Accounts :: How To Save Login Data During Switching From Local To Microsoft Account
May 28, 2013
In Windows 8, how do I save the Login data that is requested during switching from a local to a Microsoft account and vice versa so that Windows 8 will automatically perform these actions?
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Feb 2, 2013
When I follow the onscreen directions to do this I get to the last step and get this, something went wrong,your account wasn't changed to this Microsoft account.
Code : 0xd0000225
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Mar 10, 2014
I was wondering if there was a way to avoid login when switching between accounts. I have things set up so I automatically login when I start the computer and when I awake from sleep.
But if my wife is using the computer and switches to her account, when I switch back, I have to sign in.
I could, I suppose change mine to a local account (like hers), but is there a way to do it with a microsoft account?
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Dec 6, 2013
Differences between using a local vs Live ID/Microsoft account to log into a Windows 8.1 computer?
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Oct 18, 2013
I was forced to sign on with my MS account when installing 8.1.
Now I want to return to my local <username> account and not be prompted to log-in at boot up.
How can that be accomplished? It's set for NO password.
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Sep 15, 2014
Windows is asking me for a password despite I've never had a password.
Here's what happened:
I've never had a password and choose during the win install to have 1 local account without password.
I used to have a user/login name with an non ascii character (é), and it was causing me some trouble. Hence I decided to change it with ascii only characters. Control Panel, users etc ... properties, changed the name of the local user.
Reboot, and boom, Windows asks me for a password and is displaying the former user name !! But there's no option to change the user name, I've read that there should be a back arrow but it's not here (probably because windows "thinks" there's no point since there is only 1 user).
I don't know what to do, I used a Linux live usb distro to use some tools that can reset password and unlock account, however:
1/ it can only reset password, which seems not to be the issue here, the issue is the wrong user name
2/ the linux tool shows 1 local user with the last update name
So I'm guessing windows is not using the proper name to login, but doesn't provide any mean to change it.
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Jun 25, 2014
I am a system administrator in a large enterprise environment and we are doing a rollout of Windows 8.1. In our image capture we somehow captured a setting that is disabling users from setting up a connected account with their domain account. I am relatively sure that it is in my unattend and I can fix it for machines going forward but I really don't want to have to reimage the machines I've already deployed.
When I go to connect an account, the "connect to a Microsoft account" option is grayed out and the "some settings are managed by your administrator" message is displayed at the top. This is NOT a group policy object that is applying. The machines are in a test OU and there is absolutely no policy applied. I have searched all through local policy and even did a search through the registry for "account" (that took forever) but have been unable to find any registry key or local policy that would be causing this issue.
What setting might be causing this? I have 30+ machines already out in the environment and the user experience is going to be terrible if I have to reimage them all.
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Mar 5, 2013
I have a new Samsung lap top nd set up the Microsoft account to an email address - it is the main one for my computer but wont accept the password, I have changed it several times and each time I try again I have the same problem - I can't get into things as its looking for the password which it wont accept! I have deleted the account hoping that would prompt something - but no - even more problems!! I do have another account that I have set up and have added as an additional user - how do I get this one onto the main one for my lap top? as I am no further forward except wishing I hadn't bought the lap top or windows *!
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Feb 8, 2014
The problem is i can't connect to microsoft to login or use microsoft account on my windows app. When i open windows store apps message shows "Youre PC isn't connected to internet. To use the store, connect to the internet and try again.". When i tried to switch to microsoft account and login my account then it loads after that it show "The service isn't available right now - Try again later." I having this problem for more than two weeks until now. I tried a couple of time to refresh the windows - no luck same problem. Tried to restart and re-install windows - same problem.
Even when i tried to install Adobe photoshop and need to sign in nothing happens it keeps on loading to sgin in page. I tried to open adobe website and it open normally i can check any adobe page. But when i tried to download flash player no download button. So luckily i download it in other computer or i use google chrome. When i tried to click the sign in in adobe website it opens the login/sign page with white page and a html text on it but can't login. I tried and check with adobe forum but i can't post my problem because i cannot sign in. I check with other forums but no luck.
On my Facebook problem. I can open normally my facebook account/page read feeds, upload pics, upload vids. But when i tried to watch facebook videos post/feeds just loading the black screen videoit keeps on loading no luck to watch it or play. Youtube videos normally playing. I tried to check all even my graphics card, windows display tried to check everything even ask from others forum until now no answer and no luck.
