Blue Screen With AFW.sys Needed To Install The Windows Xp?

Sep 18, 2008

I tried to install windows xp professional. When it is installing the os in the blue screen. A pop up says. I tried to reinstall my windows xp because it couldnt boot up because it say that my drv.sbd got corrupted or missing file so i try to reinstall the os but problem popped up.The file AFw.Sys (unknown) is needed and they ask me to browse it for the path file but i cant find it nowhere. And then it says The exception unknown software exception (0XC0000409) occurred in the application at location 0X6976Ea96

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Blue Screen Of Death / Desperate Measures Needed

Oct 19, 2010

A while back i started getting the BSOD with UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME message about once every 3 or 4 times i booted up. Since then the problem has been getting gradually worse, and now my laptop won't boot up at all (apart from in Safe Mode).But nothing has helped. As reinstalling the OS and switching hard drives didn't fix it, i can be certain that it's a problem with a hardware component, so I've now got hold of a second, well-functioning laptop of the same model, and i figure that if i try switching one-by-one components from the bad laptop with components from the good laptop i will eventually be able to isolate the one that's causing the problem. Then when i've figured out which one's causing the problem i can replace it, and have 2 working laptops.

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Failure To Boot: Blue Screen Blinks/ Blank Screen/ Windows Dont Start?

Jun 20, 2008

When i turn on,first Windows screen appears,then a blue screen blinks,then hp screen,then a blank page with cursor on the top left,then a screen with the message"we apologise for the inconvinience but Windows did not start successfully.there was a hardware or software problem.I tried to run it in Safe mode, Windows normally,last known configuration but no luck......Then someone suggested to Get into the Recovery Console by making a Recovery CD with ISO image but the machine is not responding to any of it.Is it with CD/DVD ROM drive or any major hardware problem???...I ran a self hard drive test and it seemed fine

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Won't Install / Kept Ketting Blue Screen During Install

Apr 1, 2006

I have a problem installing XP. Here is a quick bit of history :When I initially installed XP, kept ketting blue screen during install. Took the PC back to the supplier and they 'changed something in the bios' and then it worked fine. Hard drive crashed.Have had to replace hard drive and during the process lost all BIOS settings. Managed to get an image of the drive onto new drive, but some files are corrupt, so tried to do a repair install of XP, but when it gets to the installing devices bit, the PC just reboots, installation restarts, gets to the installing devices bit and then the PC just reboots and so on.I'm assuming this is the same problem with the BIOS settings but I don't know what to change. It is an award BIOS and the motherboard is as GA-8S648FX.

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Getting Blue Screen When Loading Windows

Jul 30, 2008

so when i start my computer everything goes fine until, the windows xp screen comes up when it loads then the bar freezes and a blue screen pops up saying."check for any viruses. remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers check your hardrive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. it also says to check for hardrive corruption.the strange thing is, is that i can run bart pe tools and access my hardrive but i cant start my computer regular idk.

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Error - Windows I Get A Blue Screen

Apr 28, 2007

Almost every time when I shut down my computer from windows I get a blue screen for a less than a second and than my machine restarts.After that on the log on windows after pressing shut down button I manage to shut it down.This issue is from a long time.
But recently I have problems starting my PC.It is unable to start windows.I tried to restart it many times.Same result.Finaly after starting in safe mode which was also dificult (many tries) the Windows started normaly.What could I do stoping this and I 'd like to find out what is causing my PC problems?In my system event viewer the latest error is "system error" event 1003 with these parameters.

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Blue Screen With Windows Logo

Mar 18, 2006

I can't get pass the windows logo. I can't boot into safe mode, can't boot into last knowm configuration or boot to a crompt. I don't have a recovery disc. Can anybody help?

