Missing File Error When Attempt To Boot

Feb 6, 2008

Got this laptop with a missing file error when I attempt to boot up the OS (Win XP btw)

it says lsasrv.dll is the missing file I pop in the xp OS CD that the customer brought in with them, and go to do a repair

So I pop in the WinXP CD we have here at work, still no luck...

Any suggestions on getting that file back? I fear, even if I try to reformat the laptop, it wont help my missing file problem

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Boot Up Error - Missing File

Mar 19, 2005

Recently, when booting up, I have been getting 2 error messages (both appear twice). They refer to files not found or missing but I cannot begin to identify the files - all that I see are a series of little squares: 7 in a row, then a space, then 14 more. I click on OK and away they go and everything else seems to procede normally. I have a Dell Dimension, Windows XP Home. A call to Dell was not encouraging - they recommended re-installing the system. Oh dear. I have Norton Firewall and Anti-Virus, Microsoft's new Anti-Spy, WinPatrol, AdAware and Spybot. I am FAIRLY confident that my system is clean, but then, who knows? I have run registry checks and let them do their business (I don't fool around with the registry on my own, I am not a trouble-maker). If I need to re-install, I will work up the courage to do so, but until then...maybe someone here has had some experience with these error messages. At least I would learn something new. For now, my system SEEMS to be working OK, but what do I know. This could be a harbinger of worse things to come.

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Boot Error- With Missing Or Corrupt File Toskrnl.exe

Jun 29, 2010

whenever I boot the system, I come up with the following message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>system32 toskrnl.exe re-install a copy of the above file. every time I try to boot the CD, the same error message occurs. I've already tried to change the boot order so the CD-ROM drive would be first. I have also selected the CD-ROM drive to be the boot device, but the message always pops up.

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Error On Boot Up Config File Corrupted / Missing

May 29, 2008

I get an error on boot up telling me that the config file is corrupted or missing. IT also states to please insert CD to try and repair this problem. Press "r" before the first screen. If I do that will it try and reinstall XP? Will I lose all my data?

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File Without Extension - Several Programs In Attempt To Identify File

Apr 24, 2008

I have a file without an extension that I need to a) Identify, and b) Recover/Open. It is 559 MB (586,412,032 bytes), and is suppose to be a backup of emails from Windows XP (Outlook Express) that was created by a friend of mine, although he has since forgotten how he created it. It did have a file extension at first, though I tried changing it to several others while trying to open it, and through the process, the original file extension has been lost. Since then, I have just deleted the file name altogether. I have tried several programs in an attempt to identify the file, though none of them worked. The programs I have tried are File Analyzer, TrIDNet, DaubNET: Identify! None of them could identify the file. All of my emails and contacts are in this file, and I really need them.

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Vista / Dual Boot Attempt Failed?

Nov 19, 2008

I had Windows Vista in my laptop. I thought of going for XP/Vista Dual Boot. I took XP CD and booted from it and installed XP in my D Drive (Vista was in C Drive). Later on I didn't see XP/Vista Dual Boot option so I modified boot.ini file and though I am able to see Vista option now but still Vista fails to boot. XP is booting fine.

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Getting Back Into OS After Failed Dual Boot Attempt?

Jul 9, 2009

i wanted to dual boot windows 7 with XP. I partitioned my HDD with the built in utility and waited for it to format. I then restarted my computer with the XP disc in the DVD-Drive and waited for it to install on my newly made partition. After it restarted for the first time i got a "Disk read error - Press CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart" and this continues to happen so i cannot get into windows.

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Root Error: File Is Missing Or Corrupt/ Reload The File?

Nov 23, 2007

When I turn my laptop on I get the following message The following file is missing or corrupt - please reload the file <windows root>system32hal.dall

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Dll File Missing / Can't Boot Up To My OS

Jun 10, 2007

I just reorganized my office. Everything was fine before but now I can't boot up to my OS (Windows xp). I get the following message and that's by itself on a black screen: Windows couldn't start because the following file is missing or corrupt. <windows root<system32hal.dll. Please reinstall.I'm using a Dell Dimension 2400. I've tried finding the file on the resource disk and in the XP installation disk. I've been online through another computer and found the dll but can't seems to install in on my Dell. I've tested everything through my resource disk and everything tests fine.

