Network / Sharing :: Joining Any Other Domain Will Modify Current Account?
Aug 20, 2013
On my laptop I have my microsoft account and everything set up and I have just started online schooling but when I go to the campus every few weeks i cant use their internet because i dont have a computer on their domain thing and I want to be able to join their domain but don't want it to affect my current setup.
So if i connect to their domain will it modify my current account or give them access to my current accounts files???
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Feb 14, 2013
I had a similar issue when adding vista pro and W7 pro to a domain. I found I had to turn the UAC setting all the way off to have the VPN connections appear once the machine was connected to a domain.
Fast forward to Windows 8. Once the machine was connected to the domain can't see created VPN connections even after turning the UAC all the way off. I assume it is a GPO item I can change but I can't find any reference to what GPO or registry setting I should change to allow use of the VPN connections.
What I can change?
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Jun 25, 2014
I am a system administrator in a large enterprise environment and we are doing a rollout of Windows 8.1. In our image capture we somehow captured a setting that is disabling users from setting up a connected account with their domain account. I am relatively sure that it is in my unattend and I can fix it for machines going forward but I really don't want to have to reimage the machines I've already deployed.
When I go to connect an account, the "connect to a Microsoft account" option is grayed out and the "some settings are managed by your administrator" message is displayed at the top. This is NOT a group policy object that is applying. The machines are in a test OU and there is absolutely no policy applied. I have searched all through local policy and even did a search through the registry for "account" (that took forever) but have been unable to find any registry key or local policy that would be causing this issue.
What setting might be causing this? I have 30+ machines already out in the environment and the user experience is going to be terrible if I have to reimage them all.
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Sep 15, 2014
i have windows 8
in the instruction of my university vpn . they said i should enter UCSTAFF in domain(look at the step 7 in this instruction) but this instruction is for windows 7 and i could not find any way to enter domain in windows 8.
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Mar 28, 2013
I brought my laptop to work and wanted to connect to my work's network so I could access our shared networks. In the past I was able to log into my work's domain, nahrc, with my user name and password via the ctrl+alt+dlt method fromt he log on screen. I can plug in the ethernet cable into my laptop, and the nahrc network appears in the wired connections area, but I can't seem to connect/access our shared drives. Is it possible to log into my laptop like you could in windows 7 and access my account, or is this just not possible anymore.
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Feb 5, 2013
I have two computers:
mapped network drives M, N, O
mapped network drives P, Q, R
If I am on the LOFT computer i can see all mapped network drives, M,N,O,P,Q,R
if I am on the BEDROOM computer I can see mapped network drives P,Q,R but not M,N,O. I click on M,N,O and it comes up with a windows asking for login and password and states the following, "the system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request, after I type in the info I can then see the drives.
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Sep 15, 2014
How to change my current profile(public or guest) to private
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Nov 17, 2013
In our domain we have a policy to change the wallpaper every month. The change is done from server side. Now wallpaper of most of users is changed but for few it remains the old wallpaper.
For example I have windows 8 and mine is not updated. I also have tried gpupdate /force. No luck.
This issue is only with few systems running windows xp 7 and 8.
These systems only show the last months wallpaper not the one updated.
Also these windows are fully updated as of now.
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Aug 28, 2014
I have a user with a machine that was setup with Win 8.1 Home. The machine has been upgraded to 8.1 Pro and joined to a domain (WinSrv 2003). I need to get the content/configuration from their old local machine user profile to their new domain user profile.
I tried to copy the contents of their ../users/<name>/.. folder from the local user profile to the new domain user profile (after they had logged in once, and then logged off). This did not work. When I did the copy, I grabbed all files, including hidden...was that my mistake, or is the issue broader?
In the end....they want their old stuff and configuration under their new credentials/profile.
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Aug 20, 2012
I ran into a problem today where I entered in some details incorrectly to a hidden wireless network profile and then discovered that MS have removed the Wireless Network Manager so I couldn't delete or correctly configure that network as it would not get listed in the metro wireless interface.
After digging around on my machine I've discovered the wireless profiles are stored in
C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWlansvcProfilesInterfac es
Where the first sub folders list guides for respective wireless devices on you machine which contains xml files pertaining to the wireless profiles for the respective wireless devices. it seems same to manually delete the files or edit.
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Mar 17, 2014
So I had enabled the Administrator account for a bit, then went back in and Disabled it after I created a second account that had administrator privileges. Now under Network I still see 2 Media servers, listed under media Devices, for this computer.
1. Computer Name: Administrator
2 Computer Name: My E-mail account, the active account I am using
How to remove the listed Administrator Account since it is not needed, and no longer active?
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Apr 21, 2014
Possible to use the msg command on a Microsoft account on Windows 8.1 ?
I can send messages from the MS account to other computers but unable to receive them.
I get the following error message: Error 5 getting session names
When switching the account back to a local account, the messages work as they should.
I've tried using my MS username and email address as username as well as the * (all users) switch but no joy.
AllowRemoteRPC is set to 1 and fDenyTSConnections is 0.
