Security :: Disable SmartScreen For Multiple Files At Once?
Apr 21, 2014
I have a directory that contains about a hundred batch files, each which starts up a ssh terminal connected to a different server. When I run one, I get the "SmartScreen" message saying that Windows is preventing an unrecognized app from starting. I can click "more info" to run it anyway, and from then on it'll run as it should. I'm hoping there's a way to select all the files at once and disable SmartScreen for them.
I know I can disable SmartScreen altogether, but it seems like it could be preferable to leave it on, as it might be protecting my system from malware and what not. I guess if that's the only way to easily get all apps I want to use to not be blocked, that's what I'll have to do.
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Sep 22, 2013
I was messing around with some bat files, and one was for disabling SmartScreen (I managed to turn it on again with another bat file), but now I can't change those options myself because they are grayed out .
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Mar 7, 2013
I am installing Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit on my Laptop ( Lenovo B570E ) it's awesome but i am facing problem about IDM Internet Download Manager when i start my PC after loading he Warn me about IDM he say unrecognized Program starting. Running the app might put your PC at Risk i click more Info and Run anyway i m tired to do this how can i fix that i don't want to turn off smartscreen Filter because it's harmful to windows 8 i just want to off this message who show about IDM
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Mar 18, 2013
I have been using Windows 8 Pro 64bit version for a few months now and after a few teething problems I love it. I have disabled the UAC via the control panel, registry and the Local Security Policy editor etc... so now I don't get any popups at all. It's come to a point though where I now want to try out some of the apps but can't because without the UAC turned on I can't run any of them.
My question is is it possible to keep UAC turned off but still be able to run these apps?, I would love to know any tweak I can use to enable this but I won't compromise system stability for it.
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Apr 13, 2014
I'm trying to fully disable User Account Control on Windows 8.1 using regedit.exe, but changing ENABLELUA value from 1 to 0 ( enablelua is located on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem) is not working anymore.
I've used this trick on Windows 8.0 and it worked, but it is not working on Windows 8.1 and I dont know why.
Is there any other way to fully disable UAC on windows 8.1?
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Jan 22, 2014
Recently I bought a Windows 8.1 tablet, so playing around with the pre-installed apps I set up my corporate exchange account in the Mail App(Metro) and it disabled the option to access with PIN and picture just the password was left as an option. is it possible to disable the exchange security that is imposed by the Mail App in Windows 8/8.1.
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Sep 17, 2011
this tweak has been floating around but didn't spot it here on EF so just a heads up. This is for those of you who disable UAC on their systems and have been getting annoyed that DP doesn't disable UAC completely even though the slider is pulled all the way down and the user is Admin.
So, just open regedit and locate this key.
In the right pane look for EnableLUA and modify its value to 0. Close regedit.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to encourage people to ditch UAC or even to use this method. Peeps who disable UAC are expected to know their way around.
Warning Setting the EnableLUA to 0 will make all metro apps stop working until you set it back to 1 and restart the computer.
See here instead: User Account Control (UAC) - Change Settings in Windows 8
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Aug 27, 2013
So I've been running the 8.1 Pro Preview since it went live, and I gotta say, I'm pretty happy with it overall, one thing that's bothering me though is that I can't seem to find a way to disable Windows Defender completely through either gpedit.msc or services.msc (it's grayed out).
In 8.0 there was a setting for disabling Defender completely through gpedit.msc, now in 8.1 they added a bunch of new settings in the Defender tab but none that clearly states the disabling of Defender, maybe I'm missing something here?.
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Sep 15, 2014
Whether or not it is possible to turn the Windows Firewall completely off, so that it does not turn itself on, whenever I join a new public network?
I have tried the following command in the command prompt: "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off", which should do the trick, but doesn't. It was run in administrator mode, so that's not the problem.
The reason that I need this done is, that I play as a DJ using Rekordbox connected to the mixer, through an ethernet cable. Now, for some reason my computer identifies this as a public network, every time I connect the 2 devices and then turns on the Windows Firewall (which blocks the computer and mixer from communicating, which is BAD!).
