How To Completely Disable Right Charm Menu

May 17, 2014

I am doing a demo for my brothers highschool and need to LOCK DOWN windows 8.

First off I need to completely disable the right charm menu. The menu if you were to swipe left from the right hand side of a monitor.

Then the task bar if you were to swipe from the left hand side of a monitor. The thing is I can use taskkill /im /f whatever.exe to kill the process but the recent app sticks in the menu.

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Apps / Software :: How To Disable Charm Bar

Oct 18, 2013

A lot of the times I swipe from right to left and the charms bar pops up, when this happens I usually accidentally select something from the bar, then I get angry have to click desktop every time.

I google searched it and I found nothing useful. I already tried turning it off through classic shell, edited registrar keys, but neither of them work.

Am I the only one who sees this as a bad flaw design?

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Classic Shell Doesn't Actually Disable Charm Bar

Jan 22, 2013

So, i have installed classic shell, newest version, to add start menu, disable charm bar. But, this program doesnt actualy disable them, it just visually removes things, i still can open charm bar with shortcuts, like with touchpad - i have to cross though touchpad a little bit from the very right to left, and charm bar opens ... So, how to disable these shortcuts ?

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Windows 8.1 Disable Search Bar Completely?

Sep 15, 2014

When i play games or do other full screen stuff, and when i press alt+tab to go to desktop, it shows "search pane" and opens me charm bar with search bar only in it... I have classic shell installed, i have disabled all that broken metro stuff, from hot corners, charm bar, to start screen, but that search bar just doesnt go away, how to completely remove it ?

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Security :: DP Doesn't Disable UAC Completely?

Sep 17, 2011

this tweak has been floating around but didn't spot it here on EF so just a heads up. This is for those of you who disable UAC on their systems and have been getting annoyed that DP doesn't disable UAC completely even though the slider is pulled all the way down and the user is Admin.

So, just open regedit and locate this key.


In the right pane look for EnableLUA and modify its value to 0. Close regedit.


Disclaimer: This is not meant to encourage people to ditch UAC or even to use this method. Peeps who disable UAC are expected to know their way around.

Warning Setting the EnableLUA to 0 will make all metro apps stop working until you set it back to 1 and restart the computer.

See here instead: User Account Control (UAC) - Change Settings in Windows 8

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Security :: How To Completely Disable Windows Defender

Aug 27, 2013

So I've been running the 8.1 Pro Preview since it went live, and I gotta say, I'm pretty happy with it overall, one thing that's bothering me though is that I can't seem to find a way to disable Windows Defender completely through either gpedit.msc or services.msc (it's grayed out).

In 8.0 there was a setting for disabling Defender completely through gpedit.msc, now in 8.1 they added a bunch of new settings in the Defender tab but none that clearly states the disabling of Defender, maybe I'm missing something here?.

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Hardware Drivers :: How To Disable Camera Completely

Nov 13, 2013

I've seen tutorials for disabling the Camera on the Lock Screen, but how do I disable the camera completely?

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Security :: How To Disable Windows Firewall Completely

Sep 15, 2014

Whether or not it is possible to turn the Windows Firewall completely off, so that it does not turn itself on, whenever I join a new public network?

I have tried the following command in the command prompt: "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off", which should do the trick, but doesn't. It was run in administrator mode, so that's not the problem.

The reason that I need this done is, that I play as a DJ using Rekordbox connected to the mixer, through an ethernet cable. Now, for some reason my computer identifies this as a public network, every time I connect the 2 devices and then turns on the Windows Firewall (which blocks the computer and mixer from communicating, which is BAD!).

Every time it activates itself, I have to go into the control panel and turn it back off, which is sort of tedious...

I do have my own antivirus and firewall software installed, so I need the Windows part completely off.

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Charm Search Is Very Slow?

Dec 5, 2013

Since 8.1 I've noticed that Charm search is extremely slow.

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Drag Files From Charm To Desktop?

Sep 30, 2012

in windows 7 when we click on start menu and serach a program , we can drag that into desktop or other ways.
but in charm bar in win 8 how can we do that after searching?