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Apr 3, 2014
I have an Asus desktop computer and an Asus notebook computer both running Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) and a Dell notebook computer running Windows XP Pro (32-bit) with disk drives and user accounts configured the same way on all machines. My account is a member of the Administrators Group. On each PC I created data folders for each user account on a large hard disk (D). For each folder I set Modify permissions for the user account and Full permissions for the Administrators Group using the process shown in your "Option 3 - Advanced Security Properties".
The file system correctly allows access to each data folder to the user account which has permission and blocks access to all other standard user accounts. The Windows 8.1 file system does not allow my account to access any of the folders belonging to other users on either Asus PC, whereas the Dell PC had and still has no problem allowing my account to access all shares on it.
The only way I could get access to any shared folders on another Windows 8.1 PC was to make the following settings in "Control Panel | Network and Sharing Center | Advanced sharing settings":
- Private automatic network discovery: On.
- Private File & printer sharing: On.
- Private HomeGroup connections: Use user accounts & passwords...
- Guest network discovery: Off.
- Guest file & printer sharing: On.
- All networks public folder sharing: On.
- All networks media streaming: All networks - allowed; All libraries or folders except "Documents" - shared.
- All networks file sharing connections: Use 128-bit encryption...
- Password protected sharing: Off.
Is there any way to allow a member of the Administrators Group on the Windows 8.1 Pro computers to access all shared folders on the network as was allowed by Windows XP Pro?
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Nov 12, 2013
Why when I create a homegroup and try to access my shared folders on my windows 7 laptop from my windows 8 pc it says I dont have permissions it says I cant access the shared folders, yet if I stop using my microsoft live account and sign in with a local account on the computer I can access everything fine...Really annoys me because I cant use skydrive with the regular account....I have all the options set to share on my account settings too...
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Oct 13, 2013
I use the Windows Account to login to my 2 Windows 8 laptops (Lap1 and Lap2).
Lap1 - Has 1 Windows Account (Lap1Acc1)
Lap2 - Has 1 Windows Account (Lap2Acc1)
In Lap2, the Windows Account Lap2Acc1 had few problem with "Trust this computer" as Windows never sent the code in the registered email. So I created a fresh new Windows Account (call this Lap2Acc2) with new email. I deleted the Lap2Acc1 from Lap2 using User Accounts and created a new user using Lap2Acc2.
Now the problem is. Before removing Lap2Acc1, I didn't leave the HomeGroup and so, for some unknown reasons, in both of my laptops, in the HomeGroup tabs I see these users
Lap2Acc1 (this was removed from Lap2 as a user, but it still exists in the HomeGroup)
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Jan 14, 2014
I have Vista with shared files and folders but when I click on the PC shown in computers or do a run //pctosharewithneame
I receive a username and PW entry box.
On my Vista I do not log in with a PW. My account name is HOME and has no PW and it is set up as Adminwhch may be different than a machine admin-not sure.
I assume that would be the user name would be home. But Home and no PW was not accepted by the Win 8 machine for the Vista machine
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Apr 11, 2014
Having a strange issue with Onedrive. If I drag/drop files into my "local machine" onedrive folder it automatically syncs up with my onedrive account in the cloud. So the same files are both on my home system and in the cloud. That works. I can log on thru my browser at the onedrive site and log on, copy and download files...upload thru the browser and it will also show up on my local that works too.
The issue I'm having is if I use my metro tile screen, click on onedrive app, it opens up, I can see all the files in my onedrive account.....however if I right click while in app, then click upload it opens up my folder, I can pick the file I wish to upload and click "add to onedrive" nothing ever gets uploaded. No error message or anything, just nothing happens when using the app. No files ever show up or get uploaded. I can also pick a file using the onedrive app (from the cloud) and click download (to my local system), it allows me to pick the destination and hit OK, but I get an message " the file couldn't be saved" no matter where I decide to put it. So while onedrive is working for the most part if I bypass the windows 8 metro app, it is not working inside the app itself.
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a wireless router and am connecting 2 phones (wifi) and 1 PC (ethernet). The PC is running Windows 8 and has two User Accounts (I'll call them "Business" and "Personal").
Since setting up the router, the phones have connected over wifi without problem. If I log onto the "Personal" user account on my PC, it connects over ethernet, and the phones still work with wifi.
However, if I log my PC onto my "Business" user account, the PC says it has connected to the Home Hub via the ethernet cable, but there is no internet connection. It also causes the internet connection on the phones to drop (sometimes the wifi goes down completely, sometimes it says it's connected to wifi, but there is no internet). I don't think it's an ethernet problem either, as I connected my PC wirelessly instead of with the cable, and the same thing happens.
The PC only ever does this on the "Business" user account, the "Personal" account works fine (I'm using that now). Looked everywhere to find a solution, I assume it's something in the settings, rather than a router issue. Can't find the answer anywhere.
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Aug 25, 2014
I recently updated two of my computers to Windows 8.1 and One thing that seems to be a public nuisance is having to use a Microsoft Account to have a syncing onedrive folder. This aside I have been trying to get File/Printer Sharing working between a file server and a client.
