Find Local Group Policy Editor

May 11, 2013

In all editions of Windows 8, there is the local group policy editor? If so, how do I find it?

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Maintenance :: Windows 8 - Find Local Group Policy Editor

May 11, 2013

In all editions of Windows 8, there is the local group policy editor? If so, how do I find it?

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How To Find Key To Add To Home Group Policy In Registry

Jun 30, 2013

I've looked at the Group Policy Search with Azure, but I don't have a clue as to how to find the correct key to add to the Home Group Policy in the registry. I need to get rid of whatever policy is causing this error message every time I try to install Corel's PaintShop Pro x5 in D:Program Files (x86):

This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.

This "sounds" like it might be what I need, but I wouldn't dare mess with the registry without being sure.

"Configure software Installation policy processing" Group Policy Search

But whatever I need to use - I would need hand holding on how to use it!

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Windows 8. I - Cannot Find Windows Explorer In Group Policy

Dec 12, 2012

How do you disable thumbs.db in Windows 8?

I found a method for windows 7, via group policy. But it doesn't work on Windows 8. I can not find windows explorer in group policy..

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How To Open Group Policy In 8.1 - HP Pavilion 15 N221

May 10, 2014

I just bought a new laptop, it`s a HP Pavilion 15-n221so, and I want to disable OneDrive. I`ve read about that I can disable it using Group Policy. When I`m trying to open it in run, with the command "gpedit.msc, I just getting an error that the system can`t find it. I have a norwegian Windows 8.1.

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Windows Could Not Connect To Group Policy Service?

Sep 15, 2014

I have relatively new PC with Windows 8.1 but recently I am getting a message on start up that "Windows could not connect to Group Policy service" . This then asks me to look at the Event log. I notice that the Event log has " Special log on " every time I log on . Are theses messages related ? Is this normal ? Have I a bug of some description? I have ran Norton 360 and malwarebytes - nothing reported.

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How To Open Group Policy To Edit Not Asking For Password When Restoring From Monitor Turned Off

Jul 14, 2013

I'm setting up a new Dell with W-8 Home. I'm trying to open the Group Policy to edit not asking for password when restoring from "Monitor" turned off. Already stopped it on logon. Attached is the message I get either from Run or the cmd prompt.

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Network / Sharing :: Windows 8.1 Group Policy Permissions - Microsoft Account

Aug 25, 2014

I recently updated two of my computers to Windows 8.1 and One thing that seems to be a public nuisance is having to use a Microsoft Account to have a syncing onedrive folder. This aside I have been trying to get File/Printer Sharing working between a file server and a client.

With my previous W7 setup I would create custom groups for access to certain file sets and it would all go off without a hitch, the same is true with Windows 8.1 and local accounts. The issue comes in when I try to link a MS account to said local account, at this point it seems to ignore the group permissions. Below is a diagram of the setup and the expected/actual results.

Code: = Windows 8.1 File Server =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group- Give Administrators Read-Write permission and Security on the relevant share and files= Windows 8.1 Client =- Added localuser test1- Added user to administrators group- Link test1 to MSAccount- Verified user is still part of administrators group

With this setup, if I try to write a file to the share in question, I get an access denied, but if I instead explicitly give test1 Read-Write access to the share then the user can write files as expected. If I unlink the MSAccount from the localaccount then the share works as expected with out the user-explicit permissions. Finally, after I have tested the localaccount is working, if I link the accounts back to the Microsoft Account it once again stops working. It seems like MS screwed the pooch on this one and completely broke it's own group policy permission compatibility.

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Apps / Software :: PdfXchange Editor Use Local Manual

Jun 20, 2014

Using PdfXchange Editor and knows the trick to get F1 to use the local manual file instead of going onto the web.

It has a subdirectory. Copying the manual there does nothing. Also I see no setting in Preferences or anything in the online FAQ.

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Computer Management Console Do Not Show Local Users And Group Snap-in

Jun 1, 2014

My computer management do not shows local user and group snap-in in windows 8.1. How to enable it, sometimes before it was enabled in it, but when i again see it, it is not there.

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Security :: Can Change Local Security Policy Entries From RegEdit?

Mar 8, 2014

Which registry settings should I change to set the top two default Windows rules back to 'Unrestricted' ?

I set up some rules in the local security policy some time ago when there was fuss in the news about the cryptolocker virus. They looked a lot like the rules above (I found that screenshot online as I can't take one myself, read on..)