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All Apps And Charm Bar Missing From Desktop

Mar 8, 2014

It is a HP Pavilion. When I power up the machine it opens to "what I presume is the Desktop" OK. However there is only the clock, Wi-Fi and Batt/ACicon on the screen. There are no Apps showing, no Charm Bar and no keyboard shortcuts work at all. If I click any place on the screen it opens to a gmail sign in page and that is it.

I probably should also mention that I get nothing hovering my mouse in the lower right corner. Now the clincher is that this is his wife's machine and she can't remember the PW for this gmail account. So I can't even sign into it tosee if that even brings me anyplace beyond the gmail account.

One thing I did notice was that an automatic update did download itself while I was writing this. I shut down and let them load and restart hoping maybe all would be well on the restart. Not that lucky.

Did I mention he did not receive a disc with themachine nor was he in tuned to create a Rescue Disc. How to get him out of this jam.

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Charm Bars Suddenly Disappear

Mar 29, 2014

Out of nowhere my charm bars will disappear and even the right-click on the windows symbol on the bottom left corner doesn't work anymore. I then have to ctrl+alt+del and sign out then sign in again then things magically go back to normal.

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Search Charm Does Not Find Files

Sep 5, 2012

Running window 8 pro and cant search for files from the search charm. apps and settings searches work great.

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Windows 8 Laptop - Charm Bar Doesn't Work?

Dec 31, 2012

I am live on my Windows 8 lappy having connected to this machine using RDC on my Win7 Boot Camp installation. I ended up on the Windows 8 Desktop since the Windows 8 machine was on the Desktop when I connected via RDC. The charm bar doesn't work (or at least I can't get it to work)--which probably doesn't come as a big surprise. I am trying to figure out how to navigate between the Windows 8 Desktop and Metro, including the charms. How to get this basic task done? The main problem is that I have not yet figured out key combinations that will do the job.

By way of explanation, my Windows 8 (older) HP lappy is a bit clunky compared to a MacBook Pro (MBP). I was hoping to use Windows 8 via the MBP because it is a much nicer machine from which to work. I first tried to get the desired navigation going via Mt. Lion/RDC, but had no luck. I thought things might work better if I connected to the Windows 8 machine through my MBP Win 7 Boot Camp installation using RDC, but I still am having no luck with the basic navigation I am trying to accomplish.

PS I am not interested in running Windows 8 virtually on either MBP installation.

PSS Perhaps I need to do more preparation on the Windows 8 lappy, e.g., make a shortcut or a taskbar pin that will take me to Metro, etc.

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Lost Track Of Start Page And Charm Bar?

Apr 5, 2013

I just got a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and I've lost track of the Start page (I guess they call it Metro), the one with Start up on the left and all the tiles, including the one for Desktop...gone.

Also I don't get the Charm Bar with a swipe, or any other movement for that matter. It opens up to a page with 4 tiles: Weather, Media Hub, Music Hub and Game Hub. I can tap to a page with Apps, a bunch of apps, but no Start Page or Charm Bar.

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Change 8.1 Search Charm To Behave Like 8.0 Version

Nov 27, 2013

I'm sure Microsoft thought they were solving problems by completely changing the search functionality in Windows 8.1. However, I can't possibly be the only person who thinks they've ruined one of the best features of Windows 8, can I?

Before the upgrade, I could start typing in the Start screen, then select where I wanted to search (for example, I could click an app in the list to search within that app, or select files or settings etc.). Furthermore, apps would make use of the search charm, instead of having a search box on-screen all the time. This all made sense - a beautifully simple way to access the function in all apps. In 8.1 there are search boxes stuck on the screen in various locations. Two examples are: Mail, with the search box at the top of the list of emails on the left side, and Wikipedia, with the search box over on the right.

This elegant search function has been overhauled for the worse, IMO. Now, to search the Wikipedia app (for e.g.), I have to first load the app, and then search with the search box, which has added a step. And the universal search now brings up an annoying separate app with all the results across several areas for me to wade through.

OK, rant over. I'm sure many people actually like the new way, and that's fine. But is there any way to restore the old way without downgrading the OS?