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Blue Screen - Suggested Re-installing Windows

Jul 15, 2005

For some time now a computer that I have has been constantly restarting, freezing or I had a look at it and he can't see any problems. suggested re-installing windows so I tried that, low and behold enter the Blue Screen, It has an error message
USBPORT.SYS - Address F83DB50D

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Blue Screen Of Death Crash - Windows Starts Up Normally

Oct 20, 2007

windows starts up normally, i just log on and do nothing at all, everything is normal for about an hour or so ,then BOOM, screen goes black and the system crashes with a nasty blue screen it clearly indicates a registry error, i've been told not to mangle with the registry, i have made a registry backup prior to upgrading to WMA 11 though.

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Blue Screen Error Along With Windows Security Alert?

Feb 7, 2010

The computer would load with large icons and large screen. after that the windows security alert comes up. RIght now its doing a total system scan. It says 156 total objects infected. If i purchase the malwarebytes anti malware will that fix the security alert along with the blue screen error? Thank you guys in advance... o .. and i have read the other posts that is why im running the malware.. but if i need to know anything else

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Blue Screen Eroor On Startup: Reinstalling Windows?

Jul 7, 2010

Using XP Home. Have Professional to try too which hasn't worked. OK, so about a month ago, I started getting BSOD, more and more regularly, until my computer wont start. So naturally, I try and reformat and reinstall. BSOD. So, I took it apart, put it back together, tried to reinstall, BSOD.

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Blue Screen, Hangs At Agpcpq.sys, Ever Since Windows Update?

May 27, 2007

This morning it tells me it has recovered from a serious error, but after about 5 minutes of seemingly normal usage, it briefly flashed some kind of blue screen error (no way in hell I could read it)Now it is constantly asking for a chkdsk, I let it run and all appears OK... but when I get to the login screen the display starts to look weird like there are lines running through it, and it promptly flashes the same blue screeen and starts all over again.

I have been able to briefly get into safe mode, tried a system restore but when I went to reboot the processes started all over again. PLEASE NOTE that getting into safe mode takes some patience.... it hangs FOREVER when loading the agpCPQ.sys driver, and sometimes just goes ahead and reboots on it's own.. TWICE so far today I have managed to get into safe mode, but only for a few minutes before it reboots and starts over.

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Blue Screen While Installing Windows Xp: Changed HDD Config?

Sep 7, 2008

when i get my Dell Inspiron E1705 to boot from my windows xp cd it goes through the screen where xp is trying install all the raid drivers etc.. before i can actually access my two hard drives delete them and create a new partion. right when its about to get to that screen i get the blue screen of death. well i have been reading around i read that going into my bios and changing my hard drive config to sata auto detect will fix my problem.

well i went into my bios and i do not have any sort of options when it comes to my system to hard drive configuration so im assuming if i do not have this feature or option that i have a IDE hard drive not sata. so if this is my situation how do i get my computer to stop going to the blue screen of death before i get to the screen where i can delete my partion

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Can't Even Start Up Computer / Get Blue Screen As Windows Starts Up

Apr 10, 2007

What happens for me is I can't even start up my computer because i get the blue screen as windows starts up. I don't know if my hard drive is still going to work or not. Anybody know what to do?

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Computer Boots Up To Blue Windows Setup Screen

Sep 16, 2005

A while back I tried to reload the entire WinXP and start from scratch due to some viruses and what not. Before I could complete the process, I decided to try to fix the problems one last time. It Worked. Now when I turn the computer on It automatically directs me to a blue windows setup screen. In order to start WinXP I must manually select windows in the three second time limit.How do I get my computer to automatically start windows at start up?

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Get Blue Screen Saying Windows Have Been Shut Down To Avoid Damage

Jan 18, 2008

I am facing problem is starting my laptop.I get a blue screen saying windows have been shut down to avoid damage.And then it says 'UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME'and says this is caused due to new software or hardware installed. I have not installed any such application/software or hardware. So I dont know whats causing this problem.Can someone please help me at the earliest I am stuck badly.I need to work from home but my laptop is not working.

