Live ID And Local Login
Dec 10, 2012Any Win8 security concerns with using a MS account to login instead of just a local user account?
View 3 RepliesAny Win8 security concerns with using a MS account to login instead of just a local user account?
View 3 RepliesWindows is asking me for a password despite I've never had a password.
Here's what happened:
I've never had a password and choose during the win install to have 1 local account without password.
I used to have a user/login name with an non ascii character (é), and it was causing me some trouble. Hence I decided to change it with ascii only characters. Control Panel, users etc ... properties, changed the name of the local user.
Reboot, and boom, Windows asks me for a password and is displaying the former user name !! But there's no option to change the user name, I've read that there should be a back arrow but it's not here (probably because windows "thinks" there's no point since there is only 1 user).
I don't know what to do, I used a Linux live usb distro to use some tools that can reset password and unlock account, however:
1/ it can only reset password, which seems not to be the issue here, the issue is the wrong user name
2/ the linux tool shows 1 local user with the last update name
So I'm guessing windows is not using the proper name to login, but doesn't provide any mean to change it.
I have a long standing Live account, and my computer has been set as a trusted device. when I upgraded to Windows 8 I was thrilled to be able to purchase apps for my computer and have many photo apps and art apps. I upgraded to 8.1 and now I can not log in to the store at all. I go through the process and at the last stop I get a screen telling me that there is another account on this PC using that account. I know this, it is me, on my account! I need to purchase something and i can not. I am afraid to even try and run something because I do not want to get locked out of my already purchased apps.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using Windows 8 on my laptop which uses my Windows Live account to login. Problem is it has suddenly stopped letting me log in and I'm locked out. The message I get is "You can't sign into your PC at the moment. Go to to fix the problem or try the last password you used on this PC". I hadn't changed anything which may have made it do this.
I have tried the following but nothing is working:
- Changed my password in my Live account
- Used a previous password
- Plugged my laptop into a network cable rather than using just Wifi
- Rolled my laptop to a previous time
I can't refresh as it needs the password but I can access the command prompt. I'm not knowledgeable on command prompts so not sure what I could do here which might resolve it. I also don't want to lose any files.
In Windows 8, it is possible to run a command whenever the login screen of the last user is displayed in a local computer? This command should always be run with elevated rights and just before this screen appears.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was forced to sign on with my MS account when installing 8.1.
Now I want to return to my local <username> account and not be prompted to log-in at boot up.
How can that be accomplished? It's set for NO password.
In Windows 8, it is possible to run a command whenever the login screen of the last user is displayed in a local computer? This command should always be run with elevated rights and just before this screen appears.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn Windows 8, how do I save the Login data that is requested during switching from a local to a Microsoft account and vice versa so that Windows 8 will automatically perform these actions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I log into my Windows 8 tablet, I use my Live ID and password.
But, Skydrive does not seem to be linked to this ID. Actually, I cannot determine what account my Skydrive is linked to.
how to link my Skydrive to my Live ID?
So, I was trying to add a fifth row to my Live Tiles screen, as I have 4.
According to this: [URL]...
There are a certain number of maximum rows you can add based on your screen resolution.
My screen has a 1366x768 (Not mentioned there). Based on that, I can only have 4 rows. But, what could happen if forced a fifth row with that registry hack?
Can I and how, error says I need NET3.5 but can't download it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to create Windows8 to go for Pro Edition ?Similar to in W7 ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI installed the Windows 8.1 a number of months ago. Since then (I'm thinking, now), I could not sign in with my microsoft account and neither could I get an energy report using the admin command prompt, and was also having problems with the One Drive sync. I never thought these were related, but after months now, I finally, after seeing the new 15 gb free with One Drive, thought I would try to open an account to get 15 free gb. I didn't realize I could open more than one microsoft account, but yeah, a new account opened with the free 15 gb on One Drive.
Okay, so I got this new account, and I could then sign in with a Microsoft account using this new account, which also made my original Microsoft account available, but the problem starts with my original local account. I can no longer sign in with my original local account (see attachment). To me, it is as if I have made a new microsoft account with a sub-account, which is my original Microsoft account. One is for Windows 8.1, (the new MS account), and my original MS account was for Windows 8, which no longer exists. Somewhere in the process of creating the new account, I was given the option to elevate it to Administrator and I did, it even shows as Administrator in the User Accounts "change your account type" where the "standard" and "administrator" are available, but this is not where I somehow elevated it. Now, it seems to be the boss, my original MS account seems to be secondary or an alias.
I closed the account, but it won't be official til October, since there is a 60 day recovery plan. Even with the account closed, folders and things, because I'm currently signed in with my original MS account, need to logged into with the new account info, which is what I mean by "the boss". I can't be doing that if I'm closing the account.
I did get an energy report, but the .html file wouldn't open (see attachment).
I learned One Drive is different with Windows 8 or is it just 8.1, haven't got into it to much, right now.
How can I get my local account back, keep my original MS account, and still be able to sign in, get an energy report, and use One Drive sync?
