Network / Sharing :: Desktop Wallpaper Not Changed On Users - Domain Policy
Nov 17, 2013
In our domain we have a policy to change the wallpaper every month. The change is done from server side. Now wallpaper of most of users is changed but for few it remains the old wallpaper.
For example I have windows 8 and mine is not updated. I also have tried gpupdate /force. No luck.
This issue is only with few systems running windows xp 7 and 8.
These systems only show the last months wallpaper not the one updated.
Also these windows are fully updated as of now.
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Jan 14, 2013
how can i set up windows 8 to allow 2 or more of users to connect to my windows 8 desktop by remote desktop connection i know there must be some way to use as when i was work experience every one one was connecting to the same comptere buy that a windows xp comptuer
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Feb 17, 2013
Enable Concurrent Sessions on Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP (Termsrv.dll)
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Feb 14, 2013
I had a similar issue when adding vista pro and W7 pro to a domain. I found I had to turn the UAC setting all the way off to have the VPN connections appear once the machine was connected to a domain.
Fast forward to Windows 8. Once the machine was connected to the domain can't see created VPN connections even after turning the UAC all the way off. I assume it is a GPO item I can change but I can't find any reference to what GPO or registry setting I should change to allow use of the VPN connections.
What I can change?
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Sep 15, 2014
i have windows 8
in the instruction of my university vpn . they said i should enter UCSTAFF in domain(look at the step 7 in this instruction) but this instruction is for windows 7 and i could not find any way to enter domain in windows 8.
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Mar 28, 2013
I brought my laptop to work and wanted to connect to my work's network so I could access our shared networks. In the past I was able to log into my work's domain, nahrc, with my user name and password via the ctrl+alt+dlt method fromt he log on screen. I can plug in the ethernet cable into my laptop, and the nahrc network appears in the wired connections area, but I can't seem to connect/access our shared drives. Is it possible to log into my laptop like you could in windows 7 and access my account, or is this just not possible anymore.
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Feb 5, 2013
I have two computers:
mapped network drives M, N, O
mapped network drives P, Q, R
If I am on the LOFT computer i can see all mapped network drives, M,N,O,P,Q,R
if I am on the BEDROOM computer I can see mapped network drives P,Q,R but not M,N,O. I click on M,N,O and it comes up with a windows asking for login and password and states the following, "the system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request, after I type in the info I can then see the drives.
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Aug 20, 2013
On my laptop I have my microsoft account and everything set up and I have just started online schooling but when I go to the campus every few weeks i cant use their internet because i dont have a computer on their domain thing and I want to be able to join their domain but don't want it to affect my current setup.
So if i connect to their domain will it modify my current account or give them access to my current accounts files???
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Aug 25, 2014
I recently updated two of my computers to Windows 8.1 and One thing that seems to be a public nuisance is having to use a Microsoft Account to have a syncing onedrive folder. This aside I have been trying to get File/Printer Sharing working between a file server and a client.
With my previous W7 setup I would create custom groups for access to certain file sets and it would all go off without a hitch, the same is true with Windows 8.1 and local accounts. The issue comes in when I try to link a MS account to said local account, at this point it seems to ignore the group permissions. Below is a diagram of the setup and the expected/actual results.
Code: = Windows 8.1 File Server =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group- Give Administrators Read-Write permission and Security on the relevant share and files= Windows 8.1 Client =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group
With this setup, if I try to write a file to the share in question, I get an access denied, but if I instead explicitly give test1 Read-Write access to the share then the user can write files as expected. If I unlink the MSAccount from the localaccount then the share works as expected with out the user-explicit permissions. Finally, after I have tested the localaccount is working, if I link the accounts back to the Microsoft Account it once again stops working. It seems like MS screwed the pooch on this one and completely broke it's own group policy permission compatibility.
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Apr 8, 2014
When I click "desktop" from the Windows 8 tiles, it usually takes me to my desktop and icons. It brings me to a purple screen with only the windows logo in the lower left corner. I do not get a pop up menu when I right click on the desktop. All other users have their desktop icons. Restarted the computer didn't work. Ran MBam with no problems, AVG working, no viruses.
Changed display settings to get it to "refresh" but that didn't work. I verified it is only displaying on one monitor. I think I've tried just about everything I have found on the web, but nothing has restored my desktop icons. I basically don't have a "desktop" as I cannot right click to add new icons. It is more than just not displaying my icons.