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Blue Screen Of Death After Re-install

Nov 10, 2009

Decided to do the semi annual reinstall of XP. Machine was lethargic but not broken.Prior to starting had reassembled the latest drivers for motherboard, video card, printers, mouse etc and put on a USB stick..All went pretty smoothly but after about 6 hours started getting BSOD The only thing thats changed is software the last thing it did was 71 updates from Microsoft! I have searched other posts but what can I DO about the 'problem'.I have done all the obvious - chkdsk, scan for virus etc etcI cant roll back as it will pretty much take a single jump back to an unformatted drive.If I reinstall why whould I expect a different result ? (unless the order of updates is significant)

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Blue Screen On Clean Install

Jun 24, 2006

I recently acquired the computer listed in my specs, and was having 10 second freezes when running programs or just exploring the hard drive. I have XP Pro SP2. I figured it might be windows or something so I tried running a clean install. Just after it asks for SCSI or RAID drivers at the bottom it freezes and then blue screens on me saying "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer... blah blah blah, error code STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF7CAE524,0x00000C34,0x00000000,0x00000000). So I ran the Windows disk checker after booting in my original XP Pro SP2 and it gave me the same blue screen. AFAIK I have 2 Western Digital 74GB HDs in RAID 0 configuration... I surmise RAID 0 was installed incorrectly or I have a bum hard drive.

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Unable To Install - Blue Screen

Aug 4, 2008

I have a PC that has had Vista on it and am trying to install XP. I connected the drive to my other XP machine to back up some data from it and then used disk management to format it (NTFS). When I tried to install XP (SP2) from the CD it kept going to a blue screen. The blue screen says it has stopped windows due to a problem and give the stop code - *** STOP: 0x0000007B (0XF7CAE524, 0xC0000034, 0X0000000, 0X0000000)

I tried deleting the partition to see if the Windows disk would make it to the format but the same thing happened. It's a SATA drive that I am using.

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Blue Screen - Install DSL Service

Dec 11, 2004

Not sure how much info you need, so I'll start at the beginnig.I'm trying to install my DSL service, but everytime I got to account setup, a technical error popped up and told me to try again later.I tried downloading internet explorer, but it only works when I'm using a separate internet provider (aol).Aside from me not being able to log on with my dsl, everything was fine.I also tried downloading the updates for my computer, but my explorer froze, so I restarted.This brings me to my biggest problem:After I restarted my computer, when my desktop was loading, a blue screen popped up that said physical memory dump.Remove all newly added hardware, and delete newly added software.Try restarting your computer, if this screen appears again, run system diagnostics utility supported by your hardwear manufacturer.Run memory check.0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000

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Display Blue Screen After Install Sp2

Sep 10, 2005

I'm having a problem with this computer that I removed a bunch of spyware and viruses from. Basically the issue is at the same point every time I attempt to install SP2 it blue screens on me. There are no errors in event viewer when I reboot for that exact time it blue screened. I'm wondering what could be causing this. I've already check and made sure it wasn't faulty ram. Any other ideas what may be causing this system to blue screen at the same exact point each and every time I try to install SP2? Only with
SP2, I can browse the net etc all the time without any issues.

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Running Windows XP Home Edition Having Crash: Blue Screen

Mar 15, 2010

I am running Windows XP Home Edition, and I have recently been having frequent crash errors. Everything seems to be running fine and suddenly the screen goes blue and a long message shows that said that the computer is shutting down to prevent a crash.

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New HP Laptop Which Had Windows 7 Pre-installed / Tried Installing XP / Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 23, 2010

Have a new HP laptop which had Windows 7 pre-installed. I couldn't get on with it so I tried installing XP but all I got was the "Blue Screen of Death" telling me that Windows had detected an error and had shut down. I tried again with the same result so I tried installing Linux (Ubuntu). This went on fine and so I tried XP again. Still the blue screen of death. XP will not install and I would be grateful for any help anyone can give to an oldie.

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Attaching 2 USB Devices Causes Windows Crash With Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 1, 2009

When I plug my USB interfaced memory card, I can easily access it through my .NET program but when I connect another memory card with USB interface my system immediately crashes with blue screen of death.What can be the reason(s) and also how to get read of these problem?