I can open all my problems and error normally in other computer. So i think the problem is in my PC or windows. But tried to scan for error and troubleshoot no problems.
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Oct 18, 2013
How to skip Microsoft Account login?
1. During installation while configuring the user account it will as for a Microsoft account Login - Enter and blabla in the respective fields - press enter.
2. It may ask for a Security Code to verify because the account doesn't exist or confirm it is yours.
3. You will be able to "see" Create Local Account. Just click on it and enjoy.
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Jan 2, 2014
During the night my windows desktop with Windows 8.1 pre-release was update to Windows 8.1 release.
Of course it deleted my Favorites in IE & updated to IE11. It also deleted all my contacts in Mail.
However when I logged into my other desktop using my MS account, it updated IE Favorites & Mail contacts to 0.
I had this info on my portable & put this info on a thumb drive. There is no way to import or export this info into IE11 or Mail.
Is there something I missed on this procedure?
I was under the impression that I had control of my computer & not MS!
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Sep 2, 2013
When trying to log in to a Microsoft account either in Skydrive or Windows Store I get error code 0x80070426.
I have tried WSReset.exe (windows store reset), apps.diagcab and microsoftaccounts.diagcab, but with no luck.
Windows 8.1 Pro non-WMC x64 retail phone activated.
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Oct 28, 2012
I do not like having to enter the same password of my E-mail to login on Windows 8, how can I turn off this?
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Aug 3, 2014
I installed the Windows 8.1 a number of months ago. Since then (I'm thinking, now), I could not sign in with my microsoft account and neither could I get an energy report using the admin command prompt, and was also having problems with the One Drive sync. I never thought these were related, but after months now, I finally, after seeing the new 15 gb free with One Drive, thought I would try to open an account to get 15 free gb. I didn't realize I could open more than one microsoft account, but yeah, a new account opened with the free 15 gb on One Drive.
Okay, so I got this new account, and I could then sign in with a Microsoft account using this new account, which also made my original Microsoft account available, but the problem starts with my original local account. I can no longer sign in with my original local account (see attachment). To me, it is as if I have made a new microsoft account with a sub-account, which is my original Microsoft account. One is for Windows 8.1, (the new MS account), and my original MS account was for Windows 8, which no longer exists. Somewhere in the process of creating the new account, I was given the option to elevate it to Administrator and I did, it even shows as Administrator in the User Accounts "change your account type" where the "standard" and "administrator" are available, but this is not where I somehow elevated it. Now, it seems to be the boss, my original MS account seems to be secondary or an alias.
I closed the account, but it won't be official til October, since there is a 60 day recovery plan. Even with the account closed, folders and things, because I'm currently signed in with my original MS account, need to logged into with the new account info, which is what I mean by "the boss". I can't be doing that if I'm closing the account.
I did get an energy report, but the .html file wouldn't open (see attachment).
I learned One Drive is different with Windows 8 or is it just 8.1, haven't got into it to much, right now.
How can I get my local account back, keep my original MS account, and still be able to sign in, get an energy report, and use One Drive sync?
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May 14, 2013
Using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit, I have noticed that the full name of a local account (set with the net users "<username>" /fullname:"<full name>" command) is deleted whenever I switch from a Microsoft account to the local account associated with it. So, how do I have to prevent this?
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Jul 9, 2014
I have accidentally changed the admin account to a local user and now cannot make any changes to my laptop. I am using an ASUS brand and when I click on manage user accounts it pops up with a screen "connect smart card".
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Jun 10, 2013
This account keeps on appearing on my New PC fresh out of the box. It is linked to a Norton program i removed.Still have Norton remains on my PC and it is really starting to tick me off.
I have tried deleting the Norton registry but it wont delete. I have even tried deleting the dat file of the 'baqhkcmvc local account' linked to ' %ProgramFiles(x86)%Norton Internet SecurityEngine20.0.0.136ccSvcHst.exe' but it still remains.
What the blue blazes is going on? With Vista and Win7 when i removed the bloat wear they never created accounts!
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Apr 11, 2014
HP laptop with Windows 8.1 updated. I want to change my log in email and still keep everything I have in that account. Setting up an alias starts a new account and I would have to reinstall everything I already have installed. Is it possible to do to just change the email addie and keep everything?