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Dec 3, 2013
I am trying to find a solution to transferring large files (100+GB) between myself and a client of mine at a different location through the internet. The easiest one I have found was through a Private Network through Logmein's Hamachi, as you can browse other connected computers' files through this network.
Of course, to show the shared drives by the host computer, you need to input a username and password through the UAC. Obviously, if I insert my own username and password, I can see the folders I've shared. However, how do I configure a username/password for my client? Are these users the same as local users? I would like to avoid having to make a local user for him on my own computer.
Just for reference, I have no control over my network I am connected to, so no FTP, no port forwarding etc.
OS: Windows 8.1
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Sep 15, 2014
I was trying to use Windows Explorer to wirelessly browse my Android folders with the ES File Explorer app. The app issued me the local ftp IP and port to connect. I also setup a username and password for the connection.
When I entered those credentials on Vista, Win Explorer displayed folders as usual and allowed the usual drag and drop and cut/paste features. However, with Win 8.1 the interface looks like an HTML web page where all my Android folders display as links, and files and folders can only be downloaded. Is there some configuration setting I'm missing to make it look the old way?
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Nov 18, 2012
I do a lot of AV system programming, which generally involves having to set my IP address for either my Ethernet port or WiFi card to manual IPs temporarily. I am having an issue on a relatively clean install of Windows 8 Pro that after I change my IP, when I go back into TCP/IP v4 to change it back to DHCP, it is already set to automatic... but if I right click on the connection icon and go to Status, it still has the static address. I tried to set it to another manual address and to hopefully go back in to revert, but that doesn't work.
The ONLY thing that seems to work is removing the NIC from Device Manager and then re-scanning for hardware changes where it will be automatically detected with DHCP enabled by default.
WiFi card is Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 AGN.
Ethernet NIC is a Broadcom NetXtreme 57??.
I've got the latest available drivers, and using generic ones doesn't work. It's also on both NICs so I don't it is a driver issue.
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Sep 15, 2014
I always wonder how actually does Wireless ISP's differentiate users, as far as I can think of, they work somehow like local Wi-fi networks in which we are connected to the same router. In our home networks, our router differentiates the users/clients with their MAC address and internal IP addresses.
But, this must be different for Wireless ISP's as we can use different PC's any time.
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Nov 25, 2012
After discovered that my C:Users folder was shared by default, I right clicked the folder and unchecked "Share this folder" in Advanced Sharing under Share tab. I also went into Control Panel - Folder Options - View and unchecked "Use Sharing Wizard". However, as soon as the computer restarts, the C:Users folder is back to being shared again. "Use Sharing Wizard' under Folder Options remains unchecked after reboots. I am using Windows 8 Pro.
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Apr 25, 2014
I bought a new PC with Windows 8.1 and I probably set up stuff wrong at the start.
I set up my wife and 2 daughters as Administrators like me but I thought that they would not be able to see my Documents or Pictures or Music as my Profile has a password. But they were able to see all my Music, Documents and Pictures.
Previously in Windows XP, all our stuff was separate and they didn't see any of my files.
Thinking all I had to do was make them Standard Users and this would rectify the issue but obviously it didn't. I have left them at Standard Users hoping for a solution from you people here on this Forum.
So I am asking is there a way on Windows 8.1 to have my stuff Private for me and for no one to see it?
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Sep 23, 2013
I live in an apt building that has freeWIFI. There are about 4 wifi connections Ican switch to when one is lagging. I would like to see the number of usersaccessing each connections.
Is there any freeware system monitoring tool available that will show me #number of users on each wifi connected in my building. I am running Win 8.
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Feb 9, 2014
I'm a Windows 8. I'm trying to RDP from my new Windows 8 laptop to an XP desktop, both of which are on my home network. When I try, I get the below error...
Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2) The remote computer is turned off
3) The remote computer is not available on the network
As best as I can tell, none of the conditions above is true. Here is what I have looked at so far...
- On the XP machine, in System settings / Remote, "Allow users to connect to this system" is Checked. I have successfully RDP'd to this machine in the past, but this is the first time I've tried from the Windows 8 machine.
- From the Windows 8 machine, I can ping the XP machine, and I can access a shared drive on the XP machine. In fact, I've been moving files between the XP machine and the Windows 8 machine, in both directions, all day.
- Just to eliminate another potential issue, I have set the username and password on the Windows 8 machine to match that on the XP machine.
Incidentally, XP machine is running XP Pro, 2002, SP3.