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Acer Laptop WIn Re-install Blue Screen

Oct 19, 2009

I am reinstalling Xp and I am getting this blue screen error message

(0xc000001d, 0x806e5049, 0x80550280, 0x00000000)

The computer is an Acer laptop 5610

how can i solve this problem?

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Pro 64bit Blue Screen Of Death At Install

Apr 2, 2008

I just tried to install XP Pro x64 on my Dell XPS 720 PC. After it loads all the drivers, it crashes with a blue screen, giving me an error message. I tried to reset my BIOS to factory defaults, which screwed it up entirely and now I have to reinstall my original operating system (same, just 32bit) too, though I worried because the setup doesn't seem to recognise the entire size of my hard drive, or the other partitions. It gave me a BAD PBR as I tried to boot normally.I had my hard drive partitioned with Norton Partition Magic, maybe this caused it? Please can you advise how to fix this!

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Blue Screen Of Death After Re-install Home

Nov 8, 2009

Decided to do the semi annual reinstall of XP after boot time got up to 9 mins and shutdown got to 5 mins.So nothing was really broken.Its a no-brand desktop machine based on GA-M55Plus motherboard. Have a main disk SATA II and two more in a Raid-0 array.Prior to starting had reassembled the latest drivers for motherboard, video card, printers, mouse etc and put on a USB stick..Disconnected the Raid array, blew away the partition on the main disk and installed XP from original media (which has SP2 included)

All went pretty smoothly but after about 6 hours started getting BSOD - its still too quick to read KERNEL something.along with the advice to uninstall recent additions / drivers etc.This happens after a few minutes or a few hours.Well the last thing it did was 71 updates from Microsoft!! (Including the cursed IE-8 which had previously caused grief on this machine)I can think of two things that have changed since before.

1. the 'latest' drivers
2. the order things were applied

Can you help with any advice as to the order things should be installed.
Whilst waiting for MS to get around to delivering updates I was installing the drivers etc. Starting with the chipset and video drivers.So is it best to wait hours to days for MS to deliver all the junk? (without the mobo drivers its a bit average)Can you get an image of XP with SP3 included - better yet all the 71 other vitally important updates? Do you think it would help to wind back the auto installed updates and try and get them in small chunks?(and why cant you download once and use many times!)

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HD Space Would Be Needed To Install NT Server 4.0?

Apr 11, 2008

How much HD space would be needed to install NT server 4.0 and all of it's service packs? Best guesses are also welcomed and more than 1 response as well.

Also, How long should it take for Pentium 4 PC running XP Pro take to boot up?

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SP2 Install BSOD: Blue Screen With 0x0000008E Error?

May 5, 2007

Whenever I try to reinstall Windows via CD boot up or desktop, I get the following BSOD, All error codes are from one "Blue Screen 0x0000008E 0XC0000005 0X77520892 0XF700AA1C 0X000000000 This BSOD appears between the switch over from Windows loading basic startup drivers etc to the Blue GUI screen where you would choice to repair or new install.Even after I remove All the hardware such as video, sound etc cards, along with changing out hard drives and connecting only 1 CD drive

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Install On SATA From Vista - Blue Screen Error

Jul 30, 2007

i read a very similar problem on this forum searching for a clue to get xp running. i recently bought a gateway GM5478, that came pre-loaded with vista, some programs that i need to run now aren't compatible with it yet so i need to downgrade. i've tried using nLite to create a xp boot disc with the drivers integrated but it failed twice, resulting in the same blue screen error. the drivers im trying to use are:

ive also thought about purchasing a usb external floppy but i read that only three types are accepted during the xp install process and i couldn't find any of them online.

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Justa Gives Blue Screen- Install A New Hard Drive On My Laptop?

May 14, 2007

I just got a new WD hard drive for my latitude D600. I try to install XP but it keeps loading and giving me a blue screen.

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