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Tablets :: Disabling Charm Bar Appearing With Touch Screen Swipe?

Jul 31, 2013

I've read quite a few posts concerning the charm bar (read: disabling it). These posts all seem to focus around the touchpad settings.

However, what I want is to make sure the charm bar doesn't appear when I'm (right edge) swiping my touch screen.

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Lenovo Y580 - Not Displaying Wireless Network In Networks Charm

Mar 8, 2013

My Lenovo y580 is connected to my wireless network but no other wireless ever show up in the Networks Charm. My wireless network that I am connected is not displayed either. This does not allow me to pick up any new networks when I leave my home. I have tried a lot of basic things but nothing seems to work.

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Remove Keyboard / Brightness Icons In Settings Charm Panel?

May 19, 2014

what I want to do is remove the inactive (and thus un-needed) brightness control and keyboard control icons in the Settings Charm panel.

These icons appear on the right side of the six available icons in the Settings Charm (Windows + I for shortcut).

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Enable Confirm Window On Deletion - Stop Start Menu From Switching To Menu View And Change Taskbar Transparency

Mar 30, 2014

I've recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 8.1 pre-installed. First question is how do i enable a confirm window to pop up when deleting something? I don't like how i can just hit delete and it moves it (Only to the recycle bin, but i'd rather it didn't).

Secondly how do i stop the start menu from switching to that Windows 8 menu view? I did originally change it so that when you click the start menu (Bottom left in) it would actually bring up the start menu, but it seems to have reverted. On top of this how do i change it so that pressing the Windows button brings up the start menu rather than the Windows 8 menu view thing?

Thirdly how do i enable file details when in Windows Explorer. So in Windows 7 when you select a file it would give the size, name, author, date last edited etc in the details pane. How do i get that now?

Finally, how do i change my task bars transparency?

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How To Make Task Menu Launch From Start Menu

Jun 14, 2013

When you launch skype from the startmenu it is a huge square, when i launch task manager from the startmenu it is launched to the desktop.

Could there be a way to make the task menu launch from the startmenu to be a big square like skype is "phone eddition"

This would be useful because when im in games and the game freezes, i can bring up the start menu like SUPER FAST and it is visible but when i launch the task manager it is behind the game no matter what, so im always pressing the key stroke of the first letter of the game and pressing delete to see if i closed the game or not.

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Change Menu Background Color In Win 8.1? NOT Start Menu

Jun 22, 2014

I actually have no problem with the Win 8.1 Start menu, but the colors of the regular desktop environment are killing me. Namely, the weird, off-off white of the menus. The High-Contrast White option under Personalization gives me the right color for the menu backgrounds but everything else about the theme screams windows 3.1, so I'd rather not resort to using that.

Is there maybe a registry tweak that I can use to change this one little color? I've tried a few things but nothing so far has worked.

See attached pic to see what I'm talking about.

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Permissions Completely Disabled?

Nov 2, 2012

I cannot even save a generic file to my "C" drive. Even after a clean install.

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Start Menu / App Right Click Menu Not Working

May 22, 2014

Im referring to this bottom menu; when I right click my app/programs, nothing pops up below. I also cant rearrange tiles, groups and stuff.

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Windows 8.1 Will Not Completely Power Off Randomly?

Nov 22, 2013

My computer won't power off completely, SOMETIMES, i'm going nuts here.

Here are my system specs:
ASUS Forumla IV latest BIOS
2x4 2333 GB RAM
1 SSD & 4 HDD
Creative ZXR SB

using latest drivers for all the above

sometimes the PC power off completely when i shutdown, sometimes not, the screen would go black but the power won't get turned off, the fans are still spinning and no BSOD...I have to either hard reset or hold the power button to turn it off.

I tried resetting CMOS, turning on and off the Fast boot feature in power options

With or without overclocking

Is there anyway to diagnose or investigate what is causing the PC not to power off completely?

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Laptop Doesn't Shut Down Completely?

Jan 14, 2014

when I shut down my laptop, it never finishes. The screen turns off after showing "shutting down", but my back-lit keyboard and the leds never turn off. It happens like 10% of the times.

