It is a HP Pavilion. When I power up the machine it opens to "what I presume is the Desktop" OK. However there is only the clock, Wi-Fi and Batt/ACicon on the screen. There are no Apps showing, no Charm Bar and no keyboard shortcuts work at all. If I click any place on the screen it opens to a gmail sign in page and that is it.
I probably should also mention that I get nothing hovering my mouse in the lower right corner. Now the clincher is that this is his wife's machine and she can't remember the PW for this gmail account. So I can't even sign into it tosee if that even brings me anyplace beyond the gmail account.
One thing I did notice was that an automatic update did download itself while I was writing this. I shut down and let them load and restart hoping maybe all would be well on the restart. Not that lucky.
Did I mention he did not receive a disc with themachine nor was he in tuned to create a Rescue Disc. How to get him out of this jam.
in windows 7 when we click on start menu and serach a program , we can drag that into desktop or other ways. but in charm bar in win 8 how can we do that after searching?
Well, last night, I had noticed that there was no desktop tile and if I typed "desktop" on the start screen there was no app for it Also, "Change PC Settings" wasn't starting. My guess is that it did that because I had a really hard time uninstalling a program so I had to try going by means of registry editing. So I ended up refreshing my computer (from the installation disc since PC settings wasn't working ) Now everything is back to normal. So all I want to know is how I can prevent this from happening again.
A lot of the times I swipe from right to left and the charms bar pops up, when this happens I usually accidentally select something from the bar, then I get angry have to click desktop every time.
I google searched it and I found nothing useful. I already tried turning it off through classic shell, edited registrar keys, but neither of them work.
Am I the only one who sees this as a bad flaw design?
When I click "desktop" from the Windows 8 tiles, it usually takes me to my desktop and icons. It brings me to a purple screen with only the windows logo in the lower left corner. I do not get a pop up menu when I right click on the desktop. All other users have their desktop icons. Restarted the computer didn't work. Ran MBam with no problems, AVG working, no viruses.
Changed display settings to get it to "refresh" but that didn't work. I verified it is only displaying on one monitor. I think I've tried just about everything I have found on the web, but nothing has restored my desktop icons. I basically don't have a "desktop" as I cannot right click to add new icons. It is more than just not displaying my icons.
My parents borrowed my laptop, and somehow deleted the desktop app that brings up your desktop from the new Windows 8 start menu.
I've tried to get it back but it looks like they deleted it right from the computer, is there any way to get it back?
There is usually a big rectangle that says desktop, and when you click it your desktop comes up, but we can't seem to figure out how to find it and put it back!
I've got the weirdest thing going on today...I go to sign out my wife from her account on our Windows 8 desktop and login in to mine (administrator) and it logs in...except there isn't anything to see except Start on the left and my name on the right. Not a single icon...when I right click and select all apps....nothing.
I was able to get to tasks and got to the "desktop" and was able to use the computer...I'm typing on it now. But the main screen is completely missing!
I signed out and checked my wife's login and all the app icons are problem. I go back to mine and it's completely empty.
I went to do a system restore thinking something big must be wrong and the system restore says it can't access a file. The whole system was freshly loaded about two weeks ago and doesn't have any strange software fact, I think iTunes is about the only non-stock software that has been added, but even then, iTunes worked fine.
Why is my main screen missing everything, but not on another account on the same desktop?
Is there a way to point Windows to the proper file? Also, system restore from within Windows is not working, but I do have original HP restore disks to use if I get completely desperate...
When I was on Windows 8 I could install an app from the store and it would automatically put a tile for it on the start screen. After upgrading to 8.1 it stopped doing that. Now after I install an app I have to search for it and right click and tell it to pin to the start. Is there any way to have a tile automatically put on the start screen after install with 8.1?
So upon entering desktop from initial startup, all my icons are missing. The loading symbol shows if i move my cursor over the taskbar at the bottom. If I CTRl-ALT-DEL and signout i takes a minute but than i can sign in and it works fine. Im not getting any BSOD and this occurs about 1/3rd of the time. Also resetting does not solve the issue. I couldn't find anything about blank/empty desktop screens via google.