Every time it activates itself, I have to go into the control panel and turn it back off, which is sort of tedious...
I do have my own antivirus and firewall software installed, so I need the Windows part completely off.
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Aug 16, 2013
The "robust" security settings in Windows 8. I only use my computers at home and have no worries about anyone stealing data. The problem is that when I try to copy, move or delete files I am frequerntly presented with "access denied". Now, before anyone starts ragging on me about the 1000 other posts on permissions, let me say that I have read many of these posts, but the problems persist.
What I want is a foolproof way to disable ALL security settings on Windows 8 in such a way that I will NEVER see that "access denied" message again. I wish to do this for entire hard drives, boot drives as well as data drives.
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Feb 21, 2013
Okay. basically I think I tried everything, this is so stupid but it's a real problem look at the picture down below, how do you remove the shield? so it's back to normal it's quite annoying.
[URL] ....
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Dec 21, 2012
I'm into photography and when I take pictures and put them on my computer they usually have the same name as several other pictures I've taken. In Windows 7 when I would transfer files from my memory card to my computer it would give me the option to 1) Skip saving the duplicate files, 2) save over them, and 3) keep both files and then it would rename the new file with a number after it (such as DCIM 102 and DCIM 102 (2))
In Windows 8 it seems like I only have the options to 1) skip saving the duplicate and 2) save over the duplicate....since I want to keep both files, what do I do?
Most of my pictures aren't really themed or anything, so there's not really a need for keywords, like "Birthday blah blah" or "flowers yada yada" etc. Anything similar to the "save both files"...?
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Jun 10, 2013
I have: x4 .gif images, x14 .jpg images, and x5 .png images in my Code: C:UsersSampleUserDownloadsimg14
folder and want to move them to these desired locations via cmd.
Move the x4 .gif images to: Code: C:UsersSampleUserDownloadsimg14.gif
Move the x14 .jpg images to: Code: C:UsersSampleUserDownloadsimg14.jpg
Move the x5 .png images to: Code: C:UsersSampleUserDownloadsimg14.png
Any way I can go about this using a single command? Multiple commands will work just fine as well, as long it's not one too many commands.
OS: Windows 8 Enterprise x64
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Mar 27, 2013
I am looking for extracting compressed files with windows 8.
whenever I download a file that has multiple compressed files (i.e. r01, r02 etc), they seem like they are not being recognised as a 'package'. If I choose to open one file win zip it doesn't then recognize the rest of the files as winzip files and I can't extract the compressed file.
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Jan 21, 2014
After it was removed from 8 . I managed to get it back into the Library but seems impossible for This PC.
It's a good, safe way to share files between multiple users on a PC .
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May 29, 2014
Using Windows 8.1 on HP machine
All updates up-to-date
Hardware: Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0
Explorer Folder Option selected: Single-click to open an item (point to select); Underline icon titles only when I point on them
Display: Detail list (Ctrl + Shift + 6)
No touch input
Here's the problem: For as long as I have used windows, I can select multiple files by pressing ctrl-left mouse button. If I want to select multiple consecutive files, I move my cursor down to the last file in the list and press shift-left mouse button. If I want to select multiple files that are not listed consecutively, I move my cursor along the list of files and press ctrl-left mouse button to select each individual file.
This does not work for me any longer and I do not know why.
I do not have Click-lock on.
Often I will press ctrl-left mouse click and the file will not select. When I move my mouse away from the file I've selected, it will UN-select. If I continue to press the CTRL key while attempting to select another file and float my mouse cursor down the list of files to select ONE single file further in the list, ALL the files in between the first file I click and the final file will become selected.
Moving the mouse cursor carefully and steadily to select individual files yields varied results; sometimes I can select individual files; sometimes, I can click multiple times to select an additional file and the file will not become selected. More often than not, I will select several files and earlier files will become unselected.