Today I was installing some software that wanted access to the areas I restricted. I temporarily disabled the rules, then re-enabled them. Being a dumbass I also set the top two rules (which are Windows default rules) to Disallowed!

Over the following 10 minutes various aspects of my PC stopped working, telling me that the local security policy prevented access. I couldn't even get into the Control Panel or the Local Security Policy screen to change it back, once I realised what I had done. I rebooted the machine - it won't come back up

I've tried a system restore by booting from the installer on USB (which did not work, it grumbled that it could not restore due a file locked by anti-virus) so I think I've got two options:

Refresh my system using the Windows 8 tools - but I suspect that might leave the LSP rules in place, as it retains my settings & preferences.Hand edit the registry to correct the settings.

Option 2 is looking best, I can get into RegEdit from the recovery console, but I'm not sure what to edit and what to set it to? This is on Windows 8.1 Pro...

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MS Photo Editor Does Not Show Up?

Sep 15, 2014

I noticed some discrepancies with Sendto:-

When I Right click on an icon & select Sendto the MS Photo Editor does not show up although I put it there in "...Roaming.....Windows Sendto"

Also I deleted "Floppy drive A" in "...Roaming.....Windows Sendto" but, it still shows when I Right click on an icon & select Sendto.

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Apps / Software :: SMS Editor For Bluetooth?

Aug 8, 2014

On my last PC (Windows 7) i had a SMS editor that allowed me to read and send messages from a GSM phone, on this new Windows 8 there doesn't seem to be one available, i have most other things like sending files etc. the bluetooth is Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 Bluetooth 4.0 + HS Adapter.

It was this one - [URL]

how i can add this or do i need to uninstall the current stack/suite?

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Virtualization :: How To Add Virtual Network Editor To VMWare Player

Mar 21, 2012

This enhancement applies to VMware Player standalone. If you have VMware Workstation installed, you don't need to apply this as Workstation includes all the features (and also includes VMware Player).

As the most VMware Workstation users know, there is a virtual network editor available that lets you configure the virtual networks, add new networks and delete networks for the virtual machines and also bridged networks with the host computer.


One of the usage of the network editor is fixing the bridged network connection: How to fix bridged networking in VMware player - YouTube

The editor is useful (mostly for advanced users...but you'll never now when it might be needed) to add, delete and configure the default virtual networks that come pre-installed with Player.

VMware Player is Workstation's little brother, it's free and comes with less features. There is no Network editor with VMware Player (...or is it?)

The network editor is available in the VMware Player installer but it's default set NOT to install with the rest of the features (don't know why).

It seems different fixes need to be applied to each of Player's version 4, 5 or 6.

If using version 4 of the Player, this also applies to version 3.

I'm gonna show you how to add the network editor to VMware Player.

It's easy, or it should have been... but each version has its surprise.

Keep in mind that techniques used for one version apply for newer versions too but the files need to be extracted form other installers and other archives or additional files may be required.

Player version 3 and 4 To begin we first need to extract the VMware Player installer with some extra parameters (name-of-installer.exe /e .extract). You put the installer in a folder of your choice and create a shortcut of it as shown below (1) with the extra parameters in the target:

Then you run the shortcut that creates a folder (extract) containing all the components.

Go to folder "extract". We are interested in "": open or extract it and there you see "vmnetcfg.exe". It's the network editor.

Copy or move it in the VMware Player installation folder ("Program Files (x86)VMwareVMware Player" should be the default path).

This is shown below:

Now we are ready. The network editor is part of VMware Player just like in Workstation.

The virtual networks that appear in the notification area in Windows Vista and later can be configured or deleted:

Don't delete them if you use networking in your virtual machines. The network editor works as seen in last screenshot.

Player version 5 The fix above doesn't work in VMware Player 5: the file we need is included with Workstation. (using "/e extract" parameter for the installer still applies). Read here: VMware Communities: Whither VMware Player 5.0 VMNetCfg.exe?

Extra update: Vertigo here later on the thread: How to add the "Virtual Network Editor" to VMware Player some extra info is provided how to simplify things out: VMware Player 5 already has a vmnetui.dll included and the whole procedure posted above is not needed anymore!

Player version 6

Then, See post here. Until a command is discovered to see if Player includes the network editor again, the extraction technique of vmnetcfg.exe still is considered as 'the' fix.

