Boot.ini Is Missing But Still Able To Boot Correctly

Aug 20, 2005

As far as I know boot.ini, ntldr and are vital for XP to boot correctly. A few days ago I was working on a computer, during the boot process I noticed a message stating "invalid entry in boot.ini". I decided to check it out but there was no boot.ini !! ntldr and are present. My Question is there a way that ntldr can bypass the boot.ini file?

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PC Wont Pass Boot Screen Or Correctly Run In Safe Mode

Aug 12, 2008

I first noticed a problem when a command prompt window popped up during startup.1.exe. After some searching I discovered it was a trojan located on c root directory. I decided to try and scan to remove it. I used Adaware and AVG free and didnt get it. (only found a few low risk tracking cookies) I then tried SpyBot but during the update process it decided it needed to install the new version so it went ahead and did this then informed me i needed to reboot. I selected not to right away. I scanned with System Mechanic to remove junk and obsolete files and got rid of them all. I then did a registry scan and deleted everything system mechanic found.

I then deleted the installation .exes and shortcuts that had been added to my desktop by Adaware and Spy bot.I also have zone alarm running all the time.When i came to restart my pc, it passes the windows XP main screen but then freezes on the Acer brand screen. It also will not boot into safe mode. I just get the normal safe mode screen but with the operating system details printed across the top and no start menu/input options etc.Ive removed and reseated the RAM and the battery.Im really stuck as to what to try next!Its an Acer Aspire laptop about 2 years old.Ive done something to kill it but nothing massively different to what i have done in the past.Im fairly good with these things but im feeling a little lost for ideas!

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Computer Wont Boot Correctly: Internet Explorer Wont Work?

Jul 20, 2005

Ever since I installed XP Home Edition on this computer, it boots up with problems.It always starts 2 copies of Windows Explorer. I can't find anywhere to
stop this from happening. It must be in the registry.My Internet Explorer cannot be launched by clicking on a link in my Eudora email client or my news reader. All it does is go to About:blank. I have searched for any hijacker that might cause this and came up empty each time.

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Boot Failure: Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media?

Nov 11, 2006

I am unable to boot my PC most of the times.Whenever I switch on my PC,I see the following message nine ot of ten times. DiskError/Boot Faliure Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot media in selected boot device If I press enter after this messages & keep pressing following messages appear from time to time (Not simultaneously). If just after making the switch on, I press F2 key to check the boot device preference

If just after making the switch on , I press f11 key to reach the boot menu I always find the 1.44 MB Floppy option highlighted as the booting choice.(though there had not been any floppy in the floppy drive, I dont have any really)I make the hard disk option highlighted & it solves the problem only a few times. But next time when I try F11 key to check the boot menu again I find 1.44 MB floppy highlighted.

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Missing Hal.dll - When Trying To Boot

Dec 7, 2007

When I tried to boot I got this error message(Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root>system32hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file).After googling this problem I found several probable causes. Besides the actual file missing, I'm told it could be a bad boot.ini file, a bad hard drive, bad memory or even a bad power supply.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 17, 2007

I haven't installed anything new on my computer but today after having my computer shipped to me via UPS I cut on my computer and where the XP load bar screen was I got: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device".Seeing this I knew I went into the BIOS setup and tried to turn the system priority to look at the HDD. Instead I only had the option of the DVD drive and the CD drive.I have no idea how to solve this problem and don't have any of the recovery CD's. I DO NOT WANT TO REFORMAT because like a bad little boy I did not backup my 4 years worth of work.

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BOOT.INI Tab Missing From Msconfig

Sep 29, 2007

Title says it all. Not sure when it actually disappeared. Noticed it while studying for A+ exam today. Here is what I have tried that hasn't worked:

(1) Missing BOOT.INI file. It is there.
(2) Registry corruption. Nope. The entry doesn't appear in the expected location.
(3) Improper permissions set on BOOT.INI. Nope. I can open it. Plus there is no Security tab in the Properties window, which raises another eyebrow of "huh?"

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Missing BOOT.INI Even Its Installed

Jan 20, 2007

After getting my computer back from the repair service I noticed a message "boot.ini invalid." Still the computer boots. The BOOT.INI is not merely invalid - it ain't there. In the attached PDF you can see what I see. How do I get the file back short of reinstalling Windows XP?