I have just updated my windows 8 pc and it asked me about selecting my browser, I choose internet explorer. However I have now gone onto my desktop part of my laptop and the internet explorer icon has disappeared. I can still get on through the windows 8 side of things but I want the icon back on the desktop.
I am trying to install a graphics card in my desktop pc. The heat sink on the card blocks the SATA port that the DVD drive is plugged into (SATA1) so I've switched the DVD drive to SATA2. The drive is now showing as connected to port2 in the BIOS, but in windows (Windows 8 64-bit) it isn't detecting the DVD drive at all? I've seen other posts about this on the internet suggesting to add a line to the registry, but I've done that and it doesn't solve the problem.
I'm a new Win 8.1 user trying to setup a more normal looking desktop on my wife's new laptop.
In an attempt to populate the desktop toolbar with apps on the start page, I found it can't be done as explained in the tutorial. Either when I touch/hold the app icon, or right mouse click, the app is checked and the bottom application bar appears. However, on the app bar my only choices are: "Unpin from Start", "Uninstall", or "Find in Start". I'm not given the option of "Pin to taskbar". I also don't see the choices: "Open new window", "Run as admin", or "Open file location" that I see in an example under that tutorial.
I'm running this account in admin mode. The most recent Windows update was 5/2014, with no new updates available when checked today. Is there something wrong or a control panel setting I need to enable to see the other choices?
I right click on the .exe file in the file manager and select Pin to Start Menu. The Tile appears and works. However, the next time I log on that tile has disappeared. What's happening?
Out of nowhere my charm bars will disappear and even the right-click on the windows symbol on the bottom left corner doesn't work anymore. I then have to ctrl+alt+del and sign out then sign in again then things magically go back to normal.
I am doing a demo for my brothers highschool and need to LOCK DOWN windows 8.
First off I need to completely disable the right charm menu. The menu if you were to swipe left from the right hand side of a monitor.
Then the task bar if you were to swipe from the left hand side of a monitor. The thing is I can use taskkill /im /f whatever.exe to kill the process but the recent app sticks in the menu.
I was working on desktop mode and suddenly my screen went black. After about 4 seconds everything returned to normal but when I went to the Start screen all of my application tiles were missing. Except for Desktop & Store tiles, all the others had disappeared. I tried to search the missing apps and pin it to Start but it cannot be found. They wont even show in All apps.
I don't think the apps are deleted because from desktop I can open image/audio files with Photos and Music app.
Not sure if the problem maybe a result of me accidently changing the AppData folder to visible a couple of minutes earlier.
Apparently there's supposed to be a checkbox that reads "Show store apps on taskbar" but that isn't there! I have a version of Windows 8.1 that doesn't have this option. I really liked this feature. This worked for me until I installed a fresh installation of Windows 8.1.
I'm having an issue concerning the default Mail app from Win 8.1. I have set up two mail accounts: my default Microsoft account and an extra Office 365 account. Notifications are turned on for all mail and mails are downloaded as they arrive. But I'm not getting notifications for the default account. Might I add that synchronization is not automatic and I need to open the app to get the new mail. The second account works okay, though.
After getting a new HP Envy M6 laptop on Monday I am now a Windows 8 user....after got familiarised with new metro style I have noticed that DVD maker is missing.... What has happened to this rather useful DVD creating tool that I come to love in Windows 7 as I there is No burn DVD option in Movie Maker....
After 23 Windows updates were installed a few days ago (to Windows 8.1 PC) I noticed a couple of things
1. Most of the 3rd party programs I had added to start screen had disappeared 2. Most of the Windows Accessories had disappeared from 'Apps' screen under 'Windows Accessories' (this affected all users on the PC). See screenshot (only Notepad remaining).
I found that most of the 3rd party programs were still installed, so just re-did 'pin to start' on those.
I checked one of missing accessories, Snipping Tool, and the exe file still exists in Windows/System32 folder. I tried creating a shortcut and copying to Start Menu/Programs folder, but then appears under 'S' rather than Windows Accessories!
Unfortunately I don't have a restore point that I can go back to and don't want to 'refresh' Windows install (as would lose installed 3rd party applications).
How I can restore Windows Accessories (or has experienced similar issue after updates)?
