Network / Sharing :: Hiding Documents / Music / Pictures From Other PC Users
Apr 25, 2014
I bought a new PC with Windows 8.1 and I probably set up stuff wrong at the start.
I set up my wife and 2 daughters as Administrators like me but I thought that they would not be able to see my Documents or Pictures or Music as my Profile has a password. But they were able to see all my Music, Documents and Pictures.
Previously in Windows XP, all our stuff was separate and they didn't see any of my files.
Thinking all I had to do was make them Standard Users and this would rectify the issue but obviously it didn't. I have left them at Standard Users hoping for a solution from you people here on this Forum.
So I am asking is there a way on Windows 8.1 to have my stuff Private for me and for no one to see it?
My current aging computer has an internal 750GB HDD, which is made up mostly of files inside My Documents/My Pictures/My Music/My Videos folders. I just ordered the Microsoft Surface Pro 2 w/ 256GB SSD. I also ordered an external USB 3.0 500GB SSD, so that between the Surface's 256GB SSD and the external 500GB SSD I can transfer all my data from my aging computer.
My question: I would like to set up Windows 8.1 so that the Surface Pro 2 with its 256GB SSD will include the OS, apps, and My Documents folder, and that the attached external USB 3.0 500GB SSD will hold the My Pictures/My Music/My Videos folders. If I'm away from home for the day (or a few days), I will only take the Surface Pro 2 with me and likely leave the external SSD behind because I mostly use the stuff in My Documents.
So, specifically, I'd like to know if you think I should set up Windows with all these folders on the Surface Pro 2, but have the My Pictures/My Music/My Videos folders be empty except for a LINK to folders on the external SSD which will include the actual content (files) of these folders, or should I actually MOVE those three system folders from the 256GB SSD onto the external 500GB drive?
I have ten folders in my Pictures library all full of pictures, and they get cycled on the Live tile for the Photos app, and also show up under "Pictures" once you've opened the Photos app.
Is there a way to hide a folder so it's physically in my UsersLibrariesPictures location, but WON'T show up under the Photos app?
My neighborhood shares a wi-fi connection. When some neighbors see my computer is connected to the network, they assume I'm awake and accepting visitors. I want to prevent my computer from appearing when you click on Network and all PC's and connected devices appear.
I'm running Windows 8. I opened a command prompt and entered net config server /hidden:yes and "the command was completed successfully". I then restarted my computer and logged onto the network, however my PC is still visible along with the other computers and devices connected to the network.
What additional steps must I take to accomplish this task?
"It's nobody's business when I'm awake and online" in Tacoma.
In setting up a new Acer Aspire V I have managed to rename the default Pictures folder Documents and I now have two folders called Documents - see below:
I was trying to move the Documents and Pictures folders to DropBox (because DropBox is encrypted) in order to have all contents synced. I believe the problem may have arisen because Windows 8.1 (I upgraded from installed Windows 8 immediately after buying the PC and before the install of Office 365) may have put the Documents folder in Skydrive folder by default.
To complicate matters Acer also has some form of cloud storage that may be in the mix -the folder below? It is worth noting that the two folders below appear in both Documents folders (above) even although one still had the old Pictures icon - see above.
Here is a shot of the folders currently in the relevant user folder:
Is there any way to unscramble this mess and get the folders to DropBox?
I am trying to find a solution to transferring large files (100+GB) between myself and a client of mine at a different location through the internet. The easiest one I have found was through a Private Network through Logmein's Hamachi, as you can browse other connected computers' files through this network.
Of course, to show the shared drives by the host computer, you need to input a username and password through the UAC. Obviously, if I insert my own username and password, I can see the folders I've shared. However, how do I configure a username/password for my client? Are these users the same as local users? I would like to avoid having to make a local user for him on my own computer.
Just for reference, I have no control over my network I am connected to, so no FTP, no port forwarding etc.
Did an upgrade to WIN 8.1 and everything kept freezing up. Took a brand new 1T portable drive and copied the entire (or what I thought was the entire) C drive.
Got into the boot screen and did a system restore. WIN 8 works fine, but my portable hard drive copy does not contain any of my documents, videos or pictures.
Tried Recuva and Puran on the original internal hard drive and still can't find any of the missing documents.
I can't get into my Documents folder. Every time I go to get into it, this little pop up message come up.
It tells me:
" "Documents.library-ms" is no longer working. This library can be safely deleted from your computer. Folders that have been included will not be affected."
I have also include an image of the message.
It also happens when I try to get into my Pictures folder. Just lays "Pictures.library-ms" etc etc etc comes up.
It is astounding to me that Microsoft would not allow users to delete a user picture, if the user didn't want one at the logon screen.
What possible reason is there to disallow deleting the picture. I know you can create a blank jpg, use a different picture, but why not just eliminate the user picture. A choice to get rid of that bad decision some of us make in testing and trying things is just too puzzling to let go.
So I understand that SKYDRIVE makes it easy to access your documents or pictures from different devices. Can it be used, in essence, as a external hard-drive <per se> to back up your pictures and important documents? I'm not quite understanding how it works. I think it works like a dropbox, but wondered about using it for BACK-UP rather than purchasing an external drive?
I would prefer that certain files (like Tax and financial documents ) be stored locally. Can this be accomplished if I save the documents within the program I am using with "save as" then specify a location other than the C drive where the OS is located?
I use windows 8.1 on a desktop for a server in our small office. Server + 5 workstations. I was using an old XP machine to scan documents in. I moved the scanner to the Windows 8.1 server. The XP machine scanned them and sent them to a location on the server and from there anyone could get to the document.
Now, if I scan from the server to the same location it will not show on the workstations in Windows Explorer (or Thunderbird if emailing). It's there and all the workstations have permission to access the folder.