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Windows 8 64 Bit - System Will Freeze Completely?

Jun 15, 2013

I just completed a brand new build and then installed Windows 8 64 bit on the brand new PC. It installed without problems and boots up ok. But while in windows, The screen will go black for a few moments on occasion, then the no video input message comes up, then after a few moments the screen will come back. Happens randomly. Also, the system will freeze - either for a few moments and then come back, or it will feeeze completely and i have to force power down with power switch. Also, I was online and trying to download and the system was stuttering - I could literally hear the hard drive make a stuttering noise. And my progress bar on screen would pause for split seconds at a time.

I have not yet installed any software, but the Nivida software automaticaly installed when windows was setting up. Here are the specs of my new build:

Asus P8Z77-V Mobo
Intel i5 3570K unlocked CPU
Xigmatek Durin D982 heatsink/fan for CPU

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Maintenance :: System Memory Not Used Completely

Nov 22, 2013

I have Windows 8.1 x64 installed. In the task manager, it shows me that 35% Memory is used. Now, when I add up all the Memory MB's within the task manager it goes to around 1100MB maximum.. On my machine, I have 8GB RAM and it also shows the same in the system about window since I have the 64-bit windows installed.

Doing a quick calculation of (1200/8000)*100 = 15..So, my system memory should display 15% used. Then why is it still showing around 37%? I have also tried running virus scans but have no infections as such... Also, one of the biggest memory hoggers is the 'Service Host: Local System'.

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Computer Completely Freezes When Gaming

Jan 1, 2014

I recently upgraded both my motherboard to an Asus M5a99FX PRO R2.0 and my CPU to an AMD FX 8350 and I've been experiencing some complete freezes playing games like Battlefield 4, Shadow Warrior and Skyrim. In my old build (with a Gigabyte 880GM-USB3L and a Phenom II x4 955BE) the same games would perform okay and I never really experienced any crashes or freezes.

The problem now is that at what are apparently random intervals no longer than 15 minutes during gaming my cpmputer will completely freeze, audio stops, I cannot open the task manager and I even tried toggling Caps Lock and the LED on my keyboard wouldn't toggle. I would leave it stuck there for a couple of minute but nothing would happen, forcing me to hard reset the system.

I can use the computer for regular browsing and video streaming (I think I can alsop play some older games without freezing) without freezes too, which is kind of odd.

My PC specs would be:
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bitMobo: Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0CPU: AMD FX-8350 (not overclocked)GPU: Nvidia GTX 660Ti GC 3GB (not overclocked either)Memory: 2 modules of some 4GB Kingston KVR1333D3N9/4G
PSU: Thermaltake TR2 RX 650W
HDD: Seagate ST2000DM001 (2TB)

So far what I've done to try to find a solution to the freezing is rolling back video drivers, then installing the most recent ones again, upgrading to the most recent version of the BIOS for my mobo and my chipset drivers, I've checked the connections on the mobo to make sure everything is installed fine, I've reseated the RAM and the GPU, I've run 2 cycles of memtest86+ to find no errors, I've also run Furmark's GPU burner and CPU burner (both for about 20 minutes) and I haven't crashed on them. My temperatures also don't get too excessive (CPU does't go over 43C and my GPU doesn't go over 64C). I also removed the Realtek Audio drivers and the freezing persisted.

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PC Shutting Down But Won't Turn Power Completely Off

Mar 3, 2012

When Windows 8 is shutting down, it won't turn power completely off. The HD-led is lighting allthough the power-led has turned off. If I then press powerbutton, nothing happens. I have to take power-cable out of the wallsocket, wait about 20 seconds until the HD-led turns off. After that I can again turn my PC on as normal.

Booting into Windows 7, and letting it shut down, it works normally.

Is this a driver issue with my mobo? (ASUS P7P55D-E) ...

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Apps / Software :: How To Sure Java Is Completely Uninstalled

Feb 22, 2014

My computer came with Java installed by default and I uninstalled it, how can I be sure it's 100% uninstalled from my computer? Also I don't think this means Java is on my computer necessarily but in web browsers I notice Java, does that mean Java is on my computer?

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