System Tray - Clock Display - Stopped Displaying Date
Sep 26, 2008
The System Tray's Time/Date Display changed without my intentional intervention. It used to display (top to bottom) Time Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Day of Week It has stopped displaying the Date - Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Wazzup with that? How do I get the date back the into the display? Additional Info: I use the following display settings - they have not changed recently:Screen resolution - 1280 x 1024 (the highest for my video) 32-bit color (again, the highest) 96 DPI 2-row taskbar (see image, above) No screensaver Default theme
How do I make WinXP Pro's System Tray Clock display seconds in addition to hours and minutes at all times. permanently (without having to double click it)?
Just recently my computer changes the date when restarted. It goes to September 2003. It always goes to 2003.I have reset the BIOS date properly which lasts until I restart again.
Just installed a brand new copy of Windows XP Pro and find that the system tray is missing a couple of items that I would expect to see there. One is the clock, and the other is the icon that shows whether I am connected to the internet or not.
in the System Tray I not only have the time, but also the day, month and year appear and everything is mushed to the right in a small box. This suddenly appeared for some reason. Also, everything in the Task Bar is on two lines instead of one. I can't drag the top of the bar down further. I've searched all over the net to see how I can restore my Task Bar, but to no avail.
My friend has a pretty new Dell Dimension E520: XP MCE 2005, C2D E6300, 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD, 128MB ATI graphics. Her computer just randomly stopped displaying the screensaver after the set amount of time went by. It doesn't even put the monitor in standby after an hour. Does anyone have an idea as to why it is doing this?
For some reason, when my partner's computer boots up, the Windows taskbar is frozen, sometimes for up to a couple of minutes. When it finally becomes available, the Start menu etc works fine, but the system tray does not display everything that it should (for example the volume control) even though I have set it to "always show" in Properties>Customise
Both Firefox and Internet Explorer are not displaying correctly. Background images do not appear at all, and some foreground images simply do not load - they don't appear at all, even as an indication that loading the image has failed. Oddly, though, there's still a blank space the size of the picture in most cases. However, there's no way to select the picture or the area where the picture would be.
some sites with style-related features do not display correctly - web-based email and forums with borders, for example (Gmail is for all intents and purposes in black and white). Internet Explorer takes the problem a step further - it increases the text size to ludicrous proportions, so that even a small chunk of text takes up several pages. I have also noticed a similar problem in semi-online programs - using McAfee VirusScan, for example (which updates through a web service) results in text that is simply too large to fit into the window, rendering the program unusable.
I have a 4 year old computer that runs perfectly, except when I turn it off at night and then back on the next day, I loose a few hours on the time date at bottom of screen. I ajust each time I use it but the same thing happens each time I turn it off. Could it be the clock battery or? My operating system is Windows XP Home
for some odd reason, the am/pm portion of the time displayed in the task bar, emails, imessengers, etc has changed to "??????" (6 question marks). I can correct using time/regional settings, but it returns upon rebooting. Windows XP Media Center.
Received a message "Windows Display Driver stopped responding....." after I closed the box, Microsoft asked if I wanted to send an error report, which I did, and immediately responded with a recommend fix/upgrade and the link to the website. My question is this. The graphics driver that it recommended upgrading (Intel 82915G or 82910GL) is not the same Intel graphics chipset that I have installed on the computer (82845G/GL).Which update should I install? The one that Microsoft automatically found and sent to me, or the one that actually matches my machine?
My computer is going nuts. All of the sudden it everything on the screen went blank then came up in terrible colors and HUGE. It then proceeds to pop up a message that says:Windows Display Driver Stopped Responding..That's the only part of the message I could write down before it rebooted. When it restarts Installation Wizard starts. It asks if it can install the RAID Controller. I do not install it, I also dont know if i have the cd or not it needs.
I am having a problem using system restore.The only "bold" date available, as an earlier date, is today's date.I have tried all 5 methods from Microsoft's system restore help and suppport page for WindowsXP, to no avail.Each tells me that System restore is working.I used the one date (today) that was avaialable and it "restored" without a problem.How can I get the calendar to show an earlier date?
I have to keep reseting my computer time every so often. It's worse when I turn on the computer. It's always ahead by about thirty minutes, I have to keep setting it back. It never stays put. (CMOS battery?) Anything I can do to fix it? Windows 2000
EVERY monday morning, something turns back my computer clock by 1 hour! it has caused me to miss important things! does anyone have experience with this problem? i have no idea how to go about trying to isolate the cause of this.
Windows XP SP2. Over the course of about 8 hours overnight, my system clock will fall back about 45 minutes to 2 hours. For example, it might be 8am, but the clock will say 6am until I fix it. As you can imagine, this is pretty annoying. It happens all the time. It appears to be a gradual change, not a big jump. I think the clock either freezes or runs too slowly.
I've recently installed WinXP on an older Compaq (P2, 350mhz, 256mb ram). Yes I know its supposedly under the minimum requirements. But believe it or not it runs pretty good. My problem is that I want to change the system clock but cant find the system clock setting in the Bios. how to change the system clock on an older Compaq like this?
A friend of mine told me the other day that he had downloaded a third party system clock because his did not show the day of the week in the tool tip that appears when you hover over the time. He said the rest of the computers in his house did and that they were all running XP. At first I didn't think that this was even a feature of XP. My computer also does not do this. Today at work however, I just so happened to hover over the time and noticed that the tool tip did contain the day of the week. I am always double clicking the clock to check the day of the week at home and this feature would be quite useful.What's going on here? How do you get the day of the week to appear? I checked the system clock settings and there is nothing in there. Google's no help either.
Whenever I run a program like NOD32, iTunes, or even the Windows Update utility, an error message comes up saying that the system time is incorrect, even though it is clearly not. I reformatted, reinstalled Windows, and went through the steps in the Microsoft knowledge base to no avail.
I have Adobe Acrobat 5.0 installed on Windows XP. Everything has been fine for years until a few days ago. When I try to right click on a document file on my desktop to copy it, for example, I receive an error message which says: "Your system clock appears to have been set back, possibly in an attempt to defeat the security system on this program. Please correct your system clock before trying to run this program again. If your clock is correct, try contacting the author of this program for instructions on correcting this error (report code 0, 2700,2581. My system clock is correct.
I am testing different XP windows scheduling ideas that are set to run every Wednesday morning at 1.00 am and Saturday morning at 1.00 am. How do I change the system clock to test the schedules which have been created? The system clock has to stay active for six hours, which is the length of time it takes to run all the projects.
Intel 4 Pentium with 1.5 GB of RAM Memory Windows XP Professional with all patches up to date. HDD of 150 GB partioned into a System Area of 50 GB and Data Area of 100 GB. The System Area has 21 GB of free space.Upon selection of Hibernate, the process starts but takes about 10 minute to complete. Then the computer restarts instead of powering off at the end of the hibernation process. It does say that it is resuming windows.If you select Turn Off instead of Shift+Click over the Standby button (i.e. Hibernate), the system will power off.
I am running Win XP Pro with SP2 (standard setup). The problem: A couple of the icons in the system tray don't show up on re-boot. Specifically, the 'safely remove hardware' icon, and a backup utility called 'second copy' that runs on startup. When I 'restore' to the exact same point, everything is fine. When I reboot, gone again. And when they are gone, I can't run the backup utility (it won't start). What is different about the restore utility that makes it work if I restore to the same exact point. This all started with I tried to uninstall and reinstall Norton Utilities (which seems to be working fine).