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Sep 15, 2014
I don't know how this happened, but the Desktop folder under This PC changed to the D: drive. My system has two partitions, the second of which is the D: drive. The Desktop folder was not only renamed to "D:" but redirected to the drive as well. I tried to delete it from the registry editor and then add it back, but the D: keeps coming back instead. The desktop icon is still there, however.
Is there any way to delete the D: drive and bring back the desktop folder instead under This PC? Screenshot is attached.
P.S. In the screenshot, the actual D: drive (supposed to be next to the C: drive) is not shown because I deleted the partition in hopes of getting rid of the D: drive folder showing up under This PC.
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May 19, 2014
Strange behavior on my Win 8.1 desktop with a shortcut to Control PanelNetwork ConnectionsEthernet Network. After a system startup, (as administrator) the shortcut can "Disable" the network connection by right clicking the shortcut and selecting "Disable". Later, when the shortcut is right clicked again, the context menu still says "Disable". I would call this a failure to update the shortcut, but what is actually happening.
In order to get the shortcut to "update" itself, I have only to open the Control PanelNetwork Connections window. Magically, the shortcut will then reflect the true state of the network when right clicking the shortcut on the desktop.
what is necessary to keep the shortcut updated?
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Jan 19, 2014
Been having trouble this morning with my network drive in my Home Server. It normally connects fine at startup and it all of a sudden wont work.
I have isolated it to my Desktop as i can connect off of my Laptop fine.
The name of my server is Homeserver( and I have shared a folder inside the drive rather than the drive its self. This image shows how I'm trying to connect to the folder. And this is the error I'm getting
I have tried:
Resetting ip / dns flushing etc.
sfc /scannow (Says everything is fine.)
Windows 8.1: files in folders on network drive not visible
W2K3 Server can access W8 W8 computer cant see W2K server
Also tried disabling norton on my desktop but still wont work
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Aug 30, 2013
for Windows 7, you released some registry entries to add My Computer/User Folders/Control Panel onto the desktop for all users, which I've incorporated into an image to use with MDT. Anything similar for Windows 8? It's difficult to have to do this for individual users.
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Sep 15, 2014
When I changed back to Opera, the net icons on my desktop all changed to plain white squares. So I thought, OK, just redo the links via opera bookmarks - same result. All of the correct icons have been replaced with a blank white box.
So I went into properties and tried to change icons, but only got the windows generic ones in sys32.
So I selected a globe of earth for FB and it put an icon of a little monitor with a bar underneath it, so I tried again thinking I had clicked the wrong icon, nope, just the same. Whichever icon I click on, the same one appears in desktop.
As I have had varying degrees of success with browser software, I am beginning to thing that the windows software itself is to blame. I keep windows up to date with updates etc, so it not the lack of, but something is not right at all with 8.1.
I never had this problem with any previous ver of Windows.
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Sep 15, 2014
Potential client running Windows 8.0 (trying to avoid 8.1) Pavilion g6
Potential host running Win7 pro (fully updated) and the same desktop is the host of the wifi I'm using.
So far working:
-Remote desktop from Windows 8 into win7 (wireless).
-Folder sharing both ways (no homegroup, but direct sharing) (wireless).
Allthough, while uploading from Win7 into Windows 8 it occassionally looses connection, failing upload. However downloading same files from Windows 8 using same network works flawless. Also again using win7 sometimes doesn't find folders until using premade shortcuts. Maybe relevant, or not.
Problem: While trying to use Remote Desktop from Win7 desktop into Windows 8 Pavilion laptop I get that " of these reasons" error.
This while rightclicking on the Windows 8 pc in the win7 view of the network (choosing remote desktop option), so I know that the name is spelled right, it's in the network!!!
So far tried: Setting up Windows 8 to receive remote desktop as given here in these forums, allthough while on
SystemProperties-->Remote-->Advanced I do NOT get the remote desktop menu view, only Remote Assistant settings with hour setup and such.
Tried to connect:
-Both firewalls down, also client Avast down.
-From the network with right mouse click.
-Manually inputting the computer name into Remote Desktop
These PC's are not on the same WIFI, only same network. I Don't know how to get the network host into it's own wifi network. For example, I can't get my iPhone to connect wireless into iTunes because they are not connected into the same wifi, only Windows 8 is "connected" in the wifi, win7 is "merely" sending it, at least that's how I've understood the problem why I must upload/download stuff with manual wire connection with my phone.
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Dec 12, 2013
I recently bought Dell Inspiron with i5 4th generation and preloaded Win 8 on it.
