Network / Sharing :: Windows 8.1 Group Policy Permissions - Microsoft Account
Aug 25, 2014
I recently updated two of my computers to Windows 8.1 and One thing that seems to be a public nuisance is having to use a Microsoft Account to have a syncing onedrive folder. This aside I have been trying to get File/Printer Sharing working between a file server and a client.
With my previous W7 setup I would create custom groups for access to certain file sets and it would all go off without a hitch, the same is true with Windows 8.1 and local accounts. The issue comes in when I try to link a MS account to said local account, at this point it seems to ignore the group permissions. Below is a diagram of the setup and the expected/actual results.
Code: = Windows 8.1 File Server =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group- Give Administrators Read-Write permission and Security on the relevant share and files= Windows 8.1 Client =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group
With this setup, if I try to write a file to the share in question, I get an access denied, but if I instead explicitly give test1 Read-Write access to the share then the user can write files as expected. If I unlink the MSAccount from the localaccount then the share works as expected with out the user-explicit permissions. Finally, after I have tested the localaccount is working, if I link the accounts back to the Microsoft Account it once again stops working. It seems like MS screwed the pooch on this one and completely broke it's own group policy permission compatibility.
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Sep 15, 2014
I have relatively new PC with Windows 8.1 but recently I am getting a message on start up that "Windows could not connect to Group Policy service" . This then asks me to look at the Event log. I notice that the Event log has " Special log on " every time I log on . Are theses messages related ? Is this normal ? Have I a bug of some description? I have ran Norton 360 and malwarebytes - nothing reported.
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May 11, 2013
In all editions of Windows 8, there is the local group policy editor? If so, how do I find it?
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May 10, 2014
I just bought a new laptop, it`s a HP Pavilion 15-n221so, and I want to disable OneDrive. I`ve read about that I can disable it using Group Policy. When I`m trying to open it in run, with the command "gpedit.msc, I just getting an error that the system can`t find it. I have a norwegian Windows 8.1.
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May 11, 2013
In all editions of Windows 8, there is the local group policy editor? If so, how do I find it?
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Jun 30, 2013
I've looked at the Group Policy Search with Azure, but I don't have a clue as to how to find the correct key to add to the Home Group Policy in the registry. I need to get rid of whatever policy is causing this error message every time I try to install Corel's PaintShop Pro x5 in D:Program Files (x86):
This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.
This "sounds" like it might be what I need, but I wouldn't dare mess with the registry without being sure.
"Configure software Installation policy processing" Group Policy Search
But whatever I need to use - I would need hand holding on how to use it!
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Apr 21, 2014
Possible to use the msg command on a Microsoft account on Windows 8.1 ?
I can send messages from the MS account to other computers but unable to receive them.
I get the following error message: Error 5 getting session names
When switching the account back to a local account, the messages work as they should.
I've tried using my MS username and email address as username as well as the * (all users) switch but no joy.
AllowRemoteRPC is set to 1 and fDenyTSConnections is 0.
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Jul 14, 2013
I'm setting up a new Dell with W-8 Home. I'm trying to open the Group Policy to edit not asking for password when restoring from "Monitor" turned off. Already stopped it on logon. Attached is the message I get either from Run or the cmd prompt.
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Dec 12, 2012
How do you disable thumbs.db in Windows 8?
I found a method for windows 7, via group policy. But it doesn't work on Windows 8. I can not find windows explorer in group policy..
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Jun 23, 2013
My main PC is a desktop running Windows 7 and my homegroup was set up on this PC. I have a laptop running Windows 8 and joined the homegroup - seemingly successfully as the control panel indicates that it is in the group.
On the W7 desktop. The homegroup icon lists the laptop and allows me to access the laptop files. The network icon lists both the desktop and the laptop. I could also access the laptop files this way, but do not need to as I can access them via the homegroup icon.
On the Windows 8 laptop. The homegroup icon just lists the laptop user name and then the laptop itself. The desktop is not listed. The network icon lists both the laptop and the desktop. This allows me to access the desktop files, but I would prefer to access them via the the homegroup icon.
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Nov 17, 2013
In our domain we have a policy to change the wallpaper every month. The change is done from server side. Now wallpaper of most of users is changed but for few it remains the old wallpaper.
For example I have windows 8 and mine is not updated. I also have tried gpupdate /force. No luck.
This issue is only with few systems running windows xp 7 and 8.
These systems only show the last months wallpaper not the one updated.
Also these windows are fully updated as of now.
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Dec 15, 2013
Is it possible to give individual network computers permissions on shared folders on a non-domain network?
