I am looking for extracting compressed files with windows 8.
whenever I download a file that has multiple compressed files (i.e. r01, r02 etc), they seem like they are not being recognised as a 'package'. If I choose to open one file win zip it doesn't then recognize the rest of the files as winzip files and I can't extract the compressed file.
I am using Windows 8. Is there a way that I can make a shortcut for Chrome that will open multiple URL's at once? I know how to make one that will open a single URL, but is there a way to open several? For example, can I make a shortcut on my desktop that will open google.com, facebook.com and twitter.com all at once.
I got all my windows mail files transferred to my new pc with Windows 8. Since they are in Vista Windows mail format I cannot open them. There does not seem to be an app for this. What I can use to view the contents?
Whenever, I try double-clicking an Excel file in Windows Explorer, I get an error message that says "There was a problem sending the command to the program." I tried Microsoft's solution of unchecking the box under options that says "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)" but it was already unchecked. I checked it and unchecked it and I'm still having the problem. This is using Excel 2013 with Windows 8.1 64-bit.
We're having an issue on Dell Latitude 10 tablet which seems to be hard to resolve. I've configured Windows reader as default program for all PDF files. When opening PDF files in a Powerpoint presentation the following Microsoft Office notification pops up:
Opening XXX Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain that this file is from a thrustworthy source. Would you like to open this file? OK/CANCEL
When clicking OK, the file opens. It is asked every time when opening a PDF link in the presentation. Same issue when you configure Adobe reader touch as default. When setting Adobe Reader XI as default, you don't get the message. But then, we don't want the files to open in that last one.
We've been searching to resolve this in the powerpoint options e.g., but without success.
My laptop is defaulting e-mail attachments and most programs to open in windows picture viewer, and if it isn't a picture I am unable to view the file without saving it and selecting 'open with'
How I can just get it to open in the appropriate program first time?
Using Windows 8.1 on HP machine All updates up-to-date Hardware: Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 Explorer Folder Option selected: Single-click to open an item (point to select); Underline icon titles only when I point on them Display: Detail list (Ctrl + Shift + 6) No touch input
Here's the problem: For as long as I have used windows, I can select multiple files by pressing ctrl-left mouse button. If I want to select multiple consecutive files, I move my cursor down to the last file in the list and press shift-left mouse button. If I want to select multiple files that are not listed consecutively, I move my cursor along the list of files and press ctrl-left mouse button to select each individual file.
This does not work for me any longer and I do not know why.
I do not have Click-lock on.
Often I will press ctrl-left mouse click and the file will not select. When I move my mouse away from the file I've selected, it will UN-select. If I continue to press the CTRL key while attempting to select another file and float my mouse cursor down the list of files to select ONE single file further in the list, ALL the files in between the first file I click and the final file will become selected.
Moving the mouse cursor carefully and steadily to select individual files yields varied results; sometimes I can select individual files; sometimes, I can click multiple times to select an additional file and the file will not become selected. More often than not, I will select several files and earlier files will become unselected.
I have been a Windows user since version 3.1 and this has never happened to me. I have been a Windows 8.1 user for over a year now and this is a new wrinkle. I have done system restore multiple times and it has not solved the problem. I have uninstalled Intellipoint/Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse center and reinstalled and the problem has not solved. I have checked every setting for my mouse in the mouse center and cannot see a setting that imposes this feature.
Changing folder options to Double-click to open an item (single click to select) solves the problem. I am able to navigate and organize my files the way I always have. Only happens when single-click feature is enabled. Please note: I have been using the single-click select feature since Windows XP.
I'm into photography and when I take pictures and put them on my computer they usually have the same name as several other pictures I've taken. In Windows 7 when I would transfer files from my memory card to my computer it would give me the option to 1) Skip saving the duplicate files, 2) save over them, and 3) keep both files and then it would rename the new file with a number after it (such as DCIM 102 and DCIM 102 (2))
In Windows 8 it seems like I only have the options to 1) skip saving the duplicate and 2) save over the duplicate....since I want to keep both files, what do I do?