With my previous W7 setup I would create custom groups for access to certain file sets and it would all go off without a hitch, the same is true with Windows 8.1 and local accounts. The issue comes in when I try to link a MS account to said local account, at this point it seems to ignore the group permissions. Below is a diagram of the setup and the expected/actual results.
Code: = Windows 8.1 File Server =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group- Give Administrators Read-Write permission and Security on the relevant share and files= Windows 8.1 Client =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group
With this setup, if I try to write a file to the share in question, I get an access denied, but if I instead explicitly give test1 Read-Write access to the share then the user can write files as expected. If I unlink the MSAccount from the localaccount then the share works as expected with out the user-explicit permissions. Finally, after I have tested the localaccount is working, if I link the accounts back to the Microsoft Account it once again stops working. It seems like MS screwed the pooch on this one and completely broke it's own group policy permission compatibility.
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Sep 30, 2013
I am looking forward to 10/18 and getting the Win 8.1 update from the Store to update my Win 8 machine. I wonder if doing the update will modify the partition that is labeled Window Recovery on my HD. I suspect not.
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Jun 6, 2013
Just got a new pc that has W8, came from XP. I have a popcorn hour NMT with an internal HDD that I have networked and was working fine with my old pc. The drive is mapped and is visible in windows explorer and I can even upload files to it with Filezilla. When I try to modify a file through w explorer it shows the drive as read only. Below is what I have tried so far and nothing seems to work.
-Installed "take ownership" program
-Enabled hidden administrator account
-Tried to take ownership through properties/security/advanced
-Change permissions in properties (goes through all of the files and unchecks read only but when I close and open it again read only is checked)
For some reason I can't seem to get a full administrator account to work. I am the only user of the pc and I have an administrator account but it's standard.
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Jan 8, 2013
Win 8 Enterprise x64, non local administrator user.
I can not change music's rating or other stuff from details pane. In local administrator user I can. Should I change my account type? Also the music is at external HDD.
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Apr 12, 2014
Any way to remove or somehow modify start screen new search and power options icons on Windows 8.1 Update 1? how to do this?
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Jul 21, 2014
How can I modify an Windows 8.1 ISO so it can work with a non-supported CPU? I would like to make it work with a Pentium 4 2.8Ghz HT Northwood CPU. Rest of specs; 2GB RAM, ATI 4650 DDR3 1GB, 250GB HDD. Computer is a SONY VAIO PCV-RS430G. I updated its BIOS to latest which dates back to 2004 but did not add the NX/PAE that is needed for Win 8.1
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Nov 26, 2013
I am looking into setting up a type 1, native hypervisor on my desktop (Xen, specifically). Would it be possible for me to load my current install into a VM? The hypervisor can be run from a live disk.
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Aug 20, 2014
We were sent some Surface Pro 2 Tablets at work. They were already setup with the programs we needed, however they were not behaving correctly. Kept getting network errors for the domain, as everything else on the network was working but that.
Apparently at least unjoins our domain, restarts, and now I cannot login for anything in this world. I cannot get any other user accounts to show up but the last person who logged in, who was an administrator on tablet under our domain, and the password simply does not work. I have tried restarting in safe mode with and without network and that doesn't work because it won't recognize the password for the user. So I thought system restore would work but apparently I need to login to the account to do that as well.
Also tried rebooting to the command prompt. I apparently need to login for that as well. I have tried rebooting into a password recovery/reset disc but I cannot get it to boot to the cd, or at least if it is, it's certainly not reading the disc (which I knows works for XP & 7). I cannot do a reset password usb because alas, I need to be able to login to be able to create one of those. I've looked at several online things but most of them start with "you need to be logged in".
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Jul 28, 2014
I've just upgraded to 8.1.
I was always able to login as a different user and use my work network user credentials i.e. workgroupusername. On this version I can do this. I can only add users once logged in and switch between them on the login screen.
This version doesn't show the 'login with different user' link. I've looked around the settings, but haven't had any luck with getting it to appear on the login screen.
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May 15, 2013
I have tried a few multiple monitor software packages (settled on UltraMon) and have done some Googling. I am trying to find a keyboard shortcut/hotkey that will move my browser's CURRENT TAB ONLY between monitors. I know I can drag it, but a shortcut key would be so much better.
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Sep 7, 2012
This is quite annoying me for a long time, things like confirmation dialog box, file copy Window do not get in front most of the times, either its focus is lost or it pops up behind the current Window. The only way to see those boxes is to click them separately in task bar.
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May 2, 2013
I tried several different sort by date items and not sorts by the date the actual file was added to the folder.
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Jul 2, 2013
When I try to play any kind of video, even an ecard, I see a message that I need to get the latest Flash player version. When I click on the provided Flash icon, I am taken to a page showing me how to figure out why my Flash player is not working. I then find that my Win 8 operating system already has the current (as of 4 months ago, anyway) Flash player embedded somewhere in it.
how to make the Flash player work? Is there a special way to awaken it? Getting tired of being unable to make video content work.
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