I have been a Windows user since version 3.1 and this has never happened to me. I have been a Windows 8.1 user for over a year now and this is a new wrinkle. I have done system restore multiple times and it has not solved the problem. I have uninstalled Intellipoint/Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse center and reinstalled and the problem has not solved. I have checked every setting for my mouse in the mouse center and cannot see a setting that imposes this feature.
Changing folder options to Double-click to open an item (single click to select) solves the problem. I am able to navigate and organize my files the way I always have. Only happens when single-click feature is enabled. Please note: I have been using the single-click select feature since Windows XP.
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Aug 8, 2014
This is an issue for ages. Apparently windows writes zeros by default for all allocated files. Particularly noticable, when downloading with bittorrent, where the app hangs and the hard drive becomes unusable for quite a while. But it's also a problem more generally. Any such allocations will double the wear on HDDs and particularly SSDs, apart from taking twice as much time. I can set windows to don't write zeroes when allocating files?
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Jun 12, 2014
We're having an issue on Dell Latitude 10 tablet which seems to be hard to resolve. I've configured Windows reader as default program for all PDF files. When opening PDF files in a Powerpoint presentation the following Microsoft Office notification pops up:
Opening XXX Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain that this file is from a thrustworthy source. Would you like to open this file? OK/CANCEL
When clicking OK, the file opens. It is asked every time when opening a PDF link in the presentation. Same issue when you configure Adobe reader touch as default. When setting Adobe Reader XI as default, you don't get the message. But then, we don't want the files to open in that last one.
We've been searching to resolve this in the powerpoint options e.g., but without success.
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Oct 29, 2012
I would like to basically do this to my Windows 8: Add Scan With Windows Defender To Windows 8 Context Menu as I feel it's a feature that is missing from Windows Defender when they had it in MSE in Windows 7. I've tried doing that but it doesn't seem to work so I am guessing it doesn't work on the latest version/build of 8. How to get it to work?
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Jul 19, 2014
I built a computer recently. Since day one I get BSODs but the drivers, and Bug/Checks listed are never the same.I was thinking it couldn't be a single device or driver so I've:
Replaced the MOBO.
Repair Installed the OS.
Replaced the RAM.
It BSOD'd multiple times between each change.
The only things I've run are IE/FF and Ableton Live 9. Ableton is usually running during the BSOD but it was not the last time.
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Jan 21, 2013
I enabled display hidden and system files, but system auto-disable its... I make it about three times, always with the same result. I don't know what causes this problem, I can't reproduce its (it isn't after reboot).
Also I have similar problem with system restore.I disabled it, but system turned it on again.
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Mar 7, 2013
Initially on Win7, I was manually updating Security Essentials when was offline from this link:
How to manually download the latest definition updates for Microsoft Security Essentials
You choose x86 or x64 and go from there.
What's not mentioned, is that you can use the same links to update Windows Defender on Windows 8 as well.
I've been doing this for quite some time without issues. So the two programs are very much alike.
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Mar 8, 2014
Which registry settings should I change to set the top two default Windows rules back to 'Unrestricted' ?
I set up some rules in the local security policy some time ago when there was fuss in the news about the cryptolocker virus. They looked a lot like the rules above (I found that screenshot online as I can't take one myself, read on..)
Today I was installing some software that wanted access to the areas I restricted. I temporarily disabled the rules, then re-enabled them. Being a dumbass I also set the top two rules (which are Windows default rules) to Disallowed!
Over the following 10 minutes various aspects of my PC stopped working, telling me that the local security policy prevented access. I couldn't even get into the Control Panel or the Local Security Policy screen to change it back, once I realised what I had done. I rebooted the machine - it won't come back up
I've tried a system restore by booting from the installer on USB (which did not work, it grumbled that it could not restore due a file locked by anti-virus) so I think I've got two options:
Refresh my system using the Windows 8 tools - but I suspect that might leave the LSP rules in place, as it retains my settings & preferences.Hand edit the registry to correct the settings.