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Missing Or Corrupted Boot File

Oct 29, 2006

My computer is a Dell Inspiron 6000 running Microsoft XP Home. My machine did not ship with a XP Home setup CD so I cannot follow the windows prompt. I have heard about dell system restore CDs, however I'm not sure if one came with my machine, and if so where it is. If this is what I need can an ISO be downloaded anywhere online? I do know that there is some type of partition on my HD, however I'm not sure exactly what it consists of or how to find out.In case anyone asks, I cannot boot windows in safe mode. If possible I would like to try to repair this problem without a complete reformat and reinstall as my data is only partially backed up. Additionally I have considered the possibility that this issue is the result of a HD crash, however I am not sure how I would go about testing this. Lastly if a reformat and re-install is necessary is there anyway to backup "My Documents" without starting windows?

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Pro Install - Error Missing Ha1.dll File

May 17, 2006

I have a clean drive and trying to install XP Pro and I get near the end of the install i get an error message saying to reinstall windows rootsystem32ha1.dll. I have not found any real info on the internet other than comments about it being a common complaint.

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Missing File Error/cwindowskesenjangansosial.exe?

Jun 30, 2008

after booting my window xp home edition says, windows cannot find cwindowskesenjangansosial.exe. What is this. Well i dont know, i ve restore and it still repeate itself.

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Looked In The C Drive / Missing Boot.ini File

Nov 23, 2009

I am running xp pro I am getting an error when I boot the Computer.Missing my Boot.ini File I looked in the c drive and the boot.ini is missing. I don't know how or were it went I tried to copy it over from an other computer running xp pro, but I can't copy it.
How can I get it back.without reloading the os

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Home OS Boot - Missing File NTLDR

Jan 19, 2006

i booted up my other PC the other day and it wouldn't boot. i got the message 'missing NTLDR file press ctl-alt-del to reboot, and when i do the same message appears. i'm running a gen windows XP home OS.

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Could Not Start File Missing / Corrupt Boot.ini

Jun 29, 2008

XP PRO SP2- Recieve the following message upon unsuccessful boot attempt. "WINDOWS COULD NOT START BECAUSE THE FOLLOWING FILE IS MISSING OR CORRUPT: <WINDOWS ROOT> SYSTEM32HAL.DLL (not yelling ) I have tried to boot from my xp pro cd to utilize the recover utility however the computer will not boot from the cd. I able to use a dos boot disk however my keyboard is USB and I cannot find USB drivers to work under dos, so I was unable to do anything at that point. It was my hope that I could work through dos to edit the boot.ini file.

I do not want to reinstall windows. If I have to I will place the hard drive in another computer as a slave and work on it that way but I'd rather not. The only other tower type computer I have other then laptops is running xp home SP2.

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Boot - File Missing Or Corrupt - WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

Dec 15, 2004

Windows couldnt start because following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select?r? at the first screen to start repair. what do do? takes me to repair consol and then? i tried to fixboot.

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Boot Up - System File Is Corrupt Or Missing

Jan 2, 2005

When Windows XP boots up, an error message states that a system file is corrupt or missing. Which command scans Windows system files for missing or corrupt operating systems files and replaces them with the correct Microsoft versions?

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Boot Screen Goes Away - Missing The C:WindowsSystem32Kernel32.exe File

Aug 26, 2005

When i boot my pc, after login and the boot screen goes away, there is a window that comes and says that i am missing the C:WindowsSystem32Kernel32.exe file. Ive looked everywhere that i know of on the web and cant possibly find anything out about this damn thing or where to get another

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Dell Pc Missing System32 File - Won't Boot

Oct 1, 2007

We made the mistake of ordering Dell pcs for work (Never Again & we advise against it!) because they do not include Windows OS disks with the units. They include it on a partition of the HD: (-nice of them). Now one system will not boot up and it is completely out of the question to restore the system to it's original factory setting because of the monetary value of the files that will be lost.

Technically, all it's missing is the WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/... file(s) and on any "normal" pc, popping in the WinXP disc on boot and hitting "r" usually solves that problem. However, F5 and booting the system at its last working condition does not work. Thanks to Microsoft's security features, we cannot use another XP disc to fix this problem. And I will never contact Dell's support line since they've tried to charge us for technical support before they'd give us any help. And this was on a brand new pc that we just purchased. (For some reason did not boot up and they wanted to charge us in order to get it started! - Main reason I will NEVER purchase a computer from Dell ever again.... no CD's is the 2nd reason.) Anyway, the only option we have is to take it in for servicing or place the HD in a second pc.

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Crashed / Error - Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing

Apr 16, 2007

I am trying to fix a friend's computer. When starting up, I get the following error message:Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:


but I got an error that c:windowssystem32configsystem could not be copied because it could not be found. The computer has Windows XP SP2.