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Dec 16, 2012
Some times the home group icon will be displayed on my desktop screen and some times it disappears. why is it so?
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Jun 18, 2013
Two user accounts, both administrator level. I have a file in my documents that my wife's account can READ but cannot SAVE. I've gone in through User Accounts and given her account full permissions (full control with all the boxes checked), but it always reverts back to her not being able to save any file in my directory.
FWIW, I have all accounts on a separate D: drive. Only windows 8 and programs are on C:.
Also, Read only status. I see the dot (not a check) when I select properties from "my documents". I remove the dot, task window comes up and all the file names whiz by. Then, I look and ... again, the dot is present.
What is the purpose of the dot vs the check mark. They seem to have the identical effect on sub-directories and files within sub-directories.
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Feb 3, 2014
I can't create a simple text file and place it on my C: drive in Win 8.1 - says that I don't have permission. The properties of the drive show that I do - full control, every class of user. Am I missing something really simple?
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Dec 4, 2012
I have two windows 8 computers in the same homegroup.
When I share a folder to the homegroup and give it View/Edit permissions, it changes to View only after a computer restart.
Edit:One more thing, I think it might have something to do with the fact the folders are on a drive defined as a storage space in the storage pool.
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Sep 15, 2014
I have two networked PCs. On PC1, I have a program file (.exe) that I want PC2 to be able to access, open and use, but not copy or move from it's location. What would be the best permission settings to adjust on PC1 to protect the file?
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Aug 28, 2014
I removed my one and only user account from Administrators Group now i am not able to do any thing I tried adding back , but failed since not an admin user. If there is a way through regedit.
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Jun 25, 2014
I am a system administrator in a large enterprise environment and we are doing a rollout of Windows 8.1. In our image capture we somehow captured a setting that is disabling users from setting up a connected account with their domain account. I am relatively sure that it is in my unattend and I can fix it for machines going forward but I really don't want to have to reimage the machines I've already deployed.
When I go to connect an account, the "connect to a Microsoft account" option is grayed out and the "some settings are managed by your administrator" message is displayed at the top. This is NOT a group policy object that is applying. The machines are in a test OU and there is absolutely no policy applied. I have searched all through local policy and even did a search through the registry for "account" (that took forever) but have been unable to find any registry key or local policy that would be causing this issue.
What setting might be causing this? I have 30+ machines already out in the environment and the user experience is going to be terrible if I have to reimage them all.
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May 2, 2014
Sys: Windows 8.1 Pro clients attached to MS 2003 server domain. (yes I know its best to have a higher win server version with 8.1, but i do not have that currently)
Ok, so the problem is that roaming profiles and folder redirection work but on only SOME of the windows 8.1 clients!!!!
How can these both work fine on only SOME of my essentially identical workstations?
I realize that I need different Profile types for the different OS's. I have applied the V4 registry edit and created a V4 default profile in my sysvol directory on the DC so that the workstations get a proper V4 starting profile.
All PC's are in same OU container.
My GPO's for roaming profiles and folder redirection have not changed from my XP workstations, Windows server 2003 domain controller.
So I create a new user, and log into one of the Windows 8.1 client machines on my local lan. Wow, profile works, V4 created in the profile share, redirection works perfectly. So I log out. I then remote to an identical PC across my wan. Log in as same user and it works fine, get the redirected desktop, and profile. But now the fun begins. I log out to complete the profile "swap" back to the server. I try to log back in and the disaster starts. (Yes, I have triple checked my permissions on all shares etc.)
I get the "DESKTOP cannot be loaded error". Logs show REDIRECTION SUCCESSFUL for my desktop!!! What the?
I have received the "redirection gpo not applied till next login" log, but it is intermittent. Its like the OS does does not know it nose from its butt! How can my desktop be redirected successfully and I get a message that my DESKTOP IS NOT AVAILABLE?
So I go back to my local lan machine and try logging in as this same user, IT WORKS FINE OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
How I can get my roaming profiles and folder redirection to work normally with my Windows 8.1 clients on my MS 2003 domain server?
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Jul 26, 2013
How can I switch to microsoft account in windows 8?
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Jan 14, 2014
I have Vista with shared files and folders but when I click on the PC shown in computers or do a run //pctosharewithneame
I receive a username and PW entry box.
On my Vista I do not log in with a PW. My account name is HOME and has no PW and it is set up as Adminwhch may be different than a machine admin-not sure.
I assume that would be the user name would be home. But Home and no PW was not accepted by the Win 8 machine for the Vista machine
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May 21, 2014
For the last 2 days, I can't get logged into my computer.