I'm trying to set up a dual boot system with Windows 8, (already installed on a new laptop), and Win 7.
Following instructions from a forum thread I got as far as downloading oscdimg.exe into the Win7_ISO directory.
However whatever I try, full path, etc., I get this error Code: oscdimg.exe : The term 'oscdimg.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operableprogram. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
The command I am trying to run is Code: PS C:Win7 ISO> oscdimg -w4 -os -lWin_7_x64_UEFI_ISO9660 -m -o -n -pEF -e -bc:Win7 ISOefimicrosoftootefisys.bin c:Win7 ISO c:Win_7_x64_UEFI_ISO9660.iso
At my last place of work I primarily used Debian; at my new workplace, I really need to use Windows 8 on my desktop; that in itself is not a problem. The problem I'm experiencing is that the native RDP client (remote desktop) will always use the server's local keymap - and I do not use a qwerty keyboard. My opinions on this aside, I appear to have two main options:
1) Find an alternative RDP client which uses the local keymap, as the Linux clients generally do.
2) Simply learn to use qwerty.
I've had to luck with option number one, so before I start the misery of number two, I thought I'd try a last-ditch attempt, and ask others.
Using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit, I have noticed that the full name of a local account (set with the net users "<username>" /fullname:"<full name>" command) is deleted whenever I switch from a Microsoft account to the local account associated with it. So, how do I have to prevent this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis problem occurs on a local, non-USB HDD.
I recently formatted my computer, installing Windows 8. And I realized one of my HDDs was acting weird. It doesn't allow Chrome to save files, it asks for UAC permissions when I try to delete, move or rename files. I looked it up, decided it was about ownership and permissions. Permissions were already set, full control. But ownership was wrong so I fixed it, rebooted my computer and problem still persists at the moment.
When I right click and go to the properties of a folder, it says "Read only". When I uncheck it and Apply, it "applies" it to the subfolders with a loading bar but it still remains "Read only".
Here is my bcd, that I'm creating via a script.
win 8 pro x64 !!
Im from cyrpus/turkey so my native language is turkish but Im using english in all of my devices. So I changed the language regional settings of win 8 to all english united states except the region is cyprus and input lang is turkish Q keyboard.
Even though, in my metro UI the weather and news, mails contents are in english, the live box titles remain the old language which is turkish that I do not want to see.
I have to alt tab and then come back and then it works. Did they test this..? It doesn't do it on my laptops though.
1920x1080 is the display res at 120hz
Also the tiles ARE being clicked. They get punched in, but they don't actually do anything.
not that this is a hardware issue, but specs anyway:
2x120gb vertex 3 raid 0
2xgtx460s sli + 120hz asus vg236h
2600k @ 4.6ghz
I have a new laptop with WINDOWS 8. How do I get Windows Live Email on my desktop like I had it in Windows 7 on my desktop?? I don't like the email app on the Start screen. I also need to migrate my email addresses to Live Email. How do I do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedGames for Windows Live won't install in 8.1 x64, nor will .net framework 3.5, even though I enabled it. I thus lost DiRT 3, Microsoft Flight, Batman:Arkham Asylum and Batman:Arkham City. Yesterday I got the following games through Humble Bundle: Batman:Arkham Asylum GOTY, Batman:Arkham City GOTY, F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin, F.E.A.R. 3, The Lord In The Rings: War In The North and Scribblenauts Unlimited. They are all through Steam. Will they all work in Windows 8.1 Pro x64 ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running 8.1 on a desktop and Yesterday the live tiles were working but today not one live tiles is updating. I have not made one change to my computer , not a thing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have accidentally changed the admin account to a local user and now cannot make any changes to my laptop. I am using an ASUS brand and when I click on manage user accounts it pops up with a screen "connect smart card".
View 5 Replies View RelatedIts been 2 hours since this problem occured. i started my laptop and saw that some icons were white, when i clicked on the icon it says "The drive or network connection that the shortcut Counter-Strike.lnk refers to is unavailable.
This is the screenshot of my disk management. I have very important data in these drives
I have new windows 8.1 installed with latest updates.
I have a C drive as my OS drive, and D drive for my documents.
My D drive (formatted as NTFS) has indexing switched on.
But, when I go into indexing options / modify / show all locations, my D drive is not displayed.
I just can't figure it out, this worked just fine under windows 7. I checked the drive authorities and I am the owner to the drive root+ all subfolders and have full authorisation to drive root + subfolders also.
How to reduce Local Service (no impersonation ) CPU usage..?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the last day my computer has disappeared from my local network. i have itunes home sharing and folders i share from this computer but suddenly gone. It is a problem with the firewall because when i turn it off it works right. i DID NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES IN THE FIREWALL AT ALL. Running windwows 8.1 64 bit. The only AV i am running is windows defender
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I follow the onscreen directions to do this I get to the last step and get this, something went wrong,your account wasn't changed to this Microsoft account.
Code : 0xd0000225
In all editions of Windows 8, there is the local group policy editor? If so, how do I find it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have created an administrator account with a setup (apps & settings) that I would like to use as the default for all local standard users
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