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Missing Dll File / Error Box Comes Up Saying Problem Loading Dll

Feb 9, 2009

Over a few days I had a virus, and used various scans, and now it's cleared out, but I seem to be missing a dll file.One that it said was infected (and deleted) was in WINSYS32QBIWF.dll The only thing I now notice, and don't know if it's connected, is when I open Yahoo instant messenger, and click on the name of the person I write to with this, a script error box comes up saying problem loading dll. And do I want to run scripts YES or NO? No matter what I check, the box opens, but, there is no scroll bar down the side of the box. Thus, when the conversation gets to the bottom, I have to close the IM box and reopen it again(blank) and start over.

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Error Missing / Corrupted File - SYSTEMMd

Feb 22, 2006

I have two partitions on the same drive and both had Win XP installed. I decided to reformat the second partition, and for no particular reason decided to install Win 2000 there. Now on boot up I get the normal boot.ini menu but if I choose XP I get an error that says Win 2000 has a missing or corrupted file: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMd……..SYSTEMd not a misprint! I hit reset and choose Win2000 at the boot menu and Win 2000 comes up OK . I tried to repair 2000 and I re-installed it but still get the same error. I tried modifying the boot.ini file but it didn't.

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WLDAP32.dll File Missing And Lsass.exe Getting Error?

Jan 20, 2009

When the computer tried to load into Windows I get a message saying that the WLDAP32.dll file is missing and that I need to install it. The computer will not load into any mode, including the Safe Mode. I then tried to load the file from the XP install disc and was told on a blue screen that Windows had to shut down due to not wanting to damage the computer. So, I cannot load into Windows in any mode and I cannot get the file from the Install CD.

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Corrupt Or Missing File Error?/Windowssystem32configsystem

May 3, 2006

I have an old computer with an Intel Celeron 467 MHz processor, 128 ram and I'm running Windows XP SP2. Earlier this week I came to turn on my computer, and could not log on to Windows. "Windows could not start because the follwing file is missing or corrupt Windowssystem32configsystem." I reinstalled XP. I couln't access the repair install. Then I thought maybe someone had gotten into my computer and I downloaded Zone Alarm...Big mistake. Since then my computer freezes, programs jam, I keep losing my internet connection,(DSL) and I get "cannot find server" messages. Its also slower as molasses in winter. A little better since the removal. Obviously Zone Alarm was removed and i went back to Windows firewall. I also use Ad-Aware, AVG, Spybot Search and Destroy, Spyware Blaster and I use Registry Mechanic and TuneUp Utilities.

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Wont Boot 32config System File Missing

Jul 31, 2009

Tried to boot my xp pro today and received the message windowssystem32configsystem file Missing.Pressed f8 key on start up but am unable to move the cursor to select anything. To top it all I dont have the windows boot disc as I bought pc second hand.

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Repair MFT - Missing SYSTEM File And Boot Stops?

May 7, 2007

I have tried FIXMBR, FIXBOOT and now trying to reinstall using the guide in another thread. I do not get the same R option when I get to the SETUP screen. It looks to me like it will fresh install XP and wipe everything. Originally I was getting missing SYSTEM file and boot stops. I found what I thought was the SYSTEM file and put it into the directory but it still will not boot. I just get another new error.

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Missing/corrupt File - Can't Boot - Need To Save Personal Files

Sep 26, 2005

I'm getting a WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM message all of a sudden!DESPERATELY need to copy some personal files somewhere before trying to restore / reformat

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Missing Dll File - Error - Mscoree.dll And Some Things Might Not Operate

Oct 8, 2007

I am helping a friend with his computer and after running norton systemworks it says that he is missing mscoree.dll and some things might not operate right without it. now that I have downloaded that file, where do I put it?

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Locate Missing Dll File / Error Loading C:windowsozuveseb.dll

Aug 12, 2010

I am running Windows Professional Service Pack 3. After starting or rebooting the PC, just before Windows completely finishes loading, I get a message stating "Error loading c:windowsozuveseb.dll"I can click past the message and work fine in Windows, but I'd like to resolve the problem.I'm assuming that "Error loading" means the file is missing. At least I cannot find it doing a search that includes hidden and system folder. I checked another XP machine, and ozuveseb.dll does not reside on that PC, either.how to determine what this file is, and where to find a replacement?

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Home Edition (hal.dll File Missing Or Corrupt) Error

Aug 22, 2005

I have a desktop pc with XP Home Edition. It's an HP and it looks like there are two operating systems on it. One is the regular XP Home Edition load and the other seems to be the Recovery one if you run the Recovery utility that HP offers at boot up. I'm not sure what to do to fix this. If I try to run the recovery from HP it says that some data might be lost which I do not want. Is there any way to fix this hal.dll file using some type of utility disk? Or any other way?

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