Most of my pictures aren't really themed or anything, so there's not really a need for keywords, like "Birthday blah blah" or "flowers yada yada" etc. Anything similar to the "save both files"...?
I have a directory that contains about a hundred batch files, each which starts up a ssh terminal connected to a different server. When I run one, I get the "SmartScreen" message saying that Windows is preventing an unrecognized app from starting. I can click "more info" to run it anyway, and from then on it'll run as it should. I'm hoping there's a way to select all the files at once and disable SmartScreen for them.
I know I can disable SmartScreen altogether, but it seems like it could be preferable to leave it on, as it might be protecting my system from malware and what not. I guess if that's the only way to easily get all apps I want to use to not be blocked, that's what I'll have to do.
I built a computer recently. Since day one I get BSODs but the drivers, and Bug/Checks listed are never the same.I was thinking it couldn't be a single device or driver so I've:
Replaced the MOBO. Repair Installed the OS. Replaced the RAM.
It BSOD'd multiple times between each change.
The only things I've run are IE/FF and Ableton Live 9. Ableton is usually running during the BSOD but it was not the last time.
i have a cd-rom in my teachers book for printing tests for students. The cd has both word files & audio files. On my old PC I can see both and can open, print, save the word files and/listen to the audio files. However on windows 8 the word files don't show at all and as soon as I put the cd in it automatically just opens & starts playing the audio files.
how I can get to the word docs without having to yet again reconnect my old PC, put the files onto USB then put onto the new one?
How do I stop such kind of pop-up ads tiny windows from opening in FF21 and chrome in w8?
It is such a sickening, irritating feature. It has become a terror to move mouse in the browser lest that would come over such double-lined tags and this window will open.
Even this site windows8forum has started this. So inconsiderate and sickening.
I am using Dell Latitude D520 running in Windows 8. I just bought a new webcam, installed the drivers without any difficulties. But when I try to view my webcam, either Amcap, yahoo messenger, or any programs or websites that displays my webcam, Windows 8 would prompt me that my PC encountered an error and restarts.
I am new to Windows 8 and need to use my laptop for my business and am very frustrated right now. When opening a PDF from an e-mail attachment, I don't know how to close it out after I'm done viewing it. And now every time I try to open a new PDF attachment, it is bringing me back to the same PDF I opened yesterday (which happens to be my credit card statement!) and won't open the new PDF I need to view and print.
There's a certain folder on my external HDD which causes Windows Explorer to crash when I attempt to open it. I've tried running a full virus scan and nothing has been detected, so I'm ruling out anything like that. Could it be down to file corruption?
Also, strangely enough, I copied the folder to my desktop and was able to open it and look through the files, however, as soon as I try to sort the files by certain parameters (date, size, etc.), it causes Windows Explorer to crash again.
I suppose I could use Word instead of notepad, but I don't want to wait forever for the files to open. Windows8 and 7 will let you open as many different copies of the same txt file as you want. With keeping my computer on most of the time, and doing various things, sometimes I forget that I have a file open. The most common instance is my list of software keys and activation codes. I had to reinstall something yesterday and had the file open, and it ended up behind a bunch of windows. Much later, I bought a new piece of software and had to add something to the list, a couple of somethings. I saved and closed--fine. Then, turning the computer off, it told me that my "Versions" file was still open--did I want to save, or what? At that point, I had to cancel the shutdown, open the saved copy, compare the saved copy with the one that was still open to see which information was different. Obviously, at that moment, I had not figured out which copy was which. If I had saved, it would have overwritten the changes, by reverting to the old version that I had open. I've had this happen several times, sometimes with new information in each file. I fail to understand why, when I try to open a txt file, Windows does not alert me that it is already open, and do I want to open another copy?
I've just upgraded to 8.1 and I have seen this exact problem on a different laptop of similar specs (my specs should be in my profile).
I use a custom theme with dark colors. I like dark background and light text. The problem is that very often when I open a new explorer (like My Computer) or browser window (like Firefox), the whole background of the window/frame becomes white for a very brief period before showing the actual content of the window and assuming the dark background color that I assigned.
The apps on the start window in windows 8 pro will not open, what can be done to refresh them. I tried the refresh on the system but it would not complete the task.