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Outlook (Word Editor) 2003 Will Not Autofill Names

Nov 26, 2013

I installed 2003 outlook and word (outlook editor) on my brand new Win 8.1 netbook and when typing the "TO" and "CC" lines the names show up but when pressing enter they will not be accepted. I have to enter the first couple of letters of the names and then press the "check names" icon and go through the list even though the one I wanted was the one that showed up on the auto fill line singularly.

I know the auto fill does not go to the outlook contact book but rather remembers the names as they are "sent".

I have used outlook for years on both Win XP and Win 7 (various 32+64, Pro, Ultimate) and now with Win 8 it will NOT work the same way. My brother has the identical netbook and is running Outlook 2007 and it performs the same way - will not allow enter to complete the autofill. Whatsup over there at MS?

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Apps / Software :: Creating New File Extension And Associate Any Text Editor?

May 27, 2014

I want to create a new file extension named ".emsof" and associate any text editor with it like notepad++ in windows 8.1

Moreover all of these files should be searched by having filter of "*.emsof" like any other ordinary files.

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How To Disable GPEdit Policy

Jul 27, 2014

I was playing around trying to get rid of a "Could not reconnect all network drives" error at boot. One I found said to do the following:

Type gpedit.msc on the search box in the menu bar,

1. Select "Windows Settings", then

2. Select "Security Settings", then

3. Select "Local Policies", then

4. Then highlight "Security Options", from there look on the right pane

5. Then select Network security: LAN Manager authentication level and set the drop down menu to "Send LM & NTLM "use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated".

That had no effect for me so I want to Disable the policy but there is no way to do that I can see. I failed to note what it was set to initially so I'm not sure if it was Disabled or not and if not what value it should have. Google tells me the default for Win 7 was Send NTLMv2 responses only so that's what I set it to but I think it was set to Disable.

I just checked Win 8 Pro X86 in a Oracle Virtual Box Client and it's Not Defined. So, how do I make it Not Defined again?

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Time Out Controlled By Administration Policy?

Apr 17, 2013

I configured my Windows 8 machines to use my corporate email (which was on premise Exchange 2010). As soon as I did, it would lock me out after X amount of inactivity and require a password upon my return.

I know, security is important... but I work from home, in my own office. I don't have snoops skulking around my desk, so I'd like to make this go away.

1) Where on my server do I smurf that requirement

2) I've removed that account from one of my devices, but the setting is still there, and says it's controlled by administrative policy even still... where can I remove that from this device?

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How To Remove Group Name From Start Screen

Mar 5, 2014

I have organized the apps on my start screen and named/renamed the groups they occupy. I have decided that I want to combine the apps in two of the groups into one group. How can I delete one of the groups and move their apps to the other group?

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Network / Sharing :: Homegroup Icon Does Not List Other PC In Group

Jun 23, 2013

My main PC is a desktop running Windows 7 and my homegroup was set up on this PC. I have a laptop running Windows 8 and joined the homegroup - seemingly successfully as the control panel indicates that it is in the group.

On the W7 desktop. The homegroup icon lists the laptop and allows me to access the laptop files. The network icon lists both the desktop and the laptop. I could also access the laptop files this way, but do not need to as I can access them via the homegroup icon.

On the Windows 8 laptop. The homegroup icon just lists the laptop user name and then the laptop itself. The desktop is not listed. The network icon lists both the laptop and the desktop. This allows me to access the desktop files, but I would prefer to access them via the the homegroup icon.

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Cannot Create Symbolic Link Even As Member Of Administrator Group

Aug 8, 2014

Even though I am a member of the Administrators group, when I try to create a symbolic link I get the message:

"You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation."

In Windows7 I am also a member of Administrators and have no problem creating symbolic links.

why this is not working in Windows8?

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Accounts :: How To Recover User Account From Administrators Group

Aug 28, 2014

I removed my one and only user account from Administrators Group now i am not able to do any thing I tried adding back , but failed since not an admin user. If there is a way through regedit.

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Network / Sharing :: Desktop Wallpaper Not Changed On Users - Domain Policy

Nov 17, 2013

In our domain we have a policy to change the wallpaper every month. The change is done from server side. Now wallpaper of most of users is changed but for few it remains the old wallpaper.

For example I have windows 8 and mine is not updated. I also have tried gpupdate /force. No luck.

This issue is only with few systems running windows xp 7 and 8.

These systems only show the last months wallpaper not the one updated.