Option 2 is looking best, I can get into RegEdit from the recovery console, but I'm not sure what to edit and what to set it to? This is on Windows 8.1 Pro...
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Mar 28, 2014
I came to some trouble installing CorelDraw software which apparently uses for it's setup launcher web active container performed by IE core. If I launch setup, the setup windows is evidently noninitialized showing the top warning band about active content being blocked for security reasons. Even allowing active content by selecting from the top bar menu doesn't make the setup continue. So now I'd need to temporarily bypass all IE's security checks, ie. allow everything. What I already did was browsing the security tab in IE options and allowing most of the choices in branches ActiveX controls and plugin modules + Scripting (Local Intranet). On Advanced tab I have checked in Security branch Allow execution of active content from CD discs on this computer + Allow execution of active content from files on this computer. Nothing of these affecting the installer to run (ie. I still see then active content blocking bar).
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Jun 14, 2014
Windows 8.1.1 and Bitdefender Total Security 2014
o.k. long story short before installing 8.1.1 in my real environment i tested it out extensively in vm. i found out that if you get past a certain point with the windows updates bitdefender will not install, if you install bd prior to a certain point it installs and works great even after you do the rest of the windows updates. How to get it installed and working correctly in a fully updated 8.1.1? i have eset smart security in, but i'd rather have my bitdefender.
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Dec 9, 2013
I am running 8.1, and firefox 25. I can't download or run Avast, or download any executables, suddenly. I lowered my security settings to Medium and added Avast to the firewall permissions, but to no avail. My download settings were already at "prompt" anyway, so there's something deeper I can't figure out. I'm a reasonably competent generalist but not super computer smart.
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Nov 30, 2013
A McAfee technician had to remote control my laptop to get rid of a 'Trial period' of McAfee. She asked me if she could remove 'Malwarebytes' which I had downloaded. She said it contravenes with McAfee's security. Is this a fact? Or maybe they don't like competition!
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Sep 19, 2012
I am trying to be able to see CR2 files (RAW photo files from Canon) as thumbnail icons in Windows Explorer. I am using Windows 8.
Microsoft's codec pack (Download: Microsoft Camera Codec Pack - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details) does not work for Windows 8. When I am trying to install it, I get an error message mentioning that I can use Windows 8 Update function, but doesn't give any more information on how to do this exactly.
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Oct 7, 2013
I have two different Microsoft accounts on my Windows 8 machine, which is a laptop. One of them is an account I got from my ISP and has been in use for years but that one is disappearing in a few days (I think) because I cancelled my account with my ISP. The other account is one I created within the last couple of weeks.
In transitioning to the new account, I'm finding it considerably more work than I expected and wonder if I am ignorant of some easier ways of doing things. For instance, I was surprised that the applications installed under the older account aren't visible under the new accounts. Is there an easy way to make them visible or do I really need to reinstall the same applications under the new account from scratch? For example, let's say I have a game like Taptiles on the old account and want it visible under the new account: do I really need to do a fresh install under the new account? Or is there an easier way to be able to play Taptiles from the copy I originally installed under the original account?
Also, what is the easiest way to pass data back and forth between the two accounts? I did a copy within a file on the original account and switched to the second account to paste that information in and was disappointed to find that it was not possible. I ended up sending an email to myself then copied from the email on the newer account. It struck me that there must be a better way but I'm not sure what that would be.
Also, with respect to XBox, some of the XBox games had accumulated fairly substantial scores as a result of playing the daily challenges. Is there any way to roll the scores from the old account into the new account, even though they have different "gamer tags" (the ID by which I am known when I play TapTiles or Mahjong or whatever)?
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Sep 18, 2013
When I hit Winkey, "Paint", Enter - I just get popped over to an existing open session of MS Paint instead of opening another session.
How do I stop that? I need multiple sessions open.
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Oct 28, 2012
I have 3 monitors attached to the PC and I would like 2 of the to display metro and the 3 just for normal desktop, is this possible? Also, is is possible to make it so Metro doesn't hide when i interact with a desktop application?
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