock XP" and I was talking to her for three days trying to figure this out...and well she was unable to. So here is where we left off...

I cannot load Safe Mode, Safe Mode w/Networking, or Safe Mode w/Command Prompt. When I do try to load a Safe Mode, except "Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)" it loads, says it is starting windows and then restarts. I cannot access C: Drive, cmd.exe, notepad.exe, I cant download, but can access the internet by double-clicking on Windows Internet Explorer. Here is a list of Running Programs on my system when Windows Loads, which is the same when loaded in "Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)" :

1) alg.exe Local Serivce 1,040K
2) avgupsvc.exe System 576K
3) CDAC11BA.EXE System 428K
4) csrss.exe System 1,584K
5) ctfmon.exe Don Steffic 1,216K
6) explorer.exe Don Steffic 9,984K...

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System Freezing On Safe Mode Screen?

Jul 30, 2007

I have a HP Pavilion ze4530us that is freezing on the startup. I have tried all option available on the Safe Mode screen, ex: Safe Mode, Last Known Good Config., Safe Mode with Networking. Whenever i choose one, it freezes on that screen and stays there. I was going to run a Windows repair

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System Wont Log On Or Start In Safe Mode?

Dec 7, 2006

This morning my stepmother checked her emails on my laptop (XP Home) and while she was doing it, a virus warning popped up from my Virus checker. Instead of doing the smart thing and clicking "delete" or "quarantine" she STUPIDLY clicked "ignore".When I went back and tried to log on later, the XP login screen won't take my password. It keeps insisting that it's wrong. I tried to log in on Safe Mode and access the Administrator account but whole system rebooted as soon as I clicked on it.

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System Automatic Startup In Safe Mode

Jan 31, 2005

Starts up in safe mode and says'windows did not shut down properly'no matter what he clicks on, it goes back into safe mode as if it is in a loophe says, then he is presented with the same message,hes stuck in safe mode. i told him to press the windows logo and the letter u twice which i saw in tips n tricks but no joy there.

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System Booting Issue In Safe Mode

Apr 30, 2008

Blue Screen Reads: BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO. STOP: 0x00000074. Can't boot into safe mode, computer simply reboots instantly and you can see the blue screen for a split second when you select that option or any other option. The only way to see the blue screen is to let the timer time out on the selection of windows did not start properly.Do not have the choice of repair either.

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Unable To Get The System To Safe Mode While Using Original OS CD?

Sep 2, 2005

Is it possible to get to safe mode when you use the original XP CD to boot?

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System Restore Was Disabled - Cant Enable In Safe Mode

Jan 17, 2010

My computer was having a personality disorder so I decided to save all my files from the hard drive and do a system restore back to the original factory settings. I don't have the installation disks anymore and would like to avoid having to order them. When I started the process, the desktop locked up on me. The keyboard wasn't recognized and I couldn't mouse to any programs or functions. It didn't even complete it's startup sequence, and the icons on the right side by the clock never showed up.

So I restarted the computer in safe mode and saved my files. When I tried to do a system restore from safe mode, I got an error stating that system restore was disabled and couldn't be enabled in safe mode. I'd have to restart in normal mode and change the settings. Therein lies the problem: when I start in normal mode the computer locks up immediately, and I can't change the settings

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Comp Only Works After System Restore In Safe Mode

Aug 15, 2010

I have a Dell Optiplex GX280 running Windows XP that doesn`t do anything after start page is loaded except turn off or restart. I can ONLY (won`t allow me to do it in normal mode) do a system restore in safe mode & then it works perfect. When I turnoff or restart it goes back to the same problem - freezes up after start page has loaded. I have to do system restore in safe mode only all over again.

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Enter Safe Mode With Dual Boot System?

Jan 22, 2008

I have Linux and Windows XP sp2 home Have tried searching the forum without any results Tried f8 when script for grub appears but have been unsuccessful

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Can't Get A Desktop In Safe Mode / Administrator The System Freezes

Oct 10, 2005

I'm trying to fix a virus problem (trojan.vundo) and need to boot in safe mode. When I try to boot in safe mode I get the user icons, but when I log in using any of the user icons including administrator the system freezes and I don't get a desktop.

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System Wont Boot Normally - Fine In Safe Mode

Dec 14, 2006

Well, Ive tried reinstalling XP 3 times. This third time, after a clean installation, I realized that Safe Mode works fine after 500 errors are thrown at me. That is what I am in right now: Windows XP Safe Mode with Networking. First off, after I see the Windows XP Professional loading screen, my screen freezes into a God awful mess. So when I restart, I go into Safe Mode, it gives me a bazillion(which is a real word in FireFox 2.0's dictionary) errors that look like so

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Can't Boot In Safe Mode - Disable The System Restore

Aug 30, 2010

I had a problem's in my PC because the viruses, I cleaned my PC with a lot of anti-virus and tools to fix that problem's I disable the system restore but the viruses back again.I tried to access to safe mode to clean the system but the PC restart after loading

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System Stuck In Safe Mode: Mouse Won't Move?

Feb 6, 2008

I've spent the last two months just trying to get Windows to operate correctly on a new Mac. Unbelievable! I've re-installed XP SP2 too many times to count, finally had it up and thought it was running fine for the last week, then I went over to the Mac OS tried accessing windows through boot camp, it shut down the Mac OS, then when I tried to go back to boot Windows directly, I received the damning <windows root> system32hal.dll file is missing or corrupt - again.

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System Continuously In A Restart Loop & No Safe Mode

Sep 8, 2006

My computer is stuck in what i think of as a restart loop. After powering on, windows xp screen appears (w/moving bar at bottom) sits there for about 7-10 sec then screen goes blank and about 3 sec later it restarts. Windows login does not appear. It will continously loop thru this process. At first Safe mode only started with out networking options. But now I can't start in safe mode at all it just reboots the computer after the scrolling screen of items being started. I am not sure what this could be, and have no idea how to get at least safe mode working.

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