I initially created the thread below but I have since discovered the problem relates to many apps and not just the People app.
People App Opens then Crashes to Desktop
I have a new Dell laptop running Windows 8.1 Core Edition. After only a week I found most of the apps would crash to the Desktop on opening. I thought I had solved the problem by creating a new user account and reinstalling the apps but that only worked for a week before the same problem reappeared.
This is what I have discovered to date:
Initially most apps crashed on openingReinstalling the apps made many of them work but there are still some issues e.g. selecting Maps within Bing weather causes the app to crashThe apps work fine in a new user account or in other local accounts I have not used much to dateNone of the steps recommended in Apps and Tiles Not Working or Responding: Fix in Windows 8 solves the problemI've spent an hour with Microsoft Support who have found no obvious problem and have escalated the problem to the next tier
The problem appears to be due to access rights and priveliges in user accounts since the apps work in other accounts or if I create a new account.
Where the apps are located for each user account and whether there is way of checking that they are set up to have the correct access rights and privileges.
I open up my Live tiles screen on my 2nd monitor. When I open an app, say facebook. All is fine. When I drag from top of screen to bottom with my mouse to close the app, it goes to desktop. Is there a way for me to go back to the Live tiles screen?
Also, is it possible to have the live tiles screen visible all times on my 2nd monitor. I use Stardocks Start8.
I am live on my Windows 8 lappy having connected to this machine using RDC on my Win7 Boot Camp installation. I ended up on the Windows 8 Desktop since the Windows 8 machine was on the Desktop when I connected via RDC. The charm bar doesn't work (or at least I can't get it to work)--which probably doesn't come as a big surprise. I am trying to figure out how to navigate between the Windows 8 Desktop and Metro, including the charms. How to get this basic task done? The main problem is that I have not yet figured out key combinations that will do the job.
By way of explanation, my Windows 8 (older) HP lappy is a bit clunky compared to a MacBook Pro (MBP). I was hoping to use Windows 8 via the MBP because it is a much nicer machine from which to work. I first tried to get the desired navigation going via Mt. Lion/RDC, but had no luck. I thought things might work better if I connected to the Windows 8 machine through my MBP Win 7 Boot Camp installation using RDC, but I still am having no luck with the basic navigation I am trying to accomplish.
PS I am not interested in running Windows 8 virtually on either MBP installation.
PSS Perhaps I need to do more preparation on the Windows 8 lappy, e.g., make a shortcut or a taskbar pin that will take me to Metro, etc.
So, i have installed classic shell, newest version, to add start menu, disable charm bar. But, this program doesnt actualy disable them, it just visually removes things, i still can open charm bar with shortcuts, like with touchpad - i have to cross though touchpad a little bit from the very right to left, and charm bar opens ... So, how to disable these shortcuts ?
I just got a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and I've lost track of the Start page (I guess they call it Metro), the one with Start up on the left and all the tiles, including the one for Desktop...gone.
Also I don't get the Charm Bar with a swipe, or any other movement for that matter. It opens up to a page with 4 tiles: Weather, Media Hub, Music Hub and Game Hub. I can tap to a page with Apps, a bunch of apps, but no Start Page or Charm Bar.
I'm sure Microsoft thought they were solving problems by completely changing the search functionality in Windows 8.1. However, I can't possibly be the only person who thinks they've ruined one of the best features of Windows 8, can I?
Before the upgrade, I could start typing in the Start screen, then select where I wanted to search (for example, I could click an app in the list to search within that app, or select files or settings etc.). Furthermore, apps would make use of the search charm, instead of having a search box on-screen all the time. This all made sense - a beautifully simple way to access the function in all apps. In 8.1 there are search boxes stuck on the screen in various locations. Two examples are: Mail, with the search box at the top of the list of emails on the left side, and Wikipedia, with the search box over on the right.
This elegant search function has been overhauled for the worse, IMO. Now, to search the Wikipedia app (for e.g.), I have to first load the app, and then search with the search box, which has added a step. And the universal search now brings up an annoying separate app with all the results across several areas for me to wade through.
OK, rant over. I'm sure many people actually like the new way, and that's fine. But is there any way to restore the old way without downgrading the OS?