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Boot.Ini Missing When Log Into Msconfig

Aug 1, 2005

Boot.Ini tab missing from System Configuration Utility when log into msconfig.

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Dll File Missing / Can't Boot Up To My OS

Jun 10, 2007

I just reorganized my office. Everything was fine before but now I can't boot up to my OS (Windows xp). I get the following message and that's by itself on a black screen: Windows couldn't start because the following file is missing or corrupt. <windows root<system32hal.dll. Please reinstall.I'm using a Dell Dimension 2400. I've tried finding the file on the resource disk and in the XP installation disk. I've been online through another computer and found the dll but can't seems to install in on my Dell. I've tested everything through my resource disk and everything tests fine.

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Info / NTLDR Missing - Boot From Cd - Does NOT Appear

Jan 28, 2008

I have taken a hitachi hdd that had xp home on it, put it solo in a machine (cuz it is larger tryin' to upgrade) that had been using & working perfectly fine with 2k pro. got a missing os error. read dozens more. own full store bought version of the afore mentioned xp. tried to boot from cd, does NOT appear to even recognize anything is in the drive. went into bios made sure cd was 1st boot, still "missin os" still doesn't see cd in drive. here is where i would like some more detail pleez, mind you i'm a beginner, yet have a keen interest in computers. now i read that computers don't like swaps of os too hot, so i pulled the xp hdd back out of the 2k machine set it up as slave in the machine i'm using now (it's actual "birth" machine) & formatted it, then deleted it from the drivers before removing it. put it back in the rig that runs 2k, now the error states "NTLDR is missing". by the way i corrected the jumpers both swaps. tried the cd again still ntlrd error. went into bios, confirmed recognition of hdd, yep pretty as a picture. does'nt formatting wipe the thing clean (for my intent & purpose)? i have to be missing a step here, i mean why won't the thing read the cd? the cd rom works, i read something about possibly not being able to boot from it though!?

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Missing Files - System Won't Boot

Jul 11, 2005

I had tried to run a friends HD as a slave drive with mine on my other machine earlier. I got it up and running & it repaired the friends drive and I was able to get some files off he wanted. After I turned it off & took his out I got an error message that some files are missing in windowssystem32configsystem on my computer that I was using with his HD. The message goes on to say to boot with the windows xp disk and try a system repair. Well, that failed also. I took it out and brought it up here and put it on with this one as the slave drive and I got into it. Is there a way I can repair those files with it running as a slave drive on this one, or do I have to just re-install windows again.

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Can Not Boot - Ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt

May 10, 2008

Here goes, the other day I booted up my PC and it showed "windows can not boot, ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt" so I did this. Microsoft support. I replaced the file in the recovery console and everything copied over fine. Then I booted up again and I received an error message before windows displayed my login screen --lsass.exe "endpoint is invalid" click ok and my computer reboots. Windows at that time was booting all the way up though. I found this support article but did not help Microsoft support This error does not allow me to boot into safe mode or regular windows but I can get into the recovery console.

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Missing Or Corrupt HAL.DLL - Boot Failed

Sep 15, 2008

Dell Inspiron 9100, 1 GB mem, 60 GB HD, Win XP Home 2002 SP3. Kept clean with TE Pro, cseraser, syswiper, Adaware, Spybot S&D, AWC V2, Regcure, RegscrubXP. McAfee current. Win XP SP's and updates current.

Boot failed after POST with (as near as I can remember, sorry!) "missing or corrupt HAL.DLL"

This has happened twice. The first time it happened (a year or so ago), I reinstalled XP. I also installed
a second installation of Win XP in a WINDOWS2 dir. Set up boot.ini to allow me to select WINDOWS or WINDOWS2 to boot from. Figured this would help if it happened again.

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Missing Or Corrupt HAL.DLL - Dual Boot On Two HD

Jan 9, 2008

i have dual boot on two HD, both XP Pro SP2 suddenly one of them (drive C can not boot. "Missing or corrupt HAL.DLL" i have google & see Microsoft Knowledge and try some advice but still no work.