My computer (running windows 8.1) starts up fine, and I get to the screen where I select my user profile and enter my password. I only have 1 account set up on this machine, and it uses my Microsoft Account log-on information. I enter my password correctly, and it starts to "appear" as though I am getting logged in. I receive the "Welcome" and the dots go around in a circle as it is loading. After about 5 minutes, it goes no where and then the enter passwod pops back up. I can not get past this screen, It just keeps going around in circles. I have also tried using the PIN instead of password, same result. Sometimes I receive the message "the user profile service failed the sign-in".
So far I have tried resetting my Microsoft password, and have done that successfully. I can access my Hotmail and all that fine from other machines. I also took the computer and hardwired the internet to it, thinking it might be something with the wireless (although if it is wasn't seeing the internet I would think it would tell me that).
I seem to remember a few days ago the computer telling me it was updating when I shut down, so maybe that is causing something. I am stuck and don't know where to go from here.
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May 6, 2014
What are the pro and cons of signing in to windows using microsoft account?
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Feb 8, 2014
The problem is i can't connect to microsoft to login or use microsoft account on my windows app. When i open windows store apps message shows "Youre PC isn't connected to internet. To use the store, connect to the internet and try again.". When i tried to switch to microsoft account and login my account then it loads after that it show "The service isn't available right now - Try again later." I having this problem for more than two weeks until now. I tried a couple of time to refresh the windows - no luck same problem. Tried to restart and re-install windows - same problem.
Even when i tried to install Adobe photoshop and need to sign in nothing happens it keeps on loading to sgin in page. I tried to open adobe website and it open normally i can check any adobe page. But when i tried to download flash player no download button. So luckily i download it in other computer or i use google chrome. When i tried to click the sign in in adobe website it opens the login/sign page with white page and a html text on it but can't login. I tried and check with adobe forum but i can't post my problem because i cannot sign in. I check with other forums but no luck.
On my Facebook problem. I can open normally my facebook account/page read feeds, upload pics, upload vids. But when i tried to watch facebook videos post/feeds just loading the black screen videoit keeps on loading no luck to watch it or play. Youtube videos normally playing. I tried to check all even my graphics card, windows display tried to check everything even ask from others forum until now no answer and no luck.
I can open all my problems and error normally in other computer. So i think the problem is in my PC or windows. But tried to scan for error and troubleshoot no problems.
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Feb 1, 2013
Is it possible to sign up into a microsoft account with a pirated windows 8 and download apps?...then what will be the point in buying it...just out of curiosity...i have a licensed one!!!
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Jul 22, 2013
I just bought a new laptop and the problem is, I cannot switch to a Microsoft account. It either gets stuck at the "preparing your account" window or would say that there are network problems. This has been happening since I bought this laptop, which is about a week now.
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Oct 18, 2013
How to skip Microsoft Account login?
1. During installation while configuring the user account it will as for a Microsoft account Login - Enter and blabla in the respective fields - press enter.
2. It may ask for a Security Code to verify because the account doesn't exist or confirm it is yours.
3. You will be able to "see" Create Local Account. Just click on it and enjoy.
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Sep 15, 2014
I've got a very annoying problem with Windows 8.1 x64 . Ever since the 8.1 update Micorosoft has been pushing logging in via Microsoft Account rather than a local account. Though the Micrsosoft account provides some benefits (copy desktop, OneDrive etc) it also has some pitfalls
My problem is with the languange preferences / keyboard layout :
I've got 3 systems which are US international keyboard and 1 system with an UK keyboard. All systems boot with US int. keyboard, when on the laptop i change to UK, all systems boot with UK. When then I change with both languages installed to US again, next reboot the laptop defaults to US.
Though I like synchronizing accounts, keyboard lay-out should be able to be opted out and be a local setting. I can't make it work properly with JUST UK on the laptop and US int on the other 3 systems.
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Sep 1, 2013
I recently got a Windows 8 HP Sleekbook and accidently deleted my own microsoft Admin user account.Now I can login through the standard user account but cannot do the administrator stuff. What to do?
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Aug 1, 2013
I am getting a Windows 8 tablet and want to set up Gmail on the Windows 8 mail app. I don't have a Microsoft account.
Should I sign up for a MS account using a Hotmail address, or using my Gmail address? What is the advantage in using a Hotmail address in order to access my Gmail. What are the pros & cons?
I'd like to be able to view/send email but not download it onto my tablet, as I use Live Mail on my main PC and want all my downloaded email on that computer.
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