Getting to grips with windows 8.1 on a new laptop having been used to XP Pro and Outlook Express
Anyway, I have a real bugbear with the mail app. e.g. I receive an email with an attachment, I click on attachment to open it, it opens in desktop (why?), once attachment has been read/filed or whatever and I close/delete it I'm stranded on the desktop (again why?), I then have to go through several button pushes (start/Mail app/mail account/open email) just to get back to where I was when I opened the email originally.
Surely there must be a simpler solution, am I missing something, is there a way to set it up so that when the attachment is closed it takes you straight back to where you were in the mail app?
Or is this just one of those Windows8 'quirks'......
About since I installed jdownloader this afternoon (and afterwards removed "search protect" with AdwCleaner and Malwarebyte Anti-Malware), my Windows explorer regularly freezes.
It does so whenever I do a right-click on any folder or disk or on the free space inside a folder or disk. It also crashes whenever I open folder, which I have not recently opened or to which I added a big file (bigger than about 1 MB) recently. I could open some folders since this error came up but after adding a file to them, this is not possible anymore. Windows explorer being able to open some folders is probably due to it cashing/indexing some information. I can read everything using cmd (cd & dir) and execute files directly though.
In safe mode Windows explorer works fine.
What I did so far: - Following this guide (Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers) I removed all the handlers in the registry in HKCRAllFileSystemObjectsshellexcontextmenuhandlers, HKCRFoldershellexcontextmenuhandlers and HKCRDirectoryshellexcontextmenuhandlers. Deletion of one handle in HKCRDirectoryshellexcontextmenuhandlers called "WorkFolders" only produces an error. I therefore could not delete this one. It did not work. Afterwards I recovered the registry keys.
- I used system recovery to switch back to a state from the day before yesterday. - I tried disabling all the files in auto-start using the task-manager with no improvement. - I ran "sfc /scannow", which told me there were some files it was unable to repair. I digged into the log and found the file sfc talked about. The file was completely missing. I got a copy from my notebook and managed to copy that file into the folder. But it didn't work.
What's more, I could not rerun sfc to see if the sfc-error persisted, because my computer froze during login after the restart (during which I also installed some minor Windows updates) and I had to force a restart. This brought up a bluescreen on the first two following restarts. On the third one, recovery came up and I chose automatic repair. After that the system could start again, but "sfc /scannow" now throws an error saying "There is a system repair pending which requires reboot to complete. Restart ...". I tried running "dims.exe /image:C: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions" in the recovery console, which threw an error saying that it was unable to complete. I also tried rerunning the startup repair, which told me it was unsuccessful. sfc is still not running.
Additionally, and I think this started at about the same time, Avira cannot start its real-time protection anymore. I don't get any useful information out of it, just that it encountered some error. I reinstalled it twice, to no avail.
My windows apps dont want to open, the store opens shows the brief case logo for a 2-3 seconds and it minimises when i click on it on it to open it again the same thing happens and all other apps dont even respond just their icon move a little on the sides to indicate they are clicked but they don't open at all.
I use windows 8 enterprise and it is activated, it happened before, one way to fix it but its annoying is to create new account and on it they work just fine, but the old one don't.
I can delete and it and recreate it but then i have to register some of my programs again. I read on the internet about that issue so my resolution is not the problem UAC is still on. I use windows defender for antivirus.
After updating windows 8 when I try to launch system properties, explorer hangs and restarts itself but I noticed that it gives me activation section Product ID:Not Available.
When I open a pdf file, my files are getting opened as a tiff file. This is making it difficult to cut and paste. This started happening to my computer after the Windows 8.1 download. I tried to uninstall 8.1 but created even more problems. Got everything back to normal, but the tiff files opening.
I am trying to be able to see CR2 files (RAW photo files from Canon) as thumbnail icons in Windows Explorer. I am using Windows 8.
Microsoft's codec pack (Download: Microsoft Camera Codec Pack - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details) does not work for Windows 8. When I am trying to install it, I get an error message mentioning that I can use Windows 8 Update function, but doesn't give any more information on how to do this exactly.