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Can't Boot Up NTLDR Missing Message

Jan 29, 2008

My moms computer had a big red X next to the C: Drive, so I ran AVG and it wouldnt work it just froze up. So I did some poking around online and found Vundo. So I ran it and it found a bunch of stuff and then deleted it all. Then when I restarted the PC I get the "NTLDR is missing, Press ctrl-alt-delete to restart" error message. So I found out how to fix that with a boot disk. Here comes problem number one. the recovery disk is HP Windows XP sp2. Im not sure if the OS is the same because the disk is from my laptop. (both are HP windows xp) So I put in the disk, hit ctrl-alt-del and press enter to boot from disk. Everything looks normal, it says windows setup, and is loading files at the bottom of the screen. At the welcome screen I press R and am taken to the recovery console. This is where it gets weird.

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Missing Or Corrupted Boot File

Oct 29, 2006

My computer is a Dell Inspiron 6000 running Microsoft XP Home. My machine did not ship with a XP Home setup CD so I cannot follow the windows prompt. I have heard about dell system restore CDs, however I'm not sure if one came with my machine, and if so where it is. If this is what I need can an ISO be downloaded anywhere online? I do know that there is some type of partition on my HD, however I'm not sure exactly what it consists of or how to find out.In case anyone asks, I cannot boot windows in safe mode. If possible I would like to try to repair this problem without a complete reformat and reinstall as my data is only partially backed up. Additionally I have considered the possibility that this issue is the result of a HD crash, however I am not sure how I would go about testing this. Lastly if a reformat and re-install is necessary is there anyway to backup "My Documents" without starting windows?

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Boot Up Error - Missing File

Mar 19, 2005

Recently, when booting up, I have been getting 2 error messages (both appear twice). They refer to files not found or missing but I cannot begin to identify the files - all that I see are a series of little squares: 7 in a row, then a space, then 14 more. I click on OK and away they go and everything else seems to procede normally. I have a Dell Dimension, Windows XP Home. A call to Dell was not encouraging - they recommended re-installing the system. Oh dear. I have Norton Firewall and Anti-Virus, Microsoft's new Anti-Spy, WinPatrol, AdAware and Spybot. I am FAIRLY confident that my system is clean, but then, who knows? I have run registry checks and let them do their business (I don't fool around with the registry on my own, I am not a trouble-maker). If I need to re-install, I will work up the courage to do so, but until then...maybe someone here has had some experience with these error messages. At least I would learn something new. For now, my system SEEMS to be working OK, but what do I know. This could be a harbinger of worse things to come.

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Try To Boot Up My Computer / NTDLR Is Missing

Jun 29, 2005

Whenever I try to boot up my computer, it says "NTDLR is missing." It just started doing this this morning, and it's been working fine. What might be the problem?

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Missing File Error When Attempt To Boot

Feb 6, 2008

Got this laptop with a missing file error when I attempt to boot up the OS (Win XP btw)

it says lsasrv.dll is the missing file I pop in the xp OS CD that the customer brought in with them, and go to do a repair

So I pop in the WinXP CD we have here at work, still no luck...

Any suggestions on getting that file back? I fear, even if I try to reformat the laptop, it wont help my missing file problem

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Boot Disk Failure: Two Files Are Missing?

Sep 6, 2010

i see this message comes on my screen that there is a boot failure and that two files are missing.i must then insert system disk and press enter,then the system goes through setup,after finishing this process it takes a good time for windows to get going.but my problem is when i closed windows and restart my computer iam getting the same message that i must insert system disk and press enter,can you say what is happening. i am using windows xp professional service pack 2

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Aug 30, 2007

It started with the NTLDR is missing error,so I load the recovery console and prepare to copy it to the drive when I notice ALL the boot files are missing, in fact every file on the root of C drive is gone.So I make a boot disk from my lap top copy the boot files to the disk and give this a try. Boots fine and seems to run perfect. Copy the boot files to the C drive, reboot numerous times, all good so I go home, leaving him the boot disk and showing him what to do just in case.