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Aug 28, 2014
I have a user with a machine that was setup with Win 8.1 Home. The machine has been upgraded to 8.1 Pro and joined to a domain (WinSrv 2003). I need to get the content/configuration from their old local machine user profile to their new domain user profile.
I tried to copy the contents of their ../users/<name>/.. folder from the local user profile to the new domain user profile (after they had logged in once, and then logged off). This did not work. When I did the copy, I grabbed all files, including hidden...was that my mistake, or is the issue broader?
In the end....they want their old stuff and configuration under their new credentials/profile.
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Feb 21, 2014
I have a Win 8.1 tablet and I'm the only user. Is there any way to disable the creation of new local accounts?
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Jul 21, 2014
I began setting up my new computer with two accounts---local and Microsoft. Now I see it's a hassle and I'd like to get rid of the local one, but I can't find a way to do it.
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Feb 8, 2014
My grandmother was recently hacked and she changed all her passwords herself (yay!). However she did not write down her new local user account password for her laptop.
I tried downloading OPHCrack, I burned it as an ISO file and put it on a DVD-R(only thing I had on hand) and i changed the boot order on her BIOS menu to had the DVD drive as the first priority. It does not run....I hear the disk drive moving, or spinning but the program does not run. Are there any other options or do I have to do a complete system restore to bypass this? Also if that is what I have to do how do I do that without being in her control panel?
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Jul 14, 2013
Currently, my local account name is displayed on one line in the start scren. I'm looking for a way to display the local account name across two lines, like what is done if I were signed in with a Microsoft account. That is, the first name in a larger font and the surname in a smaller font on the next line.
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Aug 4, 2013
I accidentally changed my admin account into local account now i can't install apps and do anything with it. Whenever I try to install some apps it always say.. type an administrators password but then I don't know how to. All I remember was that before i change my account into standard account.
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Jan 7, 2014
Is there a way to reset a microsoft account?Several times I have formatted and reinstalled and each time when it asks whether I want to use the settings already assigned to my profile or not...and selecting still seems to be bring things over like the wallpaper etc.
So to be clear, fresh install....during final stages, it asks to create a login or sign in using a microsoft account which is what I do. When I do this, it asks whether I want to use the settings already on the profile...I say no I want to set it up as a new PC and yet still wallpaper comes back (Sony vaio wallpaper)
I'm just thinking if the wallpaper comes back..what else does? So I want to know whether there is a way (apart from closing the account and recreating it) to reset the profile so nothing is attached to it.
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Oct 18, 2013
My Win 8 installation, upon a power on startup or restart, booted to the Start screen without going through the process of logging in. I don't recall how I accomplished that. I just upgraded to 8.1 and it insists on logging into my MS account and requires I enter my account password.
How do I get 8.1 to avoid that step?
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Feb 18, 2014
I am setting up a new Toshiba laptop for a friend who only has a gmail account. Is it possible to upgrade to Windows 8.1 without using a Microsoft account?
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Dec 8, 2013
When I installed Windows 8 I didn't use a Microsoft account, but to use Skydrive, I had to connect, and when I did this, it changed my username, is it possible to change my username instead of using my account's name?
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May 21, 2014
For the last 2 days, I can't get logged into my computer.
My computer (running windows 8.1) starts up fine, and I get to the screen where I select my user profile and enter my password. I only have 1 account set up on this machine, and it uses my Microsoft Account log-on information. I enter my password correctly, and it starts to "appear" as though I am getting logged in. I receive the "Welcome" and the dots go around in a circle as it is loading. After about 5 minutes, it goes no where and then the enter passwod pops back up. I can not get past this screen, It just keeps going around in circles. I have also tried using the PIN instead of password, same result. Sometimes I receive the message "the user profile service failed the sign-in".
So far I have tried resetting my Microsoft password, and have done that successfully. I can access my Hotmail and all that fine from other machines. I also took the computer and hardwired the internet to it, thinking it might be something with the wireless (although if it is wasn't seeing the internet I would think it would tell me that).
I seem to remember a few days ago the computer telling me it was updating when I shut down, so maybe that is causing something. I am stuck and don't know where to go from here.
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May 6, 2014
What are the pro and cons of signing in to windows using microsoft account?
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Apr 9, 2014
Basically as the title reads, how can I reset the password when I have two step verification turned on. I got to the website, can't access my account. Select forgot my password but when I don't have access to the two step verification email I can not fill in the UE form or use any other proofs because TWO STEP verification blocks it.
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