I upgraded it to Win 8.1. Am trying to login to my works station through IE11. am able to successfully login to web vpn website and when i try to give my IP and hit submit,
Java tries to load for a brief moment and am getting a message.
Error: click here for more details in a split window.
However am able to launch remote desktop using IE8 from my XP box. IE11 does not support.
1) make remote desktop work on IE11 or
2) in installing IE8 on Win 8.1
Stuff tried so for, for making it work:
-uninstalled IE11 and tried installing IE8 (failed) IE9 (it says already installed though it is not)
-tried developer tool and changed browser mode to IE8 ( internet stopped working- unable to load any page from internet.)
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Dec 1, 2013
I have the HomeGroup Icon on my desktop and restarting doesn't remove this Icon. How to remove this icon without disabling HomeGroup.
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Oct 29, 2013
I want to be able to remote control my moms PC. Both our PC's are Windows 8 pro. I used a pro android app called jump remote desktop from my android tablet which allowed me to control my moms PC but it logged her out of her PC so she got a blank display while I controlled it. If I use the integrated Windows 8 pro remote desktop would my mom also be logged out and get a blank screen? How about the chrome web browser remote desktop extension? Am I right this is the only way that I can control her PC while she can still see what I'm doing. Does chrome extension log her out of windows? Another problem with having her log out of windows is then the next time she turns on her PC she will be asked for windows password even though we have it setup to start windows without asking for sign in info. Is chrome extension best solution for me? Easy to setup?
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May 11, 2013
The desktopUI all my software can connect fine to the internets, browsers, emaiclients, games etc etc. On the MetroUI nothing connects to the internet. for example with the windows app store i get the message (roughly translated from Dutch) "Windows store didn't connect to server or timed out, wait a few minutes and try again" clicking the back button top right, or the try again "link" have no response whatsoever.
dxdiag log
Code: ------------------System Information------------------Time of this report: 5/11/2013, 18:28:38
Machine name: WOLFDEN-HQ Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (9200.win8_gdr.130306-1502)
Language: Dutch (Regional Setting: Dutch) System Manufacturer: MEDION
System Model: MS-7797
[Code] .....
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May 30, 2013
I have a Windows 8 laptop. Windows 8 came pre-installed means it is Windows 8 Core/ OEM version, if that matters.
my other two laptops are Windows 7 laptop and Macbook Pro plus android handset.
sometimes all the three laptops are ON and operational and are connected through WiFi.
I have Remote Desktop Sharing enabled in my Windows 7 laptop
I have installed third party RDP server in my Macbook Pro
I have enabled Remote Desktop Sharing in Windows 8 laptop
Chart below shows kind of working sketch
Client Device Server Device Result Windows 8 Laptop Windows 7 Laptop OK Macbook Pro Windows 7 Laptop OK Android Handset
Third Party RDP Client Windows 7 Laptop OK Windows 7 Laptop Macbook Pro
Third Party RDP Server OK Windows 8 Laptop Macbook Pro
Third Party RDP Server OK Android Handset
Third Party RDP Client Macbook Pro
Third Party RDP Server OK Windows 7 Laptop Windows 8 Laptop No Responce Macbook Pro Windows 8 Laptop No Responce Android Handset
Third Party RDP Client Windows 8 Laptop No Responce
I tried using both IP and netBIOS name. Ping works just fine in both ways.
Now, One thing is clear. something is wrong in Windows 8 settings or something.
assuming that Remote Support is allowed in here... is there something I am missing in Windows 8 configuration?
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Jan 30, 2013
I am running windows 8 pro, I have the "alow remote access" checked as I should and I have read plenty of threads on how to do it. Now, when I am at work, I want to remote into my home desktop. My work pc is win 7 pro. When I enter my home ip it gives the "cannot connect" either the computer is this or that etc.
I followed the guide but to no avail. AS long as my home pc is set to accept remote connections, why am I having this issue.?
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Jun 5, 2014
Want my Windows 8.1 computer to join my HomeGroup which currently consists of my Win 7 desktop and Win 7 laptop.
In Network and Sharing Center it sees the HomeGroup and says "Available to Join". I try to join by inputting the password and after a minute it says "Windows no longer detects a homegroup on this network...."
Why is this happening? What to do? What is the point of having multiple computers if you can't join them.
I also see that I can't even access the other computer through network. It shows both computers yet when I click on one it says its not accessible, I don't have permissions, etc. I have done nothing to change anything. Why can't I see other computers on my own network? On my two Win 7 computers it was as simple as could be. Why is this Win 8.1 giving me trouble?
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