Also these windows are fully updated as of now.

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Dell :: VOSTRO 3500 / Windows 8 Pro - Service Tag Removed As Per Privacy Policy

Nov 9, 2012

Im using Vostro 3500 - service tag :

<ADMIN NOTE: Service tag removed as per privacy policy>

... and i want upgrade to win 8.

but some driver not working correctly. exp : bluetooth, touchpad :( so where i can find upgrade driver for win 8?

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Network / Sharing :: Why Home Group Icon Is Displayed On Desktop Screen

Dec 16, 2012

Some times the home group icon will be displayed on my desktop screen and some times it disappears. why is it so?

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Browsers/Mail :: Create And Save List Of Emailed Contacts As A Group Like In Outlook

Mar 31, 2013

Is there a way to create and save a list of frequently emailed contacts as a group, like in Outlook?That is, multiple email addresses in a single contact group name, so I only have to send email to the group name and all members of the group get the email?

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Live ID And Local Login

Dec 10, 2012

Any Win8 security concerns with using a MS account to login instead of just a local user account?

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Accounts :: How To Get Local Account Back

Aug 3, 2014

I installed the Windows 8.1 a number of months ago. Since then (I'm thinking, now), I could not sign in with my microsoft account and neither could I get an energy report using the admin command prompt, and was also having problems with the One Drive sync. I never thought these were related, but after months now, I finally, after seeing the new 15 gb free with One Drive, thought I would try to open an account to get 15 free gb. I didn't realize I could open more than one microsoft account, but yeah, a new account opened with the free 15 gb on One Drive.

Okay, so I got this new account, and I could then sign in with a Microsoft account using this new account, which also made my original Microsoft account available, but the problem starts with my original local account. I can no longer sign in with my original local account (see attachment). To me, it is as if I have made a new microsoft account with a sub-account, which is my original Microsoft account. One is for Windows 8.1, (the new MS account), and my original MS account was for Windows 8, which no longer exists. Somewhere in the process of creating the new account, I was given the option to elevate it to Administrator and I did, it even shows as Administrator in the User Accounts "change your account type" where the "standard" and "administrator" are available, but this is not where I somehow elevated it. Now, it seems to be the boss, my original MS account seems to be secondary or an alias.

I closed the account, but it won't be official til October, since there is a 60 day recovery plan. Even with the account closed, folders and things, because I'm currently signed in with my original MS account, need to logged into with the new account info, which is what I mean by "the boss". I can't be doing that if I'm closing the account.

I did get an energy report, but the .html file wouldn't open (see attachment).

I learned One Drive is different with Windows 8 or is it just 8.1, haven't got into it to much, right now.

How can I get my local account back, keep my original MS account, and still be able to sign in, get an energy report, and use One Drive sync?

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Admin Power-shell Will Not Run Local Exe

Mar 7, 2013

I'm trying to set up a dual boot system with Windows 8, (already installed on a new laptop), and Win 7.

Following instructions from a forum thread I got as far as downloading oscdimg.exe into the Win7_ISO directory.

However whatever I try, full path, etc., I get this error Code: oscdimg.exe : The term 'oscdimg.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operableprogram. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

The command I am trying to run is Code: PS C:Win7 ISO> oscdimg -w4 -os -lWin_7_x64_UEFI_ISO9660 -m -o -n -pEF -e -bc:Win7 ISOefimicrosoftootefisys.bin c:Win7 ISO c:Win_7_x64_UEFI_ISO9660.iso

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Network / Sharing :: Using RDP With Local Keymap?

Jul 30, 2013

At my last place of work I primarily used Debian; at my new workplace, I really need to use Windows 8 on my desktop; that in itself is not a problem. The problem I'm experiencing is that the native RDP client (remote desktop) will always use the server's local keymap - and I do not use a qwerty keyboard. My opinions on this aside, I appear to have two main options:

1) Find an alternative RDP client which uses the local keymap, as the Linux clients generally do.

2) Simply learn to use qwerty.

I've had to luck with option number one, so before I start the misery of number two, I thought I'd try a last-ditch attempt, and ask others.

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Accounts :: Keep Full Name Of Local Account?

May 14, 2013

Using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit, I have noticed that the full name of a local account (set with the net users "<username>" /fullname:"<full name>" command) is deleted whenever I switch from a Microsoft account to the local account associated with it. So, how do I have to prevent this?

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