If I am on the Win 8 machine and copy the file to another location and then back to the scan docs location, no problem it shows. If I copy a doc from a workstation to the Server. No problem it shows.
I suspect some type of permissions issue but am unable to figure out how to resolve it.
I always wonder how actually does Wireless ISP's differentiate users, as far as I can think of, they work somehow like local Wi-fi networks in which we are connected to the same router. In our home networks, our router differentiates the users/clients with their MAC address and internal IP addresses.
But, this must be different for Wireless ISP's as we can use different PC's any time.
After discovered that my C:Users folder was shared by default, I right clicked the folder and unchecked "Share this folder" in Advanced Sharing under Share tab. I also went into Control Panel - Folder Options - View and unchecked "Use Sharing Wizard". However, as soon as the computer restarts, the C:Users folder is back to being shared again. "Use Sharing Wizard' under Folder Options remains unchecked after reboots. I am using Windows 8 Pro.
I have a new Dell Vostro 270MT running Windows 8 Pro 64-bit. I'm having a problem in that the Metro Apps (Music, Pictures, etc) are not seeing any files on a second internal HDD.
I have gone into Windows Explorer and explicitly added the file location (e.. E:Music) to the relevant Library (e.g. My Music). When I click on the library, the files appear there and I can open them from within Windows Explorer (by selecting the file and choosing "Open with"). Individual music files will open with any of the installed programs including Music, Media Player or VLC. Similarly picture files are visible in Photo Viewer or Pictures.
But when I return to the Metro/Start screen and select the relevant app (e.g. Music) - no files appear.
If I copy a file across to the main library on C: - then the file will appear in the app. (But I want to keep all my data on a 2nd internal HDD rather than fill up my C: drive).
I have tried:
- Uninstalling and reinstalling the app - Explicitly setting the folder type to "Music" or "Pictures" or whatever is relevant, as well as keeping it as "General" - I have added the file to the library by (1) going into the library and adding it to the list of locations to be accessed, as well as (2) going to the E: drive, selecting the folder and adding it to the library
how can i set up windows 8 to allow 2 or more of users to connect to my windows 8 desktop by remote desktop connection i know there must be some way to use as when i was work experience every one one was connecting to the same comptere buy that a windows xp comptuer
In our domain we have a policy to change the wallpaper every month. The change is done from server side. Now wallpaper of most of users is changed but for few it remains the old wallpaper.
For example I have windows 8 and mine is not updated. I also have tried gpupdate /force. No luck.
This issue is only with few systems running windows xp 7 and 8.
These systems only show the last months wallpaper not the one updated.
I live in an apt building that has freeWIFI. There are about 4 wifi connections Ican switch to when one is lagging. I would like to see the number of usersaccessing each connections.
Is there any freeware system monitoring tool available that will show me #number of users on each wifi connected in my building. I am running Win 8.
I am trying out Xbox Music and a Lumia 920. I am downloading songs from Xbox Music and creating playlists, but it never shows up Windows 8 desktop. When I add songs and playlists on my desktop, they show up on the Lumia 920.
Using the Windows 8.1 music app, I have properly setup my library to load from my second HDD, but it only loads 80 artists out of over 120. All my music is properly tagged and in Artist/Year - Album/ folder format.
I have Office 2010 installed and I just added another user to my computer. Most of my installed programs are available to the other user but for some reason Office hasn't carried over. It's for my daughter and I want her to have access to Word for homework, etc. Any way that I can share office with her user profile?
I deleted my music from my music app and cannot re-add it. The files were added automatically the first time, but now the app won't add them. Can I refresh the cache for the music app or what can I do?
I recently migrated to Windows 8. My music collection stumbled along the way and I had to re-fetch artwork for a few albums in WMP. I also set it up in iTunes. My default app for MP3s is WMP. As you can see below, artwork only appears when in the folder view (which somewhat defeats the purpose of libraries in the first place). I'd prefer to sort them by artist, with album art displayed without a folder, as it should and as it did in Windows 7.
Art appears in folder view but not artist or album view.
On a related note, I recently added many new MP3s to my collection. When I opened Xbox Music for the first time afterwards, it seemed to be downloading art to add it to my older albums, all of which have art. Then the process was somehow interrupted. I believe I closed the app. Then, when I opened it again, none of them had art.
I had recently replaced my HDD with SSD, So I had backed up & erased all the personal files including music, videos etc from respective folders, Actually there is no files other than system files, programs, softwares in the SSD now, I had done disk cleanup, defrag , clearing of temp, prefetch folders etc before starting the cloning everything from HDD to SSD,
After replacement, now I could see all my collection of songs/music in the Now Playing section of Music App (Modern app), No music files are actually present for me to locate in any of the folders when I go through for explorer,
I'm not able to play the music files by clicking it from Music App , & when I delete it from there by right clicking it - temporarily goes away but returns when i close the App and opens it again..
I had unchecked & checked the indexing option in the Music folder (File Explorer) - properties & restarted system, checked, But still all the music files are listed in the App, how to clear the music file listings from the Music app permanently which are not really present in the system?
After updating to Windows 8.1 (from windows 8), start menu stopped to hide after choosing an app. I enter menu start -> click on desired application tile (if it is metro app, everything works) -> nothing happens -> when i manually close menu (return to desktop) i see that desired program is running. It is very annoying - in Windows 8 (and 8.1 on my friends' machines) i just needed to enter menu and click on app. Menu would close automatically and app would run. Now i need to enter menu, click on app and close the menu. I've seen some examples of proper behavior but it was rare and i couldn't identify the pattern when menu is working as expected and when is not. I really don't want to reinstall whole system P.S. I also noticed that search is a little bit slower, but this may be caused by the fact, that now it searches also files by default, not just apps.