Next day same thing, What we seem to have determined is that the files seem to disappear later in the evening. I had him run all the pgms he normally does for a good while, quit the pgm and check C. The files are still there. after a few hours of fooling around he leaves PC on and goes watch TV. Comes back about 11:00pm to turn off PC, checks C drive and they're gone again. He re copies the files, shuts down and goes to bed.Next day PC boots fines before work, after work etc... BUT some time later in the evening it happens again.

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Looked In The C Drive / Missing Boot.ini File

Nov 23, 2009

I am running xp pro I am getting an error when I boot the Computer.Missing my Boot.ini File I looked in the c drive and the boot.ini is missing. I don't know how or were it went I tried to copy it over from an other computer running xp pro, but I can't copy it.
How can I get it back.without reloading the os

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System Wont Boot: Pci.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

Feb 22, 2007

As the title says my pci.sys in the system32drivers folder is missing or is corrupt, so I can't boot windows. The only possible solution is to start the recovery console and type:set AllowAllPaths = true expand d:i386pci.sy_ c:windowssystemdrivers32 If you don't type set AllowAllPaths = true you can't access the windows folder, thus I cannot fic the pci.sys. Well the problem is I don't have the Set command enabled, and It can only be enabled with MMC, but how the hell am I supposed to enable the Set command when I cant access MMC? Dilemma >.< don't wanna reinstall Windows XP again... So is there a way to get Set AllowAllPaths = true to work without MMC?

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System Wont Boot: Pci.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

Feb 21, 2007

I'm getting the System32driverspci.sys missing or corrupt message when trying to boot XP.Now, I've tried going to my recovery console and tryed "expand drive:i386pci.sy_ C:winntsystem32drivers /y" all I get is access denied. So then I re-booted from my XP disk and pressed enter to install windows xp. Now supposedly I sould get a repair "r" option, but I don't. It tells me I need to format to install. I guess when you recived that "r" option it will bring you the option of typing the admin passsword so I won't get the access denied message when I'm expanding.The bottom line is that there is one REALLY important folder I need of my C: drive and really don't care about anything else.

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Wierd Boot And Optical Drives Missing

Feb 9, 2008

When I boot my pc it freezes on the boot unless i press F10 and select my primary drive. If I press F2 to get into my bios it also freezes. Once I get into windows (booting slower then normal) I can not see my optical drives. The optical drives are showing in the device manager however.

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Boot Manager Is Missing Vista Removed

Sep 20, 2007

I did have XP and Vista on my PC, But I removed Vista ( I dont want it back just yet) I had the problem with Missing NTLDR and i fixed that, Now it says Bootmgr is missing press ctrl + alt + del to restart.I have used the good results at Gooooooogle and from what i have found its a vista thing with bootmgr.

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Home OS Boot - Missing File NTLDR

Jan 19, 2006

i booted up my other PC the other day and it wouldn't boot. i got the message 'missing NTLDR file press ctl-alt-del to reboot, and when i do the same message appears. i'm running a gen windows XP home OS.

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Damaged, Unable To Boot?

Oct 2, 2007

i created 2 partitions, in one i installed winxp 64, in the other i installed wxp 32, but after installing the 32 bits version and tried to boot into xp64 i got that message, ntoskrnl.exe missing or damaged whats the problem??? i can boot into the 32 bits version, but the 64 bits is damaged or something.

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Could Not Start File Missing / Corrupt Boot.ini

Jun 29, 2008

XP PRO SP2- Recieve the following message upon unsuccessful boot attempt. "WINDOWS COULD NOT START BECAUSE THE FOLLOWING FILE IS MISSING OR CORRUPT: <WINDOWS ROOT> SYSTEM32HAL.DLL (not yelling ) I have tried to boot from my xp pro cd to utilize the recover utility however the computer will not boot from the cd. I able to use a dos boot disk however my keyboard is USB and I cannot find USB drivers to work under dos, so I was unable to do anything at that point. It was my hope that I could work through dos to edit the boot.ini file.

I do not want to reinstall windows. If I have to I will place the hard drive in another computer as a slave and work on it that way but I'd rather not. The only other tower type computer I have other then laptops is running xp home SP2.

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Boot - File Missing Or Corrupt - WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

Dec 15, 2004

Windows couldnt start because following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select?r? at the first screen to start repair. what do do? takes me to repair consol and then? i tried to fixboot.

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